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Characterizations of Minimal Dominating Sets in γ-Endowed and Symmetric γ-Endowed Graphs with Applications to Structure-Property Modeling

Sakander Hayat
Raman Sundareswaran
Marayanagaraj Shanmugapriya
Asad Khan
Venkatasubramanian Swaminathan
Mohamed Hussian Jabarullah
5 and
Mohammed J. F. Alenazi
Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jln Tungku Link, Gadong BE1410, Brunei
Department of Mathematics, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai 603110, Tamilnadu, India
Metaverse Research Institute, School of Computer Science and Cyber Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Ramanujan Research Center in Mathematics, Saraswathi Narayanan College, Madurai 625022, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mathematics, M.S.S. Wakf Board College, Madurai 625020, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computer and Information Sciences (CCIS), King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Symmetry 2024, 16(6), 663;
Submission received: 23 April 2024 / Revised: 21 May 2024 / Accepted: 22 May 2024 / Published: 27 May 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Symmetry and Graph Theory)


Claude Berge (1987) introduced the concept of k-extendable graphs, wherein any independent set of size k is inherently a constituent of a maximum independent set within a graph H = ( V , E ) . Graphs possessing the property of being 1-extendable are termedas Berge graphs. This introduction gave rise to the notion of well-covered graphs and well-dominated graphs. A graph is categorized as well-covered if each of its maximal independent sets is, in fact, a maximum independent set. Similarly, a graph attains the classification of well-dominated if every minimal dominating set (DS) within it is a minimum dominating set. In alignment with the concept of k-extendable graphs, the framework of ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs and symmetric ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs are established. In these graphs, each DS of size k encompasses a minimum DS of the graph. In this article, a study of γ -endowed dominating sets is initiated. Various results providing a deep insight into γ -endowed dominating sets in graphs such as those characterizing the ones possessing a unique minimum DS are proven. We also introduce and study the symmetric γ -endowed graphs and minimality of dominating sets in them. In addition, we give a solution to an open problem in the literature. which seeks to find a domination-based parameter that has a correlation coefficient of ρ > 0.9967 with the total π -electronic energy of lower benzenoid hydrocarbons. We show that the upper dominating number Γ ( H ) studied in this paper delivers a strong prediction potential.

1. Introduction

All the undefined notations and terminologies have been introduced in Section 2.
Domination-related graphical parameters have immense applications in computer science, engineering and chemistry. The earliest domination-related parameters were reported in the book by Ore [1]. Over the years, diverse variants of the domination number in graphs have been proposed and studied. Some of the variants include the locating-dominating number, k-domination number and the Roman domination number, among others. There is a rich amount of the literature which has been published on the domination theory of graphs. For instance, Atakul [2] investigated the domination exponential and stability in certain families of graphs. Li [3] derived some upper/lower bounds on the Roman domination numbers of graphs. Hernández-Ortiz et al. [4] studied the weak Roman domination in certain infinite families of rooted product graphs. Cabrera-Martínez & Peiró [5] investigated the { k } -domination number of graphs with k = 2 . For a detailed survey of the mathematical results on the domination theory of graphs, we refer the reader to Haynes et al. [6].
Well-covered graphs constitute an important class of graphs introduced by Ravindra [7] back in 1977. They have been extensively studied since then. For instance, Favaron [8] extended the notion of well-covered graphs and introduced very well-covered graphs. Finbow et al. [9] characterized well-covered graphs with a girth greater than or equal to 5. King [10] classified a subclass of well-covered networks. For the well-coveredness of product graphs with such strong products of graphs, Topp & Volkmann [11] published some results. Recently, in 2018, Cartesian product graphs with well-covered properties were investigated by Hartnell et al. [12].
Well-dominated and k-extendable graphs form another structurally important class of graphs. In 1992, Anunchuen & Caccetta [13] introduced and studied critically k-extendable graphs. Well-dominated graphs first appeared in a seminal paper by Finbow et al. [14], who introduced them in the context of well-covered graphs. The well-dominated properties of a graph have an extensive amount of published results. Topp & Volkmann [15] in 1990 studied the well-coveredness and well-dominated properties of uniclycic as well as block graphs. Zverovich & Zverovich [16] proposed locally independent well-dominated and locally well-dominated graphs and showed some structural results. Gözüpek et al. [17] investigated the well-dominated property of graphs obtained from the lexicographic product of two graphs. Graphs which are { C 4 , C 5 } -free have been studied in the context of well-dominated properties by Levit & Tankus [18]. Alizadeh & Gözüpek [19] investigated bipartite graphs H, which are almost well-dominated having δ ( H ) 2 (the minimum degree in H of at least 2). For a survey on well-dominated graphs, we suggest the readers turn to a survey by Anderson et al. [20]. Recently, in 2023, Rall [21] studied the well-dominated properties of strong, direct and Cartesian product graphs.
There have been numerous recent developments on well-dominated, well-covered and k-extendable graphs. For instance, in addition to introducing the classical well-dominated graphs, Anderson et al. [22] introduced the edge version of the well-dominated graphs. Kuenzel & Rall [23] in 2024 classified the well-dominated Cartesian product of graphs. In their seminal paper, Crupi et al. [24] investigated very well-covered graphs by algebraic structures such as Betti splittings. By putting certain conditions on Δ (largest degree) and δ (smallest degree), Levit & Tankus [25] investigated well-covered graphs. Alves et al. [26] solved the graph sandwich problem in the context of partitions and well-coveredness. Regarding k-extendable graphs, Gan et al. [27] studied the k-extendability of Cayley graphs generated by transpositions. Feng et al. [28] investigated Hamiltonian cycle properties in k-extendable non-bipartite graphs with high connectivity. For implementation of machine learning by employing graph theory such as graph neural networks, we refer to [29,30,31,32,33].
In this paper, by extending the concept of k-extendable graphs, we introduce ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs. We characterize minimal dominating sets in ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs and study their well-dominated property. We also introduce and study the symmetric γ -endowed graphs and prove some structurally important results. In this work, an open problem (from Khan [34]) asking to find a domination-dependent graphical descriptor delivering a correlation coefficient of ρ > 0.9967 with the total π -electronic energy E π of lower benzenoid hydrocarbons (BHs) has been solved. Section 6 shows that the upper domination number studied in this paper delivers a correlation coefficient ρ = 0.99905 > 0.9967 with E π of lower BHs. A regression model is also proposed with a detailed statistical analysis for structure–property studies of the E π of lower BHs.

