Why Are Enrichment Practices in Zoos Difficult to Implement Effectively?
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
1.1. Enrichment Practices in Zoos
1.2. Social Sciences in Zoo Research
1.3. Present Study
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Collection
2.1.1. Study Sites
2.1.2. Data Gathering
2.1.3. Study Participants and Ethics
2.2. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Let’s Just Be Cautious
3.1.1. “Sometimes Things Go Wrong”
They gave the rhino a rubber tyre, and he got it around his head, and he almost died… it’s nice to give animals tyres … but sometimes things go wrong.(ID15)
Everything is going to kill an animal… I could have a boomer ball out there and the cat could hit it against the fence, and it could bounce back and do damage.(ID34)
[Management] are afraid of some guests complaining that the animals are playing with unnatural enrichment, responding to stuff they don’t find in the wild, and they don’t want to face these kinds of questions.(ID21)
3.1.2. “Don’t Think We Really Want the Attention”
It’s a tricky thing in a zoo, even more and more now, because there’s a lot of shift going towards a lot of natural environmental enrichment, not man-made items like treat balls you might give to your dog or cat at home.(ID05)
… [the vets] are just being cautious… we are in the spotlight so much… they don’t want to be on the front page saying ‘tiger died because vet said it was ok to give it alpaca wool’.(ID04)
Emergency training—it was for any horror situation that we could be in from terrorism to animal activists, it covered all bases. And they said—look this does happen, people do come in and if they are asking questions that do feel very uncomfortable, then a keeper such as myself should call for some back-up ultimately and then they will assess the situation and have the right answers just in case I say the wrong thing.(ID36)
… you explain it to them and then they walk away going ‘wow, thank you, I’ve never known that’ to me being a zoo, and being a keeper, we’re helping to educate the people(ID07)
We all like to network and share resources amongst ourselves, because it’s really the only way to learn, there’s no point us trying to trail-blaze something if someone already has the knowledge.(ID10)
… we just have quite good connections with other zoos around us as well. So, when we do have issues or any questions or advice that we look for its very handy to be able to touch base with other collections and see how they are doing things.(ID36)
I think if one place starts to be a bit more open then hopefully it will lead to other collections being that way as well. But I think it would take a lot of time because it’s just so ingrained into us that you are not meant to show your weakness … I think slowly it is changing, it really is just a case of trust, I think as a community we are quite untrusting of each other.(ID36)
… I wasn’t encouraged to network and seek other information and kind of learn more than what is just taught there.(ID34)
I post a question; if it’s good enrichment and there is a discussion forum, but zoo people are more likely to discuss when the group is secret and put things in there.(ID15)
3.2. Purely Surviving
3.2.1. “Health and Wellbeing as Number One Priority”
The zoo industry is very behind the eight-ball … I think it’s because historically, we have been all about cleanliness, as in high husbandry standards, and breeding animals.(ID20)
You are trying to stimulate some kind of natural behaviour from them, so whether that be that you want to encourage play, or whether you want to encourage physical activity that would work say muscles they would if they were hunting.(ID14)
[The animals’] lives are good in terms of, having people to provide for them, taking care of them, medical attention. But there must be something more to it, not just this purely surviving, but their mental state of health is often disregarded.(ID29)
… it smells like an animal, it’s part of an animal, it’s the fur. They’ve plucked it, they would play with it, they would roll in it. I guess the vets just look at it on a case-by-case basis and say there could be diseases that are passed on through that fur, so no we are not willing to allow that, we have to put our animals’ health and wellbeing as number one priority.(ID04)
Her den needs to be washed every Tuesday at 10 o’clock so at least I know it’s getting done once a week… so no, I think there are definitely benefits to having standards. But just locking-in times for these chores, particularly when it involves the provision of food and enrichment and training sessions, that’s the part where I would rather it be much more randomised.(ID18)
… if someone follows you the next day and the water bowl is empty you get reported, if you don’t put enrichment in you don’t get reported.(ID09)
3.2.2. “[Animals in Zoos] Would Still Survive without Enrichment”
I guess you’re looking for stereotypic behaviour or withdrawn behaviour that suggests something is awry that’s not letting them perform what they would do in a natural day.(ID06)
It is definitely optional, because I’m pretty sure they would still survive without enrichment. But in terms of their welfare or how much fun they are having or whether their behaviour might change, it could definitely affect their behaviour in a positive manner.(ID11)
We saw a lot of negative behaviours overnight and a lot of pacing at our glass window during the day as well when they first lost that exhibit. So, we did have a lot of stereotypic behaviour to levels we were not happy with. So, we tried that carcass feed and he was good, he wasn’t pacing at the window.(ID08)
… like the pumas, in the afternoon we will provide with enrichment—the male especially, walking back and forth was reduced—and when we stopped providing that often… it came back.(ID21)
When I see the animal pace inside the window and hit his head off the window… then I would take the animal back off display and I would put different toys and treats in… but that then became conditioned where that would then happen every time. So, I didn’t fix the problem.(ID03)
