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Study on Damage Constitutive Model of Reactive Powder Concrete in Uniaxial Tension

School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Company Limited, Heilongjiang 150000, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Buildings 2024, 14(12), 3805;
Submission received: 14 October 2024 / Revised: 21 November 2024 / Accepted: 26 November 2024 / Published: 28 November 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable and Low-Carbon Building Materials and Structures)


In this paper, the damage constitutive model of reactive powder concrete (RPC) in uniaxial tension is investigated. The relationship between the uniaxial tensile strength of RPC and the steel fiber admixture was analyzed by preparing RPC specimens with different steel fiber volume admixtures for uniaxial tensile tests, and the stress–strain curves were recorded. The test results show that the uniaxial tensile strength of RPC is significantly enhanced with an increase in steel fiber doping, especially after the doping amount is greater than 2%, showing a linear increase. Based on the classical damage mechanics and Weibull distribution, the damage evolution equation and the constitutive model of RPC uniaxial tension were established. The validation shows that the model can effectively describe the damage process of RPC in uniaxial tension, which provides a theoretical basis for the application of RPC in engineering practice.

1. Introduction

Reactive powder concrete (RPC), as a high-performance concrete material, has a wide range of applications in structural engineering [1,2,3,4,5] due to its high strength [6], high toughness [7], and excellent durability [8,9,10,11]. In recent years, with the continuous development of engineering technology and the increasing requirements for the performance of construction materials, the research into and applications of RPC have received increasing attention from the academic and engineering communities. Richard Pierre [12] introduced for the first time the principle of RPC production, and through the production process, using the DSP model, the selection of quartz sand to replace the coarse aggregate, and prepared by hot curing, successfully prepared up to a 200 MPa average compressive strength of RPC. Ahmad et al. [13] explored the working performance of RPC and its strength evaluation indexes, subject to the role of different factors of the law of change, and compared the ordinary concrete results with a comprehensive analysis. The results showed that the modulus of rupture, compressive strength, and so on caused by the cement in the cementitious material were in proportion to the changes in the factors of the law of change. Wu et al. [14] investigated the role of the steel fiber type and admixture on the mechanical properties of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete. The results showed that the end-hook type of fiber had the most excellent effect on flexural strength when the same addition of 2% was used. Smarzewski et al. [15] found that the splitting strength of RPC with 1% by volume of steel fiber was increased by 55% compared with unadulterated fiber RPC. Yoo et al. [16] explored ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) subjected to the factor of fiber variables, which affect the flexural strength. The results showed that the cracking resistance of long-fiber UHPFRC was best at up to 1% steel fiber admixture; above 1.5%, the cracking resistance of medium- and long-fiber UHPFRC was better. Gao et al. [17] prepared low-carbon RPC using slag as a replacement for cement and analyzed it with SEM-EDS, XRD, TG, and thermodynamic modeling. A cement content of 30% was sufficient to activate the hydration activity of the slag and to produce a large number of dense hydration products at the microstructural level. Tahwia et al. [18] used blast furnace cement, fly ash, and granulated blast furnace slag as partial replacements for the cement in RPC. SEM images and EDX analyses of the RPC showed that the large amount of volcanic ash reaction in its mineral admixture improved the microstructure of the RPC.
Although many research results have been achieved in terms of RPC’s static and dynamic mechanical properties [19,20,21,22,23], there are still many problems in RPC technology that need to be solved. At present, most of the design formulas for RPC are cited empirically or proposed based on steel fiber high-strength concrete [24,25,26,27,28,29], but these formulas limit the wide application of RPC in engineering practice to a certain extent. In order to promote the further development of RPC technology, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of its damage principle model under uniaxial tension. Damage principle modeling is an important tool for describing the damage evolution and stress–strain relationship of materials in the stress process, which is significant for assessing the mechanical properties of materials and predicting the durability of structures.
The aim of this study is to establish a damage constitutive model of RPC in uniaxial tension through experiments and theoretical analysis. A CNC electro-hydraulic servo actuator and a self-designed special fixture were used to successfully obtain the full stress–strain curves of RPC in tension by a combination of load-controlled and displacement-controlled loading. The uniaxial tensile strength and stress–strain relationship of the RPC are analyzed, and the effect of steel fiber volume doping on the tensile properties of RPC is discussed. By introducing the damage mechanics theory and Weibull’s statistical distribution density function, the damage evolution equations and damage constitutive model of RPC in uniaxial tensile state are established to provide a theoretical basis for researchers to assess the load-carrying capacity and deformation characteristics of RPCs under tensile loading.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Raw Materials and Mixing Ratios

