Symmetric Mass Generation
:1. Introduction
2. Example Models
2.1. D SMG: Fidkowski-Kitaev Majorana Fermion Model
2.2. D SMG: U(1) Symmetric Chiral Fermion Model
2.2.1. 3-4-5-0 Chiral Fermion Model
2.2.2. Proof on the Equivalence between the Anomaly-Free and SMG Gapping Conditions
- 1.
- The SMG gapping condition requires to add N independent compatible gapping terms [133,134,135,136] to preserve internal chiral symmetries. To prove the SMG gapping holds, we bosonize the fermionic theory
- To find a set of N linear-independent of integer-valued -component l vectors such that
- The massless Weyl fermion theory has, at most, an internal symmetry, which contains at most a chiral symmetry. However, for SMG, one can preserve, at most, N-linear independent chiral symmetries, labeled by a set of charge vectors, with , such that the fermions transform as , and bosonized fields with and . The symmetric sine-Gordon interactions demand
- 2.
- Its anomaly-free condition, on the other hand, requires:
- Gravitational anomaly free (two-point one-loop Feynman diagram of grav vertices vanish): The left and right chiral central charges , which means .
- Gauge anomaly free (two-point one-loop Feynman diagram of vertices vanish): For each symmetry, with left-handed and right-handed Weyl fermion charge vector and , respectively, the anomaly free requires the square sum of each component . In terms of the symmetric bilinear form K for both bosonic () and fermionic () systems, the anomaly-free condition demands that
- The above two anomaly-free conditions are perturbative local anomalies. The D nonperturbative global anomalies are classified by cobordism groups (denoted or with the special orthogonal SO or Spin group and some internal symmetries, such as , and ) which turn out to always vanish [140].
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- The above two remarks prove that the if and only if (sufficient and necessary) conditions to the equivalence of the anomaly-free condition and the SMG gapping condition. Once the set of and are found, they form linear-independent integer-valued vectors spanning completely the -dimensional vector space (known as the Narain lattice [141]).
- 6.
- What remains to be explained is why the SMG gapping condition defines a gapped boundary without any topological boundary degeneracy [135]. The idea is viewing the D theory (14) as the boundary theory of D invertible TQFT with a Chern–Simons action on a 3-manifold . The is a multiplet 1-form gauge field. Hereafter, all repeated indices are summed over. A stable boundary condition requires the variation of on the boundary 2-manifold vanished [134] under the boundary 1-form gauge field variation: The differential of this variation is a symplectic form on the space of boundary gauge fields. Consistent stable boundary conditions on define a Lagrangian submanifold with respect to the symplectic form in symplectic geometry.
- One consistent boundary condition sets one component of vanished, such as which gives a gapless D CFT (14).
- Another boundary condition sets the gauge degrees of freedom vanish [59]. The boson modes , originally related by the gauge transformation and , now may condense on the boundary with nonzero vacuum expectation values , more precisely, indeed where is the greatest common divisor (gcd) of all components of . This condensation of can be triggered by the earlier sine-Gordon cosine term at a strong g coupling. The boundary vertex operator and bulk line operator are connected . The gapped bulk and gapped boundary demand that the partition function Z evaluated on the 3-manifold M with the 2-boundary has a finite value (in fact when the Z corresponds to counting the dimension of the Hilbert space for the invertible TQFT). This means that arbitrary link configuration of the bulk line operators should give a trivial braiding statistical phase to Z so there are no unwanted quantum fluctuations destabilizing the gapped vacuum—namely, the mutual statistics and the self statistics are trivial for all . Hence, we derive the correspondence between the N-independent compatible SMG gapping terms and the N null-braiding statistics vectors [133,134,135,136]. This completes the proof [35].
2.3. D SMG: Honeycomb Lattice Model
2.4. D SMG: Chiral Fermion Model
2.5. SMG in General Dimensions
- The anomaly index of the system must vanish (), where denotes the classification of invertible topological phases (with low-energy invertible topological field theories) in -dimensional spacetime [4]. (We may also denote as the bulk dimension.)