2. Preliminaries

Consider a simple graph H = ( V , E ) , where the number of vertices adjacent to a given vertex v V ( H ) is denoted by d e g ( v ) . The graph’s minimum and maximum degrees are represented by δ ( H ) and Δ ( H ) , respectively. The set of vertices adjacent to v in H is designated as N ( v ) , and the closed neighborhood of v is defined as N [ v ] = N ( v ) { v } . The complement of a graph H , denoted as H ¯ , is characterized by vertices being adjacent only if they are non-adjacent in H . For a subgraph G of H , its vertex and edge sets are denoted as V ( G ) V ( H ) and E ( G ) E ( H ) , respectively. Two subsets V 1 , V 2 V ( H ) satisfying V 1 V 2 = V ( H ) and V 1 V 2 = ϕ form a bipartition ( V 1 , V 2 ) , if for any x y E ( H ) we have x V 1 and y V 2 or vice versa. Various well-known graph structures are hereby identified, including the n-dimensional complete graph K n , cycle graph C n , path graph P n and the ( m , n ) -dimensional complete bipartite graph K m , n . Note that the start graph is merely the complete bipartite graph K 1 , n . In a connected graph, it is noteworthy that every pair of vertices is connected by a path. A subset T V ( H ) is said to be an independent set if no pair of vertices of T are adjacent in H. The maximum cardinality of an independent set is called the independence number β 0 ( H ) of H. For basic definitions, we refer the reader to [35,36].
A subset T within the vertex set V ( H ) is termed a dominating set (DS) of graph H if, for each vertex v in the complement of T there exists a vertex u in T such that u and v are adjacent. It is noteworthy that any superset of a dominating set of H also qualifies to be a dominating set of H [6,37]. Moreover, a dominating set T of H is categorized as a minimal dominating set of H if no proper subset of T possesses the property of being a dominating set of H. Minimal DSs of a graph have been characterized by Ore in his famous Ore’s theorem. A vertex z V ( H ) is said to be a private neighbour ( p n ) of y T V ( H ) with respect to T denoted by p n [ z , T ] if z N [ y ] N [ T { y } ] . A DS T is minimal if and only if the private neighboured set of any vertex of T is non-empty. Note that any DS of H contains a minimal DS of H.
The smallest (resp. largest) cardinality of a minimal DS in graph H is termed as the domination number ( γ ( H ) ) (resp. upper domination number ( Γ ( H ) ). A DS is characterized as an independent DS if all the vertices in it are independent (i.e., mutually non-adjacent). The cardinality of the smallest independent DS is defined as the independent domination number and is represented by i ( H ) . For instance, in the star graph K 1 , n where n 2 , the set of pendant vertices qualifies to be a DS, however, it does not encompass a minimal DS.
Berge [38] initiated the study of independent sets being contained in maximum independent sets. The natural curiosity is to start a similar study of DSs comprising a minimum DS. The minimum cardinality of such DSs are called γ -sets. Some dominating sets of a graph contain a minimum dominating sets while some may not. Claude Berge in 1980 defined k-extendable graphs as those in which any independent set of cardinality k is part of a maximum independent set of the graph. Graphs which are 1-extendable are called Berge graphs. This has led to the concepts of well-covered and well-dominated graphs. Analogous to k-extendable graphs, the concept of ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs is being introduced in this paper.
In ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs, every dominating set of cardinality k contains a minimum dominating set of the graph. Alternatively, a dominating set of a graph H containing a minimum dominating set of H is called a γ -endowed dominating set of H. If that set is of cardinality k then it is called a ( k , γ ) -endowed dominating set. If in a graph H, minimal dominating sets of cardinality greater than γ ( H ) exist, such sets will not qualify to be γ -endowed. Moreover if γ ( H ) = Γ ( H ) , then every dominating set of H contains a minimum dominating set of H . This is one extreme. The other extreme is that for every positive integer γ ( H ) < k < Γ ( H ) , there exists a minimal dominating set of H of cardinality k. The former concept is well-known and named as well-dominated graphs. In this article, we discuss the results related to ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs.

