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Data on Mapping 444 Dairy Small Ruminant Farms during a Countrywide Investigation Performed in Greece

Daphne T. Lianou
Charalambia K. Michael
George C. Fthenakis
Veterinary Faculty, University of Thessaly, 43100 Karditsa, Greece
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Animals 2023, 13(12), 2044;
Submission received: 23 May 2023 / Revised: 6 June 2023 / Accepted: 19 June 2023 / Published: 20 June 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Current Status and Challenges for Dairy Sheep/Goat Farming Worldwide)



Simple Summary

This study refers to the mapping the dairy sheep and goat industry in Greece, in which information was obtained from 325 sheep and 119 goat farms. The findings can be used as baseline measurements; individual farms and cohorts of farms can be compared against the current results to draw conclusions against the countrywide situation. The results can also be used as reference points for the future, in order to assess changes that might have occurred in the meantime. Finally, the findings can be useful in the health management of small ruminants, in providing evidence-based support, within the scope of health management.


The small ruminant industry is the most important branch of Greek agriculture. Nevertheless, despite the importance of small ruminant farming for Greece, no detailed mapping of the respective farms has been undertaken and published. The present work refers to mapping the dairy sheep and goat industry in Greece through an extensive, countrywide cross-sectional study, in which information was obtained from 325 sheep and 119 goat farms. The objectives were the collection, the classification and the presentation of data obtained from all these farms through interviews, using a questionnaire and through examination of samples collected during the visits. All the farms enrolled in the study were visited by the investigators. Initially, information was obtained by means of a detailed, structured questionnaire with 442 questions. Moreover, samples of milk were collected from the bulk-tank of each farm and faecal samples were collected from female animals in each farm. The milk samples were processed for cytological and microbiological examination. Staphylococcus spp. and Listeria spp. isolates were recovered and identified at a species level; furthermore, a full antibiotic sensitivity pattern assessment was conducted. Faecal samples were processed by standard parasitological tests for the identification of protozoan, trematode, cestode and gastrointestinal and respiratory nematode parasites. The paper presents the cumulative findings of the study, i.e., the answers to the questions during the interviews and the results of the laboratory examinations performed in the samples; the findings are presented separately for sheep and goat farms. The findings can be used as baseline measurements; individual farms and cohorts of farms can be compared against the current results to draw conclusions against the countrywide situation. Moreover, the current results can be used as reference points for the future, in order to assess changes that might have occurred in the meantime. The study also described the differences between farms with sheep or goats; in total, differences in 137 parameters were identified. Some of these can be attributed to the different management systems practiced; sheep flocks are managed mostly under the intensive or semi-intensive system, whilst goat herds are managed mostly under the semi-extensive or extensive system. These findings can be useful in the health management of small ruminants, in providing evidence-based support and within the scope of precise livestock medicine and health management.

1. Introduction

Greece has a high number of sheep (8,400,000 animals) and goats (3,600,000 animals) [1]. The relevant populations of these species amount to approximately 6.5% and 22.0% of the respective numbers of small ruminants in Europe [2]. Thus, sheep and goat farming constitutes the most important animal farming industry in Greece. The sector generates 18% of the total gross product of the primary sector and 0.8% of the total annual gross domestic product of the country [3].
Sheep and goats follow a dairy production system in the majority of farms (>98% of such farms in the country) [3]. In 2022, annual milk production from sheep and goats in Greece was 716,000 and 160,000 tons, respectively [4]. It is noteworthy that, in Greece, small ruminant milk production exceeds milk production from cattle [5], which, in 2022, amounted to 643,000 tons [6], and, in this context, Greece is unique in Europe. In Greece (as well as in Europe), the greater proportion (>90%) of the milk collected from small ruminants is used for the manufacturing of dairy products (mainly cheese and yoghurt) [2].
However, and despite the importance of small ruminant farming for Greece, no detailed countrywide mapping of the respective farms has been undertaken and published. Previous papers reported limited information, for example, only regarding specific practices applied in sheep and goat farms or with narrow geographical coverage. For example, previous studies reported information about management practices performed only in farms in some parts of the country (e.g., island of Lesvos: Kizos et al. [7], Peloponnese: Manolopoulou et al. [8], Central Greece: Perucho et al. [9]); other studies reported information only about farms with specific animal breeds (e.g., sheep of the Friesarta breed: Kominakis et al. [10], sheep of the Chios breed: Gelasakis et al. [11]).
Thus far, an extensive investigation of the countrywide coverage in Greece of sheep flocks and goat herds, aiming to assess and evaluate many variables, has not been performed. Such an extensive study can contribute valuably to the small ruminant industry.
In this respect, an extensive cross-sectional study of the dairy sheep and goat industry in Greece was performed. During the study, information was obtained from 325 sheep and 119 goat farms throughout the country. The objectives were the collection, the classification and the presentation of the data obtained from all these farms. Cumulatively, over 215,000 data were collected during the study.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sheep and Goat Farms and Collection of Information and Samples