- The single fermion must be in a representation of the full spacetime-internal symmetry G, such that the antisymmetric product (denoted by ) representation does not contain the trivial representation in its direct sum decomposition.
3. Numerical Investigations
3.1. Existence of SMG Phases
- Establish the existence of the SMG phase in the strongly interacting limit.
- Investigate the nature of the SMG transition at the critical interaction strength.
- The low-energy fermions can be realized in the lattice model either as the gapless boundary modes of a fermionic SPT state in one higher spacetime dimension [113], or as the gapless bulk mode of a semi-metal state in the designated spacetime dimension (such as the honeycomb lattice fermion in D [143,146] and the stagger fermion in general dimensions [150,153]).
- The interaction can (i) either be explicit given by multi-fermion local interaction terms (denoted as for four-fermion interactions or for six-fermion interactions in Table 2) as exemplified in Equations (7), (11) and (23), (ii) or mediated by intermediate Yukawa–Higgs fields (denoted as YH) or non-Abelian gauge fields (denoted as QCD) as exemplified in Equations (12), (20) and (25).
- The (or more precisely ), (or ), (or ) interactions can all be viewed as lower-symmetry descendants of the (or ) Fidkowski–Kitaev interaction, whose relations are discussed in Ref. [103].
- Unique ground state with a gap to all excitations (including both fermionic and bosonic excitations);
- Absence of spontaneous symmetry breaking (no fermion bilinear condensation or any higher multi-fermion condensations that break the symmetry);
- Formation of the four-fermion (or higher multi-fermion) condensate that preserves the symmetry.
3.2. Nature of SMG Transitions
- Is the SMG transition a direct transition (i.e., without any intermediate phases setting in)?
- Is the SMG transition continuous (i.e., not first order)?
- Continuous gap opening across the SMG transition.
- Universal scaling behavior of physical quantities near the transition.
4. Theoretical Understandings
4.1. Fluctuating Bilinear Mass Picture
4.2. Fermion Fractionalization Field Theory
- Representations of the physical fermion and the Yukawa boson are given as the starting point by the SMG model in consideration. Both and fields must be neutral (i.e., as the trivial representation ) under the gauge group K by definition.
- The bosonic parton is always in the (anti)-fundamental representation of K, such that its condensation can fully Higgs the gauge group K.
- The parton representation must be assigned in consistent with the fermion fractionalization , such that the following fusion channel must exist
- The Yukawa or parton-Higgs field representations must be consistent with their constituting fermions, such that the following fusion channel must exist
- The K-gauge field a is always in the trivial representation of G and the adjoint representation of K.
- For the SMG to happen in the system, either one of the following two necessary conditions should be satisfied:
- 1.
- To enable the parton-Higgs mechanism, the following branching channel must exist upon breaking:
- 2.
- To enable the s-confinement mechanism, the following fusion channel must exist within the gauge group K:
The reasoning for these conditions will be explained later in Section 4.2.1 and Section 4.2.2.
4.2.1. Parton-Higgs Mechanism
4.2.2. s-Confinement Mechanism
4.3. Examples of Fermion Fractionalization
4.3.1. D Honeycomb Lattice Model
4.3.2. D Chiral Fermion Model
4.4. Symmetry Extension Construction
4.4.1. Symmetry Breaking vs. Symmetry Extension vs. SMG
- 1.
- Symmetry/Gauge breaking: Anderson–Higgs mechanism, chiral symmetry breaking, Dirac mass and Majorana mass are induced by the symmetry breaking—breaking either global symmetries or gauge structures, by condensing a Yukawa–Higgs field that couples to a fermion bilinear mass term. More precisely, starting from a symmetry group G (specifically here an internal symmetry, global or gauged), G is broken down to an appropriate subgroup to induce quadratic mass term for fermions. Mathematically, it can be described by an injective homomorphism :Here are some explicit examples:
- Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) type -gauged superconductor with a low energy TQFT, we have and electromagnetic gauge group.
- The standard model electroweak Higgs mechanism breaks with and the appropriate greatest common divisor (gcd), down to .
