Challenges in Raw Material Treatment at the Mechanical Processing Stage
:1. Introduction
- (a)
- reduction in the size of the feed material;
- (b)
- separation of useful mineral from the gangue.
- development of new comminution technologies;
- optimizing the performance of recent applications;
- modeling, simulation, and performance optimization of mechanical processing circuits.
2. Development in Crushing and Grinding Technology
2.1. HPGR Technology
2.2. High Voltage Breakage
2.3. Electromagnetic Mills
3. Circuits Layout and Optimization
3.1. Design Assumptions
- A reduction in the capacity requirements of downstream grinding stage(s), which allows the installation of smaller grinding devices. More intense disintegration occurs in upstream crushing processes, which requires much less energy than grinding operations (Figure 2). The Figure gives a general idea of relationship between the size of treated material and the required energy for comminution. An exponential increase in the grinding energy can be observed, together with further decreasing the size of already fine material;
- The optional application of separation within comminution circuits, especially devices based on physical separation, such as jigs [19]. Jig separation has a long history of existence in technological circuits of mechanical processing or raw materials; however, many investigations aiming to improve the process for specific conditions and individual materials have been carried out [20,21]. This cost-efficient technology may give favorable results in the extraction of useful mineral amongst certain particle size fractions. Available results also confirm the potential for the separation of materials with relatively low differences in densities, provided specially designed devices are used [22].
- Decrease in the grinding energy consumption, which decreases the overall energy consumption of the circuit operational costs.
3.2. Simulation in Mineral Processing
- Simulation tools and techniques showing models of behavior of grained material during the specific process, operation of a device, interactions amongst particles of the material, and interactions between the material and device. Various numerical techniques can be used in these simulations. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is an especially popular technique used for this process, as well as in other disciplines outside mineral processing.
- Models capable of predicting the specific results of process performance. These include the approximation of particle size of comminution product, screening efficiency, comminution ratio, volume of material recycle, and others. These models are either based on theoretical distributions of random variables with confirmed applications in mineral processing or utilize principles of mathematical modeling.
- Description of granular material flow in comminution processes;
- Potential prediction of particle size distribution for selected crushing products;
- Equipment design on the basis of analyzed process behavior;
- Simulation of conveyor transportation operations;
- Description of motion of particles in selected processes of gravitational separation.
4. Modeling Approach
- product 1: the material with increased content of fines, the feed was crushed twice under base pressing force (15 kN);
- product 2: the material with relatively lower content of fines—crushed under lower pressing force (10 kN);
- product 3: the material with balanced content of individual particle size fractions—crushed once under base pressing force (15 kN).
5. Environmental Issues
6. Summary
Conflicts of Interest
HPGR | high-pressure grinding rolls |
ROM | run-of-mine |
CAPEX | capital expenditure |
OPEX | operational expenditure |
DEM | discrete element method |
WOS | Web of Science (database) |
PSD | particle size distribution |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy |
MLA | mineral liberation analyzer |
LS | least squares (method) |
RRB | Rosin–Rammler–Bennett (distribution) |
TSP | total suspended particulates |
SAG | semi-autogenous grinding |
AG | autogenous grinding |
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Type of Benefit | Unit | Type of Comminution Technology | ||
HPGR | Electromagnetic Mill | Electric Pulses | ||
Unit energy consumption | kWh/Mg | 2–4 | 50–150 | 3–5 |
Benefits in mineral liberation compared to conventional crushing | % | 10–20 | 10–15 | 10–15 |
Benefits in useful mineral recovery compared to conventional crushing: hydrometallurgy | % | 2–8 | No data | 15–70 |
Benefits in useful mineral recovery compared to conventional crushing: flotation | % | 1–4 | 5–20 | up to 20 |
Plant-scale operation of the technology | - | Yes | No | No |
Energy savings compared to conventional crushing circuit | % | Up to 30 | No data | No data |
Capacity increases compared to conventional crushing circuit | % | 0–15 | No data | No data |
Approximation Function | Approximation Formula |
Weibull’s distribution | |
Log-norm distribution | |
Logistic distribution |
Approximation Function | Approximation Error | ||
Product 1 | Product 2 | Product 3 | |
Weibull’s distribution | 1.67 | 7.78 | 15.25 |
Log-norm distribution | 4.59 | 3.79 | 12.92 |
Logistic distribution | 10.26 | 17.06 | 2.05 |
Processing Stage | Relative Emission (Primary Crushing = 1) [43] | Total Emission [mg/m3] [44] |
Primary crushing | 1 | 2.8 |
Secondary crushing | 3 [45] | 3.2 |
Tertiary crushing | 51 (dry), 2 (wet) | 30 |
Screening (dry) | 214 | No data |
Screening (wet) | 12 | No data |
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Saramak, D. Challenges in Raw Material Treatment at the Mechanical Processing Stage. Minerals 2021, 11, 940.
Saramak D. Challenges in Raw Material Treatment at the Mechanical Processing Stage. Minerals. 2021; 11(9):940.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaramak, Daniel. 2021. "Challenges in Raw Material Treatment at the Mechanical Processing Stage" Minerals 11, no. 9: 940.
APA StyleSaramak, D. (2021). Challenges in Raw Material Treatment at the Mechanical Processing Stage. Minerals, 11(9), 940.