The study was performed in 325 sheep flocks and 119 goat herds (Figure 1) throughout Greece, during the period April 2019 to July 2020. Initially, professional veterinarians, active in the field of sheep/goat health management practice across Greece, were contacted by telephone and were asked about their interest and willingness to collaborate in the project. Thus, in total, 48 veterinarians were contacted and, among them, 47 (97.9%) agreed to collaborate.
The farms were selected by the collaborating veterinarians and were enrolled in the study on a convenience basis (i.e., the acceptance by farmers to receive a visit by academic veterinary staff for a detailed and extensive interview and for the collection of samples). Each of these veterinarians had a stable, although not contractual, association with the respective farm, among those selected for visitation, and were responsible for their decisions and actions in relation to the health and welfare of the animals therein, in full accordance with the relevant veterinary conduct codes. Farm visits were arranged by the collaborating veterinarians. The three investigators travelled across Greece and personally visited all the farms included in this study, in order to collect information and samples. In total, visits had been scheduled to 446 farms; however, in two farms (0.4%), upon the arrival of the investigators to the respective farms, the farmers declined the visit and the interview and did not agree to collaborate.
Upon arrival at the farm, the veterinarian accompanying the investigators introduced them to the farmer. The senior investigator in the party explained in detail to all the farmers the background, the objectives and the characteristics of the study, as well as the aims of the interview and the sampling procedures; moreover, he introduced the farmer to the two junior investigators.
A structured detailed questionnaire was employed to carry out the interview. This questionnaire had been previously tested for the validity of its content [12]. In the questionnaire, there were general questions, as well as questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of farmers, about the animals, about the health management and the production characteristics of the farm, as well as about the infrastructure [12]. If farmers requested the clarification of the questions asked during the interview, appropriate answers and relevant clarifications were provided immediately by the interviewer. In total, the questionnaire included 442 questions [12].
During the visits to the farms, samples of bulk-tank milk were also collected [13]. For sampling, after stirring the content of the tank, milk samples were collected by means of plastic, sterile pipettes, following the aseptic technique. Four bulk-tank samples were collected from the tank of each farm. Faecal samples were subsequently obtained from the female animals (ewes/does) on each farm [14]. Faecal samples were obtained directly from the rectum of animals, following the standard technique. In each flock or herd, 20, 30, 40, or 50 females were selected for sampling (respectively, for farms with 165, 166–330, 331–500, or >500 ewes/does). Finally, animals in the farm were assessed for body condition; this was performed by a certified European Veterinary Specialist in Small Ruminant Health Management, in order to maintain uniform and consistent scoring results (0–5, including half scores), based on the appropriate published standards [15].
Samples were stored at 0.0 to 4.0 °C (milk) or at 8.0 to 10.0 °C (feces) by using portable refrigerators. Transportation of the samples to the laboratory was made by the investigators and by car; samples collected from farms in the islands were also transported as accompanying luggage by airplane or by boat.

2.2. Laboratory Examinations

Milk samples were processed for somatic cell counting and for measuring chemical composition [13], and were performed on the samples within 4 h after collection. From each milk sample obtained, two subsamples were created and processed; therefore, each separate test was performed four times (each one in different subsamples). Somatic cell counting (Lactoscan SCC; Milkotronic Ltd., Nova Zagora, Bulgaria) and measurement of milk composition (Lactoscan Farm Eco; Milkotronic Ltd., Nova Zagora, Bulgaria) were performed on each of the four subsamples [13] within 4 h after sample collection.
Bacteriological examinations started within 24 h after collection of samples. The milk samples were processed for total bacterial count. Total bacterial counts in milk were obtained by following the standardized procedures of the American Public Health Association [16].
Bacteriological examinations were also performed for isolation of Staphylococcus spp. (by using standard techniques [17,18]) and for identification of these bacteria on a species level, which was performed by means of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (VITEK MS; BioMerieux, Marcy-l’-Étoile, France). Examination was also performed for the isolation of Listeria spp. (by using the officially acceptable ISO 11290-1:2017 [19], which is the currently valid and standardized protocol for this task) and the identification of the isolated organisms at species level (by using MALDI-TOF as above).
Staphylococcal isolates were tested in vitro for evaluation of potential slime production and biofilm formation. For this, the combination of (a) the appearance of colonies on Congo Red agar plates and (b) the findings of the microplate adhesion test, as detailed by Vasileiou et al. [20], were used.
Staphylococcal isolates were processed for testing antibiotic susceptibility to 20 antibiotics (amikacin, ampicillin, ceftaroline, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, fosfomycin, fucidic acid, gentamicin, linezolid, moxifloxacin, mupirocin, mupirocin high level, oxacillin, penicillin G, rifampin, teicoplanin, tetracycline, tobramycin and trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole). Susceptibility testing was carried out by using the automated system BD Phoenix™ M50 (BD Diagnostic Systems, Sparks, MD, USA). The criteria of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) ( were considered for the interpretation of the results.
The susceptibility of the Listeria spp. isolates to five antibiotics (benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, meropenem, erythromycin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) was tested by means of the disk diffusion method, also by following the relevant recommendations of EUCAST.
Parasitological examinations started within 48 h after the collection of samples and were performed as detailed before [13]. In brief, 5 g of each of the individual animal’s faecal sample from a farm were taken initially and mixed to form a pooled faecal sample from the farm, which was then processed in a homogenizing blender. The usefulness of pooling ovine faecal samples, as a rapid procedure for the identification of gastrointestinal helminths at a farm level, has been confirmed by Rinaldi et al. [21].
In the pooled faecal samples, the following parasitological tests were performed: the McMaster technique (3 g), the flotation method (1 g), the sedimentation technique (1 g) and coproculturing (remaining quantity). Also, a faecal smear was performed and stained according to the Ziehl–Neelsen technique for microscopic observation [22]. Each of the first three techniques were applied in quadruplicate samples (each 5 g) obtained from the pooled faecal sample, whilst coproculture was performed once. Parasitological examinations aimed for identification of protozoan, trematode, cestode and gastrointestinal and respiratory nematode parasites.

2.3. Data Management and Analysis

Data were curated and processed in Microsoft Excel and analyzed using SPSS v. 21 (IBM Analytics, Armonk, NY, USA). Initially, basic descriptive analyses were carried out and descriptive statistical measures appropriate for each type of data were obtained. Results obtained from sheep flocks and goat herds were considered separately for the presentation of the findings and the analysis. Moreover, in order to evaluate potential associations with the location of farms, the 13 administrative regions of Greece were clustered into four main areas: North, Central, South and Islands (Table S1, Figure S1).
Comparisons between the results obtained for sheep flocks and goat herds were performed using Pearson’s chi-squared test, Fisher exact test, z-test for proportions, analysis of variance or Kruskal–Wallis test, as appropriate. For results of somatic cell counts and total bacterial counts in milk, appropriate logarithmic transformations were performed before the analysis [23]. In all analyses, statistical significance was defined at p < 0.05.

