Territorial Intelligence, a Collective Challenge for Sustainable Development: A Scoping Review
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Presentation and Discussion of Results
3.1. What: Information and Knowledge
3.2. Where: The Territory
3.3. Why: The Sustainability
3.4. When: The Time of the Governance
3.5. Who: The Actors
3.6. For What: The Objectives
3.7. How: The Methods
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria |
Research studies published in scientific journals. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods. Doctoral theses. Published between the period of 2000–2020. | Conference. Proceedings. Books and chapters. |
Written in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese. Focused on Territorial Intelligence. |
General databases | Scopus (www.scopus.com) Web of Science (https://apps.webofknowledge.com/) ProQuest (https://www.proquest.com/) |
Specialized databases | Archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (HAL) (https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/) CAIRN (https://www.cairn.info/) ABI/inform (https://www.proquest.com/) EconLit (https://www.proquest.com/) inDICEs CSIC (https://indices.csic.es/) SciELO (https://scielo.org/es/) |
Dissertation databases | ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (https://www.proquest.com/) THESES (http://www.theses.fr/) TESEO (https://www.educacion.gob.es/teseo/irGestionarConsulta.do) |
Descriptors | Territorial Intelligence and its French, Spanish and Portuguese equivalents. Territorial Economic Intelligence and its French, Spanish and Portuguese equivalents. |
Search strategies | “Territorial Intelligence” OR “Intelligence Territoriale” OR “Inteligencia Territorial” in Title, Abstract and Keywords. “Territorial Economic Intelligence” OR “Intelligence Économique Territoriale” OR “Inteligencia Económica Territorial” OR “Inteligencia Económico Territorial” in Title, Abstract and Keywords. |
Filters | Document type in general and specialized databases: articles Period: 2000–2020 |
Title | First Author | Country of Edition | Year | Language | Type of Document |
Entre information & Processus de communication: l’intelligence territoriale | Bertacchini, Yann | France | 2004 | French | scientific article |
L’interaction acteur—système d’information au cœur de la dynamique d’un dispositif d’intelligence territoriale | Knauf, Audrey | France | 2005 | French | scientific article |
Coopetition et intelligence économique. | Salvetat, David | France | 2007 | French | scientific article |
Evolution of the concept of territorial intelligence within the coordination action of the European Network of Territorial Intelligence | Girardot, Jean-Jacques | France | 2008 | English | scientific article |
Territorial Intelligence Communicational and Community System (TICCS) | Masselot, Cyril | France | 2008 | English | scientific article |
L’intelligence territoriale entre communication et communauté stratégique de connaissance: l’exemple du dispositif régional de Poitou-Charentes | Moinet, Nicolas | France | 2009 | French | scientific article |
L’intelligence territoriale. Entre structuration de réseau et dynamique de communication | Pelissier, Maud | France | 2009 | French | scientific article |
Le débat public comme agir territorial: méthodes qualitatives | Angelini, Julien | France | 2010 | French | scientific article |
Intelligence territoriale: une lecture retro-prospective | Bertacchini, Yann | France | 2010 | French | scientific article |
Inteligencia Territorial y Transición Socio-Ecológica | Girardot, Jean-Jacques | Spain | 2010 | Spanish | scientific article |
La gobernanza de los territorios ‘inteligentes’ | Innerarity, Daniel | Spain | 2010 | Spanish | scientific article |
Economic and territorial intelligence in the service of a strategy of regional development: The delicate question of the training of the actors | Mallowan, Monica | Canada | 2010 | French | scientific article |
Observatoires numériques et pratiques citoyennes: des outils d’intelligence territoriale au service du développement durable | Piponnier, Anne | France | 2010 | French | scientific article |
La création collective de la plateforme de services publics numériques de la rive droite de Bordeaux: entre communication territoriale et gestion publique locale | Le Corf, Jean-Baptiste | France | 2011 | French | scientific article |
Territorial Intelligence as a Knowledge Creation Process: The Tunisian National Food Safety System Experience | Chouk, Souad Kamoun | Tunisia | 2012 | English | scientific article |
