Introduction to Renormalization Theory and Chiral Gauge Theories in Dimensional Regularization with Non-Anticommuting γ5
:1. Introduction
- We aimed for a pedagogical review, starting at the level of typical quantum field theory textbooks and containing detailed step-by-step explanations and illustrative examples.
- On a practical level, we show how chiral gauge theories can be renormalized employing the BMHV scheme for and how the required symmetry-restoring counterterms can be obtained and used. Thus, we also provide an introduction to the recent literature mentioned above. The general motivation is an increasing need for high-precision (multi-)loop calculations in the SM and beyond and an increasing interest in mathematically rigorous treatments that avoid pitfalls such as inconsistencies, ambiguities, or incorrect results.
- On a conceptual level, we discuss the theoretical basis of the renormalization of chiral gauge theories. The existence of renormalized quantum gauge theories at all orders, together with their physics interpretation, is a major result in theoretical physics. It is based on a large set of complicated theorems and formalisms, ranging from BPHZ theorems on causal and unitary renormalization to Slavnov–Taylor identities and the BRST formalism, the theorems of algebraic renormalization, and to the theorems guaranteeing that dimensional regularization is a consistent regularization/renormalization scheme. All these relevant theorems, their role, and their interconnections are discussed and explained in detail. The proofs are either given or illustrated and explained.
- In line with the pedagogical goals, we used extensive cross-referencing between sections. Wherever possible, introductory sections develop intuition and expectations of later steps, and later sections refer back to simpler, more qualitative explanations and illustrations. In our citations, we cite not only original works, but wherever possible, we also cite textbooks or other reviews, where further details can be found. References to the remarks made at the beginning of this Introduction can be found in the appropriate sections.
- Beginning with key ingredients, first, non-Abelian Yang–Mills gauge theories and spinors, chirality, and chiral fermions are introduced, including required notions from Lie group theory and Poincaré group representations. BRST invariance and a corresponding Slavnov–Taylor identity are discussed in detail already at the classical level. Turning to the quantum level, the notions needed for discussions of Green functions and their generating functionals are introduced. Then, Slavnov–Taylor identities for Green functions and generating functionals are introduced, derived from the path integral and interpreted in detail. The concluding subsection considers the case of an Abelian gauge theory, and simplifications and additionally valid equations compared to the non-Abelian case are shown.
- As a preview and to set the stage, the general structure of dimensional regularization, renormalization, and the counterterms, as well as corresponding notations are presented. Then, D-dimensional extensions of four-dimensional quantities are discussed, starting with the notion of the quasi D-dimensional space. The core of the method is D-dimensional integrals. After listing their properties relevant for practical calculations, they are mathematically constructed in two ways, using parallel and orthogonal spaces, as well as via Schwinger parametrization. The definition and properties of the metric tensor and its inverse are given. Of particular importance for chiral gauge theories are the definitions and properties of D-dimensional matrices. Here, an explicit construction of quasi-D-dimensional matrices is provided, which is optimized for the study of chiral gauge theories. The extension to D dimensions leads to the well-known problem; this problem is explained, and the BMHV scheme is presented together with its definitions and properties of the matrix and the symbol.
- In addition to defining the regularization and constructing its basic elements, the relationship of regularized Feynman rules to Lagrangians in D dimensions via a D-dimensional Gell–Mann–Low formula is discussed. Special emphasis is put on the relation between kinetic terms and corresponding propagators and chiral fermion–gauge boson interactions. As an outlook and somewhat orthogonal topic, the variants HV, CDR, DRED, and FDH of dimensional regularization schemes are briefly discussed. Their distinctions are of particular importance in the context of infrared divergences and in the context of supersymmetric gauge theories.
- First, an instructive, but formal derivation from the path integral is given, sidestepping the need for regularization and renormalization. Then, an exact proof of the regularized quantum action principle within dimensional regularization is presented. This validity constitutes an important advantage of dimensional regularization. Its role is illustrated by proving rigorously the all-order validity of the Slavnov–Taylor identity for QCD and explaining the extent of the validity of supersymmetry in the DRED scheme.
