Optimizing Controls to Track Moving Targets in an Intelligent Electro-Optical Detection System
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
Comments and Suggestions for AuthorsThe article needs to be revised to include a development or at least a thorough explanation of the final nKF-Gyro algorithm in the simulation that is the basis for the article. It is claimed that the novelty of this paper is in the use of the optimized nKF-Gyro algorithm, but this algorithm is not described at all in the paper. If page count or paper length is the problem, I would suggest dropping Section 3.2 and substituting more information on the nKF-Gyro algorithm.
A more detailed description of the experimental simulation would help in this explanation. Breaking Figure 8 up into smaller figures with more detail would be helpful, with possibly a figure for each of the three major blocks on the left side of the diagram.
Comments on the Quality of English Language
The English used in the paper is very good. Some small edits to the subject-verb agreement are needed for correctness, but these small defects do not detract from the readability of the manuscript. As an example, perhaps the title should read
"Targeting Control of Moving Targets by an Intelligent Electro-Optical Detection System"
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 2 Report
Comments and Suggestions for AuthorsSee the fSee the file attachedile attached
Comments for author File: Comments.pdf
Unfortunately, the authors use a peculiar version of the English language, which makes it very difficult to understand the material presented. I can note the following characteristic features:
A1) There is a systematic inconsistency in agreement of the noun and the verb (singular/plural), and the reader is forced to guess whether the plural noun is meant or whether the authors are ignoring the third form of the plural verb. This begins in the first line of the Introduction and continues throughout the manuscript. In particular, the first paragraph of the introduction contains 5 errors: aerial threat HAS become an important aspectS (line 27); IS always so-called “low, slow and tiny” unmanned drones (line 28); unmanned light weapon station (ULWS) ARE (line 29); the traditional optical sighting of general-purpose ULWS are (line 30); Electro-optical detection system (EODS), which are ... (line 32).
A2) There are phrases that may be used in oral conversation, but are unacceptable for scientific publication: scientific mechanism (line 13) - what is it?; increasingly necessary role (line 33); antiaircraft gun C-ram firing control method (line 35); electric firing equation (line 40); moving motion model (line 72); the modeling method is substituted into the disturbance simulation verification (line 79); The difference between the two velocity vectors is V of the bullet relative to the target (line 95); Then the relationship of targeting error E at THIS TIME can be obtained (line 98) - what time are you talking about?
A3) Some sentences are not completed. Line 134: "And then, solving the targeting data, of the future encounter point M, which is called the forward solution targeting equation." Line 259: "Using the estimated position of future point q M as the targeting point."
A4) For some reason, the narration is often not told in the first person or in an impersonal form, but the authors ask the reader to perform various actions: "So define this deviation as the bullet-target error" (line 90); "set the bullet-target encounter time as" (line 93); "set the OXYZ as the geography coordinate system" (line 114) etc.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 3 Report
Comments and Suggestions for AuthorsThe paper doesincvlude some significative items. Indeed the electro -optical detection systems today are of interest both from a research point of view and as regards the practical applications. The authors developed in this context a system based also on Kalman filter for target monitoring.
The paper is well written.
The results appear correct and in some sense innnovative. Moreover I suggest to approach the etimation problem also referring to artificial neural networks.
In particular it is suggest for the application toevaluate quaternion based A. I systems.
The authors could take into consideration the following key paper:
Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and SystemsVolume 6, Pages 307 - 3101994 Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Part 3 (of 6)30 May 1994through 2 June 1994Code 21360 Document type Conference Paper Source type Conference Proceedings ISSN 02714310
Neural networks for quaternion-valued function approximation
- Arena P.;
- Fortuna L.;
- Occhipinti L.;
- Xibilia M.G.
Thr suggested remarks could improve the conclusion and to increase the interest of readers.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Round 2
Reviewer 1 Report
Comments and Suggestions for AuthorsThank you for the response to the earlier review.
You might consider changing the description of the new parts of figure 8 to reference Part a, Part b, and Part c, rather than part 1, part 2, part 3, since the figure is labelled a,b,c, and d.
Comments on the Quality of English Language
Only minor editing is required.