3.3. Struggle to Understand the Goal
3.3.1. “Big Differences in Opinion”
I didn’t quite understand the importance of enrichment, to me it was ‘oh, I just have to throw something in there, and that’s that’… I think that’s where it is falling down, some newer keepers just aren’t learning the goal of enrichment is to replicate behaviours and to encourage these natural behaviours.(ID34)
Our biggest focus is encouraging species-appropriate behaviour, looking at behaviours in the wild, what they do, and trying to give them the opportunity as much as possible, within reason, to display those behaviours.(ID04)
If it wasn’t something that the cat enjoyed or that they didn’t care about then you just don’t do it anymore because if it’s not benefitting the cat then there’s no point in doing it.(ID17)
For a snow leopard we might give them tiger bedding, which for them we have observed fear responses in snow leopards when they have seen tigers in adjoining exhibits. So that, potentially, would be a scary animal for them… it’s still eliciting a natural response.(ID16)
Any enrichment is better [than] no enrichment, but if they don’t respond to it then I consider that bad enrichment, it’s just like throwing nothing, it’s the same as not giving anything.(ID21)
… a lot of people come back and say why are we giving spices they are not doing anything with them, but I don’t necessarily think that… because there are so many variables that go into these things.(ID02)
For the most part we would be on the same page, but not always, and I am just recalling in my head an example of a tiger responding to a keeper, and the other keeper that I was with thought it was actually a positive reaction, and I said ‘I actually don’t think this is a positive at all, no I think this is a negative reaction’… I was really, really surprised that we differed so much in our interpretation of her behaviour.(ID18)
3.3.2. “Hard to Explain the Rules”
Enrichment wasn’t as much behaviour-based, it was more just—well, to be [regionally] accredited we have to have enrichment programmes and we have to have an enrichment evaluation.(ID34)
[The boss] was purely looking at the aesthetics and what the visitor wanted to see.(ID01)
For things like our tiger enclosures and our big cat enclosures, if we were to hang tyres up in there it looks like a tyre yard… I don’t know, it’s hard to explain the rules around it, but there’s different rules for different enclosures depending on what animals are in there.(ID10)
… even things like the training wall that each of the cats have to do, obviously it is in the cats’ interest and their stimulation for us to do daily … but it was also about the visitor experience people, they wanted to lock-in ‘ok, the tiger will be trained every day at two o’clock at the training wall, so all you people, this is your chance to a hundred percent see a tiger’…(ID18)
It’s not something we advertise to public and say ‘come to us at two o’clock and you’ll see us providing enrichment’ it’s one hundred percent a service we provide to our animals, not a service we provide to our guests.(ID12)
I think that is where we struggle because the people that are approving enrichment struggle to understand the goal aspect of some of these enrichment items.(ID34)
3.4. Can’t Always Provide What You Should
3.4.1. “Such Destructive Animals”
We found it hard on that budget because the cats do go through the toys so quickly, so say we have a ball, they will destroy it and those balls are usually around a grand each (approximately 1000 USD) … so we don’t really have enough funding to replace the toys.(ID16)
Our sealions… because they are such destructive animals, their enrichment is mainly bought-in toys and then we are restricted by budget, so they probably don’t have a lot of variability…(ID09)
Big cats are potentially getting less now because you have got to have a second person with you… whereas, where we can go in without having to wait for a second person like our coatis, and fennec foxes and meerkats… [animals that are] smaller, enrichment comes easier, [they] would get more enrichment.(ID09)
… enrichment requires you to be really creative. And it is hard, and it is taxing, and I don’t consider myself a creative person…(ID34)
Animals don’t use enrichment like you think they should. So that is hard too, if you spend so much time developing these enrichment items and then the animals don’t even use it. Especially destructive animals, they are like ‘well I’m just going to break this to get it out’ instead of actually doing the puzzle.(ID34)
If it’s not providing a benefit or not seeming to elicit anything from them then you are wasting your time and you are wasting their time.(ID17)
We rely pretty heavily with the cats on sensory enrichment… it’s easy, it’s quick, and we have a lot of it.(ID16)
3.4.2. “Some Animals Need More Enrichment”
Cats are really tricky because they are not problem solvers, they are trickier to train than other species. Bears are like dogs, they are problem solvers… Whereas cats are very instinctual, it takes a lot longer to train a cat to do something.(ID05)
Some animals need more enrichment obviously than others. Some things like big cats you might be offering something novel every day, whereas maybe with a lizard it only needs to be once a month.(ID01)
We give them smells and things, but for animals like red pandas you wouldn’t be hiding their food because they just wouldn’t get it and you would just be frustrating an animal not enriching their lives.(ID06)
Especially with our tigers is how stagnant an enclosure can be… they don’t have those things, like different animals coming through, and conspecifics coming through… we are trying to put that in their space, prey animal smells.(ID16)
I don’t see why we shouldn’t give socially housed animals just as much enrichment as we would a lone animal. Unless it’s an animal that’s living solitary that would general be a social animal, in that case then I think they need huge amounts of enrichment to make up for that lack of social interaction.(ID10)
