Symbolic Interactionism and Communication Patterns: Insights from Army Wives Union Organizations (Persit-KCK), Indonesia
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Determination of Informants
2.2. Qualitative Data Collection Techniques
2.3. Qualitative Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Human Thought and Persit-KCK Mission: Member Behavior and Organizational Symbols
3.2. Social Interaction, Communication and Organization Persit-KCK
“My experience between the Persit (Army Wives Association) in Indonesia and Malaysia is quite unique, in Malaysia, all the motives are the same, the army, sea, and air forces all have the same Persit (Army Wives Association). The uniform for Persit (Army Wives Association) members is the only difference in the headscarf. The Army’s hood color is red and gray and the Navy’s is blue. Cows for their uniforms are the same as floral motifs containing elements of these three colors.”
“The use of uniforms for different organizations, if you move to the Headquarters of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI Headquarters) you have to change, even though our husbands don’t change uniforms, just change their Berets. Why don’t we just go with it like that, the clothes don’t need to change, maybe the headscarves change, so we don’t have to make too many clothes. we can imitate the one in simple Malaysia which is important to be polite and still beautiful.”
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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The Army Wives Association (Persit-KCK) in Indonesia | The Army Wives Association (Persit-KCK) in Malaysia | The Army Wives Association (Persit-KCK) in Singapore | The Army Wives Association (Persit-KCK) in the United States |
The motif of the Army Wife’s uniform is not much different from that of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. | The identity of the members is simple but still polite and beautiful (not too many clothing motifs and when used in outdoor activities, it still looks appropriate). The motif for the uniform of the Army’s wife’s head scarf is red and gray, and for the Navy, it is blue. Guidelines for their uniforms are the same as floral motifs, containing elements of these three colors. Not much different from members of the Soldier’s Wives Association (Persit-KCK) in Indonesia. | There is no special dress for the wife | There is no special dress for the wife |
Active in social activities as the wife of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). | Active in accompanying military banquets. | The behavior of soldiers’ wives in Singapore is not very active in social activities, and military service. | The behavior of soldiers’ wives in The United State is not very active in social activities and military service. |
No. | Created Symbols | Identification and Analysis |
1 | Code of Dignity | The symbols created form a symbolic model and social capital in a code of dignity. The position of Persit members can be seen through the use of language, calls or certain terms used by Persit members when communicating with other members, as well as the position of Persit members in Persit management. In choosing the language used to communicate with other Persit members, Persit members use symbolic capital and social capital. The visible symbolic capital is the husband’s rank in the military world. A person will be respected when he has a high rank and position in his unit, for example, TNI soldiers who have the rank of officers compared with TNI soldiers who have the rank of non-commissioned officer or enlisted. TNI soldiers who hold the rank of non-commissioned officer or enlisted must respect and obey TNI soldiers who have the rank of officer. Another visible capital is social capital. Persit members use social capital when interacting with higher-position Persit members. This social capital is used to maintain relationships with Persit members whose positions are higher than theirs. |
2 | Code of Loyalty | The symbols created form a social model in the code of obedience. It can be interpreted that social capital in the compliance code can be seen in how Persit members maintain their relationship with the Chairwoman. When facing members with a higher position, Persit members must be prepared in advance, such as when informant I wanted to discuss food issues during a visit by the commander in chief. |
3 | Code of Power | The symbols created form a social model in the code of power. It can be observed that Persit-KCK (KCK) is in a military environment; therefore, in its implementation, there are rules that also apply in the husband’s organization. As an organization, Persit has a binding force towards its members. Membership of this organization is mandatory, as every woman who has been officially married to a soldier of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI-AD) will automatically become a member of Persit-KCK. The Persit organization has written and unwritten rules that regulate its members in speaking with and behaving in relation to other members, including how to dress, speaking according to the husband’s rank, and others. A Persit member who dares to give advice or criticism to a Persit member with a higher position will be considered impolite and not act according to existing ethics. Persit members who are in lower positions have a bad taste and are reluctant towards members who are in higher positions, both when talking and when sitting. Persit-KCK members with low positions speak more standard language and tend to avoid talking about Persit members with higher positions. |
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Poerana, A.F.; Suminar, J.R.; Hadisiwi, P.; Rizal, E. Symbolic Interactionism and Communication Patterns: Insights from Army Wives Union Organizations (Persit-KCK), Indonesia. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 172.
Poerana AF, Suminar JR, Hadisiwi P, Rizal E. Symbolic Interactionism and Communication Patterns: Insights from Army Wives Union Organizations (Persit-KCK), Indonesia. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(3):172.
Chicago/Turabian StylePoerana, Ana Fitriana, Jenny Ratna Suminar, Purwanti Hadisiwi, and Edwin Rizal. 2023. "Symbolic Interactionism and Communication Patterns: Insights from Army Wives Union Organizations (Persit-KCK), Indonesia" Social Sciences 12, no. 3: 172.
APA StylePoerana, A. F., Suminar, J. R., Hadisiwi, P., & Rizal, E. (2023). Symbolic Interactionism and Communication Patterns: Insights from Army Wives Union Organizations (Persit-KCK), Indonesia. Social Sciences, 12(3), 172.