3. Results

The study presents the detailed results for small ruminant dairy farms, sheep flocks (n = 325) and goat herds (n = 119), as obtained from farms located in all the 13 administrative regions of Greece. The farms studied in the present work represented 0.84% and 0.91% of the total sheep flocks and goat herds, respectively, which delivered milk at the time of the investigation [4]. The farms from which the data were obtained included, in total, 110,228 sheep and 30,192 goats. In total, over 215,000 data were collected. It is noted that, for their collection, approximately 35,000 km in total were driven across Greece and, additionally, six domestic flights and six domestic sails were also taken. The cumulative findings are in Tables S2 and S3. Selected variables among those findings are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 and in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 11 and Figure 12.
There was a seasonality in the visits to the farm (Table S4), with a significantly smaller proportion of farms visited during the autumn (p < 0.0001), although there was no difference in the proportion of farms visited during each of the other three seasons (p = 0.07).
There was clear evidence of significant differences in the distribution of farms in the country in accordance with the management system and the geographical area (p < 0.0001 for sheep flocks and p = 0.010 for goat herds). Most farms managed under the intensive or semi-intensive system were located in the central or north areas of the country, whilst farms managed under the semi-extensive or extensive system were, in general, equally distributed among the four geographical areas (Figure 13, Table S5).
There were significant associations between the management system applied in the farms and the breed of animals therein (p < 0.0001) (Table S6). The results indicated that breeds characterized by high milk production (e.g., sheep: Chios, Lacaune; goats: Murciano-Granadina, Saanen) were more frequently present in farms managed under the intensive or semi-intensive system, whilst breeds characterized by low milk production were more frequently present in farms managed under the semi-extensive or extensive system. Furthermore, in farms with breeds with milk production, machine-milking was applied more frequently than in farms with low milk production (p < 0.001 for sheep flocks, p = 0.002 for goat herds) (Figure 14, Table S7).
The study also described differences between farms with sheep or goats. In total, differences in 137 parameters were identified between sheep flocks and goat herds (Appendix A and Appendix B).
Finally, there was a clear association between the breeds of animals in sheep flocks and the geographical location of the farms (p < 0.0001) (Table S8). Breeds with high milk production were located mainly in the central and north part of the country. In contrast, no such association was seen for goat herds (p = 0.07).

4. Discussion

The study presents, for the first time in Greece, the detailed results of dairy small ruminant farms with sheep flocks and goat herds. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, also at international level, this study is one of the largest studies in small ruminant farms ever performed in any country.
In this study, dairy farms in all parts of Greece, and in all the 13 administrative regions of the country, were visited and included herein. Therefore, the conditions applied throughout the country were considered and assessed and, thus, local and regional conditions, factors and particularities weighed less. That way, there was also some stratification in the selection of the farms in the study, as the flocks and herds visited were located in all the 13 administrative regions of the country.
Although farms were enrolled in the study on a convenience basis, this approach nevertheless guaranteed visit acceptance by the farmers and a lack of suspiciousness and distrust for the investigators, resulting in a relaxed interview. Furthermore, our approach allowed the inclusion of flocks and herds with farmers genuinely willing to participate in the study and to provide thoughtful and correct answers. Moreover, and in order to minimize possible bias, the study also used consistent methodologies.
The visits to the farms had to take place during the milking period of the ewes and does, in order to collect samples of bulk-tank milk for laboratory examinations (Table S2). Lambing/kidding of small ruminants in Greece takes place during the autumn (on average, the mating season in Greece starts in May or June [25]), hence only a smaller proportion of farms could have been visited during that season; this was reflected in the significantly smaller proportion of farms visited in autumn. Nevertheless, there was no significant difference in the proportions of farms visited during the other three seasons, which further explains the reason for the reduced proportions of visits to farms during the autumn.
Previous papers discussed associations and interactions between the various variables and focused on establishing predictors for various outcomes related to these results, e.g., [25,26,27,28,29]. The present paper presents the entirety of the findings, thus showing details of the sheep and goat industries in Greece and allowing overall comparisons with the respective animal industries of other countries and regions of the world. Moreover, the current results can be used by farmers, veterinarians, technical advisors, authorities, etc., as baseline measurements, as they cover an important proportion of the respective sector of the country. Furthermore, the findings and outcomes in individual farms or cohorts of farms (e.g., farms in agricultural cooperatives) can be compared against the current findings; that way, conclusions can be drawn regarding the standing of these farms against the national situation.
Moreover, the current results can be used as reference points for the future. Previously, we considered older studies on the milk quality of sheep, performed in the 1990s in the country, for comparisons against the current findings and assess the potential changes; the average values for somatic cell counts in the bulk-tank milk from sheep flocks in the 1990s were reported to exceed 1.0 × 106 cells mL−1 [30,31], whilst the mean value in the current study was found to be 0.488 × 106 (95% confidence intervals: 0.451 × 106–0.529 × 106) cells mL−1. Although those studies included a small number of farms and were of limited geographical coverage, they have made possible a comparison of the present situation with that which was prevalent in the country some years ago, even if it is difficult to make direct comparisons between studies that were performed using different methodologies and over a lengthy span of years. The comparison indicated a clear improvement during the last 25 to 30 years. In the same context, the current findings can be used by future researchers, who will study the situation in the country in 15 to 20 years’ time and will compare it to previous relevant studies to assess the changes that will have taken place during those years.
Some of the differences identified between sheep flocks and goat herds can be attributed to the different management systems practiced between the two types of farms: sheep flocks are managed mostly under the intensive or semi-intensive systems, whilst goat herds are managed mostly under the semi-extensive or extensive systems. Inputs in goat farming are lower than in sheep farming, and this is reflected in the infrastructure (e.g., less frequent use of machine-milking, less frequent connection to the national electricity network and larger areas for grazing) and the animals (e.g., smaller size of farms, lower replacement rate) in the farms. The above are reflected in the production characteristics (e.g., smaller number of newborns produced in goat herds, with lower bodyweight at slaughter) and health problems (e.g., higher incidence rate of deaths, higher rate of attacks by wildlife), although there are cases where the extensive type of management seems to be beneficial for the animals (e.g., lower annual incidence of clinical mastitis).
The associations observed between the management system and the geographical location of the farms reflect the general structure of the country. As a general model, farms following the intensive or semi-intensive management system are primarily based in the mainland of the country, near locations that produce the raw material for feedstuff, e.g., cereals and hay (which are cultivated generally in the large plains of the country in Thessaly, central Greece, or Thrace, northern Greece), or near locations of the large feedstuff factories (e.g., central Macedonia, Thessaly). Such farms are high-input agricultural enterprises (e.g., with extensive infrastructure, employment of additional staff) [29] and thus include animals of high-production breeds, in order to achieve profitability. In contrast, farms following the semi-extensive or extensive management system are located in the uplands of the mainland of the country or in the islands, where the availability of feedstuffs would be more costly (due to transportation expenses) or prime land would be expensive to occupy (due to higher margins if made available for other uses, e.g., for the tourist sector). These farms are generally low-input enterprises, in which low milk production by animals on the farm can still contribute to making the enterprise cost-effective, due to the reduced costs and the payment of subsidies.

