1. Introduction
The well-known Fibonacci numbers
, with
, for
, have many interesting interpretations, applications and generalizations. It is worth mentioning that the golden ratio, closely related to Fibonacci numbers, is still being discovered in many fields of modern science such as theoretical physics (hydrogen bonds, chaos, superconductivity), astrophysics (pulsating stars, black holes), chemistry (quasicrystals, protein AB models), biology (natural and artificial phyllotaxis, genetic code of DNA) and technology (resistors, quantum computing). In the literature one can find a lot of Fibonacci-like modifications of the classical Fibonacci numbers. Some of them, such as for example Lucas numbers
, with
and the recursion
, are obtained by varying initial conditions. Others, like Pell numbers
defined by
, are obtained by slight modifying the basic recursion. There are variants that simultaneously generalize more that one recursion. For instance, the
k-Fibonacci numbers
introduced by S. Falcon and A. Plaza [
1] by the formula
, where
, generalize both Fibonacci and Pell numbers.
Another direction of modification of the classical Fibonacci sequence is changing distance between terms of a sequence. Narayana numbers
defined by the recursion
, with
, are one of such examples, as well as
k-Narayana numbers introduced by J. Ramirez and V. Sirvent [
2] by the recursion
, with
. Another one are generalized Fibonacci numbers
introduced by M. Kwaśnik and I. Włoch [
3] given by the formula
, for
, with initial conditions
A natural way of generalization is a polynomial direction, which has over a century-long history. Fibonacci polynomials
defined by the recurrence relation
with initial conditions
, were introduced by the Belgian mathematician E. C. Catalan in 1883 and have been intensively studied by many authors since then. V. E. Hoggatt Jr. and M. Bicknell have revealed a relationship between these polynomials and Pascal’s triangle, Zeckendorfs’s theorem and have found roots of Fibonacci polynomials of degree
n (see References [
6]). W. A. Webb and A. E. Parberry [
7] and recently L. Chen and X. Wang [
8] have proved some divisibility properties of these polynomials, whereas P. Filipponi and A. F. Horadam [
9] have investigated derivative sequences of Fibonacci polynomials. Binet’s formula, a generating function and an extensive collection of identities for Fibonacci polynomials can be found in a book of T. Koshy [
10]. Many interesting properties of these polynomials have also been proved by A. Lupas [
11]. Obviously,
. Similarly, if in the recursion of
k-Fibonacci numbers
k is a real variable, then
k-Fibonacci numbers correspond to the Fibonacci polynomials defined by (
1) (see References [
It is necessary to mention that another concept of Fibonacci polynomials arises in the context of the graph theory. In 1984, G. Hopkins and W. Staton introduced Fibonacci polynomials of graphs as a number of all independent sets of the composition of two graphs (for details see Reference [
14]). As the consequence, another type of Fibonacci polynomials
can be defined by the recurrence relation:
with initial conditions
. The sequence
is different from
, but also generalizes Fibonacci numbers, since
. To compare, the first few Fibonacci polynomials
are given in
Table 1.
The interest in Fibonacci polynomials, both those given by the recursion (
1) and by the recursion (
2), has contributed to the emergence of many generalizations. Most of them, as in the case of Fibonacci numbers, are obtained by changing initial terms while preserving the recurrence relation (see References [
17]). Some are obtained in the distance sense that is, by changing distance between terms of a sequence. Narayana polynomials defined by the formula
, with initial conditions
, being a natural generalization of
k-Narayana numbers, are a generalization in the distance sense. Such generalization are also the generalized Fibonacci polynomials
defined by I. Włoch. Based on the idea given in Reference [
14] I. Włoch introduced generalized Fibonacci polynomials of graphs as a number of all distance independent sets in the generalized join of graphs (details can be found in Reference [
18]). Consequently, for integers
generalized Fibonacci polynomials
, being an extension of polynomials
, are defined by
. The sequence
generalizes numbers
, because
. It generalizes Narayana numbers too, because
In this paper we introduce distance Fibonacci polynomials being simultaneously a new generalization of Fibonacci polynomials and Narayana polynomials. We give a graph interpretation of these polynomials which allows us to obtain the direct formula for distance Fibonacci polynomials. Special cases of this formula are direct formulas for Fibonacci polynomials , Narayana polynomials as well as direct formulas for classical Fibonacci numbers and Narayana numbers . We reveal connections of distance Fibonacci polynomials with Pascal triangle and give combinatorial interpretations of coefficients of these polynomials. We prove some identities for the novel introduced distance Fibonacci polynomials and also derive the generting function and matrix generators for them.