The raw materials of RPC include cement, silica fume, quartz sand, steel fiber, a water reducing agent, and water. The cement used was P-O42.5 silicate cement; the SF was a gray-white fine powder with particle size less than 2 μm. According to the relevant provisions in GBT 31387-2015 [30]: Reactive Powder Concrete, quartz sand was selected from three kinds of quartz sand produced by a sand factory in Jilin, in which the particle size of fine sand is 0.16 mm~0.315 mm, medium sand is 0.315 mm~0.63 mm, and coarse sand is 0.63 mm~1.25 mm. The specific particle sizes are shown in Figure 1. The water reducer was a polycarboxylic high-performance water reducer with a water reduction rate of 29%. The steel fiber was copper-plated steel fiber with length 13~15 mm and diameter 0.2~0.3 mm. Content selections were 1%, 1.3%, 2%, 3.5%, 5% RPC volume content. RPC specific match is shown in Table 1.

2.2. Test Methods

The uniaxial tensile test was carried out using a dumbbell-type specimen with a central cross-section size of 100 mm × 100 mm. The specimens were prepared according to the mixing ratios shown in Table 1, and five parallel specimens were set up for each group, with the specific dimensions as shown in Figure 2. After the RPC was cast into shape, 24 h of standardized curing was carried out, and then, the specimen was dismantled from the molds and put into an accelerated curing box to be maintained in high-temperature steam (90 ± 5 °C) for 3 days. Finally, 24 days of normal curing was carried out, after which the specimens were subjected to the uniaxial tensile test.
In the uniaxial tensile test, the actuator for applying the axial tension load was a 500 kN CNC electro-hydraulic servo actuator produced by MTS Company, Eden Prairie, MN, USA, which can be artificially set up for displacement control and load control. It was connected to a specially designed Q345 steel fixture under the actuator that can be adapted to the uniaxial tensile force, and the lower fixture was connected to the ground with bolts by means of the connecting part to satisfy the uniaxial tensile loading requirements. The end of the CNC electro-hydraulic servo actuator was equipped with a ball hinge to ensure that the load was applied axially during the loading process. The test site is shown in Figure 3. This experimental process first adopted a load control with a load of 0–20 kN and loading speed of 0.5 kN/min loaded to 60% of the ultimate load, after which the loading speed was changed to 0.2 kN/min. When the load reached 60%, it was converted to displacement control with a loading speed of 0.005 mm/min; when the load decreased to 10–15 kN (penetration cracks appeared), the loading speed was increased to 0.01 mm/min. When the load dropped to 5 kN, the loading speed was increased to 0.05 mm/min until pulling off, and every minute was recorded.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Uniaxial Tensile Strength and Stress–Strain Curve

