Aggregate Recycling in Construction: Analysis of the Gaps between the Chilean and Spanish Realities
:1. Introduction
2. Research Programme
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Spanish Reality
3.1.1. Article 45—Spanish Constitution
3.1.2. Spanish Law 10/1998, of 21 April, on Waste
3.1.3. Spanish Law 22/2011, of 28 July, on Waste and Contaminated Soils
3.1.4. Order MAM/304/2002, of 8 February, which Publishes the Waste Recovery and Disposal Operations and the European List of Wastes
3.1.5. National Construction and Demolition Waste Plan (I PNRCD in Spanish) (2001–2006)
3.1.6. National Construction and Demolition Waste Plan (II PNRCD) (2008–2015)
3.1.7. Government Framework Plan for Waste Management (PEMAR in Spanish) (2016–2022)
3.1.8. Spanish Royal Decree 105/2008, of 1 February, which Regulates the Production and Management of Construction and Demolition Waste
3.1.9. Spanish Royal Decree 1247/2008, of 18 July, which Approves the Structural Concrete Standards (EHE-08)
3.2. Chilean Reality
3.2.1. Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile
3.2.2. Chilean Law No. 19.300—Law on General Environmental Framework
3.2.3. NCh 3562: Waste Management—Construction and Demolition Waste and Excavation Material—Classification and Guidelines for a Management Plan
- Promote the integral management of inert waste and construction work excavation materials, to decrease their environmental, social and economic impact.
- Promote the reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery of waste.
- Ensure an appropriate waste classification and placement for the final disposal of the aforementioned waste.
- ANNEX A: List of inert CDW;
- ANNEX B: List of hazardous CDW;
- ANNEX C: List of CDW similar to that from households;
- ANNEX D: List of excavation material;
- ANNEX E: Minimum contents of a Management Plan.
3.2.4. Chilean Law No. 20.920—Framework for the Management of Waste, the Extended Liability of the Producer and the Promotion of Recycling
3.2.5. Integral Management of Solid Waste Policy (PGIRS in Spanish)
3.2.6. Clean Production Agreement (APL in Spanish)
- NCh 2797.Of2003 “Clean Production Agreements (APL)—Specifications”.
- NCh 2807.Of2003 “Clean Production Agreements (APL)—Diagnosis, Monitoring and Control, Final assessment and Accreditation of compliance”.
- NCh 2825, on “Requirements for the final assessment auditors”.
- NCh 2796, on “Vocabulary” applied to this Accreditation System.
3.2.7. Research Programmes Conducted in Chile
First Report on the Handling of Solid Waste in Chile (Based on the “Gathering, Analysis, Generation and Publication of National Information on Solid Waste in Chile” Project, Year 2010)
- Integral Solid Waste Management Policy (PGIRS).
- Action Plan, which lasts until 2010.
- Ministry of the Environment.
- Superintendency of Oversight.
- Environmental Assessment Service.
- Environmental Tribunal.
Final “Gathering, Analysis and Generation of Information on Construction Waste” (Solid Waste Group of the Pontificia Catholic University of Valparaíso PUCV) Report
- Review the available information on construction and demolition waste.
- Complete and update the information on the generation and handling of construction waste, specifying the amounts and associated characteristics.
- Fill out the information requested on the OECD tables.
- The executing of the following activities was requested in order to conduct this report:
- To review the available information associated to construction waste on a national and international level.
- To modify and update the information associated to construction waste in Chile.
- To complete with the background information obtained from the model, the waste policy information on the OECD tables.
- To study of the “Gathering, analysis, generation and publication of national information on solid waste in Chile” report.
- Analysis of waste streams.
- Waste generation estimate.
- Assessment of the most favourable scenario for future management.
Third Report on the State of the Environment, 2017 Edition. Chapter 13: Waste
Construction Waste in Antofagasta, Preliminary Study (by the Studies Unit of the Chilean Construction Chamber (CCHC in Spanish), in Antofagasta)
3.3. Interviews with Experts
3.3.1. Roberto Tedias Araya (Construction Engineer, General Manager of the TVIAL Ltda. Construction Company), Jorge Fuentes Fuentes (Civil Engineer, Technical Manager of the Brotec Ltda. Construction Company)
3.3.2. Francisco Mora Frtiz (Civil Engineer, Metropolitan SERVIU)
3.3.3. Gabriela Muñoz Rojas, Gabriel Palma Papic (National Roads Laboratory)
3.3.4. Víctor Reyes González (Civil Engineer, Ministry of Public Works)
3.4. Technical Analysis
3.5. Result Analysis
3.5.1. Technical Legislation
3.5.2. Legal Legislation
- Spanish Law 10/1998;
- Spanish Law 21/2013;
- Spanish Law 22/2011;
- Order MAM/304/2002;
- Spanish Royal Decree 105/2008;
- Spanish Royal Decree 1247/2008;
- I PNRCD (2001–2006);
- II PNRCD (2008–2015);
- PEMAR (2016–2020).