- D Dirac mass pairs two Weyl fermions ( and ) via the Dirac mass term which breaks the unitary internal symmetry of two Weyl fermions down to a vector symmetry.
- D Dirac mass pairs two Weyl fermions ( and ) via the Dirac mass term which breaks the unitary internal symmetry of two Weyl fermions down to a vector symmetry, so .
- D Majorana mass pairs a single Weyl fermion to itself, , so the Majorana mass term , which breaks the unitary internal symmetry of a Weyl fermion down to a fermion parity symmetry.
- 2.
- Symmetry/Gauge extension: In contrast, the symmetry extension [25] or gauge enhancement [168] provides a fermion mass generation mechanism that preserves the symmetry. Symmetry extension construction of gapped phases first appears in [24] based on the gauge bundle descriptions, then Ref. [25] refines the idea to the lattice models, group-cohomology cocycle or continuum field theory descriptions. It extends the symmetry group G (that can include the spacetime-internal symmetry, global or gauged) to a larger group by enlarging the Hilbert space with additional/redundant degrees of freedom, in order to trivialize the ’t Hooft anomaly or to lift any other symmetry obstruction toward a gapped phase (such as the symmetry-forbidden bilinear mass). Mathematically, it can be described by a surjective homomorphism r:
- (a)
- Topological mass generation (TMG)—if the fermion system has a non-trivial ’t Hooft anomaly in G, the anomaly will post an obstruction toward trivial gapping, which already rules out SMG, leaving the possibility to TMG. A non-vanishing perturbative local anomaly disallows any symmetric gapped phase (even with topological order); also it can never be trivialized by a symmetry extension. So, in order to implement the symmetry extension construction, the non-vanishing G-anomaly must be a nonperturbative global anomaly in G.For simplicity, the discussion below focuses on a limited special case of (58). If the global anomaly in G can become anomaly-free in , by pulling the G group back to the extended group via a short exact sequence
- (b)
- Symmetric mass generation (SMG)—In the case of SMG, the fermion system is already anomaly free, but the physical symmetry G is too restrictive to allow any symmetric fermion-bilinear mass (i.e., the symmetry obstruction ). However, with the symmetry extension described by the following short exact sequenceFigure 5 concludes how the symmetry-gauge group is extended/broken in different phases. A few general requirements for the SMG to happen are summarized as follows:
- The full gauge group K must be large enough to counteract any non-trivial action of the symmetry group G on the parton-Higgs field , i.e., G must acts projectively on , such that the G symmetry can remain unbroken under the condensation of .
- To achieve SMG in this framework, the deformation path must pass through the strong coupling regime, where neither the bosonic parton nor the parton-Higgs field has an expectation value, and the full gauge group K is unbroken.
- After the parton-Higgs field condenses, the remaining unbroken gauge group would better be either trivial or non-Abelian such that either there is no residual gauge fluctuation or the residual gauge fluctuation can be confined automatically. Otherwise, if is Abelian, it becomes possible for the SMG critical point to expand into a critical phase, described by an Abelian -gauge theory.
4.4.2. More on Symmetry Extension Construction
- For condensed matter, a nontrivial SPT state in the G symmetry cannot be deformed to a trivial tensor product state via a finite-depth of local unitary transformations without breaking the G-symmetry. However, the successful symmetry extension means that we can find an appropriate such that the SPT state in the extended symmetric Hilbert space can be deformed to a trivial tensor product state via a finite-depth of local unitary transformations still preserving the -symmetry.
- For quantum field theory or high-energy physics, the successful symmetry extension means that the ’t Hooft anomaly in G-symmetry becomes anomaly-free in -symmetry.
- For mathematics, the successful symmetry extension means that a nontrivial class of cocycle, cohomology, or cobordism of the G-symmetry becomes a trivial class in the -symmetry. Suppose the nontrivial class of G-symmetry cocycle, cohomology, or cobordism in the D dimensions is labeled by , then the trivialization means that its pullback (namely ) becomes a -symmetry coboundary in the D dimensions (namely ) which splits to the cochain (namely ) in the dimensions [25]. In summary, given the of the G-symmetry, the successful symmetry extension requires to find a solution of both the extended and to satisfy
- 1.