2. Distance Fibonacci Polynomials and Their Interpretations
We begin this section with a definition. Let
be integers. The distance Fibonacci polynomials
are given by the following recurrence relation
with initial conditions
Table 2 we present some distance Fibonacci polynomials
for special values of
k and
Note that for we have and therefore and . For we have and consequently . Moreover, .
By recursion (
3) one can easy check that
Before giving a graph interpretation of the distance Fibonacci polynomials let us recall that a finite graph G consists of two finite sets
. The elements of
are called vertices and the set
the vertex set, whereas the cardinality of
is called the order of a graph. The elements of
, called edges, are unordered pairs of vertices. A sequence of distinct vertices
such that
is called a path. It is worth noting that Fibonacci sequences and polynomials appear in graph theory. The first mention of the use of Fibonacci numbers in graphs occurred in 1982 in the paper of Prodinger and Tichy, see Reference [
19]. They showed the relationship between independent sets (i.e., subsets of vertices being pairwise nonadjacent) and Fibonacci numbers. This interest has been multiplied due to the use of counting independent sets, and consequently Fibonacci numbers, in chemical combinatorics. Fibonacci numbers are used to describe the quantitative properties of molecular graphs. Two indices play a special role—Merrifield–Simmons index and Hosoya index, see Reference [
20] and references therein. Independent sets have many applications in localization problems as well as in relation to their generalized distances. As a such example is the concept of secondary independent dominating sets introduced in Reference [
21] and next studied in Reference [
22]. In this context, the study of the distance Fibonacci numbers and polynomials seems to be essential and important. One of the research directions concerning the application of Fibonacci numbers and polynomials in graphs is finding graph interpretations for them. Using graph interpretations for Fibonacci numbers and polynomials, we can give new identities, direct formulas and other properties. Now we present a graph interpretation of the distance Fibonacci polynomials using a special kind of covering and coloring. For graph theory concepts not described here, please see Reference [
By , for , we mean a path of order n with the vertex set . Let us consider a set of x colors, where We cover the set by the subgraphs and , with the vertex of a graph additionally colored with one of x colors. This operation is called -covering with -coloring. By we denote the number of all -covering with -coloring of the graph .
Theorem 1. Let be integers. Then
Proof. We prove this theorem by induction on n. Let be integers and be a path of order n with the vertex set .
If , then we cover the vertices only by subgraphs with coloring by one of x colors. Hence for . If , then we can cover the vertices of a path by k subgraphs which are colored with one of x colors or we can cover such a graph by one path . Hence .
Assume that and the theorem is valid for all integers less then n. We will prove that it is true for n. We have to consider two possibilities:
Then a vertex can be colored by one of x colors. Let denote the number of all -covering with -coloring of a graph with belonging to . Thus, .
Therefore vertices Let denote the number of all -covering with -coloring of a graph with belonging to . Hence .
Taking into account both cases and induction hypothesis we obtain
Thus the theorem is proved. □
Applying the above graph interpretation of we can derive the direct formula for .
Theorem 2. Let be integers. Then Proof. If
, then
Let us consider a path
and a set of colors
Suppose that
By Theorem 1 the number of all
-covering with
-coloring of the graph
is equal to
. Each
-covering consists of
j subgraphs
, where
. Moreover, for a fixed
j, we have
possibilities of covering a path
by a subgraph
. Each of the other
can be colored with one of the
x colors. Hence
Thus the theorem is proved. □
by the Formula (
5) and relation
we get
which is the well-known direct formula for the Fibonacci polynomials. Analogously, for
, by the Formula (
5) and relation
, we obtain
which is the direct formula for Narayana polynomials.