- Renormalization is introduced as a mathematical construction of time-ordered products of free field operators in agreement with the unitarity and causality of the perturbative S-matrix. The “main theorem” of renormalization relates the construction and its ambiguities to reparametrizations. Importantly, the ambiguities and the reparametrizations are local in a well-defined sense. The relationships between the BPH approach and the R-operation, the BPHZ approach and the forest formula, and the usual counterterm approach are explained. Further, analytic regularization is discussed as a conceptually interesting non-dimensional regularization scheme that can facilitate all-order proofs.
- In the second subsection, the main theorem on dimensional regularization is reviewed. First, an extensive discussion of the main statements is given; the most important is the applicability of dimensional regularization as a consistent regularization/renormalization framework. Then, the proof is sketched in detail. The first steps set up Feynman graph theoretical notions, an organization of the loop integrations, and an optimized forest formula. Then, the resulting integrals are investigated in detail, and an inductive proof can be given. All steps are explained and illustrated with examples.
- Revisiting first the familiar textbook case of a symmetry-preserving regularization such as in QED or QCD reminds the reader of practically important concepts such as renormalization transformations and puts into context the symmetry-breaking case, which is the central topic of this review.
- Focusing on this case of interest, the theory of algebraic renormalization is reviewed as the framework in which rigorous and elegant proofs of the renormalizability of gauge theories can be carried out, even if regularization procedures break symmetries. The quantum action principle of BPHZ renormalization emerges as the main theoretical tool of this framework; hence, a brief exposition of this tool is given, and its connection to the quantum action principle in dimensional regularization is explained. The section then illustrates the inductive all-order proof of the restoration of the spuriously broken symmetry by symmetry-preserving finite counterterms. It also includes a brief discussion of anomalies, their cancellation conditions, and an outlook on further applications of algebraic renormalization.
- Finally, coming to the practical goal of this review, the formalism is specialized to dimensional regularization. Here, explicit equations for the computation of symmetry-preserving counterterms are derived and the resulting structure of the counterterm Lagrangian is discussed.
- It focuses mainly on an Abelian example, a chiral QED model, discusses its structure, symmetry breaking as the result of the scheme, and the required counterterm structure. It explains and compares several ways to determine the required symmetry-restoring counterterms in practical calculations.
- The symmetry restoration is illustrated in detail for the photon self-energy case, where it becomes apparent how the quantum action principle and Ward identities have a crucial practical role in the calculations.
- For the chiral QED model, the calculations are generalized to the full one-loop and the full two-loop level, and the new features arising at the two-loop level are discussed.
- Finally, a detailed comparison of the Abelian chiral QED and a chiral non-Abelian Yang–Mills theory is given at the one-loop level.
2. Setup
2.1. Yang–Mills Gauge Theories
2.2. Chiral Fermions
2.2.1. General Representation-Independent Relations for -Matrices and Four-Spinors
2.2.2. Chirality and Chiral Fermions
- The matrix . Hence, the eigenvalues of are .
- The spinors and are eigenspinors of with eigenvalues , , respectively.
- The matrix and the projectors commute with the Lorentz generators .