3. ( k , γ ) -Endowed Graphs

Let us define the concept of a ( k , γ ) -endowed graph.
Definition 1.
Let k be a positive integer. A simple graph H is called a ( k , γ ) -endowed graph if every dominating set of cardinality k in H contains a minimum dominating set of H.
Remark 1.
  • Note that every n-vertex graph possesses the ( n , γ ) -endowed property as well as the ( γ , γ ) -endowed property.
  • If H is ( k , γ ) -endowed, then k inherently satisfies k γ ( H ) .
  • If the domination number γ ( H ) in graph H is less than its upper domination number Γ ( H ) , then H does not exhibit the ( Γ , γ ) -endowed property.
We discuss the ( k , γ ) -endowed property of some standard graph families.
Example 1.
  • K n is k-endowed for all K , 1 k n .
  • K 1 , n is k-endowed for all k except when k = n , 1 k n + 1 .
  • P 3 n is trivially γ-endowed.
  • C 3 n ( n 2 ) is trivially γ-endowed.
  • K m , n is ( k , γ ) -endowed for every k , 2 k m + n except when k { m , n } .
  • Let D r , s be the double star which is constructed by adjoining the centers of two stars K 1 , s and K 1 , r . Let r s . D r , s is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k such that 2 k r and k = r + s + 2 and not ( k , γ ) -endowed for r + 1 k r + s + 1 .
  • In the case of the Peterson graph P , γ ( P ) = 3 , β 0 ( P ) = 4 and P is ( k , γ ) -endowed, if k 4 , 3 k 10 .
  • K n e is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k 2 , k = 1 , 2 , , n .
  • Assume that G = ( C , I ) is a complete split graph. Then, H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k except when l = | I | .
Remark 2.
Let H = P n when n 5 . We have γ ( P n ) = n 3 (for any three consecutive vertices of P n , one vertex contributes to the DS), β 0 ( P n ) = n 2 and i ( P n ) = n 2 . Since n 5 , γ ( P n ) < β 0 ( P n ) . Therefore, P n is not k-endowed when k = β 0 ( H ) . If n 8 , P n is not k-endowed when k = β 0 ( P n ) and k = i ( P n ) . Moreover,
  • When n = 6 , γ ( P 6 ) = 2 , β 0 ( P 6 ) = i ( P 6 ) = 3 .
  • When n = 7 , γ ( P n ) = 3 , β 0 ( P 7 ) = 4 , i ( P 7 ) = 3 .
Example 2.
The graph K 1 , n is ( k , γ ) -endowed for every k , 1 k n 1 . It is not ( n , γ ) -endowed though. Note that the above example shows that a graph H may be ( k , γ ) -endowed for some positive integer k but may not be ( l , γ ) -endowed for some l > k . There exists a graph H in which H is ( k , γ ) -endowed but not ( l , γ ) -endowed for all l , where k < l n 1 .  Figure 1 presents a graph H possessing γ ( H ) = 2 . Moreover, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for any t , 3 t 5 .
  • Open Problem: Under what conditions on H, the property of being ( k , γ ) -endowed, is it implied that H is ( l , γ ) -endowed for all l , k l n ?
Observation 1.
  • If H has a γ-fixed vertex u, i.e., that is every γ-set (a DS of cardinality γ) of H contains u which is not an isolated vertex, then H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k, in which the existence of a DS of cardinality k is not containing u . In particular, H is not ( ( n 1 ) , γ ) -endowed (when H is of order n).
  • If H has t full degree vertices, then H is ( k , γ ) -endowed if k = 1 or n t + 1 k n . Also, if S is the set of all full degree vertices then for any k such that γ ( H S ) k n | S | , H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed.
  • If γ ( H ) < i ( H ) and Γ ( H ) < n then H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed when k = i ( H ) , β 0 ( H ) and Γ ( H ) .
  • Assume H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed. Then, H t K 1 is not ( ( k + t ) , γ ) -endowed.
  • If H has a minimal DS of cardinality k > γ , then H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed.

