Strong Necessary Conditions and the Cauchy Problem
:1. Introduction
2. A Brief Introduction to the Bogomolny Equations
3. A Presentation of the Strong Necessary Conditions Method
- making a certain part of the dual equations linearly dependent—the remaining equations are just the Bogomolny equations;
- obtaining a condition for the potential of the given field-theoretical model. The Bogomolny decomposition (the Bogomolny equations) exists only for this model, which potentially satisfies such a condition.
4. The Case of Ordinary Differential Equations
5. The Case of Partial Differential Equations
5.1. Field Equations and the Cauchy Problem Associated with Homotopy Group
5.2. Field Equations and the Cauchy Problem for the Restricted Baby Skyrme Model
6. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Stȩpień, Ł.T. Strong Necessary Conditions and the Cauchy Problem. Symmetry 2023, 15, 1622.
Stȩpień ŁT. Strong Necessary Conditions and the Cauchy Problem. Symmetry. 2023; 15(9):1622.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStȩpień, Łukasz T. 2023. "Strong Necessary Conditions and the Cauchy Problem" Symmetry 15, no. 9: 1622.
APA StyleStȩpień, Ł. T. (2023). Strong Necessary Conditions and the Cauchy Problem. Symmetry, 15(9), 1622.