3.1.1. Uniaxial Tensile Strength

The tensile damage patterns of specimens with 1%, 2%, 3.5%, and 5% steel fiber volume content are shown from left to right in Figure 4. It can be seen from Figure 4 that the specimens are damaged with uneven ports, which is due to the batch-by-batch pulling out of the steel fibers. As the volume of steel fiber content increases, the main crack becomes more sinuous and even bifurcated. When the steel fiber content was low, the initial cracking was followed immediately by fracture, and individual cracks appeared. At a steel fiber content of 2% or more, after initial cracking, a large number of short, fine cracks appeared as the tensile force continued to increase until the peak load was reached. As these fine cracks continued to expand and extend, a main crack similar to brittle damage was eventually formed. Observations showed that at steel fiber contents above 2%, the steel fibers gradually developed a bridging effect in the concrete matrix; the stresses that would have been carried by the RPC matrix were transferred by the steel fibers running through the cracks, slowing the crack propagation and thereby improving the tensile properties of the RPC [31].
As shown in Figure 5, the relationship of the uniaxial tensile strength of RPC and the volume of steel fiber doping becomes more obviously linear; when the amount of steel fiber content increases, the uniaxial tensile capacity is also enhanced. In steel fiber doping of less than 2%, the enhancement effect of the uniaxial tensile strength of RPC with the increase in the amount of steel fiber content is not obvious; when the amount of steel fiber doping is greater than 2%, with the increase in the amount of steel fiber content, the enhancement of the tensile strength of RPC is very obvious, showing a linear growth trend. Among them, the tensile strength of RPC was increased by about 2.4 times when the volume of steel fiber doping was 5% compared with 1%. This is due to the fact that the addition of steel fibers plays a role in mitigating and inhibiting the development of cracks, and it becomes more and more obvious with the increase in the volume content.

3.1.2. Uniaxial Tensile Stress–Strain Curve

The test successfully recorded the obvious descending section of the specimen after cracking, and the specimen experienced four different stress stages from the beginning of loading to destruction, namely, the ascending section, the stress stabilization order, the post-peak stress plunge section, and the descending section. As can be seen from Figure 6, the slopes of the rising section of the RPC stress–strain curves under different steel fiber volume contents are similar; it can be seen that the specimen with 1% steel fiber volume content reaches the peak point and then enters a steeper falling section. When the steel fiber volume content of the specimen is 2%, the shape of the full curve is similar to that of the specimen with 1% steel fiber volume content, but the descending section becomes smoother and longer compared with that of the specimen with 1% steel fiber volume content; with the increase in the steel fiber volume content, the descending section of the full curve becomes smoother, the stress stabilization stage increases significantly, and the full curve contains a larger area. The increase in steel fiber content leads to significant enhancement of initial cracking and peak stresses as well as the ultimate strain. This is due to the fact that a higher fiber volume fraction leads to multiple cracking phenomena and a better fiber bridging effect, which enhances the tensile stress of RPC. Moreover, the increase in ductility gives the RPC greater deformation and correspondingly greater tensile strain.
The tensile full curve was normalized as shown in Figure 7; σ / σ p is the ratio of stress to peak stress, and ε / ε p is the ratio of strain to peak strain, where dimensionless coordinates were used. The specimen is divided into roughly four stages from the beginning of loading to destruction, corresponding to the four parts of the stress–strain curve, which are the elastic ascent stage (OA), crack stable extension stage (AB), crack destabilized extension stage (BC), and the fiber pullout stage (CD). This is characterized as follows, as shown in Figure 8, taking RPCS1.3 as an example:
(1) Elastic rise stage: The specimen is loaded from the beginning, and the stress–strain curve grows linearly with the increase in external force.
(2) Crack stabilization and expansion stage: Before the specimen reaches the peak load, the surface of the specimen shows fine, short cracks, which are meandering and perpendicular to the tensile direction, and the slope of the ascending section decreases.
(3) Crack destabilization and expansion stage: After the peak point, compared with the decline in stress, the strain growth is larger; this reflects the greater toughness of the material, which is due to the gradual deepening of the cracks in the specimen, so that the fibers distributed in the direction of the cracks are gradually pulled out. In this stage, the specimen surface cracks deepen in a transverse and meandering development; some surfaces have new fine lines that gradually expand, finally, to all surfaces through the formation of the main crack.
(4) Fiber pulling out stage: Accompanied by the sound of stabbing and pulling, more and more steel fibers are pulled out, the width of the main crack gradually increases, the bearing capacity becomes smaller, and the stress–strain curve approximates a linear decline until destruction.