- Chilean Law No. 19.300;
- Chilean Law No. 20.920;
- NCh 3562: Waste Management;
- Integral Solid Waste Management Policy (PGIRS)
- Clean Production Agreement (APL);
- Research programmes carried out in Chile.
3.5.3. RESCON Management Plan
3.5.4. Ministerial Structure
- There is an entity known as the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, which branches out into several Departments and Administrations. The General Administration of Architecture, Housing and Land, and the General Administration of Roads, are those responsible for Urban Roads and Interurban Roads, respectively (Figure 2).
- There is no responsible entity such as the mentioned Spanish one (Figure 2). There are only Ministries of Housing and Urban Development (which, through the SERVIU, is responsible for Urban Roads) and the Ministry of Public Works (responsible for Interurban Roads).
3.5.5. Infrastructure
3.5.6. Implementation of Recycled Aggregates
3.5.7. Solutions Proposed by the Experts
- Concrete test pieces (with a quality of up to G-40);
- Granular bases;
- Granular subbases;
- Securing and covering of pipes;
- Draining layers;
- Prefabricated pieces of concrete;
- Embankments;
- Fillings;
- Cement floor and cement gravel.
- Manufacturing of concrete test pieces (with a quality of up to G-30);
- Granular base;
- Granular subbase.
3.6. Research Works
- Companies are willing to support research works as a result of the change in mentality of European countries.
- European Union initiatives regarding applying a more sustainable outlook to the different economic sectors (e.g., construction), due to the possible shortage of aggregates endured in the continent.
- There is little willingness by companies to invest knowledge and collaborate with research projects.
3.7. Continental Reality
- Belongs to the European Union.
- Belongs to the Pacific Alliance, MERCOSUR and the Organisation of American States (OAS).
3.8. Insertion into the Market
- Recycled products from CDW are flagged with the “CE”mark. In French this means Conformité Européenne or European Conformity. It corresponds to a European mark for certain products or industrial groups.
- In Catalonia in 2016, 48% of CDW was recovered.
- It is predicted that by 2020, the recycled aggregates market will have developed enough so that its entire production is absorbed in different uses.
- Crushed granular base measuring <3” and <1½“ is manufactured.
4. Conclusions
- Lack of knowledge of the properties of recycled aggregates and its potential performance in construction works.
- High quality of natural aggregates and their extensive availability on the market.
- High manufacturing cost.
- Conservative attitude in the establishment of technologies and low tolerance of their performance by government bodies and construction companies.
- Investing in projects that encourage the use of recycled aggregates is recommended.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
- Constitución Española; Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado: Madrid, Spain, 1978.
- Ley 10/1998, de 21 de abril, de Residuos; Órgano Jefatura del Estado: Madrid, Spain, 1998.
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- Plan Nacional de Residuos de Construcción y Demolición (I PNRCD) 2001–2006; Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado: Madrid, Spain, 2006.
- Plan Nacional Integrado de Residuos (PNIR) 2008–2015; Anexo 6; Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado: Madrid, Spain, 2008.
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Objective | 2008 | 2012 | 2015 |
Collection + appropriate environmental management | 80 | 95 | 100 |
Prevention + reuse | 10 | 20 | |
Recycling | 25 | 40 | |
Recovery of waste from construction materials | 40 | 70 |
Objective | 2016 | 2018 | 2020 |
Non-hazardous CDW (in %) allocated to being prepared for reuse, recycling and other recovery operations (excluding clean soils and stones) (minimum) | 60 | 65 | 70 |
Disposal of non-hazardous CDW in dumping sites (in %) (maximum) | 40 | 35 | 30 |
% of clean soils and stones (EWL 17 05 04) used in ground and restoration, refurbishing or filling works (minimum) | 75 | 85 | 90 |
Disposal of clean soils and stones (EWL 17 05 04) in dumping sites (in %) of the total volume of excavated natural materials (maximum) | 25 | 15 | 10 |
Autonomous Community | Transfer Plants | Permanent Treatment Plants | Mobile Treatment Plants | Dumping Sites |
Andalusia | 92 | 119 | 21 | 71 |
Aragon | 18 | 6 | 1 | 5 |
Asturias | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 |
Balearic Islands | 6 | 2 | n/a | 1 |
Canary Islands | 0 | 23 | n/a | 7 |
Cantabria | 12 | 4 | 12 | 2 |
Castilla-La Mancha | n/a | 28 | 27 | 12 |
Castile and Leon | 0 | 45 | 0 | 3 |
Catalonia | 12 | 50 | 0 | 57 |
Ceuta | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Valencian Community | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Extremadura | 16 | 21 | 1 | 0 |
Galicia | 3 | 43 | 21 | 5 |
La Rioja | n/a | 16 | 0 | 2 |
Community of Madrid | 10 | 14 | 0 | 4 |
Melilla | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Region of Murcia | 2 | 4 | 32 | 19 |