5. Conclusions

The study presents, for the first time, detailed and extensive results for dairy sheep and goat farms. The investigation was based on interviews carried out with respective farmers, using a detailed questionnaire to gather data regarding the situation in the farms, and on the examination of samples collected during the farm visits. In all, the findings can be useful in the health management of small ruminants and in providing evidence-based support within the scope of precise livestock medicine and health management. The data contribute to the understanding of sheep/goat farming systems in Greece, to providing information about the situation in the farms, to providing efficiency, to supporting the development of relevant technologies and to optimizing management practices. Further work from our group, along with the work of other researchers in Greece and internationally, may ultimately thus create a vision for the future of the small ruminant industry.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Table S1: Geographical areas of Greece (n = 4), in which administrative regions and regional units of the country were clustered for characterizing the locations of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece; Figure S1: Map of Greece indicating the geographic areas of the country (n = 4), in which administrative regions and regional units of the country were clustered for characterizing the locations of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece; Table S2: Cumulative findings of all data collected during the mapping of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece, classified according to animal species in the farms; Table S3: Cumulative findings of all results obtained during field and laboratory examinations in samples collected from 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece, classified according to animal species in the farms; Table S4: Season of the year during which visits were made to 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece; Table S5: Management system applied in 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece in accordance with the location of the farms; Table S6: Breed of ewes and does in 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece in accordance with the management applied therein; Table S7: Breed of ewes and does in 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece in accordance with the milking mode applied in the farms; Table S8: Breed of ewes and does in 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece in accordance with the location of the farms.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.T.L. and G.C.F.; methodology, G.C.F.; formal analysis, D.T.L.; investigation, D.T.L., C.K.M. and G.C.F.; resources, G.C.F.; data curation, D.T.L.; writing—original draft preparation, D.T.L.; writing—review and editing, D.T.L., C.K.M. and G.C.F.; supervision, G.C.F.; project administration, G.C.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The funding is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) through the Operational Program ‘Human Resources Development, Education and LifeLong Learning’, 2014–2020, in the context of the project “Strengthening Human Resources Research Potential via Doctorate Research—sub-action 2: Award of scholarships by State Scholarships Foundation (ΙΚΥ) to PhD students in Higher Education Establishments of Greece”.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The protocols of the study were approved by the academic board of the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Thessaly, meeting 34/03.04.19.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All data presented in this study are in the Supplementary Materials.


