Towards Accurate Scene Text Detection with Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Our Approach
3.1. Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network
3.2. FCOS for Text Detection
4. Experiments
4.1. Datasets
4.2. Implementation Details
4.3. Results and Comparison
- Scene text detection was designed as a proposal-free and anchor-free pipeline, which did not require the manual design of an anchor box or the heuristic adjustment of an anchor box, reducing the number of parameters and simplifying the training process.
- Compared to the anchor box-based methods, our one-stage text detector, which avoided the use of RPN networks and IOU-based proposal filtering, greatly reduced the computation.
- As a result, our text detection framework, was simpler and more efficient. Our framework could be easily extended to other vision tasks, providing a new solution for the detection task of scene text recognition.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Work | P | R | F |
FASText [48] | 84 | 69 | 77 |
DeepText [1] | 85 | 81 | 83 |
WeText [49] | 82.6 | 93.6 | 87.7 |
TextBoxes [2] | 89 | 83 | 86 |
R2CNN [26] | 92 | 81 | 86 |
SegLink [50] | 87.7 | 83 | 85.3 |
SLPR [51] | 90 | 72 | 80 |
RGC [52] | 89 | 77 | 83 |
Proposed + FPN | 89.6 | 81.7 | 85.92 |
Proposed + BiFPN | 93.1 | 84.6 | 88.65 |
Work | P | R | F |
WordSup [53] | 77.03 | 79.33 | 78.16 |
SSTD [54] | 80 | 73 | 77 |
EAST [55] | 83.27 | 78.3 | 80.72 |
FOTS [56] | 88.8 | 82 | 85.3 |
TextBoxes++ [3] | 87.8 | 78.5 | 82.9 |
[57] | 94.1 | 70.7 | 80.7 |
Proposed + FPN | 85.6 | 82.43 | 83.99 |
Proposed + BiFPN | 87.6 | 84.91 | 86.23 |
Work | P | R | F |
FOTS [56] | 80.95 | 57.51 | 67.25 |
FOTS * [56] | 81.80 | 62.30 | 70.70 |
SPCNET [58] | 80.60 | 68.60 | 74.10 |
[59] | 88.60 | 73.90 | 80.50 |
[57] | 83.80 | 55.60 | 72.40 |
PSENet [60] | 77.01 | 68.40 | 72.45 |
Pixel-Anchor [61] | 79.54 | 59.54 | 68.10 |
Pixel-Anchor * [61] | 83.90 | 65.80 | 73.76 |
[21] | 80.00 | 69.80 | 74.30 |
Proposed + FPN | 80.12 | 76.42 | 78.23 |
Proposed + BiFPN | 83.41 | 78.26 | 80.75 |
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Cao, D.; Dang, J.; Zhong, Y. Towards Accurate Scene Text Detection with Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network. Symmetry 2021, 13, 486.
Cao D, Dang J, Zhong Y. Towards Accurate Scene Text Detection with Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network. Symmetry. 2021; 13(3):486.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCao, Dongping, Jiachen Dang, and Yong Zhong. 2021. "Towards Accurate Scene Text Detection with Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network" Symmetry 13, no. 3: 486.
APA StyleCao, D., Dang, J., & Zhong, Y. (2021). Towards Accurate Scene Text Detection with Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network. Symmetry, 13(3), 486.