4. Graphs with Unique Minimum DS

In this section, we study unique minimum dominating sets in ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs.
Proposition 1.
Consider a simple graph H possessing no isolated members. If H has a unique minimum DS, then H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for any k , where n γ ( H ) k n 1 .
Suppose T is the minimum DS of H . As H possesses no isolated members, V T is a DS of T and | V T | = n γ ( H ) . Hence H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed if k = n γ ( H ) . Also, for any k , n γ ( H ) k n 1 , ( V T ) T 1 where T 1 is a subset of T of cardinality k ( n γ ( H ) ) is a DS of H not containing T . Hence H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed if n γ ( H ) k n 1 .
Proposition 2.
Let H be a graph without isolated members. Let T = { u 1 , u 2 , , u k } be a unique minimum DS of H . Every vertex u i T has at least two p n in V T with respect to T . (That is, | p n ( u , D ) ( V T ) | 2 ).
Assume that u i lacks a pendant neighbor ( p n ) in the set V T with respect to T . In this scenario, u i is an isolated member in the induced subgraph T . As u i is not an isolated member in the original graph H , there must exist a vertex v N ( u i ) ( V T ) . Let T 1 = u 1 , u 2 , , u i 1 , v , u i + 1 , , u k . Note that any u i ’s neighbor (resp. the vertices u i ) is dominated by T 1 { v } (resp. v). Consequently, T 1 qualifies as a minimum DS of H , leading to a contradiction.
Hence, it is established that every vertex u i in T must have a pendant neighbor in V T . Now, let us consider the case where u i possesses exactly one pendant neighbor in V T concerning T . Denote the sole pendant neighbor of u i as v . Form the set T 2 = u 1 , u 2 , , u i 1 , v , u i + 1 , , u k . In this configuration, v dominates u i , and any neighbor of u i (excluding v) is dominated by T 2 { v } . Therefore, T 2 constitutes a minimum DS of H , resulting in a contradiction.
Consequently, it can be concluded that each vertex u i must have at least two pendant neighbors in V T with respect to T. □
Remark 3.
Let H be a graph without isolated members. Assume T = { u 1 , , u k } is a unique minimum DS of H. Let α = min 1 i k | p n ( u i , T ) | and | p n ( u i , T ) | = α . Then ( T { u i } ) p n ( u i , T ) ) is a DS of H of cardinality k + α 1 k + 1 , since α 2 ).
Proposition 3.
Suppose H is a graph possessing no isolated members. Assume T = { u 1 , , u k } is a unique minimum DS of H . Then, γ ( p n ( u i , T ) ) 2 .
Suppose for some i , γ ( p n ( u , T ) ) = 1 . Let x p n ( u i , T ) and let { x } be a DS of γ ( p n ( u i , T ) ) . Then, ( T { u i } ) { x } is a DS of H with number of members γ ( H ) , a contradiction. Therefore, γ ( p n ( u i , T ) ) 2 .
Corollary 1.
The induced graph p n ( u i , T ) has no full degree vertex for every u i T .
Remark 4.
  • Let H be a graph without isolated members. Assume T = { u 1 , , u k } is a unique minimum DS of H . Let γ ( V T ) = a . Then, for any k 1 such that a k 1 n k , there exists a DS of cardinality k 1 . These DSs do not contain T . Therefore, H is not ( k 1 , γ ) -endowed for all k 1 with γ ( V T ) ) k 1 n k .
  • There exists a graph with the unique minimum DS which is not ( ( γ + 2 ) , γ ) -endowed and which is ( ( γ + 1 ) , γ ) -endowed. For example, consider H = K 1 , 3 ; γ ( H ) = 1 , then H is not ( 3 , γ ) -endowed, however, H is ( 2 , γ ) -endowed.
  • There exists a graph with a unique minimum DS which is ( γ + 1 , γ ) -endowed and which is not ( γ ( H ) + 2 , γ ) -endowed and | V ( H ) | ( γ ( H ) + 2 ) is large. Let H = T 3 ,   k 1 ,   k 4 . Then, H has a unique minimum DS and γ ( H ) = 2 . Moreover, H is ( 3 , γ ) -endowed, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , 4 k k + 4 . Hence, | V ( H ) | ( γ ( H ) + 2 ) = k + 4 4 = k .
  • Let H be a graph without isolated members. Let T = { u 1 , u 2 , , u γ } be a unique minimum DS of H. Let min γ ( p n ( u i , T ) ) = a , . Then, H is not a ( k , γ ) -endowed for k satisfying γ ( H ) + a 1 k n 1 .
  • Consider H = K n 1 , n 2 , , n k where n 1 < n 2 < < n k . Then, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for k = n 1 , n 2 , , n k and H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k n 1 , n 2 , , n k and 2 k n .
Proposition 4.
Assume a Z + to be the minimum satisfying γ ( H ) < a and H contains a minimal DS of cardinality a . Then, H is a ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , γ ( H ) k a 1 .
Let T be a DS of cardinality k , γ ( H ) k a 1 , by hypothesis, T is not minimal and T cannot contain a minimal DS other than a γ -set. Therefore, T is a ( k , γ ) -endowed. □
Corollary 2.
Under the hypothesis of the above remark and assuming a γ ( H ) + 1 , H is not trivially γ-endowed.
Remark 5.
There exists a graph H with a unique minimum DS such that every DS of cardinality γ ( H ) + 1 contains the unique minimum DS.
Example 3.
  • The star K 1 , n .
  • For the graph H in Figure 2, any DS of cardinality 5 contains T. There exists a DS of cardinality 6, namely { v 1 , v 2 , v 3 , v 14 , v 15 , v 16 } which does not contain T . Therefore, H is not a ( 6 , γ ) -endowed. In fact, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for any k such that 6 k 15 .
Remark 6.
Let H be the graph without isolated members. Let T be the unique minimum DS of H . Let T = { u 1 , u 2 , , u γ ( H ) } and k = min { p n [ u i , T ] : 1 i γ } . Moreover, let T 1 = { u 1 , u 2 , , u i 1 , u i + 1 , , u γ ( H ) } p n ( u i , T ) where p n ( u i , T ) = k . Therefore, H is not ( ( γ ( H ) 1 ) + k , γ ) -endowed. Therefore, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , such that γ ( H ) 1 + k 1 + n .