- Given a theory with ’t Hooft anomaly in G symmetry (which we shall also call it a dD anomalous boundary theory of a D bulk SPT), can be found to trivialize the anomaly? If so, what is the minimal ?
- 2.
- -symmetric extended gapped phase (as a -symmetric gapped boundary of the bulk G-SPT). In this case, all and G are not dynamically gauged.
- G-symmetric gapped dynamical K-gauge theory with a ’t Hooft anomaly in G. When K is dynamically gauged, in some cases, the G is preserved at IR; in other cases, the G becomes spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) at IR. One should also be careful to distinguish the two different kinds of dynamics.
- 1.
- , a D anomalous theory and a D bulk:
- Two Kitaev’s chains: In Section 2.1, the discussion was limited to gapping D eight Majorana modes or D eight Kitaev’s chains by the SMG, preserving the , which is free from the global anomaly. Beyond SMG, even for D two Majorana modes or D, two Kitaev’s chains with class of global anomaly, it is still possible to gap the whole system, leaving a single ground state without breaking , but instead by extending the symmetry to a dihedral group of order 8 as [122]. Namely, when is extended to a time-reversal symmetry fictionalization and , the symmetric interactions can lift up the degenerate Majorana zero modes. Crucially, the time-reversal generator T does not commute with the fermion parity generator , but . This means that T switches a bosonic sector and a fermionic sector in the Hilbert space. This is called supersymmetry extension that trivializes this D fermionic anomaly and also trivializes the D fermionic SPT state [122]. Another related property is that the preserved symmetry demands that the anomalous boundary theory of Majorana zero modes must be supersymmetric quantum mechanics with two supercharges [176].
- Four Kitaev’s chains and a Haldane chain: for D four Majorana modes or D four Kitaev’s chains, its class of global anomaly is actually equivalent to a single D Haldane’s chain [81] (tensor product with a trivial gapped fermionic product state) with class of global anomaly. The -symmetric Haldane chain can be trivialized in a bosonic [171]. The -symmetric Haldane chain can be trivialized in a [171].
- Related studies on the fractionalized symmetries on the boundary of the layers of Kitaev chains can also be found in [177,178,179,180,181]. In particular, Refs. [178,180] studied the pure class global gravitational anomaly on the boundary of a single Kitaev chain (which is an invertible fermionic topological order beyond the SPT, known as the mathematical Arf invariant). The pure gravitational anomaly cannot be trivialized by any symmetry extension, but may be “trivialized” by coupling to a gravitational theory [178].Here, a D theory has no parity P but only at most time-reversal T, and Majorana fermion has no charge conjugation C symmetry; so only the T fractionalization is found. In higher dimensions, the common theme along the direction of this phenomenon is the C-P-T fractionalization [182].
- 2.
- , a D anomalous theory and a D bulk:
- The D edge of a D CZX model as a -SPT state is known to allow a symmetric gapless or a symmetry-breaking gapped boundary [183]. However, the can be extended to give a -symmetry-extended gapped boundary. Unfortunately, gauging the normal subgroup results in a D discrete K-gauge theory with spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is consistent with the standard lore that there is no D non-invertible intrinsic topological order, at least in the bosonic systems.Other applications of the symmetry-extension construction on the D gauge theories and orbifolds can be found in a recent survey [184].
- 3.
- , a D anomalous theory and a D bulk:
- The D surface of a D -SPT state (topological superconductor) allows a symmetric gapless, symmetry-breaking, or symmetric gapped surface topological order boundary [12,185,186]. The can be extended to give a -symmetry-extended gapped boundary [25]. Gauging the normal subgroup results in a D discrete K-gauge theory with both electric and magnetic gauge charges that are Kramers doublet with .
- The D surface state of D higher-SPT state with : This higher-SPT state is protected by a 1-form symmetry (denoted as ) which couples to a 2-form background field . The means the Pontryagin square of . The symmetry-extension construction can obtain a gapped phase for an even k via extending to (although gauging results in G SSB), but the symmetry-extension trivialization is proven to not exist for an odd k [170]. Later, Ref. [187] proved a no-go theorem that the symmetry-preserving TQFT also does not exist for an odd k. This means the D surface state must be either symmetric gapless or symmetry-breaking for an odd k.