2.2.3. Chiral Representation and Two-Component Spinor Formalism
2.3. BRST Invariance and Slavnov–Taylor Identity
- It generalizes gauge invariance in the sense that: a field configuration X with ghost number zero is “physical” if
- It generalizes gauge transformations and gauge equivalence in the sense that: two “physical” field configurations , with ghost number zero are physically equivalent if some Y exists withAs a side note, objects X, which are total BRST transformations,
- It is nilpotent:
- In general, s acts as a fermionic differential operator, which increases the ghost number by one. Specifically, on products of fermionic and bosonic expressions , , it satisfies the product rules corresponding to a so-called graded algebra:
2.4. Green Functions in Quantum Field Theory
2.5. Slavnov–Taylor Identities for Green Functions and Their Interpretation
- A first way is to replace the path integral with its interpretation as an operator expectation value, in line with Equation (70). Then, we obtainThis can be further rewritten by replacing the sources in terms of derivatives of , the effective action or generating functional of 1PI Green functions, via the Legendre transform (73) such that
- A second way to rewrite the Slavnov–Taylor identity (85) is by taking derivatives with respect to the sources as in Equation (66) to obtain identities for specific Green functions. In this way, Equation (85) leads to infinitely many identities of the kind:
- A final way to rewrite the Slavnov–Taylor identity is to write it as functional equations for the generating functionals Z, , or . Since we coupled the nonlinear classical symmetry transformation (83) to the sources K in the classical action (58), the expectation values of nonlinear composite operators appearing in the previous equations may be rewritten in terms of functional derivatives with respect to K. A slight technical complication is that there are also linear symmetry transformations that we have not coupled to sources, such as the BRST transformations of the and B fields. Precisely, we can, therefore, replace the nonlinear by in the Slavnov–Taylor identity (85), but the linear remain. If we express the path integral in terms of the connected functional, Equation (85) takes the schematic form:This is literally the same equation as the Slavnov–Taylor identity for the classical action with the Slavnov–Taylor operator (63), but rewritten for the full effective action:This explains the reason why we rewrote the BRST invariance of the classical action in Section 2.3 as the Slavnov–Taylor identity using Equation (63): This equation has the potential of remaining valid without modification in the full quantum theory, provided the above formal manipulations survive the regularization and renormalization procedure.
2.6. Peculiarities of Abelian Gauge Theories
3. Dimensional Regularization
3.1. General Structure of Dimensional Regularization and Renormalization
3.2. Integrals in D Dimensions
3.2.1. Quasi-D-Dimensional Space
3.2.2. Properties of D-Dimensional Integrals
- Property (a)
- Linearity: for all functions and coefficients :
- Property (b)
- Translation invariance: for all vectors QDS:
- Property (c)
- Scaling: for all numbers s,
- Property (d)
- The D-dimensional Gaussian integral in D-dimensional Euclidean metric has the value:Using D-dimensional spherical coordinates to evaluate this rotationally symmetric integral, , implies the result for the surface of a D-dimensional sphere:
- Remark:
- Properties a, b, c, and d may also be viewed as axioms on the integration. Taken together, they uniquely fix the integration [61].
- Property (e)
- Commutation with differentiation:
- Property (f)
- Partial integration: The previous equation, together with translation invariance (117), implies the possibility for partial integration:
- Property (g)
- Two different integrations can be interchanged:
- Property (h)
- If an integral is finite in four dimensions, the D-dimensional version is analytic in a region for D around and in the external momenta, and it reproduces the original value for .
- Remark:
- The explicit construction of References [61,63] guarantees the existence of the D-dimensional integration and allows establishing general properties. Uniqueness together with existence implies “consistency” in the sense that one initial expression in DReg will always lead to one unique final expression, no matter how and in which order the calculational steps are organized.
3.2.3. Uniqueness and Construction of D-Dimensional Integrals Using Parallel and Orthogonal Spaces
- As a result, we simply obtain the relation:
- These two integrals and and their relationships will allow defining metric tensors on the quasi-D-dimensional space QDS with appropriate properties resembling D-dimensional behavior.
- Similar relationships are also the essence of the proof of the independence of the choice of the parallel space in defining the integrals [63].
3.2.4. Construction of D-Dimensional Loop Integrals via Schwinger Parametrization
- is the so-called Symanzik polynomial in the s of degree L. All its terms have a unity coefficient; hence, inside the -integration range, is positive.
- The ultraviolet divergences (including subdivergences) of the original loop integral are mapped to the singularities of the integrals at small . As some of the s approach zero, vanishes with a certain power-like behavior, depending on the original power counting of the Feynman diagram. The D-dependence of then effectively regularizes the divergences.
- The exponent W is a rational function in the s and depends on the external momenta, the masses, and the variables.
