Socio-Phenomenological Reflections on What Digital Death Brings and Denies in Terms of Relational Experiences to Orthodox Romanians
:1. Introduction
2. Schütz’s Social Phenomenology and Digital Life-Worlds
“Look at me when you speak to me. We teach children the outward manifestations of full attention (…) [to] get them to a more profound feeling state. This is the feeling state of attachment and empathic connection”.
3. Romanian Orthodox Christianity
4. Fieldwork Notes
4.1. Miraculous Polenta1
“Many people have been healed by miraculous icons they’ve never even seen. Someone describes the icon for them, they kneel (…) become cured (…) I’ve seen God’s power twice during COVID”.
4.2. “In-Between”
“I didn’t have the strength to call everyone, so I posted on Facebook (…) I don’t see this (…) in any way. (…) I actually did very little. (…) I don’t feel like discussing publicly what concerns me (…) I don’t remember what I specifically thought. (…) I didn’t say much. I wrote that she passed and added [her favourite] music”.
“Pain is a heavy burden. (…) you have to be there in person (…) for the members of the parish”.
“I was quite lonely after mom’s death, with a newborn (…) I looked for help at mom’s church. (…) The priest was disgusting, so judgmental and cold. (…) I was on this group for manicurists looking for work, chatting (…), and never said a word about (…) my mom. There’s no point, you can’t trust them, so many crazy ones, so much pretence”.
“(…) my sister was with him (…) said, “Dad, if you can hear me, don’t worry, we’re all fine. You go in peace…” (…) He took a deep breath and died. Every time I remember this I have a good feeling. (…) What a huge good! (…) family telling you it’s fine (…) Can you ask for more?”
“I feel powerless. (…) It paralyses me. I don’t even know what to say, all that crying, they look disfigured, I feel like (…) facing a crime scene (…) something evil”.
“Should I decide (…) [about] my digital traces? Why should I care? I only care about those who knew me in person. They’ll drink for me and light a candle (…) You put your intense moments online, you dilute them, you become nothing, persons become information (…)”
4.3. “I Lose Her Every Day”
“I post about mom (…) so I feel I live through her death (…) I post about her every day, and I lose her every day”.
“My colleagues (…) asked [6 months after losing him]: “Still not OK? This boy won’t let you live! See a priest!” (…) I was so angry (…) bothered by their stupid remarks! (…) At least here [online group] everyone’s been through something (…)”.
“I need to post him (…) I post (…) un-disturbing things (…) playing soccer (…) Suffering doesn’t scare me (…) forgetting (…) is my biggest fear. (…) I’ve seen selfies of crying mothers (…) how deranged is that!”
“In Reality 2.0, mourned objects become enigmas, rather than ghosts. I can never possess you, but if I can search for you indefinitely, you will always live in me as you live beyond me. Perhaps you will help me to never find you?”.
5. Conclusions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Porridge made of cornmeal and salty water, cheaper than bread, “eternally popular” in Romania. |
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Toplean, A. Socio-Phenomenological Reflections on What Digital Death Brings and Denies in Terms of Relational Experiences to Orthodox Romanians. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 686.
Toplean A. Socio-Phenomenological Reflections on What Digital Death Brings and Denies in Terms of Relational Experiences to Orthodox Romanians. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(12):686.
Chicago/Turabian StyleToplean, Adela. 2023. "Socio-Phenomenological Reflections on What Digital Death Brings and Denies in Terms of Relational Experiences to Orthodox Romanians" Social Sciences 12, no. 12: 686.
APA StyleToplean, A. (2023). Socio-Phenomenological Reflections on What Digital Death Brings and Denies in Terms of Relational Experiences to Orthodox Romanians. Social Sciences, 12(12), 686.