3.2. RPC Uniaxial Tensile Damage Constitutive Modeling

Classical damage mechanics indicates that when a material is damaged internally, the damaged equivalent stress area that in fact bears the load is A ω ( ε ) , the nominal area is A, and the damage variable is expressed as in Equation (1).
D ( ε ) = A ω ( ε ) / A
According to the principle of strain equivalence proposed by Lemaitre, in the uniaxial stress state, any strain constitutive relation of the damaged material can be derived from the constitutive equation of the undamaged material, as long as the effective stress after the damage is used to replace the nominal stress in the constitutive relation of the undamaged material, i.e., σ = ( 1 D ) σ m , and from σ m = E ε (E is the modulus of elasticity), it can be obtained that the nominal stress of a typical unit cell can be expressed as shown in Equation (2):
σ m ( ε ) = E ε [ 1 D ( ε ) ]
The Weibull distribution is a chain model that combines probability theory and statistics and is commonly used to reflect the probability distribution of failure of brittle materials [32]. Based on the characteristics of the tensile full stress–strain curve of the RPC, the full stress–strain curve is simulated by using the density function of the Weibull statistical distribution [33], and the damage evolution equation for the uniaxial tension of RPC by two-parameter Weibull distribution can be obtained as shown in Equation (3):
D ( ε ) = 1 exp [ ( ε a t ) m t ]
where ε is the typical unit microstrain, m t is the shape parameter, and a t is the scale parameter. According to the basic relationship formula of continuous damage mechanics, by substituting Equation (3) into Equation (2) can be obtained:
σ m ( ε ) = E ε exp [ ( ε a t ) m t ]
The measured stress–strain curve of RPC is shown in Figure 7. According to the characteristics of the full stress–strain curve, the following geometric boundary conditions are decided: (1) when ε = 0 , σ = 0 ; (2) when ε = 0 , d σ / d ε = E 0 ; (3) when ε = ε p , σ = σ p ; (4) when ε = ε p , d σ / d ε = 0 . Here, E 0 is the initial elastic modulus; ε p is the peak strain; and σ p is the peak stress. Based on the derivation of the damage evolution equation in the existing literature, the expressions of the Weibull distribution parameters m and a in the uniaxial tensile damage evolution equation of RPC are determined by satisfying the boundary conditions.
Derive Equation (4) for ε :
d σ m ( ε ) d ε = E 0 exp [ ( ε a t ) m t ] [ 1 m t ( ε a t ) m t ]
For the boundary conditions (3) and (4), Equation (5) can be expressed as
E 0 exp [ ( ε a t ) m t ] [ 1 m t ( ε a t ) m t ] = 0
Since E 0 0 , exp [ ( ε p a t ) m t ] 0 , it follows that 1 m t ( ε p a t ) m t = 0 , can be obtained:
1 m t = ( ε p a t ) m t
The expression for the scale parameter a can be obtained by organizing Equation (7) as shown in Equation (8):
a t = ε p ( 1 m t ) 1 m t
Substituting Equation (8) into Equation (4) and organizing by the boundary condition (3) yields
m = 1 ln ( E 0 ε p σ p )
Substituting Equation (8) into Equation (3) yields
D ( ε ) = 1 exp [ 1 m ( ε ε p ) m t ]
Equation (10) is the damage evolution equation for steel fiber concrete material under unidirectional compressive loading. From Equations (9) and (10), it can be seen that the damage factor D is related to only the current material strain, initial modulus of elasticity, peak load strain, and peak stress. Further, substituting Equation (10) into Equation (2) yields the RPC tensile damage constitutive model, expressed only in terms of parameter m, as shown in Equation (11):
σ m ( ε ) = E 0 ε exp [ 1 m t ( ε ε p ) m t ]
In this paper, the above constitutive model is normalized for the first time by simultaneously dividing Equation (11) by σ p into a dimensionless constitutive equation to obtain Equation (12):
y = E 0 E p x exp [ 1 m t x m t ]
where y = σ σ p , x = ε ε p , and set r = E 0 E p , the ratio of initial to peak modulus of elasticity, is obtained by substituting it into Equation (12):
y = r x exp [ 1 m t x m t ]
Therefore, Equation (9) can be expressed as follows:
m t = 1 ln r
Substituting Equation (14) into Equation (13) yields a dimensionless RPC tensile damage constitutive model containing only the parameter r:
y = r x exp [ ln r x 1 ln r ]
Based on the results of the RPC uniaxial tensile stress–strain full curve test, the parameters in the dimensionless principal model and their equations can be determined as shown in Table 2.

