1. Introduction
Research on the reporting of sexual assaults and sexual assault case attrition has increased markedly in recent decades (
Horney and Spohn 1996;
Kelley and Campbell 2013;
LaFree 1981;
Pattavina et al. 2016;
Rose and Randall 1982;
Tasca et al. 2013). Results from sexual violence studies have yielded important contributions to public awareness, prevention strategies, and policy development. In part due to the influence of the women’s movement, policies related to sexual assault have shifted in recent decades to move the focus of responsibility from the victim to the offender (
Spohn and Horney 1991;
Spohn and Tellis 2012). Since the 1970s, reforms have amended evidence standards and victim resistance requirements, created rape shield laws, established specialized prosecution units, and revised the legal definition of sexual assault (
Beichner and Spohn 2005;
Clay-Warner and Burt 2005;
Spohn and Horney 1991,
Spohn and Tellis 2012). Despite these policy changes, sexual assault remains severely underreported, and cases which are reported suffer from high attrition rates once they enter the criminal justice system. To illustrate, the National Crime Victimization Survey indicated that only 22.9% of rapes and sexual assaults were reported to the police in 2016. Further, the US Department of Justice reported that out of every 1000 sexual assaults reported to the police, only 46 will result in an arrest and nine in a referral to prosecutors.
Sexual assault cases may fail to progress through criminal justice system processing at several points. At any stage, victims of sexual assault may discontinue their cooperation with the police or decline to move forward with prosecution. When victims agree to move forward with legal action, attrition is often first influenced by the discretionary power held by the police. Police use their discretion in determining how to address reports of sexual assault, including the decision to make an arrest (
Alderden and Ullman 2012;
LaFree 1981;
Tasca et al. 2013), and which cases to move forward for prosecution (
Frazier and Haney 1996;
Gregory and Lees 1996;
Horney and Spohn 1996).
3. Data and Methods
The location from which the data for this study were drawn is a medium-sized, Midwestern city in the United States. According to Census information, the city had a population of approximately 110,000 at the time of data collection. The city’s racial composition was 92.4% White, 2.5% African American, 2.1% Hispanic or Latino, and 3% all other races. The city has a mixed economy (including retail, manufacturing, etc.), and can be described as a university town as it has several universities and community/technical colleges in the surrounding area.
The data source for this study consists of official police reports of adult sexual assault incidents from one local police department employing 145 sworn patrol officers. At the time of data collection, 21% of sworn officers were female and 79% were male. All sworn officers in this agency were White, and the average length of employment as a police officer in this department was nine years. Approximately 75% of the police officers working in this police department were married and had attained at least a bachelor’s degree. Police officers at any rank in this department were qualified to respond to reports of sexual assault, as this agency did not have a specialized sexual assault task force/unit.
Data for this study were drawn from 11 years of adult felony attempted or completed sexual assault incidents reported to the police in one local Midwestern police department. Reports were collected beginning in the summer of 2010 and ended in the spring of 2011. Upon approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board and the police department, access was granted to all police reports of adult sexual assault incidents that were reported between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2010. This time frame was selected for two reasons. First, all of the reports were entered using the same computer software and criteria, offering consistency in the reports. Second, in order to conduct quantitative analyses, it was necessary to collect multiple years of sexual assault reports. The reports contained victim, suspect, and incident characteristics, primarily through initial and follow-up event summaries written by the investigating officers. A total of 570 incident reports were collected. This analysis focused on female victims 18 years of age or older, as a very small percentage of incident reports reflected assaults with male victims (5.8%, or 33/570). Therefore, a total of 537 sexual assault incidents were analyzed in this research. Additionally, the race of the victim was unknown in 81.8% of the cases; however, when victim race was recorded, the majority were White (86.3%). This is not surprising, given the racially homogenous composition of the city and surrounding areas. Because the majority of cases were missing information on victim race, the analyses in this study could not assess any racial effects that have been influential in prior research.
