1. Introduction
In Differential Geometry and in Physics, the derivatives mainly used on smooth manifolds are the Lie derivative and the covariant derivative. This is due to their crucial role in studying differential equations and stating the dynamic equations. Specifically, the Lie derivative is the main tool for the determination of symmetries of geometric objects like metric, connection, etc., for the invariance of differential equations and their classification according to their invariance under a specific Lie algebra. On the other hand, the covariant derivative is used in the formulation of dynamic equations and the conserved currents. Both derivatives are entangled in applications in Differential Geometry and in Physics, for example, in the determination of the first integrals of differential equations and the conserved currents of dynamic equations.
Apart from these derivatives, in practice, other derivatives have been introduced, each one serving special purposes. A few of them are as follows:
a. The Fermi derivative. To study the kinematics of a spacetime fluid, one has to adopt along the 4-velocity
of the observers a non-rotating frame, which is the closest to an inertial frame [
1]. The condition for that is that the Fermi derivative with respect to
of the spatial vectors defining the 3D-frame vanishes.
b. The exterior derivative defined on the exterior algebra of differential forms over a smooth manifold. This is the unique linear map which satisfies a graded version (of grade 1) of the Leibnitz law and squares to zero, i.e.,
. For a function
f, it is the standard differential
. For a 1-form
, the exterior derivative is the 2-form
, where square brackets denote antisymmetrization. The exterior derivative is used in the Cartan formulation of Differential Geometry to define the connection 1-form, and from that, the torsion 2-form and the curvature 3-form. Further applications are the study of the geometry of surfaces and the determination of independence of vector fields. The applications of the exterior derivative in Physics cover the whole field of Physics. In Classical Mechanics, the exterior derivative defines the symplectic structure of phase space. In Electromagnetism, the Faraday 2-form
F is introduced, in terms of which Maxwell’s equations are stated very compactly as exterior derivatives of
F. In Fluid Dynamics, the vorticity 2-form
, which is used to study the rotational motion of fluid particles, is defined as the exterior derivative of the velocity 1-form
v. Other applications concern the geometric theory of defects [
2] and certain formulations of topological quantum field theory, where the exterior derivative is used to describe topological invariants of the spacetime manifold [
c. The interior product, which is a degree derivation on the exterior algebra, is defined by the contraction of a form with a vector field. Together with the exterior derivative and the Lie derivative, it forms a Lie superalgebra.
d. The Fréchet derivative, defined on Banach spaces, generalizes the derivative of a real-valued function of a single real variable to the case of a vector-valued function of multiple real variables, and is widely used to define the functional derivative in the calculus of variations [
Apart from these derivatives, others have been introduced for special needs. It is important to formulate these derivatives under a common scheme so that the deeper significance of each and the real purpose for its introduction will be revealed. Furthermore, the interrelation of different derivatives will lead to new derivatives and applications. Finally, it is possible that derivatives which are believed to be new are in fact combinations of existing derivatives.
A striking example in that direction is the Fermi derivative. It is widely believed that this derivative is relevant to the covariant derivative of the Riemannian spacetime of General Relativity. As will be shown, this is not true. The Fermi derivative is the combination of a general linear derivative and the Lie derivative; therefore applies to all linear derivatives and all affine spaces, which are not necessarily Riemannian. Because the Fermi derivative concerns the generalization of inertial frames in General Relativity, its generalization to affine spaces means that it can be used to define the inertial frames in the alternative theories of gravitation, where the geometry of spacetime is not assumed to be Riemannian, e.g., in the Einstein–Cartan theory.
The aim of the present work is to demonstrate that all linear derivatives of the tensor algebra can be viewed as specific cases of a broader concept—the operation of derivation. The focus is thus on derivation as a fundamental operation rather than on the specific derivatives. In particular, it demonstrates that all linear derivatives have torsion and curvature; therefore, these tensor fields are not exclusively a property of the covariant derivative, as it is commonly believed.