Navarre | n/a | 7 | 3 | 7 |
Basque Country | n/a | n/a | 11 | n/a |
TOTAL | 174 | 386 | 134 | 196 |
Professional | Entity | |
Roberto Tedias A. | TVIAL Ltda. Construction Company | |
Jorge Fuentes F. | BROTEC Construction Company | |
Francisco Mora F. | Metropolitan Housing and Town Planning Service (SERVIU) | |
Gabriela Muñoz R. | National Roads Laboratory | |
Gabriel Palma P. | National Roads Laboratory | |
Víctor Reyes G. | Ministry of Public Works | |
PEMAR (2016–2022) | |
Transfer Plants | 174 |
Permanent Treatment Plants | 396 |
Mobile Treatment Plants | 134 |
Dumping sites | 196 |
No. | Company | Commune |
1 | REGEMAC | Puente Alto |
2 | SOCIEDAD BALTIERRA S.A. | Puente Alto |
3 | SEMOT LTDA. | Puente Alto |
4 | POZO AEROPUERTO AMB | Pudahuel |
5 | NEXO RESIDUOS LTDA. | Pudahuel |
6 | IDEA CORP S.A. | San Bernardo |
7 | MARGA MARGA S.A. | San Bernardo |
8 | SOC. PÉTREOS S.A. | Padre Hurtado |
9 | CERROS DE RENCA | Quilicura |
10 | RINCONADA S.A. | Maipú |
Existing Problem | Proposed Solution |
There are no laws that mandate the creation of a management plan for waste generated during construction. | The creation of NCh 3562 solves this item. The environmental authorities are the ones responsible for implementing these obligations in the sector. |
There is a lack of knowledge on standard NCh 3562—Waste management. | When the standard is approved, its use must be facilitated through training on its appropriate implementation |
Technical legislation does not include recycled aggregate as a construction material. | Including it in all of the country’s technical legislation (Roads Manual, NCh, SERVIU regulations, among others). To this point, only the Roads Manual includes recycled materials (RAP). |
Existing Problem | Proposed Solution |
There is no procedure that allows the insertion of research or innovation documents. | Create a protocol that streamlines the insertion of research on the use of recycled aggregates in construction. Establish incentives and/or rewards for the most innovative ideas. |
There is no great interest in using recycled aggregates in paving works, due to the lack of technical knowledge on behalf of public bodies. | Promote recycled aggregates through research conducted in the sector, showing the benefits compared to its natural counterpart in different implementations in road and interurban works. |
Existing Problem | Proposed Solution |
In tests conducted on concretes with recycled aggregates, the results were critical due to the low resistance of the test pieces, both to compression and bending tension. | The use of concretes manufactured with recycled aggregates is recommended in cases where the resistance is not a critical factor. |
Existing Problem | Proposed Solution |
In the country there are no incentives to make use of recycled aggregates, due to their cost being greater than their natural counterpart. | Establish in the administrative bases of the projects to be tendered, a certain percentage of reuse of demolished materials based on technical criteria. |
Situation | Benefits | Disadvantages |
Washing and blowing of CDW from concrete pavement demolitions. | Removes the layer of mortar adhered to the Surface of the CDW. | High cost per m3 of water and high levels of pollution. |
Installation of a mobile crushing plant on site. | Makes it possible to crush demolition waste in situ. Decrease of the transport cost of natural aggregate to the site. Decrease of the transport cost of construction waste to the dumping site.Decrease in pollution levels from lorries. | There is no appropriate space to install this machinery. Possible expansion of the project’s deadline. Additional cost for the extra on-site use (in the case of communes that apply a tax for the use of a public asset. High machinery rental and purchase cost. |
Rubblizing | Makes it possible to demolish the existing pavement and generate a layer of granular base in situ. Decrease of the transport cost of natural aggregates to the site. Decrease of the transport cost of the construction waste to the dumping site. Decrease in pollution levels from lorries. | High machinery rental and purchase cost. |
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Share and Cite
Díaz, M.; Almendro-Candel, M.B.; Blanco, D.; Jordan, M.M. Aggregate Recycling in Construction: Analysis of the Gaps between the Chilean and Spanish Realities. Buildings 2019, 9, 154.
Díaz M, Almendro-Candel MB, Blanco D, Jordan MM. Aggregate Recycling in Construction: Analysis of the Gaps between the Chilean and Spanish Realities. Buildings. 2019; 9(7):154.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDíaz, Marcos, María Belén Almendro-Candel, David Blanco, and Manuel Miguel Jordan. 2019. "Aggregate Recycling in Construction: Analysis of the Gaps between the Chilean and Spanish Realities" Buildings 9, no. 7: 154.
APA StyleDíaz, M., Almendro-Candel, M. B., Blanco, D., & Jordan, M. M. (2019). Aggregate Recycling in Construction: Analysis of the Gaps between the Chilean and Spanish Realities. Buildings, 9(7), 154.