Theorem 1.
Suppose H is a graph without isolated members with a unique minimum DS T . Let = min u i T { ( p n ( u i , T ) } . Then, H is ( 1 , γ ) -endowed for γ ( H ) 1 γ ( V T ) 1 and not ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if γ ( V T ) 1 n 1 provided | V T | = 1 + γ ( H ) . If | V T | > 1 + γ ( H ) , and γ ( H ) > 1 + γ ( H ) , then H is ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if γ ( H ) 1 γ ( H ) + 2 and not ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if γ ( H ) + 1 1 n 1 .
Let T be a unique minimum DS of H . Let = min { | p n ( u i , T ) | : u i T } . Suppose | V T | = n γ ( H ) < γ ( H ) + 1 . Since any vertex of T has at least   p n s in V T , | V T | γ ( H ) . Therefore, γ ( H ) | V T | = n γ ( H ) < γ ( H ) + 1 . ( 1 ) γ ( H ) < 1 . Since 2 , that is γ ( H ) < 1 , a contradiction.
Case (i): | V T | = γ ( H ) + 1 . Therefore, γ ( H ) γ + 1 , that is ( 1 ) γ ( H ) 1 . 2 , γ 1 Therefore, γ ( H ) = 1 . Let s = γ ( V T ) . If 1 t s 1 , then any DS of cardinality t contains T. Therefore, for all 1 , such that 1 1 γ ( V T ) 1 , H is ( 1 , γ ) -endowed. Therefore, for all 1 such that γ ( V T ) 1 n 1 , H is not ( 1 , γ ) -endowed.
Subcase (i): γ ( H ) < γ ( H ) + 1 < | V T | . Then ( 1 ) γ ( H ) < 1 . Therefore, γ ( H ) < 1 (since 2 ), a contradiction.
Subcase (ii): γ ( H ) + 1 < | V T | . Then, ( 1 ) γ ( H ) = 1 . Therefore, γ ( H ) = 1 . Proceeding as in case (i), we obtain the result.
Subcase (iii): γ ( H ) + 1 . Then, ( 1 ) γ ( H ) > 1 . Therefore, γ ( H ) > 1 . That is, γ ( H ) 2 . If γ ( H ) 1 γ + 2 then any 1 DS of H must contain T .
Suppose T 1 is a DS of H of cardinality 1 γ + 2 . Suppose T 1 does not contain T . Then, for any vertex in V T 1 , p n of that vertex belong to T 1 . Suppose T 1 does not contain t vertices of T , t 0 . Therefore, H 1 contains 2 t vertices from V T . Therefore, | T 1 | = γ ( H ) t + 2 t γ ( H ) + 2 . Therefore, 2 t t 2 . Since 2 ,   2 ( 2 t 1 ) ( 2 t 1 ) t 2 . Therefore, 4 t 2 t 2 , therefore, 3 t 0 , thus, t = 0 . Hence, D 1 contains every vertex of T . Thus, H is ( 1 , γ ) -endowed for γ ( H ) 1 γ ( H ) + 2 . If γ ( H ) + 1 1 n 1 then there exists a DS of cardinality 1 not containing a vertex u T for which | p n ( u , T ) | = . Hence, H is not ( 1 , γ ) -endowed for 1 with γ ( H ) + 1 1 n 1 .
Corollary 3.
Let r , s 2 , r s . Then, D r , s is ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if 2 1 r and is not ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if r + 1 1 n 1 .
Since γ ( D r , s ) = 2 and D r , s has a unique minimum DS T consisting of the two centers, say, u 1 and u 2 . p n ( u 1 , T ) = r if u 1 supports r pendant vertices. = min { p n ( u 1 , T ) , p n ( u 2 , T ) } = min ( r , s ) = r .   γ + 1 = r + 2 1 = r + 1 . γ = 2 r . Since r 2 , γ > γ + 1 . Also | V T | = r + s + 2 2 = r + s > r + 1 , since s 2 . Therefore, by Theorem 1, D r , s is ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if r 1 r + 2 and is not ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if γ + 1 1 n 1 . That is, D r , s is ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if 2 1 r and is not ( 1 , γ ) -endowed if r + 1 1 n 1 .
Remark 7.
D r , s is trivially γ-endowed if 2 = r s .
Theorem 2.
Suppose H is a graph without isolated members. Assume u is a γ-fixed member of H. Let k = min { | p n ( u , T ) | : T is a γ-set of H } . Then, H is not ( k 1 , γ ) -endowed for all k 1 , γ + k 1 k 1 n 1 .
Suppose T is a minimum DS of H satisfying | p n ( u , T ) | is minimum. Let | p n ( u , T ) | = k and p n ( u , T ) = { v 1 , v 2 , , v k } . Then, T 1 = ( T { u } ) { v 1 , v 2 , , v k } is a DS of H. Since u T 1 , we have that T 1 does not contain any γ -set of H. Therefore, H is not ( γ + k 1 , γ ) -endowed and hence H is not ( k 1 , γ ) -endowed for all k 1 , γ + k 1 k 1 n 1 .
Here we have a subsequent corollary to Theorem 2.
Corollary 4.
When k = 2 , H is trivially γ-endowed.
Theorem 3.
Let H be a graph without isolated members in which γ ( H ) < i ( H ) < β 0 ( H ) . Suppose there exists a minimum independent DS T in which at least one vertex, say u, has a p n in V T with respect to T . Then, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for k = i and i + 1 .
Suppose T is a minimum independent DS of H. Then, | T | = i 2 . Moreover, by hypothesis, existence of a u T is ensured, satisfying p n ( u , T ) = Ø . Let v p n ( u , T ) and T 1 = T { v } . Suppose T 1 contains a minimum DS, say S of H. Clearly, S T . Therefore, v S . Since | S | = γ ( H ) < i ( H ) , | S T | i 2 . Let u 1 , u 2 T S . Since v p n ( u , T ) , v can dominate at most one of u 1 , u 2 . Since S { v } contains independent vertices of T , no vertices of S { v } can dominate u 1 as well as u 2 , a contradiction, since S is a DS of H . Therefore, T 1 does not contain any minimum DS of H . Therefore, H is not ( ( i ( H ) + 1 ) , γ ) -endowed. □
Remark 8.
  • Consider K m , n where m n 3 , then γ ( H ) = 2 and i ( H ) = min { m , n } = n = 3 . The partite set with n elements constitutes a minimum independent DS and no vertex of this set has a p n in the complement.
  • For the graph H in Figure 3, { v 2 , v 3 } is the only minimum DS of H and { v 2 , v 4 , v 7 } is a minimum independent DS of H. Therefore, i ( H ) = 3 . The subsets { v 2 , v 4 , v 5 , v 7 } , { v 2 , v 4 , v 7 } and { v 2 , v 4 , v 5 , v 6 , v 7 } are a DS of H not containing any γ-set of H. Therefore, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for k = 3 , 4 and 5. See Figure 3.