3.3. Validation of Uniaxial Tensile Damage Constitutive Model for RPC

The RPC uniaxial tensile stress–strain test curves were normalized, and the full RPC uniaxial tensile stress–strain curves predicted by the parameters in Table 2, with different steel fiber contents, were compared with the test curves, as shown in Figure 9, where dimensionless coordinates are used.
As can be seen from Figure 9, the test curve and the theoretical curve match well in the ascending section, and in the descending section, there are some discrepancies between the test curve and the theoretical curve, indicating that under the condition of the same mixing ratio and the suitable volume rate of steel fibers, the RPC constitutive model and the parameters obtained in this paper can effectively fit the elastic rise stage curve and the crack stabilization and expansion stage curve obtained from the test, which has a certain reference value for engineering analysis and design.
Based on the data related to the parameter r and the volume content of steel fibers in Table 2, a plot of the volume content of steel fibers versus r is drawn as shown in Figure 10. It can be seen that the parameter r is increasing with the increase in steel fiber volume. And the parameter r increases with the elastic modulus ratio, i.e., for the ratio between the peak cut line modulus and the initial elastic modulus, the larger the ratio, the larger the area included in the stress–strain curve, which also indicates that the specimen’s ability to resist tensile deformation is greater. Therefore, it is also reflected in the figure that the increase in the volume content of steel fibers plays an enhanced role in the tensile deformation resistance of RPC materials.
The parameter r varies nonlinearly with the increasing volume content of steel fibers, and the curve is an up-convex positive function, which can be fitted with an exponential function to obtain the equation for the relationship between the parameter r and the volume content of steel fibers in the damage equation of RPC:
r = 1.43281 + 0.10365 ln ( V s 0.48104 )
Finally, RPC can be obtained based on the uniaxial tensile damage constitutive model with steel fiber volume content between 1% and 5%.