The current research focused on two police decision-making points, the decision to arrest an identified sexual assault suspect and the decision to forward sexual assault cases to prosecutors. The first dependent variable, arrest measured sexual assault cases that resulted in the arrest of an identified suspect (coded as 0 for cases that did not result in an arrest and 1 for cases that resulted in the arrest of at least one suspect). The second dependent variable, forward, measured the decision of the police to forward a case for prosecution either after arresting a suspect or before an arrest for a pre-charge review (coded as 0 for cases that were dismissed or considered inactive by police and 1 for cases that were referred to the prosecutor’s office).
Based on prior research that has shown victim cooperation, evidence, case seriousness, and victim credibility factors influential in how police process sexual assault cases, this study included seven independent variables reflective of those categories. Victim cooperation assessed whether the victim was willing to cooperate with the investigation and prosecution of the crime (coded 0 for refused to cooperate and 1 for willing to cooperate). Evidence measured whether forensic evidence such as clothing or other items containing bodily fluid was collected during the investigation and whether a rape kit was completed. If forensic evidence was collected from the scene or if a rape kit was completed by the victim, the variable was coded as “1”. Likewise, if evidence was not collected and a rape kit was not completed, the variable was coded as “0”.
The seriousness of the case included two variables: weapon use and victim injury. Weapon use represented whether a weapon (e.g., gun, knife, or other object) was reported by the victim as being used during the sexual assault (0 = no and 1 = yes) and victim injury measured whether the victim sustained any visible physical injuries such as cuts, bruises, or abrasions from the sexual assault (0 = no and 1 = yes).
Victim credibility was measured with three extralegal variables: victim alcohol use, the time between the occurrence of the incident and when it was reported, and the relationship between the victim and offender. The variable,
victim alcohol use measured whether the victim used alcohol immediately before the incident (0 = no and 1 = yes).
Time to report was coded similar to
Holleran et al.’s (
2010) study, which used “0” for sexual assault incidents that were reported to the police by the victim within 24 h and “1” for incidents that were reported to the police more than 24 h after the assault occurred. The variable,
relationship was coded “0” if the suspect was a stranger to the victim and “1” to reflect a suspect known to the victim (e.g., current or former partner, friend, neighbor, colleague, etc.).
Logistic regression was used to evaluate the effects of the above eight predictor variables on both outcome variables (i.e., arrest and refer case for prosecution). Since the outcome variables are dichotomous, logistic regression was an appropriate multivariate analysis for this research (
Menard 2002). As some of the sexual assault cases were missing information on the variables in this study, pairwise deletion was used to account for cases with missing data. Collinearity diagnostics determined there were no issues with multicollinearity, as all variance inflation factors (VIFs) were below 2.
4. Results
Table 1 displays the descriptive statistics for each of the variables used in this study. Similar to
Tasca et al. (
2013), the analysis includes only those cases in which a suspect was identified by the police. The majority (78.5%) of sexual assault cases did not result in arrest by police. In contrast to police decision to arrest, the police forwarded the majority (56.6%) of cases in which a suspect was identified to prosecution for consideration. Police reports indicated slightly over half of victims reported the incident to police within 24 h (56.9%) and were willing to cooperate with the investigation (54.7%). Weapon use and physical injuries were relatively infrequent, as 24.5% of sexual assaults involved weapons and 27.6% of victims sustained physical injuries. In most of the sexual assaults (71.9%), the suspect was known to the victim. Most victims consumed alcohol prior to the incident (58.6%). In addition, forensic evidence was collected in 57.6% of the cases.
Table 2 presents the results of the logistic regression model predicting police decision to arrest an identified suspect. The model examining arrest included victim cooperation, the presence of forensic evidence (including the completion of a rape kit), weapon use, physical injuries to the victim, whether the victim used alcohol, time between the incident and when it was reported, and whether the suspect was a stranger or someone known to the victim. The model was statistically significant, indicating that the model distinguished between cases resulting in the arrest of identified suspects and those which did not.