Daphne T. Lianou receives a scholarship by the State Scholarship Foundation of Greece.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Differences observed in parameters (n = 130) between sheep flocks and goat herds in the cumulative results of data obtained during the mapping of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece.
Table A1. Differences observed in parameters (n = 130) between sheep flocks and goat herds in the cumulative results of data obtained during the mapping of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece.
Sheep Flocks (n = 325)Goat Herds (n = 199)p-Value 1
General Details
Management system 2Intensive: 44, semi-intensive: 140, semi-extensive:
116, extensive: 25 3
Intensive: 9, semi-intensive: 29, semi-extensive:
61, extensive: 20
General information
Accessory building(s) for animalsYes: 222, no: 103Yes: 93, no: 260.043
Availability of a milking parlourYes: 255, no: 70Yes: 66, no: 53<0.0001
Availability of a waiting area before the milking parlourYes: 226, no: 29Yes: 64, no: 20.041
Availability of personnel areasYes: 179, no: 145Yes: 40, no: 790.009
Availability of an officeYes: 128, no: 197Yes: 34, no: 850.036
Availability of a lavatoryYes: 143, no: 182Yes: 38, no: 810.022
Availability of footbathYes: 45, no: 280Yes: 10, no: 1090.005
Availability of isolation facilities for animalsYes: 247, no: 78Yes: 77, no: 420.018
Availability of access road to the farmYes: 251, no: 74Yes: 78, no: 410.013
Electricity sourceNational network: 253,
diesel generator: 48,
own solar cells: 0
National network: 72,
diesel generator: 29,
own solar cells: 3
Main building
Material of the wallsCinder blocks: 130, tin: 99, bricks: 69, panels: 44, wood: 21, cement: 7, stone: 5, canvas: 4, nylon: 4, plaster: 1, plastic: 1Cinder blocks: 57, tin: 38, bricks: 19, panels: 13, wood: 8, cement: 2, stone: 7, canvas: 0, nylon: 1, plaster: 0, plastic: 0stone: 0.014
all others:
Opening in the roofYes: 234, no: 84Yes: 35, no: 82<0.0001
Material of the floorSoil: 293, concrete: 29, stone: 16, slatted metal: 2, slatted wood: 2, slatted plastic: 1, wood: 1Soil: 105, concrete: 12, stone: 1, slatted metal: 1, slatted wood: 2, slatted plastic: 0, wood: 2,stone: 0.0002, wood: 0.015, all others:
Availability of straw beddingYes: 268, no: 60Yes: 76, no: 410.0002
Annual frequency of removal/clean-up of the straw beddingX: 3 ± 0.5 occasions 4X: 5 ± 0.5 occasions0.003
Availability of ventilatorsYes: 47, no: 281Yes: 8, no: 1090.035
Availability of artificial lightingYes: 278, no: 40Yes: 83, no: 34<0.0001
Building for lambs/kids
Availability of milk replacer facilitiesYes: 22, no: 303Yes: 1, no: 1180.013
Openings in the wallsYes: 28, no: 215Yes: 1, no: 850.004
Opening in the roofYes: 28, no: 215Yes: 1, no: 850.004
Milking parlour
Year of initial establishmentX: year 2010 ± 0.5 yearX: year 2012 ± 0.5 year0.030
System check-ups performed by techniciansYes: 219, no: 36Yes: 50, no: 160.047
Availability of a milk tankYes: 307, no: 18Yes: 103, no: 160.006
Scale type availableLarge: 114, portable: 140Large: 28, portable: 59<0.015
Availability of a roller crusherYes: 163, no: 162Yes: 40, no: 790.002
Availability of a feed millYes: 134, no: 191Yes: 34, no: 850.015
Availability of automatic water filling system in troughsYes: 167, no: 158Yes: 40, no: 790.0009
Availability of a tractorYes: 235, no: 90Yes: 70, no: 490.007
Grazing practicedYes: 281, no: 44Yes: 112, no: 70.025
Total grazing landX: 510 ± 50 acresX: 1322 ± 390 acres0.002
Ownership of the grazing landFarmer’s: 225,
other private: 175,
public: 103
Farmer’s: 86,
other private: 55,
public: 58
public: 0.003, other private: 0.01, farmer’s:
Private grazing landX: 152 ± 18 acresX: 343 ± 113 acres0.018
Irrigation of the private grazing landYes: 123, no: 115Yes: 27, no: 650.0003
Plant types available in the grazing landOat: 151, clover: 55, ryegrass: 53, barley: 50, vetch: 31, corn: 13,
sorghum: 10, alfalfa: 6,
rye: 4, olive trees: 3,
spurges: 2, poppies: 1,
wild grass: 1, wheat: 0
Oat: 44, clover: 15,
ryegrass: 16, barley: 28, vetch: 8, corn: 8,
sorghum: 3, alfalfa: 2,
rye: 3, olive trees: 0,
spurges: 0, poppies: 0,
wild grass: 1, wheat: 7
oat: 0.005, all others:
Small ruminants
No. of female animalsX: 325 ± 13 ewesX: 237 ± 20 does0.0006
Average age of culling ewes/doesX: 5.9 ± 0.1 yearsX: 6.9 ± 0.1 years<0.0001
Average age of culling rams/bucksX: 4.4 ± 0.2 yearsX: 4.9 ± 0.2 years0.009
Average annual replacement rate of ewes/doesX: 17.0% ± 0.2%X: 14.5% ± 0.3%<0.0001
Average annual replacement rate of rams/bucksX: 22.5% ± 1.0%X: 20.5% ± 1.0%0.009
Source of replacement animalsOwn animals: 165, purchase: 24, both sources: 136Own animals: 77, purchase: 6, both sources: 350.026
Other domestic animals in the farm
DogsX: 5.0 ± 0.5 animalsX: 7.0 ± 0.5 animals0.001
SheepdogsX: 4.0 ± 0.5 animalsX: 6.0 ± 0.5 animals0.0001
Avian wildlife
Avian wildlife identifiedAccipiter brevipes: 10, Anas platyrhynchos: 18, Anser spp.: 2, Aquila chrysaetos ^ Aquila nipalensis ^ Aquila
fasciata: 67, Ardeidae family: 3, Athene noctua: 5, Bubo bubo: 5, Carduelis carduelis: 2, Ciconia ciconia: 9, Columba livia: 146, Columba palumbus: 4, Corvus corax: 79, Corvus cornix: 10, Coturnix coturnix: 8, Cuculus canorus: 1, Cygnus cygnus: 2, Erithacus rubecula: 1, Falco spp.: 149,
Fringillia coelebs: 3, Galerida crisata: 2, Garrulus glanda-rius: 26, Gypaetus barbatus: 3, Gyps spp.: 12, Hirundo rustica: 179, Laridae family: 11,
Luscinia megarhynchos: 1, Passeridae family: 143,
Pelecanus onocrotalus: 2, Perdix perdix: 20, Phasianus colchicus: 4, Phoenicopterus roseus: 1, Pica pica: 266,
Pyrrhocorax graculus: 8, Scolopax rusticola: 17,
Streptopelia decaocto: 227, Streptopelia turtur: 18,
Sturnus vulgaris: 2, Turdus merula: 39, Turdus
philomelos: 21,
Upupa epops: 4