It is known that Fibonacci polynomials
can be constructed using the binomial expansion of
. This observation is due to M. Bicknell who has noticed (see
Table 3) that the sums of rising diagonals give various Fibonacci polynomials (for details see References [
It turns out that the distance Fibonacci polynomials
can also be constructed using binomials expansion of
. For this purpose for a fixed integer
k we have to replace diagonals by steps of heights
. For
instead of diagonals we obtain steps of hights 1. In
Table 4 and
Table 5 we present a few distance Fibonacci polynomials obtained by steps method for
and 4.
Because the sum of elements on steps beginning in the
row is
, therefore we obtain in another way the direct Formula (
It is known (see
Table 6) that if we arrange coefficients of the Fibonacci polynomials in increasing exponents then the elements on every rising diagonal on row
is zero and the alternate rising diagonals form Pascal’s rows. Moreover if
n is odd then the sum of the elements on the
rising diagonal is
(for details see Reference [
By steps method we can also compare coefficients of the distance Fibonacci polynomials with Pascal’s triangle. Namely, if for a fixed
k we arrange the coefficients of the distance Fibonacci polynomials
in ascending order starting with
then numbers on steps beginning in
row form Pascal’s row (as previously we build steps of height
). In the
Table 7 we present few steps for coefficients of
The sum of elements on steps beginning in row is . Moreover, the sum of the row is equal to . In particular, for we obtain and for we get .
Now we present combinatorial interpretations of the distance Fibonacci polynomials’ coefficients. It turns out that the coefficients of a polynomial are connected with ordered sums and tillings. Let us denote . Then a coefficient is the number of representations of n as an ordered sum of 1 and k in such a way that 1 is used exactly i times. For the polynomial (see the above table) we have for example that is the number of ways we can represent 5 as an ordered sum of 3 and 1 with 1 used exactly twice. Namely, and . Instead of ordered sums we can consider tilings of rectangle by and shaped dominos. Then a coefficent is the number of ways we can cover rectangle by and rectangles in such a way that domino is used i times.
3. Generating Function and Some Identities
In this section we present a generating function and some identities for distance Fibonacci polynomials . We also extend these polynomials to negative integers.
Let us recall that a generating function of a sequence is the function . Generating functions are usefull tools for solving different kinds of counting problems, in discrete mathematics for solving recurrences.
Theorem 3. Let be integers. The generating function of the distance Fibonacci polynomials sequence has the following form
Proof. Let
. Then by recurrence relation (
3) we have
which ends the proof. □
Note that from Theorem 3, the fact that and the right-shift rule for generating functions we obtain a function being a generating function for the classical Fibonacci polynomials .
Theorem 4. Let be integers. Then
- (i)
- (ii)
- (iii)
- (iv)
- (v)
Proof. At the beginning we prove the identity by induction on n. For it is obvious. Assume that and the equality is true for an arbitrary n. We will prove that it holds for .
By induction hypothesis and the recurrence relation (
3) we have
Thus the identity is proved.
Analogously we can prove the identity .
Now we prove the identity
. Using the recurrence relation (
3) we have
Hence, for integers
, we obtain
Adding these equalities we have
Thus the identity
is proved.
To prove the identity
we use the definition of distance Fibonacci polynomials (
3) by
times. Then we obtain
Hence the identity
Using the recurrence relation (
3) once again we can prove the last identity
. Let
be integers. Then
Thus the theorem is proved. □
Note that for
we obtain the well-known identities for the Fibonacci polynomials and for
we obtain well-known identities for Fibonacci numbers:
we obtain the identities for Narayana polynomials and if
we obtain identities for Narayana numbers:
Moreover, for
and using the relation
we obtain the identities for generalized Fibonacci numbers
, see Reference [
The distance Fibonacci polynomials
can be extended to negative integers
n. Let
be integers. Then
with initial conditions
Table 8 includes the first few elements of
polynomials for special
k and negative
Notice that setting
in (
6), we get the well-known extension of Fibonacci polynomials for negative numbers
For and and we obtain the extension of classical Fibonacci numbers and Narayana numbers for negative numbers.
Moreover, if we set
in place of
n and
in (
6), then we obtain the extension of generalized Fibonacci numbers
for negative numbers. Hence we get the following relation
Proving analogously as Theorem 4, we get the following identities for the distance Fibonacci polynomials for negative integers.
Theorem 5. Let be integers. Then
- (vi)
- (vii)
- (viii)
- (ix)
for .