Table 2 illustrates the five variables in the model were significantly associated with police decision to arrest an identified suspect. The strongest predictor was victim cooperation. Cases in which the victim was willing to cooperate were nearly 12 times more likely to result in the arrest of an identified suspect. The second strongest predictor was the collection of forensic evidence with an odds ratio of 9.431, indicating cases with physical or forensic evidence were over nine times more likely to result in the arrest of an identified suspect than cases without evidence. The use of a weapon and physical injuries to the victim both significantly increased the odds of arrest. Additionally, the time between the incident and when it was reported was significantly associated with arrest. Arrest was approximately 39% less likely in cases that were reported to the police within 24 h. The completion of a rape kit, alcohol use by the victim, and relationship between the victim and suspect were not statistically significant predictors of arrest.
Table 3 presents the results of the logistic regression model predicting police decision to refer sexual assault cases to prosecutors. The model was statistically significant at the
p < 0.001 level, indicating that the model was able to discern between cases referred to prosecution and those which were dropped or classified as inactive by the police.
In this model, four variables emerged as significant predictors of police decisions to forward cases on to prosecution. As with arrest, victim cooperation and forensic evidence emerged as the strongest predictors of sexual assault case referral. Sexual assaults with victims who were willing to cooperate with investigations were 6.593 times more likely to be referred to prosecutors than sexual assault cases in which the victim refused to cooperate. Similarly, cases in which forensic evidence was collected were 7.301 times more likely to be referred than cases without forensic evidence. Sexual assaults that resulted in physical injuries to the victim were also more likely to be referred to prosecutors than cases in which a victim was not physically injured. Victim alcohol use, while not statistically significant in the model predictive of arrest, emerged as a significant variable to predict case referral. That is, sexual assault cases in which the victims had abstained from using alcohol were over 60% more likely to be referred to prosecutors than cases with victims who had consumed alcohol preceding the incident. Weapon involvement, timeliness of the report, and victim-suspect relationship were not found to be statistically significant predictors of police decisions to refer sexual assault cases to prosecutors.
5. Discussion
Once the police receive a report of sexual assault, they make several decisions that affect how the case is processed within the criminal justice system. Based on a variety of case characteristics, one decision point is whether to arrest an identified suspect. Second, police must also decide whether to refer cases to prosecutors for further consideration or a pre-charge evaluation. The current study included seven legal and extralegal variables which represented four categories: victim cooperation, evidence, seriousness of the crime, and victim credibility. The findings in the current study are overall consistent with previous research which has shown that both legal and extralegal case characteristics are factored into police decisions at both of these points in the criminal justice process (
Alderden and Ullman 2012;
Frazier and Haney 1996;
Gregory and Lees 1996;
Horney and Spohn 1996;
Kelley and Campbell 2013;
LaFree 1981;
Tasca et al. 2013).
In this analysis, victim cooperation was paramount to sexual assault cases moving forward in the criminal justice system at both arrest and referral decision points. Victim cooperation was the most robust predictor in the arrest model and second most robust predictor in the decision to refer cases to prosecution. Specifically, arrests were almost 12 times more likely and referrals were over six times more likely when victims were willing to cooperate with investigations. In the jurisdiction used in this study, like many others, cases are considered closed if at any point victims discontinue their cooperation with the investigation, so it makes sense that cooperation was strongly linked to these decision points. The variable representing evidentiary sources was strongly linked to decisions made by police. The significance of forensic evidence closely followed victim cooperation as a predictor of the decision to arrest and was the strongest predictor of case referral to prosecutors. This finding illustrates the importance of gathering forensic evidence from the scene of the offense as well as the importance of encouraging victims to complete a rape kit. This finding is also consistent with prior research, as
Tasca et al. (
2013) found arrest to be over 27 times more likely in cases that included forensic evidence and
Horney and Spohn (
1996) found physical evidence significantly increased the odds of case referral.