Accipiter brevipes: 2, Anas platyrhynchos: 1, Anser
spp.: 0, Aquila chrysaetos ^ Aquila nipalensis ^ Aquila fasciata: 30, Ardeidae family: 1, Athene noctua: 4, Bubo bubo: 2, Carduelis carduelis: 1, Ciconia ciconia: 1, Columba livia: 50, Columba palumbus: 3, Corvus corax: 46, Corvus cornix: 3, Coturnix coturnix: 5, Cuculus canorus: 0, Cygnus cygnus: 0, Erithacus rubecula: 1, Falco spp.: 55,
Fringillia coelebs: 0, Galerida crisata: 0, Garrulus glanda-rius: 12, Gypaetus barbatus: 3, Gyps spp.: 5, Hirundo rustica: 59, Laridae family: 2,
Luscinia megarhynchos: 0, Passeridae family: 45,
Pelecanus onocrotalus: 0, Perdix perdix: 15, Phasianus colchicus: 3, Phoenicopterus roseus: 0, Pica pica: 99,
Pyrrhocorax graculus: 4, Scolopax rusticola: 6,
Streptopelia decaocto: 82, Streptopelia turtur: 7,
Sturnus vulgaris: 1, Turdus merula: 16, Turdus
philomelos: 11,
Upupa epops: 0
Corvus cornix: 0.002, Perdix perdix: 0.013, Hirundo rustica: 0.022, Anas platyrhynchos: 0.027, Ciconia ciconia: 0.028, Gypaetus barbatus: 0.034, all others:
Presence of hunters in the area around the farm within a radius of 2 km of the farmYes: 284, no: 41Yes: 113, no: 60.022
Description of hunted mammalian speciesHare: 217, wild boar: 192Hare: 95, wild boar: 78Hare: 0.047, wild boar: 0.39
Distance from the farm that hunting activity occursX: 1.8 ± 0.2 kmX: 1.2 ± 0.2 km0.043
Production characteristics 5
Average age of lambs/kids at slaughterX: 50 ± 1 daysX: 65 ± 3 days<0.0001
Average live bodyweight of lambs/kids at slaughterX: 17.5 ± 0.2 kgX: 16.6 ± 0.4 days0.043
Average carcass weight of these at slaughterX: 10.0 ± 0.1 kgX: 9.4 ± 0.2 days0.012
Local manufacturing of dairy productsYes: 201, no: 124Yes: 92, no: 270.002
Objective of local manufacturing of dairy productsHome consumption: 188, sale: 16Home consumption: 80, sale: 13Home consumption: 0.031, sale: 0.05
Types of dairy products in local productionCheese: 186, yoghurt: 81, tarhana: 8, sour milk: 6, ice-cream: 5, cream: 2, pasta: 2, butter: 1, milk-rice pudding: 1Cheese: 88, yoghurt: 29,
tarhana: 1, sour milk: 2, ice-cream: 5, cream: 1, pasta: 2, butter: 3, milk-rice pudding: 1
<0.0001, all others:
Health management
Health parameters
The two health problems in lambs/kids considered to be of higher importanceAbscesses: 2, acidosis: 1, arthritis–encephalitis: 2, brucellosis: 0, clostridial infection: 24, coliform infections: 12, contagious ecthyma: 25, diarrhoea: 233, endoparasitic infections: 8, injuries: 2, Listeria infections: 1, navel infection: 1, paratuberculosis: 1, pica: 1, pneumonia: 89, selenium deficiency: 10,
toxicosis: 1
Abscesses: 1, acidosis: 0, arthritis–encephalitis: 1, brucellosis: 1, clostridial infection: 12, coliform infections: 11, contagious ecthyma: 4, diarrhoea: 83, endoparasitic infections: 11, injuries: 0, Listeria infections: 0, navel infection: 0, paratuberculosis: 1, pica: 0, pneumonia: 27, selenium deficiency: 1,
toxicosis: 1
endoparasitic infections: 0.0009, selenium deficiency: 0.008, contagious ecthyma: 0.034, all others:
Incidence rate of these two health problems in lambs/kids during the preceding season13.0% (12.3–13.6%) 614.6% (13.7–15.6%)0.043
The two health problems in replacement animals considered to be of higher importanceAbortion: 12, acidosis: 2, brucellosis: 1, caseous lymphadenitis: 3, cerebral coenurosis: 44, clostridial infections: 34, contagious agalactia: 3, contagious ecthyma: 1, diarrhoea: 27, endoparasitic infections: 7, enzootic intranasal tumour: 1, lameness: 4, Listeria infections: 1, mastitis: 12, paratuberculosis: 9, pneumonia: 53, pregnancy toxaemia: 1, vaginal prolapse: 2Abortion: 7, acidosis: 3,
brucellosis: 0, caseous lymphadenitis: 3, cerebral coenurosis: 7, clostridial infections: 7, contagious agalactia: 1, contagious ecthyma: 1, diarrhoea: 8, endoparasitic infections: 1, enzootic intranasal tumour: 2, lameness: 2, Listeria infections: 0, mastitis: 6, paratuberculosis: 7, pneumonia: 13, pre nancy toxaemia: 0, vaginal prolapse: 0
acidosis: 0.002, cerebral coenurosis: 0.013, caseous lymphadenitis: 0.033, all others:
The two health problems in adult animals considered to be of higher importanceAbortion: 17, acidosis: 2, brucellosis: 0, cerebral coenurosis: 5, clostridial infections: 17, contagious agalactia: 19, contagious ecthyma: 2, copper toxicosis: 2, diarrhoea: 8, endoparasitic infections: 6, enzootic intranasal tumour: 1, external
myiosis: 0, hypervitaminosis A: 1, hypocalcaemia: 1, injuries: 0, lameness: 20, Lentivirus infections: 6,
Listeria infections: 3, mange: 1, mastitis: 215, Oestrus ovis infestation: 1, paratuberculosis: 9, pneumonia: 57, pregnancy toxemia: 3, scrapie: 10, self-suckling: 0, sudden death: 1, toxicosis: 5, udder oedema: 1, wasting disease: 2
Abortion: 4, acidosis: 0, brucellosis: 1, cerebral coe-
nurosis: 0, clostridial infections: 9, contagious agalactia: 5, contagious ecthyma: 1, copper toxicosis: 0, diarrhoea: 3, endoparasitic infections: 0, enzootic intranasal tumour: 1, external myiosis: 1, hypervitaminosis A: 1, hypocalcaemia: 0, injuries: 1, lameness: 5,
Lentivirus infections: 3,
Listeria infections: 2, mange: 0, mastitis: 51, Oestrus ovis
infestation: 0, paratuberculosis: 23, pneumonia: 17, pregnancy toxemia: 0,
scrapie: 0, self-suckling: 1, sudden death: 0, toxicosis: 3, udder oedema: 0, wasting disease: 0
mastitis: <0.0001, paratuberculosis:
<0.0001, all others:
Incidence rate of these two health problems in adult animals during the preceding season8.0% (7.2–8.7%)6.3% (5.8–6.8%)0.004
Incidence rate of total deaths, of any cause, in adult animals during the preceding season5.2% (5.0–5.5%)5.9% (5.8–6.0%)0.023
Reasons for the visits of the veterinariansAdministration of pharmaceutical treatments: 115, feedstuff evaluation: 6, overall appraisal of flock: 163, pregnancy