3.3. Metric Tensors, Matrices, and Other Covariants in D Dimensions
3.3.1. Properties of D-Dimensional Covariants and -Matrices
- Vectors or more general objects on QDS with upper indices such as , , , and can be defined by the explicit values of their components. The index takes infinitely many values and runs from to infinity.
- Indices can be lowered and raised with the D-dimensional metric tensor and asWe reiterate that we used a mostly minus metric.
- The D-dimensional metric tensor with a mostly minus signature satisfies the expected relations:These two relations extend the most-important and -obvious properties of the metric tensor to D dimensions. They, however, seem contradictory since the indices take infinitely many values, and naively, one might expect the contraction in the second equation to diverge. The solution is to regard a contraction with the lower index as a linear mapping, acting on upper index quantities, instead of defining it via summation over explicit index values. Below, we show in detail how this idea reconciles the two equations (152) and gives meaning to general lower index quantities.
- Contraction with commutes with D-dimensional integration, as, e.g., in
- The -matrices may also be defined on QDS, i.e., for up to infinity, such that they satisfy the basic relations:A representation exists that satisfies the same relations for complex conjugation, Hermitian conjugation, and charge conjugation as the ones of Equations (21) also for all . Hence, it is also possible to define spinors on QDS and to use the definitions (22) for adjoint and charge-conjugated spinors in D dimensions.As a result, the following relations hold for bilinear expressions of anticommuting spinors on QDS:For more details on the matrix, see Section 3.3.3.
- The quasi-D-dimensional space actually is infinite-dimensional and, hence, contains the original four-dimensional Minkowski space, as expressed in Equation (115). On the level of covariants, we therefore can define the purely 4-dimensional metric tensor by the 4-dimensional entries for and in all other cases. This tensor acts as a projector on the original Minkowski space. It also allows defining a complementary projector, the metric tensor of the -dimensional complement as . In summary, all these tensors satisfy the following equations:
- Since the metric tensors and act as projectors on the four-dimensional and -dimensional subspaces, we can generally decompose any vector asSimilar relationships can be defined for tensors in obvious ways.
- As in Equation (161), we can define four-dimensional and -dimensional versions and , respectively, which satisfyTraces of -matrices are defined such thatWith these relations, all other traces of products of -matrices can be calculated.
- The properties of and are discussed below in Section 3.3.3.
- Generally, objects (covariants or operators) that vanish in purely four dimensions are called evanescent. Examples of evanescent objects are all contractions with such as itself, , or products such as , . Later, we will see that many objects related to or related to Fierz identities are also evanescent.
3.3.2. Construction of D-Dimensional Covariants and Matrices
3.3.3. Definition of and in DReg
3.4. Relation to the Lagrangian in D Dimensions
3.5. Variants: Dimensional Reduction and cdr, hv, and fdh Schemes
- There are vector fields appearing in propagators in loop diagrams or as propagators or external fields in phase space regions, which lead to infrared, soft, or collinear singularities. We call such vector fields singular vector fields. They may be treated in either 4S, QDS, or QS.
- All other vector fields appear outside of 1PI diagrams and outside singular phase space regions. We call them regular, and they may be treated differently from singular vector fields.
- Gauge invariance relies on the gauge covariant derivative , which combines the ordinary derivative (which is always D-dimensional) and vector fields. In order not to directly break gauge invariance on the regularized level, there should be at least a fully D-dimensional covariant derivative. Hence, the singular vector fields should be treated at least as D-dimensional.
- Supersymmetry relies on an equal number of fermionic and bosonic degrees of freedom. The number of spinor degrees of freedom is essentially fixed via . Hence, in order not to directly break supersymmetry, singular vector fields should be treated as four-dimensional.
- Dimensional regularization has two subvariants, called hv and cdr (’t Hooft/Veltman and Conventional Dimensional Regularization). Both variants treat singular vector fields as D-dimensional, i.e. in QDS. This is in line with D-dimensional gauge invariance12 but leads to a direct breaking of supersymmetry. The hv scheme treats regular vector fields without regularization, i.e. in 4S, and the cdr scheme treats all vector fields in QDS. The space QS is not used.