It is apparent that it is not possible to address all the linear derivatives in a single work; therefore, in order to proceed, one has to select a subset of relevant linear derivatives. In the present work, we select the fundamental and the most widely used derivatives, namely the Lie derivative, the covariant derivative, and the Fermi derivative. This choice is justified by their complementary significance in the study of applications. Indeed, the Lie derivative is used for the invariance (i.e., symmetry) of geometric objects, which define the differential structure of the “configuration” space, i.e., the manifold where the dynamical system evolves. The covariant derivative is used in the formulation of dynamics, that is, the evolution of a dynamical system in the given “configuration” space; and the Fermi derivative is used in the kinematics of a dynamical system along the world line of the observers in “configuration” space. Furthermore, in the study of Lie symmetries of differential equations and the determination of their first integrals, a combination of the Lie derivative and the covariant derivative is used.
As a rule, these three linear derivatives are defined and studied separately. For example, the Lie derivative and its applications have been studied in depth in the classical book of Yano [
5]. On the other hand, both derivatives are studied in different levels of detail in all textbooks on Differential Geometry and General Relativity [
9]. Finally, the Fermi derivative, being an element of relativistic kinematics, is studied only in General Relativity books (e.g., [
The scenario for the development of these three derivatives within the concept of linear derivation proceeds with the following steps:
a. The linear derivation along a vector field X is defined by a set of linear maps over a smooth manifold M. This defines the generic derivative abstractly.
b. To associate the generic derivative with a geometric object and make calculations possible, one considers a coordinate system in M and assigns the components of the generic derivative in the chart to be the quantities .
c. Requiring that the generic derivative of a tensor results in a tensor, the transformation law of the components is determined. This transformation associates the generic linear derivative with a geometric object whose components are the quantities . It is found that the geometric object associated with the generic derivative is not necessarily a tensor. This is why the upper index in is enclosed in parentheses.
d. With each linear derivative over M, two tensor fields are associated, corresponding to the commutativity properties of partial differentiation, that is, and . One field is the torsion tensor, which measures the failure of the derivative to commute, and the second field is the curvature tensor, which measures the deviation from “flatness”.
e. A particular linear derivative is defined by a specific set of quantities , which transform as the components of the generic derivative.
Steps a and b are discussed in
Section 2, step c in
Section 3, and step d in
Section 4. Following this, we consider special linear derivatives over
M by defining special sets of quantities
Section 5.1, the Lie derivative is defined. It is shown that it has non-vanishing torsion and zero curvature, with the latter being equivalent to the Jacobi identity for the Lie bracket.
Section 5.2, the covariant derivative is introduced and discussed briefly because it is very well known.
The main new result of the present work is in
Section 5.3, where the Fermi derivative is introduced from a completely new perspective. It is shown that this derivative is a higher-order derivative in the sense that it is defined in terms of two derivatives: one general derivative (not necessarily the covariant derivative) and the Lie derivative. In
Section 5.3.1 and
Section 5.3.2, we compute the torsion and the curvature tensors of the Fermi derivative. It is found that, in general, the torsion of the Fermi derivative does not vanish even when the torsion tensor of the general derivative defining the Fermi derivative vanishes. We continue with special Fermi derivatives by specifying the general linear derivative defining the Fermi derivative. In
Section 6, we consider the Fermi derivative defined by the Lie derivative and the covariant derivative. Using the Fermi derivative as the second derivative, one may consider the Fermi derivative of the Fermi derivative, and so on. This is performed in
Section 7. It follows that the Fermi derivative is not a single derivative but a derivative generating Fermi derivatives.
The remaining sections refer to applications of the previous general results.
Section 8.1, we introduce the general Poisson bracket of two functions
by setting
is an arbitrary constant tensor field, which is not necessarily antisymmetric, and the comma indicates partial derivatives. It is shown that this derivative is a Lie derivative and satisfies a Jacobi-like identity due to the vanishing of the curvature of the Lie derivative. If one specializes further to
, where
is the
unit matrix, then one finds the standard Poisson bracket, and
defines a symplectic structure on the manifold.
Section 8.2, we demonstrate the general approach to the Fermi derivative in two cases. In the first case, we compute the Fermi derivative in a general 2D affine space. In the second case, we consider a problem from cosmology. Specifically, we assume the Friedman–Robertson–Walker spacetime endowed with a scalar torsion, which is in agreement with the Cosmological Principle. We calculate the Fermi derivative for the comoving observers and show that the torsion, even in this highly symmetric spacetime, produces a rotation which, however, is of a kinematic nature. This shows that torsion is not necessarily a dynamic field associated with spin as proposed in the Einstein–Cartan theory [
Section 9, the role of the Lie derivative in the determination of the symmetries of dynamical equations is shown to be equivalent to the standard Lie symmetry methods used in the determination of the Lie symmetries of differential equations.