diagnosis: 42, vaccinations: 229
Administration of pharmaceutical treatments:
42, feedstuff evaluation: 2, overall appraisal of
herd: 61, pregnancy
diagnosis: 8, vaccina
ions: 90
vaccinations: 0.030, pregnancy diagnosis: 0.038, all others:
Animal deaths from attacks by other animalsYes: 118, no: 207Yes: 70, no: 49<0.0001
Species of animals that caused animal deaths during the preceding seasonBears: 6, crows: 1, eagles: 1, farm dogs: 23, ferrets: 1, foxes: 8, jackals: 21, wild cats: 1, wolves: 64Bears: 3, crows: 1, eagles: 1, farm dogs: 3, ferrets: 0, foxes: 3, jackals: 20, wild cats: 2, wolves: 43farm dogs: 0.008, jackals: 0.042, all others:
Animal deaths from natural disastersYes: 32, no: 293Yes: 2, no: 970.014
Diseases of adult animals–mastitis
Overall incidence rate during the preceding season3.9% (3.8–4.0%)2.8% (2.6–3.0%)<0.0001
Antibiotics used for treatmentAmoxicillin: 11, ampicillin: 1, cephalosporins: 10, cloxacillin: 4, enrofloxacin: 7, florfenicol: 2, gentamicin: 4, lincomycin: 7, marbofloxacin: 6, oxytetracycline: 60, penicillin: 218, spectinomycin: 4, streptomycin: 200, tylosin: 11Amoxicillin: 3, ampicillin: 1, cephalosporins: 1, cloxacillin: 3, enrofloxacin: 3, florfenicol: 0, gentamicin: 0, lincomycin: 3, marbofloxacin: 0, oxytetracycline: 20, penicillin: 53, spectinomycin: 2, streptomycin: 50, tylosin: 4cloxacillin: 0.019, all others:
Diseases of adult animals–abortion
Overall incidence rate during the preceding season2.0% (1.9–2.1%)2.5% (2.7–2.9%)<0.0001
Antibiotics used for treatmentCephalosporins: 1, lincomycin: 1, oxytetracycline: 61, penicillin: 9, streptomycin:
3, tylosin: 1
Cephalosporins: 1, lincomycin: 1, oxytetracycline: 37, penicillin: 2, streptomycin:
0, tylosin: 0
penicillin: 0.011, all others:
Diseases of adult animals–pregnancy toxemia
Overall incidence rate during the preceding season0.5% (0.4–0.6%)0.2% (0.1–0.3%)<0.0001
Treatment performedPenicillin: 3, streptromycin: 3, ciprofloxacin: 1, dextrose: 13, oxytetracycline: 1, dexamethasone: 1, calcium: 32, propylene glycol: 11, vitamins: 12, molasses: 3, selenium: 1, trace minerals: 2, sodium: 2, nutritional change: 1Penicillin: 0, streptromycin: 0, ciprofloxacin: 0, dextrose: 0, oxytetracycline: 1, dexamethasone: 0, calcium: 5, propylene glycol: 2 vitamins: 1, molasses: 0, selenium: 0, trace minerals: 0, sodium: 0, nutritional change: 0dextrose: 0.024, all others: >0.07
Diseases of adult animals–lameness
Overall incidence rate during the preceding season2.8% (2.7–2.9%)1.2% (1.1–1.4%)<0.0001
Treatment performedLincomycin: 57, oxytetracycline: 24, cephalosporins: 16, tylosin: 4, penicillin: 2, streptomycin: 0, spectinomycin: 2, prednisolone: 0, dexamethasone: 1, quinolones: 1, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: 1, alamycin: 1, footbathing in copper/zinc solution: 33, foot pairing: 10, diesel bathing: 3, acid-based solutions: 1Lincomycin: 12, oxytetracycline: 8, cephalosporins: 4, tylosin: 0, penicillin: 1, streptomycin: 1, spectinomycin: 0, prednisolone: 1, dexamethasone: 0, quinolones: 0, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: 0, alamycin: 0, footbathing in copper/zinc solution: 3, foot pairing: 0, diesel bathing:, acid-based solutions:
lincomycin: 0.0001,
foot pairing: 0.001, footbathing in copper/zinc solution: 0.030, oxytetracycline: 0.048, all others:
Diseases of adult animals–mange
Overall incidence rate during the preceding season1.4% (1.3–1.5%)0.1% (0.1–0.1%)<0.0001
Diseases of adult animals–obstetrical cases
Overall incidence rate during the preceding season1.0% (0.9–1.1%)0.6% (0.7–0.8%)<0.0001
Diseases of young animals–respiratory problems
Overall incidence rate during the preceding season1.4% (1.3–1.5%)1.1% (1.0–1.2%)<0.0001
Diseases of young animals–diarrhoea
Overall incidence rate during the preceding season7.9% (7.8–8.0%)10.4% (10.0–10.7%)<0.0001
Antibiotics used for treatmentAmoxicillin: 35, ampicillin: 4, cephalosporins: 3, cloxacillin: 2, colistin: 1, enrofloxacin: 15, gentamicin: 12, lincomycin: 4, neomycin: 2, oxytetracycline: 46, penicillin: 25, spectinomycin: 13, streptomycin: 17, sulfonamides: 6, tylosin: 13Amoxicillin: 13, ampicillin: 0, cephalosporins: 0, cloxacillin: 0, colistin: 1, enrofloxacin: 0, gentamicin: 6, lincomycin: 2, neomycin: 0, oxytetracycline: 19, penicillin: 11, spectinomycin: 5, streptomycin: 5, sulfonamides: 4, tylosin: 1enrofloxacin: 0.014, all others: >0.16
Management practices
Reproductive managementNo hormonal control: 217, administration of melatonin: 23, administration of progestogens: 89No hormonal control: 99, administration of melatonin: 5, administration of progestogens: 160.0007
Use of ultrasound for pregnancy diagnosisYes: 119, no: 206Yes: 20, no: 99<0.0001
Nutritional modifications before the lambing periodYes: 229, no: 96Yes: 68, no: 510.008
Beginning of the mating period for ewes/doesMay (February–December)June (January–December)<0.0001
Duration of the mating period for ewe-lambs and doelings1 (1–9) months 71 (1–6) months0.006
Lamb/kid fostering to female animals other than their damsYes: 112, no: 213Yes: 86, no: 33<0.0001
Reasons for doing this practiceDeath of dam: 39, improving nutrition of lambs: 1, inadequate milk availability by dam: 14, increased number of lambs: 112, stimulation of milk production in ewe that aborted: 31Death of dam: 18, improving nutrition of kids: 3, inadequate milk availability by dam: 5, increased number of kids: 54, stimulation of milk production in doe that aborted: 9increased number of lambs/kids:
<0.0001, stimulation of milk production in female that aborted: 0.001, death of dam: 0.016, all others:
Age for lamb/kid removal from their damsX: 50 ± 1 daysX: 65 ± 3 days<0.0001
Daily number of milking sessions2 (1–3)2 (1–3)0.0001