To assess the role that crime seriousness played in decisions made by police, this study examined the influence of weapon use by the suspect and physical injuries to the victim. Both of these variables were significantly positively related to arrest decisions, and victim injury was significantly associated with the decision to refer cases to prosecutors. In other words, police were more likely to arrest an identified suspect in sexual assault cases where a weapon was used and the victim physically injured. The police were also more likely to refer cases involving victim injury to prosecutors. However, while the use of a weapon to commit a sexual assault was related to arrest decisions, it was not statistically significant in the referral model. These findings are generally consistent with prior research that has found weapon use to be predictive of arrest decisions (
Bachman 1998;
Bouffard 2000;
Tasca et al. 2013) and is consistent with
Estrich’s (
1987) argument that some criminal justice officials view cases characterized as “real” rapes more seriously.
Two extralegal case characteristics reflective of victim credibility were included in this study. Victim time to report was significantly associated with police decision to arrest suspects. Identified suspects were far more likely to be arrested in cases that were reported within 24 h. One explanation for this finding is that identified suspects might be easier to locate soon after the sexual assault. In other words, the more time between the incident and when it is reported impedes the ability of police officers to locate a suspect and make an arrest. The influence of timely reporting in this study is also consistent with early studies that suggest rapid reporting by victims may positively influence police officers’ perceptions of victim credibility (
LaFree 1981;
Rose and Randall 1982). The findings in the current study contrast
Tasca et al.’s (
2013) analysis in which they found that cases were slightly less likely to result in arrest when they were reported promptly. Supplementing with narratives, the authors posited that various other case factors outweighed any influence of the time to report (e.g., the victim reported promptly, but refused to submit a rape kit). Victim time to report, however, was not a significant predictor of case referral. This finding mirrors prior research, as
Horney and Spohn (
1996) found case referrals to be more likely when the assault was not promptly reported.
The use of alcohol by the victim was not significantly related to arrest decisions in the current study; however, alcohol use by the victim greatly reduced the likelihood of case referral. This finding is generally consistent with the influence of victim misconduct (
LaFree 1981) and victim credibility measures (
Tasca et al. 2013) in previous studies, both of which combined an aggregated a number of behaviors into an overall measure of credibility. The finding in the current study suggests that, at least in the current jurisdiction, alcohol use remains an important indicator of victim credibility as it relates to referral decisions. The relationship between the suspect and victim bore no influence on either arrest or referral decisions. This finding is in contrast to prior conflicting research that has either found arrest to be more likely in stranger cases (
Bouffard 2000) or in cases involving acquaintances (
Tasca et al. 2013). While some researchers have argued that attempts to reduce the significance of extralegal case characteristics in recent years has been promising (
Alderden and Ullman 2012), the consistent relevance of victim credibility variables in both models suggests victim credibility factors remain a factor in police decision making today.
Taken together, the results from this study highlight the importance of victim cooperation, evidentiary factors, and case seriousness in police decisions to arrest identified sexual assault suspects and move cases forward to prosecutors. Our findings also imply that extralegal factors that focus on the credibility of the victims are considered within the context of arrest and referral decisions, albeit to a lesser degree than victim cooperation and forensic evidence. The results of this study lend partial support for the notion that like prosecutors, the decisions of police may be guided by the desire to avoid uncertainty. In turn, cases with overwhelming evidence resulted in arrest and cases that officers predicted would be accepted by prosecutors were forwarded. It is possible that the prosecutors in this study are reluctant to accept cases in which evidence has not been collected as these cases are less likely to secure convictions. It is also plausible that prosecutors may be more hesitant to accept cases in which victims used alcohol prior to the incident as alcohol use increases the level of uncertainty that the incident constituted a sexual assault. As a result, the police may be reluctant to forward cases involving victim alcohol use.
The “downstream orientation” as it pertains to police decision making implies that the police are more likely to take official action in cases they predict will be pursued at the next stage of processing (
Frohmann 1991). In this manner, the police avoid uncertainty by referring cases with profound criminal evidence. In the current study, when arrests were made, they most often occurred prior to referral decisions; however, far more referrals to prosecutors were made than arrests. This can be explained in two ways. In general, less is known about the characteristics of a case at the point an arrest is typically made (i.e., before case referral), so cases that are reported quickly and include forensic evidence and injured victims who willingly participate in the investigation secure a prompt response from police by way of arresting an identified suspect. In this study, 43.1% of sexual assaults were reported at least 24 h after they occurred, victim injury was relatively uncommon (27.6% of victims were physically injured) and slightly over half (54.7%) of victims were willing to cooperate. Because this yields relatively few cases that fit the stereotypical definition of a “real rape”, police officers may have been less motivated to react with arrest.
