Treatment Adherence in Chronic Conditions during Ageing: Uses, Functionalities, and Cultural Adaptation of the Assistant on Care and Health Offline (ACHO) in Rural Areas
:1. Chronicity and Treatment Adherence in Ageing
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Ethics Approval
2.3. Participants
- Over 65 years of age.
- Non-institutionalised (in care homes, day-care centres, or any other kind of facility).
- Not subject to cognitive decline of any kind.
- To have been prescribed at least one chronic illness medication by a doctor.
- To have voluntarily accepted participation in the study and provided informed consent.
2.4. Data Collection and Measures
2.4.1. Participant Observation
2.4.2. Semi-Structured Interviews
2.4.3. Field Diary
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. ACHO Design
3.2. Operation
3.2.1. Mobile Application
3.2.2. Voice Assistant
3.3. Originality of the Proposal
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Research Technique | Empirical Material Obtained |
Field diary | Notes taken during fieldwork. Information on context and on additional topics |
Participant observation | Observation of everyday activities, particularly regarding medication management (intake schedule, storage, re-naming practices) |
Informal conversations | Conducted independently from the interview guide, these can open alternative epistemological windows |
Semi-structured interviews | Categories include issues regarding treatment adherence among chronically ill patients |
Categories | Questions |
Problems with therapeutic itineraries | Do you have problems when trying to make an appointment? What is the procedure? Is it easy? Why does it take so long/so little, and why do you think that is? Do you have any problems in accessing the doctor’s office? How would you describe your relationship with your doctor? |
Treatment and different itineraries | Did you start treating your illness before you were diagnosed? How do you think your health problem can be treated? What previous health problems have you had, and how did you deal with them? How do you feel about the care you have received from your doctor? Tell us about your search for solutions or treatments. |
Problems with medication | What medications do you take? Do you always take your medication? Why do you sometimes forget? Do you have any help to remember to take your medication? Do your relatives help you to remember? Does forgetting to take your medication result in health problems? |
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Conde-Caballero, D.; Rivero-Jiménez, B.; Cipriano-Crespo, C.; Jesus-Azabal, M.; Garcia-Alonso, J.; Mariano-Juárez, L. Treatment Adherence in Chronic Conditions during Ageing: Uses, Functionalities, and Cultural Adaptation of the Assistant on Care and Health Offline (ACHO) in Rural Areas. J. Pers. Med. 2021, 11, 173.
Conde-Caballero D, Rivero-Jiménez B, Cipriano-Crespo C, Jesus-Azabal M, Garcia-Alonso J, Mariano-Juárez L. Treatment Adherence in Chronic Conditions during Ageing: Uses, Functionalities, and Cultural Adaptation of the Assistant on Care and Health Offline (ACHO) in Rural Areas. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021; 11(3):173.
Chicago/Turabian StyleConde-Caballero, David, Borja Rivero-Jiménez, Carmen Cipriano-Crespo, Manuel Jesus-Azabal, Jose Garcia-Alonso, and Lorenzo Mariano-Juárez. 2021. "Treatment Adherence in Chronic Conditions during Ageing: Uses, Functionalities, and Cultural Adaptation of the Assistant on Care and Health Offline (ACHO) in Rural Areas" Journal of Personalized Medicine 11, no. 3: 173.
APA StyleConde-Caballero, D., Rivero-Jiménez, B., Cipriano-Crespo, C., Jesus-Azabal, M., Garcia-Alonso, J., & Mariano-Juárez, L. (2021). Treatment Adherence in Chronic Conditions during Ageing: Uses, Functionalities, and Cultural Adaptation of the Assistant on Care and Health Offline (ACHO) in Rural Areas. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11(3), 173.