- The other class of choices is dimensional reduction, originally introduced in the context of supersymmetry [80]. It also has two subvariants, called fdh and dred (four-dimensional helicity scheme and dimensional reduction). Singular vector fields are treated as -dimensional, and in practical calculations, is eventually set to . Hence, singular vector fields are essentially treated as quasi-4-dimensional, but the quasi-4-dimensional space contains the D-dimensional subspace, such that both gauge invariance and supersymmetry are not immediately broken. fdh is analogous to hv and treats regular vector fields as strictly four-dimensional, and dred treats all vector fields in QS.
cdr | hv | fdh | dred | |
singular vector field | ||||
regular vector field |
4. Quantum Action Principle in DReg
4.1. Formal Derivation of the Quantum Action Principle
- Variation of quantum fields: .
- Variation of an external (non-propagating) field :
- Variation of a parameter :
4.2. Proof of the Quantum Action Principle in DReg
4.3. Examples of Applications of the Quantum Action Principle
5. Renormalization in the Context of DReg
5.1. General Renormalization Theory and Constraints from Unitarity and Causality
- Initial conditions:
- Unitarity:
- Translational invariance:
- Causality:
5.2. Theorem on Divergences and Renormalization in DReg
5.2.1. Statement of the Theorem
- The regularized, but not-yet-renormalized amplitude is a meromorphic function of D or, equivalently, of .
- The subrenormalized amplitude may have singularities in , which are poles of the form:
- is finite, i.e., it is an analytic function of in a region around .
- The subtraction is organized according to a forest formula, which is equivalent to Bogoliubov’s recursive R-operation (we also refer to the monograph [63] for a detailed explanation). For this reason, the subtraction algorithm is equivalent to adding counterterm Feynman diagrams.
- The subtractions corresponding to subgraphs H of G, called , are given by with analogous properties to as explained above.
- The subtractions corresponding to a subgraph H are independent of the surrounding graph G; they really only depend on H itself (and, of course, its subgraphs).
- The renormalized results for all graphs are equivalent to the results obtained in the BPHZ framework (before Reference [4], this point had been established also in Reference [22]). This means they differ from the BPHZ results at most by finite, local counterterms at each order, in line with the general theorem discussed around Equations (228) and (229).
- The combinations of all subtractions of all graphs can be written as a counterterm Lagrangian, which is local and contains only terms of dimensionalities limited by the power-counting of the original graphs.
- Initially, all propagators in the integrals are defined via the prescription in momentum-space (which corresponds to time-ordering in position-space) with . As long as , the dependence of on external momenta and masses is infinitely differentiable, i.e., of the type. After the limit has been taken, the dependencies take the character of tempered distributions. In this regard, DReg behaves identically to, e.g., BPHZ [65].
- The setup of the subtractions requires that all poles are subtracted, even if the coefficients happen to be evanescent in the sense defined in Section 3.4. In the coefficients in Equation (233), a four-dimensional limit is not permitted during the subtraction procedure. For the counterterm Lagrangian, this implies that evanescent operators (operators that have no four-dimensional counterpart since they would vanish either in view of Fierz identities or identities or because of contractions with ) must be included in case they are needed to cancel poles.
5.2.2. Overview of the Proof
- The -parametrized integral can be decomposed into sectors.
- A particularly elegant forest formula holds for each sector of the -parametrization.
- In each sector, clever variable substitutions can be made, which lead to an explicit general formula for the integral.
- There is a general relationship between the integrand for a certain graph and the integrands for corresponding subgraphs and reduced graphs.
- There are a few simple observations for typical integrals and functions encapsulating the poles.
5.2.3. Ingredient 1: Sectors of the Integration
5.2.4. Ingredient 2: Forest Formula after Decomposition into Sectors
5.2.5. Ingredient 3: Sector Variables and Formula for the Integral
- The power-like behavior of corresponds to the superficial ultraviolet power counting of the original loop integral (144), which behaves like .
