A Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Alternative Models of Incarceration
:1. Introduction
1.1. Restorative Justice
1.2. Incarceration and Indigenous Overrepresentation
International Integration of Indigenous RJ
1.3. Alternative Incarceration Models
2. Methods
3. Findings
3.1. Therapeutic Communities
3.2. Nature-Based Programs
3.3. Educational Interventions
3.4. Victim–Offender Mediations
3.5. Indigenous-Based Models
Incarcerated participants of the Native Sisterhood sweat lodges reported support for emotional healing as well as a preference to address wellbeing issues with Indigenous practitioners and elders using Indigenous practices (vs. non-Indigenous approaches) (Perdacher et al. 2019). With this, the sweat lodge ceremonies offered incarcerated women an opportunity to engage in both cultural and emotional healing.“…complete darkness, cramped quarters, and a heat so intense that it burned the skin. During the ceremony, water was poured on the Grandfathers (hot rocks) and the steam that rose ran through the nose and deep into the lungs. Every emotion was felt in the Lodge–from gut-wrenching sobs, to songs of courage, and lullabies of peace. The physical pain in the Sweat facilitated the release of emotional pain and ultimately relief.”
3.6. Circles of Accountability and Support
3.7. Victim Impact Panels
3.8. Other (Juvenile, Therapeutic Jurisprudence)
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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PubMed | “Indigenous” and “justice” in abstract | 2012–2022 | (n = 306) |
“restorative” and “justice” in abstract | 2012–2022 | (n = 146) | |
“therapeutic” and “justice” in abstract | 2012–2022 | (n = 301) | |
APA PsycNet | “Indigenous” and “justice” in abstract, peer review journal | 2012–2022 | (n = 260) |
“restorative” and “justice” in abstract, peer review journal | 2012–2022 | (n = 381) | |
“therapeutic” and “justice” in abstract, peer review journal | 2012–2022 | (n = 371) | |
Google Scholar | “Indigenous and “court” in title | 2012–2022 | (n = 119) |
“Indigenous and “restorative justice” in title | 2012–2022 | (n = 24) |
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Suʻesuʻe, A.; Pilger, D.; Riley, L. A Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Alternative Models of Incarceration. Laws 2025, 14, 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws14020011
Suʻesuʻe A, Pilger D, Riley L. A Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Alternative Models of Incarceration. Laws. 2025; 14(2):11. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws14020011
Chicago/Turabian StyleSuʻesuʻe, Anamalia, Dylan Pilger, and Lorinda Riley. 2025. "A Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Alternative Models of Incarceration" Laws 14, no. 2: 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws14020011
APA StyleSuʻesuʻe, A., Pilger, D., & Riley, L. (2025). A Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Alternative Models of Incarceration. Laws, 14(2), 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws14020011