- 4.
- , a D anomalous theory and a D bulk:
- The D boundary of a D -SPT state allows a symmetric gapless, symmetry-breaking, or symmetric gapped surface topological order boundary. The can be extended to give a -symmetry-extended gapped boundary [25]. Gauging the normal subgroup results in a D discrete K-gauge theory with both electric and magnetic gauge charges and that carries a fractional G charge.
- The D boundary of a D higher-SPT state is protected by a 1-form electric symmetry (denoted as , coupled to a 2-form field), while the is the jth Stiefel–Whitney class of the tangent bundle of spacetime manifold M. The corresponding anomaly occurs as a part of the anomaly of D SU(2) Yang–Mills theory coupled to two Weyl fermions in the adjoint representation of SU(2) (below called as the adjoint QCD; see [170,188,189,190]). The can be extended to give a -symmetry-extended gapped boundary [170]. Gauging the normal subgroup results in a D discrete K-gauge theory such that its electric gauge charge has fermionic statistics.
- The D boundary of a D higher-SPT state: again, this is part of the anomaly of the adjoint QCD [189]. The higher SPT is protected by a -axial symmetry (coupled to a 1-form A field, with its fourth power of the symmetry generator equals to ) and a 1-form electric symmetry (coupled to a 2-form field), which can be denoted as a spacetime-internal symmetry . There is a class. The even k class can be trivialized by a -extension to . The odd k class cannot be trivialized by any symmetry extension [170]. Later, Ref. [187] proved a no-go theorem that the symmetry-preserving TQFT also does not exist. The above results [170,187] turned out to rule out certain UV-IR duality proposal of the adjoint QCD hypothesized in [190].
- The D boundary of a D higher-SPT state: The boundary turns out to associate with the anomaly of the D SU(2) Yang–Mills gauge theory with a topological term (denoted as YM) [191,192,193], while the is the twisted first Stiefel–Whitney class of such that is a mod 2 class. The YM kinematically at UV has time-reversal and 1-form symmetries. The can be extended to to trivialize the anomaly, thus the -symmetric extended gapped phase can be constructed [192,193]. However, upon gauging , this induces the G spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) [193]. Later, Ref. [187] proved a no-go theorem that the symmetry-preserving TQFT also does not exist. The above results together demand that the IR fate of YM must be either symmetric gapless or symmetry-breaking only.
- The D boundary of a D SPT state: This is a class of D anomaly and D SPT state, protected by a unitary symmetry such that ; in terms of a spacetime-internal symmetry . The is a 4d Atiyah–Patodi–Singer eta invariant evaluated on the 4-manifold Poincaré dual (PD) to the -gauge field A. The is a cobordism invariant of the bordism group , see [63,194,195]. It turns out that of such a SPT state captures a global anomaly of D -Weyl-fermion standard model (SM), where is the number of families of quarks and leptons [194,196]. If k is odd, Ref. [197] proves an obstruction, so the symmetry-gapped TQFT is not possible to saturate this odd k anomaly. If k is even, Refs. [195,198,199] show that two layers of symmetry extensions can construct the -symmetry extended gapped phase: the first layer and the second layer . These constructions may have applications beyond the SM physics [198,199,200].
5. Features and Applications
5.1. Green’s Function Zeros
5.2. Deconfined Quantum Criticality
- 1.
- The massless fermion phase ();
- 2.
- The SMG phase ();
- 3.
- The spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) massive phase ();
- 4.
- The fermionic parton QCD phase (if stable) ().
- In the D Fidkowski–Kitaev model, the four-fermion interaction will immediately open the gap, which can be understood by solving the quantum mechanical problem in Equation (1) exactly. There is no notion of phase transition and quantum criticality in D, not to mention DQCP.