Proposition 5.
Suppose H is a graph having no isolated members in which γ ( H ) < i ( H ) . Suppose there exists a minimum independent DS named T = { u 1 , u 2 , , u i ( H ) } satisfying | p n [ u j , T ] | = | t j | , 1 j i ( G ) . Let t j 2 for j = j 1 , j 2 , , j r , r 1 . Then, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for k = i , i + 1 , , i + j ( j 1 , j 2 , , j r ) t j .
Assume T = { u 1 , u 2 , , u i ( H ) } is a minimum independent DS of H. Let | p n [ u j , T ] | = | t j | , 1 j i ( H ) . Let t j 2 for j = j 1 , j 2 , , j r , r 1 and S = T { j ( j 1 , j 2 , , j r ) p n [ u j , T ] } . Suppose S contains a γ -set of H, say, S 1 = { x 1 , x 2 , , x r } . Since T is a minimum independent DS of H . Then, T is minimal DS of H . Therefore, S 1 T and S 11 = S 1 T , S 12 = S 1 ( S T ) . Moreover, let T = T ( S 1 T ) . Therefore, S 12 dominates T . Also | T | | S 12 | (since every vertex of S 12 is a p n of some vertex of T ) . i ( H ) = | T | = | T | + | S 11 | | S 12 | + | S 11 | = | S 1 | = γ ( H ) . Therefore, i ( H ) = γ ( H ) , a contradiction, since γ ( H ) < i ( H ) .
Remark 9.
Assume T is a minimal independent DS of H . Let γ ( H ) < i ( H ) | T | = β 0 ( H ) . Assume T = { u 1 , u 2 , , u r } satisfies | p n [ u j , T ] | = t j , 1 j r . Let t j 2 for j = j 1 , j 2 , , j s , s 1 . Then, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for k = r , r + 1 , , r + j ( j 1 , j 2 , , j r ) t j .
Remark 10.
Existence of a graph H is depicted in Figure 4 with γ ( H ) < β 0 ( H ) and H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k. We have the following:
  • β 0 ( H ) k | V ( H ) | 1 ;
  • γ-set: D = { v 10 , v 13 , v 16 , v 19 } . γ ( H ) = 4 . β 0 -set: { v 1 , , v 8 } , β 0 ( H ) = 8 .
  • p n [ u j , D ] = { v 9 , , v 12 , v 14 , , v 20 }
  • j ( j 1 , j 2 , , j r ) t j = 11 .
Figure 4. The graph H in Remark 10.
Figure 4. The graph H in Remark 10.
Symmetry 16 00663 g004
Theorem 4.
Assume an n-vertex graph H comprises a minimal DS of cardinality n 1 , then
γ ( H ) = n 1 if H has exactly ( n 2 ) isolated members.
γ ( H ) = n t if H has exactly ( n t 1 ) isolated members and the remaining vertices form a star.
Let T be a minimal DS of cardinality n 1 . Let γ ( H ) = { u 1 , u 2 , , u n } and let T = { u 1 , u 2 , , u n 3 } . Then, u n is adjacent to some point of D, say, u i , 1 i n 1 .
Case (i):T is independent. Then, H is K 1 , t ( n t 1 ) K 1 where 1 t n 1 . Thus, γ ( H ) = 1 + n t 1 = n t .
Case (ii):T is not independent. Let WLOG assume that u 1 u 2 . Then, u n is adjacent with exactly one of u 1 , u 2 T (since T is minimal). Therefore, H = P 3 ( n 3 ) K 1 . This implies that γ ( H ) = n 2 = n t where t = 2 and H = K 1 , t ( n t 1 ) K 1 .
Corollary 5.
  • Consider a graph H with an order of n . The graph H possesses a minimal DS of cardinality n 1 if and only if H can be expressed as K 1 , t ( n t 1 ) K 1 , where 1 t n 1 .
  • Let H be a graph of order n with a minimal DS of cardinality n 1 . In such a case, H is trivially γ-endowed if and only if H takes the form K 1 , t ( n t 1 ) K 1 , where t { 1 , 2 } . Alternatively, if H is an n-vertex graph with γ ( H ) = n 1 , then H is trivially γ-endowed if and only if H is either K 2 ( n 2 ) K 1 or K 1 , 2 K 1 .
Example 4.
Figure 5 presents a graph H with γ ( H ) = 2 , Γ ( H ) = n 2 .
Remark 11.
Example 4 implies that there are graphs H in which γ ( H ) = β 0 ( G ) and Γ ( H ) = β 0 ( H ) + 1 and H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , γ ( H ) k n except when k = Γ ( H ) .
Example 5.
Figure 6 exhibits a graph H having γ ( H ) = 4 = β 0 ( H ) and Γ ( H ) = 5 .
Theorem 5.
Let u , v V ( H ) be such that any minimum DS of H either contains u or v. Suppose there exists a DS of cardinality γ + 1 not containing u and v . Then, H is almost trivially γ-endowed, that is, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , γ ( H ) + 1 k n 2 .
Let T be a DS of cardinality γ ( H ) + 1 not containing u and v. For any w not equal to u , v , we have that T { w } is a DS of cardinality γ ( H ) + 2 and it does not contain any minimum DS of H . In general, if v 1 , v 2 , , v ( γ ( H ) + 3 ) T { u , v } , the set T { v 1 , v 2 , , v γ ( H ) + 3 } is a DS of cardinality n 2 and this does not contain any minimum DS. Thus, H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , γ ( H ) + 1 k n 2 .
Corollary 6.
Suppose u , v V ( H ) exist, satisfying the condition that any minimum DS of H either contains u or contains v and there exists a DS of cardinality γ ( H ) + 1 not containing u and v. Moreover, if H is not ( ( n + 1 ) , γ ) -endowed, then H is trivially γ-endowed.
Observation 2.
If H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , γ ( H ) k n except for exactly one value of k , say, l then in the sequence γ ( H ) i ( G ) β 0 ( H ) Γ ( H ) , there are only two distinct values, as well as any minimal DS of H or a Γ-set (a minimum DS with cardinality Γ ( H ) ) of H . The following two graphs satisfy the above property:
Let H = K 2 , 4 . Then, γ = 2 , β 0 ( H ) = Γ ( H ) = 4 and H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , 2 k 6 except for k = 4 .
Assume the graph H is obtained from 2 C 5 by joining one vertex of one C 5 with exactly one vertex of another C 5 . See Figure 7.
Consider C n , n 1 , 2 ( mod 3 ) . Suppose n = 3 t + 1 or 3 t + 2 . Then, γ ( C n ) = t + 1 = n + 2 3 or n + 1 3 . Moreover,
β 0 ( H ) = n 1 2 n is odd n 2 n is even .
For this class of graphs H, the graph H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , γ ( H ) k n except for k = β 0 ( C n ) = Γ ( C n ) .