- The remaining integrand has essentially no explicit dependence on t at all; it only depends on t via the rescaled variables (255) and via .
- If in the prescription, decreases exponentially for large t, and the full dependence of the integrand on the rescaled variables (255) and on is of the -type. The result of the integration is still in the rescaled variables.
- All variables , , and , the rescaled physical variables , , and , and the power-counting degrees are defined above.
- The explicit powers of correspond to the original superficial power-counting degrees of the momentum integrals over the subdiagrams . For each integral, a factor was split off, which may be viewed as the essence of the D-dimensional integration measure.
- The remaining integrand has no explicit dependence on at all. It depends on only via the rescaled physical variables. The other with typically appear explicitly, however.
- The function is a rescaled Symanzik polynomial, which satisfies in the integration region.
- For in the prescription, the function is exponentially decreasing for large .
- The product , therefore, is analytic in and in , , and the rescaled physical variables , , and .
5.2.6. Ingredient 4: Integrand Relation between Graphs and Subgraphs
5.2.7. Ingredient 5: Simple Integrals and Non-Analytic Functions of
- (i)
- Any function has the limit .
- (ii)
- For a function , the integral produces an element of the next set .
- (iii)
- The converse is also true, i.e., every element of can be written in terms of such an integral.
- (iv)
- A function where the first argument is a product can be factorized as where all functions on the right-hand side are elements of , where . This property is obviously important to prepare higher-loop integrands such that t integrals act on isolated functions depending only on t, not on .
- (v)
- There is a simple product rule for functions . This property is also important on the multiloop level in case a multiloop diagram contains two disjoint divergent subdiagrams.
5.2.8. Sketch of Proof by Induction
- The “sum of terms like” refers to the expression in the integrand, which really is of the form . Since the proof can be carried out for each such term, we drop the index a and this summation.
- The integration variables and and the variable for the already treated graphs do not exist anymore, since they have been integrated over/set to zero. Hence, the only appearing , , and are the ones for and for .
- The sets of physical variables , and the remaining (for ) are rescaled only by the remaining s, i.e., Equation (262) applies in a modified form where, on the right-hand side, and where the for do not exist.
- The particularly nontrivial and interesting part of the statement is the integrand in Equation (280). It displays the analytic structure of the partially renormalized graph and the result of all the evaluated and integrals. The result is a product of functions , which are nonanalytic in the remaining , and the function .
- Each function is an element of a set with . These functions are thus nonanalytic in the remaining , but have a finite limit for , reflecting the successful subtraction of subdivergences. The functional form of each is further specific to the chain of subgraphs and does not depend on any details of graphs or a part of graphs outside M. Only the argument has a dependence on variables corresponding to bigger graphs.
- The function carries the complicated dependence on all physical variables and all other and variables. is in all these remaining integration variables and all the physical variables , , and rescaled as defined above. It is analytic in , again reflecting the cancellation of subdivergences, and it has no explicit dependence on corresponding to the full graph G (except for the product , similar to Equation (256)). Its functional form is specific to the full graph G and the treated graphs .
6. Renormalization and Symmetry
6.1. Counterterms in Symmetry-Preserving Regularization
6.2. Broken Symmetries and Algebraic Renormalization
6.2.1. The Quantum Action Principle in BPHZ
6.2.2. Comparing Quantum Action Principles in BPHZ and DReg
6.2.3. Algebraic Renormalization and Symmetry Restoration
6.2.4. Outlook and Further Remarks on Anomalies and Algebraic Renormalization
6.3. Algebraic Symmetry Restoration in the Context of DReg
6.3.1. Formulation of Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking in DReg
6.3.2. Practical Restoration of the Symmetry
- UV-renormalize the theory, previously renormalized up to order , at order n to obtain the singular counterterms;
- Calculate genuine n-loop Green functions with one-time insertion of for their divergent and finite part;
- Calculate the k-loop order insertion into -loop order graphs, and determine their divergent and finite contributions;
- Check that the divergences thus obtained sum up to zero;
- Collect the finite contributions, and choose monomials X such that cancels them. This is always possible, as discussed in the previous subsections.