9. The Distinct Role of Lie and the Covariant Derivative
As aforementioned, the role of the Lie derivative is to formulate the symmetries, i.e., invariance of geometric objects, whereas the main role of the covariant derivative is to formulate the equations of a dynamical system and their first integrals. In this section, we demonstrate how the two roles interact and lead to conditions whose solution makes the determination of first integrals of the dynamical equations possible.
The dynamical equations of an autonomous conservative dynamical system are
where the potential
are the Riemann connection coefficients with respect to the kinetic metric
defined by the kinetic energy of the system. We set the velocity
and Equation (
55) is written equivalently as
We consider the vector
, which generates the point transformation
A dot over a symbol indicates total derivative, for example,
Because the system is autonomous, the condition for
X to be a Lie point symmetry of (
56) is
along solutions of (
We compute
where we use the identity of the variational calculus
From the Ricci identity,
we have
Then, (
57), along solutions of (
56), gives
This expression must be identically zero for all
; therefore, each term for different powers of
must vanish. This gives the following necessary and sufficient conditions for (
56) to admit the Lie symmetry
These conditions coincide with the conditions which are found if one applies the standard Lie symmetry approach [
11]. From the above, it follows that:
The Lie symmetry condition for autonomous conservative dynamical systems is equivalent to the Lie derivative of the dynamical equations.
From the second condition, it follows that the vector
is a projective collineation of the kinetic metric with the projection function
. The first condition constrains the potential
V with the function
and the projective vector
A solution of this system of equations can be found in many publications. Concerning the first integrals, they are the Noether symmetries, which have been shown to coincide with the homothetic algebra (a subalgebra of the projective algebra) of the kinetic metric [
10. Conclusions
The concept of a universal approach to linear derivatives of tensor algebra through the introduction of the generic linear derivative offers a deeper understanding and profound generalization of the notion of the concept of a derivative. The key points of this paper are as follows:
a. The association of the generic linear derivative with a geometric object with components .
b. The introduction of torsion and curvature tensors for all linear derivatives of tensor algebra, not just for the covariant derivative as traditionally believed.
c. The definition of a specific linear derivative by the introduction of a specific set of quantities
, which transform according to (
The generic derivative approach has been applied to the main derivatives used in practice, that is, the Lie derivative, the covariant derivative, and the Fermi derivative.
For each derivative, the following results were obtained:
Lie Derivative:
- 1.
The Lie derivative has non-vanishing torsion.
- 2.
The curvature of the Lie derivative vanishes due to the Jacobi identity.
- 3.
The Poisson bracket is a manifestation of the Lie derivative. The Jacobi identity for the Poisson bracket follows naturally from the vanishing of the curvature of the Lie derivative.
Covariant Derivative:
Fermi derivative:
The main contribution of the present work, apart from the introduction of the general approach to derivation, is the Fermi derivative. This derivative is used in General Relativity to define the propagation of a “non-rotating” orthonormal spatial frame along the world line of an observer. In the standard literature, the Fermi derivative is defined in terms of the (Riemannian) covariant derivative.
The Fermi derivative is a second-order linear derivative in the sense that it combines a given derivative, which is not necessarily the covariant derivative, and the Lie derivative. The Fermi derivative has both torsion and curvature. Furthermore, the Fermi derivative, being a linear derivative, can be iterated to produce a series of higher-order Fermi derivatives for every given Fermi derivative.
Overall, the universal approach to derivation using the non-tensorial quantities provides a versatile and powerful framework for constructing new geometric structures on a manifold. The dynamic equations of the theories of Physics are mainly based on the covariant derivative, whereas the Lie symmetries of these equations are mainly based on the Lie derivative. Using the universal approach, it is possible that one could use the present results and construct new theories of Physics. The same applies to Differential Geometry, where already other types of derivative have been introduced.
One final point is the derivatives of non-tensorial geometric objects. These derivatives are not—and probably cannot–be defined the way we used to define the linear derivative of tensors. This is the case even for the tensor densities, which are geometric objects very near to tensors [
25]. For these derivatives, it makes no sense to define the torsion tensor and the curvature tensor, which are fundamental in the development of physical theories. However, as it is well known, these derivatives do play a major role in the studies of Geometry and Physics.