5. Symmetric γ -Endowed Graphs

First, we define the symmetric γ -endowed graphs.
Definition 2.
A graph H is said to be symmetric γ-endowed if for every k , γ ( H ) k n , H is ( k , γ ) -endowed.
Let us illustrate this concept by studying it for standard families.
Example 6.
  • K n , K n ¯ , ( n 2 ) K 2 ¯ , C n ( n 1 mod 3 ) are symmetric γ-endowed.
  • K 1 , n , C 3 n ( n 2 ) are not symmetric γ-endowed.
Observation 3.
A graph H is symmetric γ-endowed if and only H is well-dominated.
Let H be well-dominated. Then, we have Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) . Let T be any DS of H of cardinality k γ ( H ) . Then, D contains a minimal DS of H . But, any minimal DS of H is a minimum DS of H . Therefore, H is ( k , γ ) -endowed. Therefore, H is symmetric γ -endowed. Conversely, if H is symmetric γ -endowed then Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) and hence H is well-dominated. □
Proposition 6.
The polygon C n is symmetric γ-endowed if and only if n = 4 , 5 , 7 , 10 and 13. Moreover, γ ( C n ) = n 3 and β 0 ( C n ) = n 2 .
If n 0 ( mod k ) and n 12 , n 2 n 3 2 and hence there exists a DS of cardinality n 3 + 1 which does not contain a minimum DS. If n 1 or 2 (mod k) and n 16 , then n 2 n 3 2 . There exists a DS of cardinality n 3 + 1 which does not contain a minimum DS. It can be easily verified that C 6 , C 9 and C 12 are not γ -endowed. The same goes for C 8 , C 11 , and C 14 . □
Observation 4.
A complete bipartite graph is not symmetric γ-endowed.
Lemma 1.
Let H be a simple graph in which Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 1 . Suppose H is ( ( γ + 2 ) , γ ) -endowed, then H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k γ ( H ) + 2 .
Let T be a DS of H of cardinality k γ ( H ) + 2 . Then, T contains a minimal DS of H. Suppose D does not contain a minimal DS of H . Then, T contains a Γ ( H ) -set S of H . Since | T | Γ ( H ) + 1 , | T S | 1 . Let u T S . Then, S { u } is a DS of cardinality γ ( H ) + 2 . By hypothesis, S { u } is γ -endowed. There exists a γ -endowed set, say T 1 , which is contained in S { u } and hence contained in T .
As a converse to Lemma 1, we have:
Lemma 2.
Let H be a simple graph which is not well-dominated. Suppose H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k γ ( H ) + 2 then γ ( H ) = Γ ( H ) + 1 .
Since H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k γ ( H ) + 2 ,   Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) or γ ( H ) + 1 . Since H is not well-dominated, γ ( H ) Γ ( H ) . Therefore, Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 1 .
Proposition 7.
Let H be a simple graph. H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k except k = γ ( H ) + 1 if and only if Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 1 and H is ( γ + 2 , γ ) -endowed.
If Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 1 and H is ( γ + 2 , γ ) -endowed then by the Lemma 2, H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k except k = γ ( H ) + 1 .
Conversely, if H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , γ ( H ) k n except for k = γ ( H ) + 1 , then Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 1 and clearly H is ( ( γ + 2 ) , γ ) -endowed. □
Remark 12.
There are graphs in which Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 1 and H is not ( ( γ ( H ) + 2 ) , γ ) -endowed. For a graph H in Figure 8, consider that { u 1 , u 2 } is the unique minimum DS of H Moreover, { u 2 , u 4 , u 6 } , { u 1 , u 3 , u 5 } , { u 3 , u 5 , u 6 } , { u 4 , u 5 , u 6 } are Γ-sets of H . Any four or five element DS of H contains either { u 1 , u 2 } or any of the Γ-set of this graph is not ( ( γ ( H ) + 2 ) , γ ) -endowed since { u 3 , u 4 , u 5 , u 6 } is a DS of cardinality 4 = γ ( H ) + 2 and this set does not contain the unique minimum DS of H .
Theorem 6.
Let H be a simple graph which is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k except k = γ ( H ) + 1 . Then, for any γ ( H ) - set T of H and for any u V T , the existence of two vertices v 1 , v 2 T is ensured, satisfying p n [ { v 1 , v 2 } , T ] N ( u ) .
By hypothesis, Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 1 . Let D be a γ ( H ) - set of H . Then, by using the hypothesis that “ T { u } is a DS”, we obtain that H contains a γ -endowed set, say T 1 . We have that T 1 = ( T { v 1 , v 2 } ) { u } where v 1 , v 2 T that is, for any u V T . This implies that there exists two vertices v 1 , v 2 T such that p n [ { v 1 , v 2 } , T ] N ( u ) .
Example 7.
Consider the graph H in Figure 9. The sets { u 2 , u 4 } , { u 2 , u 1 } , { u 2 , u 3 } , { u 4 , u 5 } are the γ-endowed sets of H. T = { u 1 , u 3 , u 5 } is a γ ( H ) - set of H . u 2 , u 4 V T . T 1 = { u 1 , u 2 } is a γ-endowed set of H . T 2 = { u 4 , u 5 } is a γ-endowed set of H . Moreover, p n [ { u 3 , u 5 } , T ] = { u 3 , u 5 } N ( u ) .
Example 8.
There exists a graph H with Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 3 and H is ( γ ( H ) + 2 , γ ) -endowed. See Figure 10.
Let H = K 1 , 4 , γ ( H ) = 1 , Γ ( H ) = 4 . Therefore Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 3 . Any DS of cardinality D with | D | 3 containing the central vertex is, in fact, a minimum DS. Therefore, H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for k = 1 , 2 , 3 and 5. Therefore, H is ( γ + 2 , γ ) -endowed.
Example 9.
In K 2 , 5 , we have γ ( H ) = 2 , Γ ( H ) = 5 and H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , 2 k 7 except when k = 5 . In this graph, we have Γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 3 and H is ( γ + 2 , γ ) -endowed.

6. Application of γ in QSPR Models

This section investigates a significant applicability of the upper domination number within the context of QSPR studies of benzenoid hydrocarbons (BHs).
The total π -electron ( E π ) energy in BHs that can be modelled through structure–property relationships has emerged as an active research field. Notably, Luči’c et al. [39] demonstrated a close interrelation between product/sum-connectivity descriptors, which exhibit significant accuracy in predicting E π for BHs. Their study focused on a selection of 30 BHs as test molecules. Subsequently, their work was expanded by Luči’c et al. to encompass generalized versions of these connectivity descriptors denoted as χ α and χ α s , identifying optimal values ( χ 0.2661 and χ 0.5601 s ) that offer superior predictive capabilities for E π in BHs. Furthermore, Hayat and coauthors [40] (and Hayat et al. [41]) investigated the estimation ability of valency-related (and distance-dependent) indices commonly observed in BHs. For insights into the effectiveness of eigenvalue-dependent spectral descriptors in E π prediction for BHs, readers are directed to [42,43]. Additionally, recent advancements in QSPR models for chemical/physical characteristics in biomolecular networks as well as nano-structures have been discussed in [44,45,46,47,48]. For the predictive potential of graphical indices for thermodynamic properties of benzenoid hydrocarbons, we refer the reader to [49,50,51,52]. For the structure–property modeling of different chemical properties of a specific set of test molecules, the reader is referred to [53,54,55].
In a recent work, Khan [34] carried out a comparison analysis of seven domination-dependent graphical descriptors (excluding Γ ), aiming to establish correlations with the E π of lower BHs. Among these parameters, the work by Khan [34] showcased that the paired-domination number γ p exhibits the most significant capability, showing a high correlation number of ρ = 0.9967 . The following question was raised by concluding the investigation.
Problem 7.
Find a domination-dependent graphical descriptor γ for which the correlation coefficient ρ ( E π , γ ) of lower BHs exceeds ρ > 0.9967 ?
This section addresses Problem 7 and demonstrates that the upper domination number Γ yields an enhanced correlative capability, with E π of BHs exhibiting ρ ( E π , Γ ) = 0.99905 > 0.9967 . To demonstrate this, 30 lower BHs as suggested by Khan [34] were opted. Figure 11 displays the BHs investigated in this analysis.
Subsequently, we determine the locating–dominating number Γ for the 30 BHs depicted in Figure 11. The values of the locating–dominating number Γ and E π ( β ) , measured in units of β , are presented in Table 1 for the 30 lower BHs shown in Figure 11. Utilizing Table 1’s data, we conducted thorough regression and correlation analyses. Initially, the correlation coefficient valuing ρ = 0.99905 was calculated, which is considerably higher than the minimum value of ρ = 0.9967 . Subsequently, a comprehensive statistical data investigation was carried out. The most significant data-fitting regression model suggested by data analysis is linear. The subsequent details include a regression equation with 95% estimated confidence values and other important statistical values derived from Table 1.
E π ( β ) = 2 . 911 ± 0.0490 Γ 1 . 003 ± 0.5066 , ρ = 0.99905 , s = 0.3134 , r 2 = 0.9981 .
Subsequently, we present the scatter plot depicting the relationship between Γ and E π for 30 lower BHs. Refer to Figure 12.
Table 1. E π ( β ) and the upper domination number of 30 lower BHs (View Figure 11).
Table 1. E π ( β ) and the upper domination number of 30 lower BHs (View Figure 11).
Molecule E π ( β ) Γ