6.3.3. The Counterterm Lagrangian in the BMHV Scheme
7. Practical Treatment of Chiral Gauge Theories in the BMHV Scheme of DReg
7.1. Overview and Guide to the Present Section
7.2. Definition of an Abelian Chiral Gauge Theory
7.2.1. Chiral Electrodynamics in Four Dimensions
7.2.2. Definition of Chiral Electrodynamics in DReg
7.3. Symmetry Restoration Requirements
7.4. Explicit Calculations and Results in the Abelian Chiral Gauge Theory
7.4.1. One-Loop Photon Self-Energy and Symmetry-Restoring Counterterms
7.4.2. One-Loop Photon Self-Energy—Direct Computation of Symmetry Breaking
7.4.3. Two-Loop Photon Self-Energy and Corresponding Breaking Diagram
7.4.4. Full Two-Loop Renormalization of Chiral QED
7.5. Non-Abelian Chiral Yang–Mills Theory and Comparison with the Abelian Chiral Theory at the One-Loop Level
7.5.1. Definition of the Non-Abelian Chiral Yang–Mills Theory
7.5.2. Chiral Yang–Mills Theory in DReg
7.5.3. One-Loop Singular Counterterm and Symmetry-Restoring Counterterm Action in Chiral Yang–Mills Theory
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | In our presentation we have chosen to start from the 4-component spinors despite the fundamental nature of 2-component spinors. Our most important reason is that we aim to consider DReg, where there is the -problem which precisely means that the treatment of chirality and specifically 2-component spinors is problematic, while the treatment of ordinary -matrices remains possible. |
2 | These sources are not quantized and not integrated over in the path integral. These sources are also called “external sources” or “external fields” or “antifields”. One may also regard them as local, x-dependent parameters of the Lagrangian. |
3 | We remark that the choice of gauge fixing used in the present review is not the only option. Other options include physical gauges such as the axial gauge, where no ghosts are required, or the background field gauge; see, e.g., References [32,34] for textbook discussions. Of particular interest for the present discussion is the application of the background field gauge to the electroweak SM, which includes chiral fermions (and electroweak symmetry breaking) [48]. Later, in Section 6.2.4, we will further comment on the proofs of renormalizability and physical properties such as charge universality in these different gauges. The central point of the present review is the application of the BMHV scheme for non-anticommuting to chiral gauge theories. Here, it is noteworthy that this application is essentially unchanged regardless of whether the gauge fixing of the main text or the background field gauge is used. The corresponding discussion and the required computation of symmetry-restoring counterterms were carried out in Reference [27]. The main technical difference to the formalism presented here is that the dominant role of the Slavnov–Taylor identity is replaced by a Ward identity reflecting gauge invariance with respect to background fields; the overall logic and detailed calculational steps are essentially the same. |
4 | The conventions for the generating functionals differ slightly between most references. Our conventions are essentially the same as in Reference [33], except that our connected functional there. |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | We will sometimes synonymously refer to the completely renormalized and 4-dimensional quantum action as , i.e. , in order to emphasize that it is completely renormalized. |
8 | Although the main focus of the review is on the renormalization of Green functions, we provide here a remark on the extraction of physical S-matrix elements via LSZ reduction as mentioned in Section 2.4. LSZ reduction involves the need for so-called wave function renormalization, which ties in with the discussion of finite counterterms and renormalization schemes. In order to obtain properly normalized S-matrix elements, Green functions need to be divided by for each external line, where is the residue of the corresponding two-point function at the pole corresponding to the rest mass of the considered external particle i. This may be automatically achieved by choosing an on-shell renormalization scheme for renormalized fields, where all such residues are equal to unity; see, e.g., the discussion in Reference [34]. If a different renormalization scheme is chosen, the wave function factor may be different from unity and needs to be explicitly taken into account, such as in the scheme proposed in Reference [60] for the electroweak Standard Model. In practical computations in DReg, it is actually often possible to carry out the renormalization program only partially, such that quantum fields remain unrenormalized and the residue factors remain divergent. After LSZ reduction and proper wave function renormalization, nevertheless finite and correct S-matrix elements can be obtained. |
