Adolescence in the Italian Labour Market: In Search of an Equilibrium Among Instability, Uncertainty, and AI Challenges
:1. Introduction
2. The Labour Market in Europe in the New Millennium: Between “Brakes” and “Accelerations”
3. The Consequences of Labour Market Uncertainty on the Individual
4. Adolescent Brain Development and the School-to-Work Transition
5. The Italian Labour Market, Its Peculiarities and Youth Employment
6. Pedagogical Perspectives and the New Challenges of AI
7. What Kind of STWT with the Rise of AI?
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Mancaniello, M.R.; Lavanga, F. Adolescence in the Italian Labour Market: In Search of an Equilibrium Among Instability, Uncertainty, and AI Challenges. Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 688.
Mancaniello MR, Lavanga F. Adolescence in the Italian Labour Market: In Search of an Equilibrium Among Instability, Uncertainty, and AI Challenges. Social Sciences. 2024; 13(12):688.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMancaniello, Maria Rita, and Francesco Lavanga. 2024. "Adolescence in the Italian Labour Market: In Search of an Equilibrium Among Instability, Uncertainty, and AI Challenges" Social Sciences 13, no. 12: 688.
APA StyleMancaniello, M. R., & Lavanga, F. (2024). Adolescence in the Italian Labour Market: In Search of an Equilibrium Among Instability, Uncertainty, and AI Challenges. Social Sciences, 13(12), 688.