Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Urban District and Block Morphology to Minimize Solar Radiation Access and Maximize Building Floor Area in the UAE
:1. Introduction
- While much research has focused on urban block optimization using parametric analysis, few studies examine the impact of broader urban districts on Solar Radiation Access (SRA) without reducing total building floor area (FA_ using a Generic Algorithm.
- Most previous urban studies target cold and warm climates, with a limited focus on hot desert climates.
2. Methodology
- Step 1: Collect GIS Data
- Step 2: Perform Urban District Analysis for Three Street Layout Patterns: Random, Radial, and Grid
- Determine two objective functions, i.e., minimizing solar radiation access (SRA) and building floor area (FA).
- Perform single-objective GA (using the Galapagos-1.0.0007 plugin) [47] with Ladybug-1.7.0 [60] to find the optimized design for the SRA objective function, and Galapagos-1.0.0007 with Grasshopper-0.9.0076 to find the optimized design for the FRA objective function, separately. Single-objective GA is used instead of multiple-objective GA to simplify the optimization process, reduce computational cost, and avoid the complexity of balancing competing objectives simultaneously.
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- Determine design constraints (DeCodingSpaces-Toolbox-2021.10 [61], as shown in Section 2.1) such as building orientation, height, spacing, etc.
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- A generation size of 50 is needed to perform the optimization.
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- Each generation has 20 populations, except the first one, which has 40 populations.
- Step 3: Iterate and Refine
- Identify the top three designs with minimized SRA and the top three with maximized FA.
- Compare these designs to find commonalities that meet both objectives.
- Manually iterate for adjusting design parameters accordingly and re-evaluate until an optimal design is achieved.
- Step 4: Perform Urban Block Analysis
- Select the highest solar blocks in the optimized urban district.
- Perform more parametric analyses for building shape and orientation while keeping the total FA the same to reduce the SRA.
2.1. Introduction of the Case Study
2.2. Determine Design Constraints
2.3. Optimizing Urban District
2.4. Optimizing Urbam Blocks
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Optimized Urban District Plan for Each Street Layout Pattern: Random, Radial, and Grid
3.2. Optimized Urban Blocks
4. Conclusions
- The optimized urban district plan with radial or grid patterns achieved the lowest SRA, with an 8.4% reduction compared to the base case.
- The radial pattern in the optimized urban district plan also increased FA by 8.9% over the base case, while other patterns resulted in FA reductions of up to 18.8%.
- In districts with the highest SRA within the optimized urban district plan, further improvements were achieved through parametric analysis. These targeted optimizations led to total solar radiation reductions ranging from 4% to 7.3%, demonstrating the effectiveness of the method across various configurations.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Base Case | Scenario 1 | Scenario 2 | Scenario 3 | |||||
No. of Plots | Area | No. of Plots | Area | No. of Plots | Area | No. of Plots | Area | |
Offices | 19 | 347,000 | 30 | 252,738 | 46 | 346,920 | 33 | 258,804 |
Resi-low | 1710 | 811,521 | 1352 | 661,090 | 1715 | 1,291,100 | 1421 | 1,223,000 |
Resi-Med | 213 | 891,556 | 178 | 426,334 | 166 | 581,756 | 174 | 466,267 |
Industrial | 67 | 1,072,959 | 58 | 799,231 | 83 | 1,077,000 | 66 | 661,305 |
Staff accommodation | 11 | 70,138 | 18 | 86,212 | 20 | 194,958 | 17 | 103,958 |
Commercial | 1 | 102,043 | 1 | 118,729.5 | 1 | 104,922 | 1 | 79,370 |
Mixed use—high | 66 | 239,573 | 57 | 260,676 | 57 | 227,978 | 62 | 272,009 |
Mixed use—med | 62 | 327,405 | 107 | 434,162 | 110 | 469,879 | 88 | 333,002 |
Landscape | 0 | 943,178 | 0 | 877,523 | 0 | 1,047,400 | 0 | 838,004 |
Education | 9 | 431,505 | 4 | 258,653 | 7 | 313,220 | 7 | 396,438 |
Hospital | 2 | 36,787 | 1 | 106,771 | 1 | 87,896 | 1 | 71,671 |
Total | 2160 | 5,273,665 | 1806 | 4,282,120 | 2206 | 5,743,029 | 1870 | 4,703,828 |
Percentage | - | - | −16.4% | −18.8% | +2.1% | +8.9% | −13.4% | −10.8% |
Solar radiation simulation | Base Case | Scenario 1 | Legend |
1.2121 × 1010 | 1.1512 × 1010 (−5.0%) | ||
Scenario 2 | Scenario 3 | ||
1.11 × 1010 (−8.4%) | 1.1099 × 1010 (−8.4%) |
Urban Block 1 | Area | 147,522.8 |
Before optimization | Total radiation | 1366 kWh/m2 |
After optimization | Total radiation | 1267 kWh/m2 |
Urban block 2 | Area | 147,610 |
Before optimization | Total radiation | 1364 kWh/m2 |
After optimization | Total radiation | 1309 kWh/m2 |
Urban block 3 | Area | 147,719 |
Before optimization | Total radiation | 1409 kWh/m2 |
After optimization | Total radiation | 1342 kWh/m2 |
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Share and Cite
Taleb, H.M.; Kayed, M.; Baba, F. Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Urban District and Block Morphology to Minimize Solar Radiation Access and Maximize Building Floor Area in the UAE. Buildings 2024, 14, 3898.
Taleb HM, Kayed M, Baba F. Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Urban District and Block Morphology to Minimize Solar Radiation Access and Maximize Building Floor Area in the UAE. Buildings. 2024; 14(12):3898.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTaleb, Hanan M., Mays Kayed, and Fuad Baba. 2024. "Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Urban District and Block Morphology to Minimize Solar Radiation Access and Maximize Building Floor Area in the UAE" Buildings 14, no. 12: 3898.
APA StyleTaleb, H. M., Kayed, M., & Baba, F. (2024). Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Urban District and Block Morphology to Minimize Solar Radiation Access and Maximize Building Floor Area in the UAE. Buildings, 14(12), 3898.