- In D, take the 3-4-5-0 model for example, the SMG can be understood within the Luttinger liquid framework as a BKT transition. The six-fermion SMG interaction in Equation (11) has a bare scaling dimension in the free fermion limit, which is perturbatively irrelevant. However, with a non-perturbative (finite) interaction strength, under the RG flow, the Luttinger parameters (as exact marginal parameters) will be modified by the interaction, leading to the decrease in the scaling dimension of the interaction term. When the scaling dimension drops below 2 (which is the spacetime dimension), the SMG interaction will become relevant, driving the system into the SMG phase [37,113]. So the SMG transition is triggered right at ; see Figure 7b.
- In higher dimensions (D and above), interactions are always perturbatively irrelevant at the free fermion fixed point, such that an infinitesimal interaction g will not immediately drive the SMG transition. Therefore, the transition generally requires a finite critical interaction strength . The critical point () is expected to be an unstable fixed point under RG, which either flows to the free fermion fixed point () or the SMG (gapped phase) fixed point (), as illustrated in Figure 7c.
5.3. Symmetric Mass Generation in the Standard Model
5.3.1. Symmetry Extension of the 15- or 16-Weyl–Fermion Standard Model
5.3.2. Symmetric Mass Generation in a 27-Weyl-Fermion Left-Right Model
- 1.
- The s-confinement mechanism: according to Razamat and Tong [106], one first supersymmetrizes the fermions in Equation (70) to their corresponding supersymmetric chiral multiplets as . Then gauge the symmetry by turning on a dynamical gauge field that couples to the doublet: . A dangerously irrelevant superpotential at UVHere, the color and flavor indices are suppressed, with the understanding that they should be contracted properly to make the Lagrangian a singlet. As flows strong, all fermions are gapped from low-energy, resulting in the SMG phase. When there are multiple families, independent gauge fields are introduced in each family, such that the total gauge group is . This guarantees that the s-confinement can induce the fully gapped SMG phase in each family independently.
- 2.
- The parton-Higgs mechanism: Tong [37] shows that families of 27 Weyl-fermion model can be fully gapped by preserving not only the SM internal symmetry group for , but also an additional continuous baryon minus lepton symmetry .The parton-Higgs mechanism introduces the scalar Higgs fields . Ref. [37] suggests to fully gap (the 27 Weyl fermions per family) to achieve the SMG by adding
5.4. Deformation Class of Quantum Field Theories
- Within the same spacetime-internal symmetry G and the same anomaly , different QFTs in a d-dimensional spacetime can be deformed to each other by tuning coupling parameters or adding degrees of freedom at short distances that preserve the same symmetry and that maintain the same overall anomaly. (Namely, the whole system allows all symmetric deformations via symmetric interactions between the original QFT (with the anomaly index ) and any new sectors of symmetric QFTs whose degrees of freedom are brought down from the high energy (anomaly-free in G).)
- A symmetric deformation from a gapless free fermion theory (the free limit of a CFT) to a fully gapped trivial theory (i.e., a trivial invertible TQFT with no quantum fields effectively such that the partition function is always on any closed manifold), preserving the same symmetry G and the same vanished quantum anomaly .
- A symmetric deformation from any gapless theory (including bosonic or fermionic, free or interacting CFT) to a fully gapped trivial theory (i.e., a trivial invertible TQFT), preserving the same symmetry G and the same vanished quantum anomaly .
- Within a symmetry G at UV high-energy, and the same anomaly , different QFTs in a d-dimensional spacetime can be deformed to each other by tuning coupling parameters or adding degrees of freedom at short distances or from high energy that preserve the same symmetry and that maintain the same overall anomaly at some UV energy scale. However, at IR low energy, there could be G-symmetry-breaking down to its subgroup ; while there could also be the anomaly matching or anomaly eliminated by G-symmetry-breaking.
- 1.
- Ultra unification transition [198,199,200,220] and a deformation class: with and a mod 16 anomaly index , we can consider the SM with the gauge group as or for the Georgi–Glashow GUT. The is a discrete version of the baryon minus lepton like symmetry. Given the family number , the -Weyl-fermion SM has the anomaly index , while the -Weyl-fermion SM has the anomaly index .