An alternative explanation suggests police in this study were inclined to shift their uncertainty to prosecutors by forwarding cases for review prior to making an arrest. As noted, cases with cooperative victims and forensic evidence were nearly certain to be referred to prosecutors. However, weapon use was not associated with referral decisions. Perhaps the police were more likely to refer cases that they were uncertain about (i.e., those which did not include a weapon) to prosecutors for their assessment before taking further action. In addition, victims in cases which were referred prior to arrest may have discontinued their participation, making the arrest of an identified suspect unlikely. In sum, the overall results of the current research are consistent with prior studies that have found police decisions in sexual assault cases are guided by a combination of legal and extralegal factors.
6. Limitations and Conclusions
It is important to recognize limitations that exist in the current study. First, the data used in this study focused on sexual assault reports from one Midwestern jurisdiction in the United States, and as such, the results have limited generalizability. Future studies should continue to expand research on police discretion in sexual assault cases by studying other jurisdictions or incorporating several communities into one analysis. Furthermore, extralegal variables such as victim race and victim age could not be assessed in the current study because of the significant amount of missing data on these characteristics and because of the homogenous racial composition in the remaining dataset. Second, our study is based on data collected from police reports, and therefore, likely does not capture all instances of discretionary behavior with police decision to arrest or refer cases to prosecution. Other factors not contained within the police reports may also be influencing police decisions to arrest or refer to prosecution. Studies on sexual assault case attrition and police discretion would benefit from triangulation by incorporating interviews with victims or participant observation of police officers and official statistics. While interviews and participant observations carry their own set of limitations, triangulation would strengthen overall findings by reducing the reliance on one method of data collection.
Even with the above limitations, this study contributes to the current literature on sexual assault case attrition by providing an analysis of police discretion at two points in sexual assault case processing. The results have several implications for police practices related to sexual assault cases. First, the influence of victim cooperation and forensic evidence on case processing suggests that police training should not only serve to ensure that evidence is properly collected by officers, but also that officers are properly trained to express the importance of evidence to victims of sexual violence. In this regard, victims may be more likely to cooperate with investigations and further the case through the criminal justice system. Second, the consistent influence of victim credibility factors (i.e., timeliness of reporting and victim alcohol use) on case processing suggests that police training should focus on the importance of refraining from incorporating victim credibility into their decisions. Like extant literature, most sexual assault cases in this study included extralegal factors based on rape myths (e.g., victim alcohol use) which should not influence the way cases are handled by the police. Broadly speaking, reducing stereotypes about rape in society, including the acceptance of rape myths, would lead to greater encouragement for victims to report the incidents to police and continue their involvement in case processing. In turn, police and prosecutors who receive additional training to reduce rape myth acceptance would be more likely to pursue cases without the consideration of victim credibility factors. As a result, sexual assault case attrition would be reduced at all stages within the criminal justice process.
More generally, the results from this study suggest that while legal factors such as forensic evidence have the largest impact on police decision making in sexual assault cases, extralegal factors continue to be important predictors of how far a case reaches within the criminal justice process. Sexual violence remains a critical problem within society and is a crime that continues to be severely underreported, not only in the United State, but globally. Moreover, victims who do not address the assault are at risk of developing mental health issues.
Cohn et al. (
2013) analyzed data from 441 rape victims who did not report the crime to police and found correlation between criminal justice concerns (including the fear of being treated badly by the police) and long-term mental health issues such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. If the fear of negative interactions with the police can be alleviated, sexual assault victims will be less hesitant to report the crimes and more willing to cooperate with the investigation and prosecution. Future research should continue to examine ways in which police training can reduce sexual assault case attrition and improve outcomes in sexual assault cases.