7. Conclusions

The concept of ( k , γ ) -endowed graphs has been put forward. Furthermore, we characterized the graphs with unique minimum D-sets. In the last section, we introduced and studied symmetric γ -endowed graphs. In the second part of the paper, we found a domination-based parameter which showcases a correlation value of ρ = 0.99905 with E π ( β ) of lower BHs, thus answering an open problem in [34]. The following problems are naturally raised from the findings of this study.
  • Open Problems:
Problem 8.
Characterize graphs such that H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , satisfying γ ( H ) k γ ( H ) 1 and not ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k with γ ( H ) k n 1 .
Problem 9.
Characterize graphs H with γ ( H ) = γ ( H ) + 1 such that H is not ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , γ ( H ) k n 1 .
The search for identifying the optimal domination-related parameter to predict E π ( β ) is still ongoing. Therefore, we encounter the following issue.
Problem 10.
Find a graphical descriptor γ for which the correlation coefficient ρ ( E π , γ ) of BHs exceeds ρ = 0.99905 ?

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.H.; methodology, R.S., V.S. and M.H.J.; software, M.J.F.A.; validation, M.S. and M.J.F.A.; formal analysis, M.S., V.S. and M.H.J.; investigation, S.H., M.S., V.S. and M.H.J.; resources, A.K.; data curation, R.S.; writing—original draft preparation, S.H., R.S. and V.S.; writing—review and editing, S.H., A.K. and M.J.F.A.; visualization, M.H.J.; supervision, R.S.; project administration, A.K.; funding acquisition, A.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The APC was funded by A. Khan who was sponsored by the Key Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Guangdong Province of Maritime Silk Road of Guangzhou University, grant No. GD22TWCXGC15, the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 622260-101, and also by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, grant No. WGXZ2023054L. S. Hayat is supported by UBD Faculty Research Grant with Grant Number UBD/RSCH/1.4/FICBF(b)/2022/053 the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 622260-101). Also, authors thank the management, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Kalavakkam. M.J.F. Alenazi extends his appreciation to Researcher Supporting Project number (RSPD2024R582), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Data Availability Statement

There is no data associated with this manuscript.


The authors are thankful to all the reviewers for carefully reading the submitted version of the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no potential conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
MDPIMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
DOAJDirectory of open access journals
TLAThree letter acronym
LDLinear dichroism


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Figure 1. The graph H with γ ( H ) = 2 . Moreover, H is not ( t , γ ) -endowed for any t , 3 t 5 .
Figure 1. The graph H with γ ( H ) = 2 . Moreover, H is not ( t , γ ) -endowed for any t , 3 t 5 .
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Figure 2. The graph H in Example 3.
Figure 2. The graph H in Example 3.
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Figure 3. The graph H in Remark 8.
Figure 3. The graph H in Remark 8.
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Figure 5. The graph H with γ ( H ) = 2 , Γ ( H ) = n 2 .
Figure 5. The graph H with γ ( H ) = 2 , Γ ( H ) = n 2 .
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Figure 6. The graph H with γ ( H ) = 4 = β 0 ( H ) and Γ ( H ) = 5 . Moreover, { v 3 , v 4 , v 6 , v 7 , v 10 } is a γ ( H ) - set of H . Thus, H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k 6 .
Figure 6. The graph H with γ ( H ) = 4 = β 0 ( H ) and Γ ( H ) = 5 . Moreover, { v 3 , v 4 , v 6 , v 7 , v 10 } is a γ ( H ) - set of H . Thus, H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k 6 .
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Figure 7. The graph H having γ ( H ) = 4 = β 0 ( H ) and Γ ( H ) = 5 . Note that H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , 4 k 10 except when k = 5 .
Figure 7. The graph H having γ ( H ) = 4 = β 0 ( H ) and Γ ( H ) = 5 . Note that H is ( k , γ ) -endowed for all k , 4 k 10 except when k = 5 .
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Figure 8. A graph in which any of the Γ -sets of this graph are not ( ( γ ( H ) + 2 ) , γ ) -endowed.
Figure 8. A graph in which any of the Γ -sets of this graph are not ( ( γ ( H ) + 2 ) , γ ) -endowed.
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Figure 9. The graph H with p n [ { u 1 , u 3 } , T ] = { u 1 , u 3 } N ( u ) .
Figure 9. The graph H with p n [ { u 1 , u 3 } , T ] = { u 1 , u 3 } N ( u ) .
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Figure 10. The graph H is ( γ ( H ) + 2 , γ ) -endowed.
Figure 10. The graph H is ( γ ( H ) + 2 , γ ) -endowed.
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Figure 11. Graphical structures of the test molecules which have been considered.
Figure 11. Graphical structures of the test molecules which have been considered.
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Figure 12. Scatter plot for Γ and E π for 30 lower BHs.
Figure 12. Scatter plot for Γ and E π for 30 lower BHs.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Hayat, S.; Sundareswaran, R.; Shanmugapriya, M.; Khan, A.; Swaminathan, V.; Jabarullah, M.H.; Alenazi, M.J.F. Characterizations of Minimal Dominating Sets in γ-Endowed and Symmetric γ-Endowed Graphs with Applications to Structure-Property Modeling. Symmetry 2024, 16, 663.

AMA Style

Hayat S, Sundareswaran R, Shanmugapriya M, Khan A, Swaminathan V, Jabarullah MH, Alenazi MJF. Characterizations of Minimal Dominating Sets in γ-Endowed and Symmetric γ-Endowed Graphs with Applications to Structure-Property Modeling. Symmetry. 2024; 16(6):663.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Hayat, Sakander, Raman Sundareswaran, Marayanagaraj Shanmugapriya, Asad Khan, Venkatasubramanian Swaminathan, Mohamed Hussian Jabarullah, and Mohammed J. F. Alenazi. 2024. "Characterizations of Minimal Dominating Sets in γ-Endowed and Symmetric γ-Endowed Graphs with Applications to Structure-Property Modeling" Symmetry 16, no. 6: 663.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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