4. Conclusions

In this study, a dumbbell-type mold and a special fixture for uniaxial tension were made, and uniaxial tensile stress–strain full-curve tests were carried out for five RPC specimens with different volumes of steel fibers by using the MTS numerically-controlled electro-hydraulic servo-testing machine, and the uniaxial tensile constitutive model for RPC based on the Weibull distribution was established based on the experimental data. The study showed the following:
(1) The uniaxial tensile strength of RPC has a more obvious linear relationship with the volume of steel fiber doping and is enhanced with the increase in volume doping, in which the volume content of steel fiber is 5% compared with 1%, which is about 3 times higher. From the comprehensive analysis of the RPC tensile strength, stress–strain curve variation, and crack form of tensile damage, the optimum steel fiber content of 3.5% is recommended.
(2) The test successfully recorded the obvious falling section of the specimen after cracking. The four stress stages of the specimen from the beginning of the loading to its destruction, pass through the rising section, stress stabilization stage, then the peak of the stress drop section, and the falling section. It can be seen that the increase in the volume of steel fiber content increases the tensile strength, and deformation properties play an enhanced role in improving tensile toughness.
(3) The uniaxial tensile constitutive model of RPC based on the Weibull distribution was established and, compared with the test curve, the model can predict the stress–strain curve better. The uniaxial tensile damage principle model of RPC based on the volume content of steel fibers between 1% and 5% was obtained by fitting the relationship equation between the parameters in the principle model and the volume content of the steel fibers.
(4) The constitutive model of the intrinsic equation proposed in this paper for the uniaxial tensile stress–strain full curve of RPC with other factors (e.g., specimen size, fit ratio, cyclic tensile load, etc.) is to be summarized in the experiments, and subsequent experiments can be carried out for an in-depth study around the behavior of RPC under cyclic tensile loads.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, methodology, and writing—original draft preparation, H.Z.; software, validation, and formal analysis, H.L.; investigation and resources, Z.W.; data curation, S.G.; writing—review and editing and visualization, B.W.; supervision, project administration, and funding acquisition, Y.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was supported by a grant (No. SGHLDK00GKJS2400106) from State Grid Corporation of China technology project.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors Hang Lu, Ziheng Wang, Siming Gao and Bo Wen were employed by the company State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Company Limited. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Quartz sand particle size.
Figure 1. Quartz sand particle size.
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Figure 2. Specimen size design.
Figure 2. Specimen size design.
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Figure 3. Test equipment.
Figure 3. Test equipment.
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Figure 4. Uniaxial tensile damage pattern of RPC.
Figure 4. Uniaxial tensile damage pattern of RPC.
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Figure 5. Relationship between volume content of steel fibers and RPC uniaxial tensile strength.
Figure 5. Relationship between volume content of steel fibers and RPC uniaxial tensile strength.
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Figure 6. Comparison of measured tensile full curves of specimens with different volume contents of steel fibers.
Figure 6. Comparison of measured tensile full curves of specimens with different volume contents of steel fibers.
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Figure 7. Normalized RPC uniaxial tensile curves with different steel fiber contents.
Figure 7. Normalized RPC uniaxial tensile curves with different steel fiber contents.
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Figure 8. Analysis of the uniaxial tensile damage stage of RPCS 1.3.
Figure 8. Analysis of the uniaxial tensile damage stage of RPCS 1.3.
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Figure 9. Comparison of RPC uniaxial tensile test curves with constitutive model: (a) RPCS1.0; (b) RPCS1.3; (c) RPCS2.0; (d) RPCS3.5; (e) RPCS5.0.
Figure 9. Comparison of RPC uniaxial tensile test curves with constitutive model: (a) RPCS1.0; (b) RPCS1.3; (c) RPCS2.0; (d) RPCS3.5; (e) RPCS5.0.
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Figure 10. Relationship between parameter r and volume content of steel fibers.
Figure 10. Relationship between parameter r and volume content of steel fibers.
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Table 1. RPC proportion design (kg/m3).
Table 1. RPC proportion design (kg/m3).
GroupCementSFCoarse SandMedium SandFine SandSteel FiberWater ReducerWater
Table 2. Parameter determinations and constitutive equations for damage constitutive modeling in uniaxial tension.
Table 2. Parameter determinations and constitutive equations for damage constitutive modeling in uniaxial tension.
Group r   =   E 0 E p mt1/mtConstitutive Model
RPCS1.01.370.3153.177 y = 1.37 x exp [ 0.315 x 3.177 ]
RPCS1.31.40.3362.972 y = 1.4 x exp [ 0.336 x 2.972 ]
RPCS2.01.480.3922.551 y = 1.48 x exp [ 0.392 x 2.551 ]
RPCS3.51.560.4452.249 y = 1.56 x exp [ 0.445 x 2.249 ]
RPCS5.01.580.4572.186 y = 1.58 x exp [ 0.457 x 2.186 ]
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MDPI and ACS Style

Zhang, H.; Lu, H.; Wang, Z.; Gao, S.; Wen, B.; Ju, Y. Study on Damage Constitutive Model of Reactive Powder Concrete in Uniaxial Tension. Buildings 2024, 14, 3805.

AMA Style

Zhang H, Lu H, Wang Z, Gao S, Wen B, Ju Y. Study on Damage Constitutive Model of Reactive Powder Concrete in Uniaxial Tension. Buildings. 2024; 14(12):3805.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zhang, Hongji, Hang Lu, Ziheng Wang, Siming Gao, Bo Wen, and Yanzhong Ju. 2024. "Study on Damage Constitutive Model of Reactive Powder Concrete in Uniaxial Tension" Buildings 14, no. 12: 3805.

APA Style

Zhang, H., Lu, H., Wang, Z., Gao, S., Wen, B., & Ju, Y. (2024). Study on Damage Constitutive Model of Reactive Powder Concrete in Uniaxial Tension. Buildings, 14(12), 3805.

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