9 | In textbooks and in practical computations, counterterms are often obtained by applying a so-called renormalization transformation onto the tree-level action. Section 4.3 and, in more generality, Section 6.1 will also explain under which conditions this procedure is possible. |
10 | Note that in this particular case, the quantity M is a number, while in the general case of multiloop integrals M will be a matrix. |
11 | Unfortunately, the 2-component spinor notation described in Section 2.2.3 is not known to be extendable to D dimensions since it is explicitely tied to the representation theory of the 4-dimensional Lorentz group. 2-component spinor Lagrangians need to be rewritten in terms of 4-component spinors before an extension to D dimensions and an application of DReg becomes possible. |
12 | We stress again that here our definitions of the four schemes only refer to the treatment of vector fields. In principle, in either scheme one would also have different options of treating , of which the non-anticommuting one is the most rigorous. The agreement with gauge invariance is meant on a superficial level. The existence of a D-dimensional covariant derivative by itself does not prove the all-order preservation of gauge invariance, and clearly gauge invariance of chiral gauge theories can be broken in dimensional schemes. For an example rigorous statement on the preservation of gauge invariance see later Section 4.3. |
13 | Such a renormalization was called “minimal” in Reference [117], but we stress that this is a different notion of minimality than, e.g., in the so-called minimal subtraction prescription within DReg. |
14 | We slightly simplify the notation and use in the following equations of this subsubsection to denote the unrenormalized effective action up to one-loop order. According to the general notational scheme defined in Section 3.1, this could also be called . |
15 | We remark that the problem is not specific to the case where the left-handed fermion is sterile. As Equation (354) shows, the problem generally exists if the left-handed and right-handed fermions have different gauge quantum numbers. References [27,131] considered this case and ended up with essentially the same breaking of BRST invariance in D dimensions and the same further consequences. |
16 | However, in this subsection, we use a slightly simpler notation than in Section 3.1 for unrenormalized/subrenormalized expressions. We drop the subscript and simply write for the unrenormalized one-loop effective action and for the subrenormalized two-loop effective action. Accordingly, the following equations correspond to the unrenormalized one-loop photon self-energy. |
17 | As mentioned above in Section 7.2.2, in the Abelian case considered here we have , and therefore in Equation (Section 6.3.2) we can simplify and use . |
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Bélusca-Maïto, H.; Ilakovac, A.; Kühler, P.; Mađor-Božinović, M.; Stöckinger, D.; Weißwange, M. Introduction to Renormalization Theory and Chiral Gauge Theories in Dimensional Regularization with Non-Anticommuting γ5. Symmetry 2023, 15, 622.
Bélusca-Maïto H, Ilakovac A, Kühler P, Mađor-Božinović M, Stöckinger D, Weißwange M. Introduction to Renormalization Theory and Chiral Gauge Theories in Dimensional Regularization with Non-Anticommuting γ5. Symmetry. 2023; 15(3):622.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBélusca-Maïto, Hermès, Amon Ilakovac, Paul Kühler, Marija Mađor-Božinović, Dominik Stöckinger, and Matthias Weißwange. 2023. "Introduction to Renormalization Theory and Chiral Gauge Theories in Dimensional Regularization with Non-Anticommuting γ5" Symmetry 15, no. 3: 622.
APA StyleBélusca-Maïto, H., Ilakovac, A., Kühler, P., Mađor-Božinović, M., Stöckinger, D., & Weißwange, M. (2023). Introduction to Renormalization Theory and Chiral Gauge Theories in Dimensional Regularization with Non-Anticommuting γ5. Symmetry, 15(3), 622.