Identité méditerranéenne: une question de chiffres et de sentiments | Dumas, Philippe | France | 2012 | French | scientific article |
Inteligência Territorial E Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Exemplos Marroquinos E Brasileiros | Joyal, André | Brazil | 2012 | Portuguese | scientific article |
Propuesta de un modelo de Inteligencia Territorial | Guzmán, Ana Rosa | Spain | 2013 | Spanish | scientific article |
Territoire comme espace d’attractivité et de déclinaison de l’intelligence économique en intelligence territoriale. | Torra, Mohamed | France | 2013 | French | scientific article |
L’intelligence économique territoriale: Utopie des territoires ou territoire des utopies ? | Coussi, Olivier | France | 2014 | French | scientific article |
Collectivités territoriales et Développement Durable: contribution des technologies de l’information, et de la communication, à la dimension participative d’une politique publique: Lecture d’un projet cyber démocratique issu d’une démarche d’Intelligence Territoriale | Déprez, Paul | France | 2014 | French | doctoral theses |
Du diagnostic à la prise en compte du territoire | Champollion, Pierre | France | 2015 | French | scientific article |
The Territorial intelligence process: a humanistic path and a realistic mediation for development of hybrid territories | Bertacchini, Yann | France | 2016 | English | scientific article |
Nuevas formas de transferir significado a lo rural desde la responsabilidad social y la inteligencia territorial. Delimitación del concepto de “smart ruralities” | Juanes, Francisco Javier | Spain | 2016 | Spanish | doctoral theses |
Intelligence économique et Développement Durable des Territoires: de la compétitivité à la coopétitivité | Baaziz, Abdelkader | France | 2017 | French | scientific article |
Km & économie de la connaissance: insuffler et cultiver L’art d’interpréter | Dupin, Corinne | France | 2017 | French | scientific article |
Un modelo de gestión de la calidad para proyectos de inteligencia territorial (MGCPIT). Aplicación al caso de Buenavista de Apasco, Macuspana, Tabasco, México | Pérez, María Concepción | Spain | 2017 | Spanish | doctoral theses |
Inteligencia territorial y turismo: la gestión pública de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes | Perogil, Javier | Spain | 2017 | Spanish | doctoral theses |
¿Destinos turísticos inteligentes o territorios inteligentes? Estudios de casos en España | Flores, David | Spain | 2018 | Spanish | scientific article |
L’intelligence des territoires: Note de lecture | Marchais-Roubelat, Anne | France | 2018 | French | scientific article |
Inteligencia territorial: Conceptualización y avance en el estado de la cuestión. Vínculos posibles con los destinos turísticos | Perea-Medina, María Jesús | Spain | 2018 | Spanish | scientific article |
Inteligencia competitiva y territorial en España. Una aproximación al modelo de las Agencias de Desarrollo Regional. | Muñoz-Cañavate, Antonio | Spain | 2019 | Spanish | scientific article |
Comment appréhender les nouvelles formes d’organisation du travail au service de l’innovation collaborative dans le cadre des territoires inscrits dans une démarche de stratégie intelligente ?—Cas des tiers—lieux collaboratifs | Sandulache, Cornelia Elena | France | 2019 | French | doctoral theses |
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García-Madurga, M.-Á.; Grilló-Méndez, A.-J.; Esteban-Navarro, M.-Á. Territorial Intelligence, a Collective Challenge for Sustainable Development: A Scoping Review. Soc. Sci. 2020, 9, 126. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci9070126
García-Madurga M-Á, Grilló-Méndez A-J, Esteban-Navarro M-Á. Territorial Intelligence, a Collective Challenge for Sustainable Development: A Scoping Review. Social Sciences. 2020; 9(7):126. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci9070126
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcía-Madurga, Miguel-Ángel, Ana-Julia Grilló-Méndez, and Miguel-Ángel Esteban-Navarro. 2020. "Territorial Intelligence, a Collective Challenge for Sustainable Development: A Scoping Review" Social Sciences 9, no. 7: 126. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci9070126
APA StyleGarcía-Madurga, M.-Á., Grilló-Méndez, A.-J., & Esteban-Navarro, M.-Á. (2020). Territorial Intelligence, a Collective Challenge for Sustainable Development: A Scoping Review. Social Sciences, 9(7), 126. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci9070126