- (a)
- (b)
- If the in G is broken, then the deformation from the to models requires no new sectors on the -Weyl-fermion SM side.
- (c)
- Deformation through the SMG phase [37,106]: If in G is broken on the model side, while the can be either broken, preserved, or enhanced to a on the model side, the to models can be deformed to each other through the SMG phase, shown in Figure 8. The SMG phase in the standard model is discussed in Section 5.3.
- 2.
- With and a mod 2 anomaly index , one can consider the SM within the gauge group (in general, any works, such as ). The global anomaly in 4d is characterized by a mod 2 class 5d invertible TQFT (as a cup product of Stiefel–Whitney classes).
- (a)
- SMG transition: If , there can be a SMG phase in the neighborhood to the SM, Georgi–Glashow , the flipped , the Pati–Salam model, and the GUT phases, etc.
- (b)
- DQC transition: If , there is a modified GUT plus an extra Wess–Zumino–Witten-like term such that the nontrivial anomaly can be matched in the G-symmetry preserving phase. The SM, Georgi–Glashow , or the flipped phases, etc., can be regarded as the anomaly-matching consequences of the symmetry-breaking phases. There can be a gapless DQC region (not a critical point but a stable CFT region) between the deformation from either of the or models to the Pati–Salam model. The gapless DQC region can also be replaced by a gapped 4D noninvertible TQFT to match the same anomaly.
6. Discussion and Outlook
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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physical fermion | ||||
Yukawa boson |
Dim. | Sym. | Model | Method | Reference |
D | DMRG | [113] | ||
YH | disorder average | [108] | ||
QMC | [143] | |||
QMC | [152] | |||
YH | HMC | [112] | ||
D | HMC | [125] | ||
QMC | [143] | |||
FBMC | [144,145] | |||
QMC | [146] | |||
D | YH | HMC | [150,153] | |
QCD | HMC | [154,155] | ||
HMC | [156,157] | |||
FBMC | [158,159] |
Dim. | Sym. | Dir. | Con. | Remarks | Reference |
D | yes | yes | BKT, | [113] | |
yes | yes | [143] | |||
yes | yes | [152] | |||
D | yes | yes | [125] | ||
yes | yes | [143] | |||
yes | yes | , | [144,145] | ||
[146] | |||||
D | yes | yes | by frustrating the Yukawa field | [150,153,154] | |
[155] | |||||
no | - | small intermediate SSB phase | [157,158,159] |
G | K | Meaning | ||
spinor | physical fermion | |||
scalar | Yukawa boson | |||
scalar | bosonic parton | |||
spinor | fermionic parton (like ) | |||
a | vector | gauge boson | ||
scalar | parton-Higgs boson (like ) |
Gapless Phase | SMG | Gapped Phase | |
gapless | fractionalized | gapped | |
gapped () | gapped | gapped | |
condensed | critical | gapped | |
gapless | gapless | gapped | |
a | Higgs | deconfined | Higgs/confined |
gapped | critical | condensed |
spinor (fermion) | |||
scalar (boson) | |||
scalar (boson) | |||
spinor (fermion) | |||
a | vector (boson) | ||
scalar (boson) |
spinor (fermion) | |||
spinor (fermion) | |||
spinor (fermion) | |||
scalar (boson) | |||
scalar (boson) | |||
spinor (fermion) | |||
spinor (fermion) | |||
a | vector (boson) | ||
scalar (boson) |
Original System G | |||||
0+1 | No | ||||
1+1 | G SSB | ||||
2+1 | |||||
G SSB | |||||
No | |||||
3+1 | |||||
No | |||||
G SSB | |||||
No |
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Wang, J.; You, Y.-Z. Symmetric Mass Generation. Symmetry 2022, 14, 1475.
Wang J, You Y-Z. Symmetric Mass Generation. Symmetry. 2022; 14(7):1475.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Juven, and Yi-Zhuang You. 2022. "Symmetric Mass Generation" Symmetry 14, no. 7: 1475.
APA StyleWang, J., & You, Y.-Z. (2022). Symmetric Mass Generation. Symmetry, 14(7), 1475.