3.5. Judge the Effectiveness
3.5.1. “No Physical Record That We Evaluate With”
There is definitely a potential for growth in developing an enrichment programme that could cover all the aspects of enrichment on a proper scale, rather than just day-to-day, doing something on the whim.(ID28)
Instead of re-inventing things all the time we are actually documenting it so that we know ‘oh, we’ve actually tried that in the past’ so that we know that we’ve gone through those steps and it’s all documented rather than just the unknown, or just relying on the brains of keepers remembering.(ID05)
So then, there is a formula, don’t ask me, there is a formula that creates this, and essentially there is a score out of ten and if an item does not score a six or higher it needs to be evaluated if it’s actually meeting the goal of what the item is actually supposed to be meeting…(ID34)
We do have a set enrichment calendar, but I guess we use our common sense a lot as well. If it says ice blocks today and it’s a 10-degree day, I’m probably not going to use ice blocks, but if it’s a 30-degree day, then maybe more so. I’m not going to be putting out a cardboard box or paper bags if it’s raining.(ID18)
We have just got a new enrichment calendar—it’s set for each day—and at the moment, we just judge if they did get enrichment that day. So even if you didn’t do what was on the list but you still gave them enrichment, it gets ticked off as they were enriched that day.(ID16)
It’s sort of like a mental record of what enrichment really works for some of our animals and what doesn’t... there is no physical record or anything like that that we evaluate with.(ID10)
3.5.2. “Harder to Quantify”
I guess we are just looking for those natural behaviours, rolling in something stinky, and cheek rubbing and scent marking, Flehmen responses… play behaviour is a big one.(ID16)
I find it really hard to judge the effectiveness of enrichment without knowing exactly what they are doing for twenty-four hours with the enrichment that you have provided… we might watch them for ten minutes twice a day, so twenty minutes out of twenty-four hours is not a very good sample size.(ID02)
I guess it is unfortunate that they can’t see it for themselves, or at least they don’t take our opinion, or our thoughts, our experience on board.(ID18)
It’s really tricky because I guess it becomes subjective... it’s the things like the scents and the oils and the things that get the brain more active that is harder to quantify.(ID01)
But in terms of things that are subjective, then it’s hard to argue because some people might just prefer doing one way than the other.(ID11)
If it was continuously something that we didn’t see to have any benefit over a longer period of time then we would probably just not give it again… we didn’t know if that was the right decision to be honest, and again just because we don’t see them interact with it, doesn’t mean they are not interacting with it, which is the problem, especially with things where you can’t really tell whether they have interacted with it or not.(ID17)
4. Discussion
4.1. Enrichment Fidelity
4.2. Enrichment Dose
4.3. Enrichment Reach
4.4. Study Limitations and Further Research
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Scheduled Question | Probing Questions |
What are the most important aspects of animal welfare? | You are mentioning they’ve got food and shelter. Are there any other aspects of welfare that you think are important? |
What do you believe to be the purpose of enrichment? | You mentioned primates. Do you think they have different requirements than big cats in terms of enrichment? |
How do you decide which enrichment items to keep or remove? | So, what did that look like then? What do you mean when you say a happier cat? How do you know? |
How do you develop and modify enrichment? | You were talking about the possibility of having some cognitive enrichment. Is that something you’ve tried to develop for big cats? |
How do you think enrichment should be evaluated? | You are talking about records. What kind of record keeping do you use at the moment? |
Initial Codes | Initial Theme(s) | Final Theme |
Time to sit and observe | Time with animals | Judge the effectiveness |
We use our common sense | ||
Not consistent | Documenting enrichment | |
More science-based |
Themes | Subthemes | Fidelity (f), Dose (d), Reach (r) |
1. Let’s just be cautious | 1.1 sometimes things go wrong | d |
1.2 don’t think we really want the attention | f, d | |
2. Purely surviving | 2.1 health and wellbeing as number one priority | d, r |
2.2 animals in zoos would still survive without enrichment | d | |
3. Struggle to understand the goal | 3.1 big differences in opinion | f |
3.2 hard to explain the rules | f | |
4. Can’t always provide what you should | 4.1 such destructive animals | d, r |
4.2 some animals need more enrichment | d, r | |
5. Judge the effectiveness | 5.1 no physical record that we evaluate with | f |
5.2 harder to quantify | f |
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Share and Cite
Tuite, E.K.; Moss, S.A.; Phillips, C.J.; Ward, S.J. Why Are Enrichment Practices in Zoos Difficult to Implement Effectively? Animals 2022, 12, 554. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12050554
Tuite EK, Moss SA, Phillips CJ, Ward SJ. Why Are Enrichment Practices in Zoos Difficult to Implement Effectively? Animals. 2022; 12(5):554. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12050554
Chicago/Turabian StyleTuite, Eileen K., Simon A. Moss, Clive J. Phillips, and Samantha J. Ward. 2022. "Why Are Enrichment Practices in Zoos Difficult to Implement Effectively?" Animals 12, no. 5: 554. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12050554
APA StyleTuite, E. K., Moss, S. A., Phillips, C. J., & Ward, S. J. (2022). Why Are Enrichment Practices in Zoos Difficult to Implement Effectively? Animals, 12(5), 554. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12050554