Seasonal transfer of animals to other siteYes: 49, no: 276Yes: 28, no: 910.037
Disposal of carcasses from dead animalsBurying: 183, disposal by knackers: 3, drop-off at water streams: 35, drop-off away: 52, feeding to birds: 1, feeding to dogs: 49, incineration: 28, slaughterhouse: 0Burying: 53, disposal by knackers: 3, drop-off at water streams: 19, drop-off away: 23, feeding to birds: 0, feeding to dogs: 29, incineration: 10, slaughterhouse: 1Feeding to dogs: 0.011, burying: 0.014, all others:
Manure managementSpread to fields: 320, disposal: 5, sale: 1Spread to fields: 109, disposal: 7, sale: 3<0.007
Security availability at the farmYes: 214, no: 111Yes: 65, no: 540.03
Farm securityAlarm: 53, light wire fence: 68, personnel: 5, stoned wall: 1, strong wire fence: 93Alarm: 13, light wire fence: 28, personnel: 1, stoned wall: 0, strong wire fence: 26Light wire fence: 0.047, all others:
Against mastitisYes:126, no: 199Yes: 34, no: 850.047
Against bacterial respiratory infectionsYes: 144, no: 181Yes: 39, no: 800.028
Against paratuberculosisYes: 11, no: 314Use: 31, no: 88<0.0001
Antiparasitic administrations—Anthelmintic treatments to small ruminants
Timing of administration within the annual production cycleBefore the mating season: 24, continuously: 2, final stage of pregnancy: 221, initial stage of dry period: 170, 1st–2nd month of lactation period: 89, 3rd–6th month of lactation period: 32Before the mating season:
7, continuously: 0, final stage of pregnancy: 79, initial stage of dry period: 74, 1st–2nd month of lactation period: 33, 3rd–6th month of lactation period: 10
Initial stage of dry period: 0.026, all others:
Pharmaceutical form administeredTablet: 221, injectable solution: 183, oral drench: 150, pour-on: 10, premix: 2Tablet: 88, injectable solution: 71, oral drench: 47, pour-on: 9, premix: 0Pour-on: 0.037, all others:
Antiparasitic administrations—Ectoparasiticide treatments to small ruminants
Administration of ectoparasiticides to sheep/goats in the farmYes: 109, no: 216Yes: 69, no: 50<0.0001
Timing of administration within the annual production cycleBefore the mating season: 7, final stage of pregnancy: 60, initial stage of dry-period: 49, 1st–2nd month of lactation period: 8, 3rd–6th month of lactation period: 2Before the mating season: 5, final stage of pregnancy: 38, initial stage of dry-period: 31, 1st–2nd month of lactation period: 8, 3rd–6th month of lactation period: 53rd–6th month of lactation period: 0.002, all others:
Other health management practices
Administration of selenium to newborn animalsYes: 228, no: 97Yes: 67, no: 520.006
ShearingYes: 319, no: 6Yes: 102, no: 17<0.0001
Recording of births–maintenance of a lambing/kidding bookYes: 182, no: 143Yes: 53, no: 660.032
Disinfection of navel stumps in newbornsYes: 213, no: 112Yes: 65, no: 540.035
Tail docking in newbornsYes: 244, no: 81Yes: 34, no: 85<0.0001
Maintenance of quarantine period for new animals into the farmYes: 211, no: 114Yes: 61, no: 580.009
Distance of spots from farm>50 m: 128, 50–500 m: 58,
>500 m: 37
>50 m: 57, 50–500 m: 17,
>500 m: 9
>50 m: 0.036, all others:
Grazing practicedYes: 281, no: 44Yes: 112, no: 70.025
Duration of grazing during the winterX: 3.6 ± 0.1 monthsX: 4.4 ± 0.2 months0.002
Distance from farm of area grazed during the winterX: 1.3 ± 0.1 kmX: 2.2 ± 0.2 km0.0009
Distance from farm of area grazed during the summerX: 1.6 ± 0.1 kmX: 2.4 ± 0.2 km0.004
Type of graze areaForest: 18, hay: 4, meadow: 204, olive trees: 2, scrub
pasture: 83, wetland: 16
Forest: 23, hay: 5, meadow: 59, olive trees: 0, scrub
pasture: 58, wetland: 5
Meadow, scrub pasture, forest:
<0.0001, all others:
Common grazing for sheep and goatsYes: 48, no: 277Yes: 40, no: 79<0.0001
Provision of hay as fodder to animalsYes: 324, no: 1Yes: 116, no: 30.029
Total quantity of hay consumed during the preceding seasonX: 84 ± 5 tonnesX: 46 ± 7 tonnes0.0003
Plants included in hay consumed by animalsAvena sativa: 25, Euphorbia pulcherrima: 1, Hordeum vulgare: 22, Lolium: 15, Medicago sativa: 10, Pisum sati-vum: 7, Polygonum aviculare: 2, Trifolium: 295, Triticum: 5, Vicia: 25Avena sativa: 21, Euphorbia pulcherrima: 0, Hordeum vulgare: 8, Lolium: 1, Medi
cago sativa: 2, Pisum sati-vum: 2, Polygonum aviculare: 0, Trifolium: 106, Triticum: 0, Vicia: 7
Lolium, Medicago sativa, Pisum sativum, Triticum:
<0.0001, all others:
Origin of hayOwn production: 193,
purchase: 206
Own production: 55,
purchase: 81
Own production: 0.005, purchase: 0.11
Provision of straw to animalsYes: 258, no: 67Yes: 78, no: 410.003
Provision of finished feed to animalsYes: 304, no: 21Yes: 103, no: 160.018
Provision of finished feed (concentrate) to animals throughout the yearYes: 304, no: 21Yes: 103, no: 160.018
Provision of finished feed (concentrate) to young animalsYes: 255, no: 70Yes: 79, no: 400.009
Finished feed (concentrate) type provided to young animalsFlakes: 0, mash: 102, pellets: 82, small pellets: 80Flakes: 0, mash: 26, pellets: 22, small pellets: 35Small pellets: 0.017, all others:
Raw materials used by the farm in the dietsBarley: 227, bran: 185, cottonseed meal: 84, maize: 294, soyabean meal: 201: sunflower meal: 78, wheat: 104Barley: 86, bran: 66, cottonseed meal: 42, maize: 110, soyabean meal: 68:
sunflower meal: 28, wheat: 42
cottonseed meal: 0.025, all others:
Raw materials purchased by the farm for use in the dietsBarley: 205, bran: 196, cottonseed meal: 100, maize: 258, soyabean meal: 215, sunflower meal: 87, wheat: 87Barley: 84, bran: 68, cottonseed meal: 49, maize: 105, soyabean meal: 68, sunflower meal: 29, wheat: 41maize: 0.016, cottonseed meal: 0.020, soyabean meal: 0.040, all others:
Feed change in animalsAbrupt: 3, progressive: 314Abrupt: 2, progressive: 114<0.0001
Application of hydroponics cultivationsYes: 4, no: 321Yes: 1, no: 118<0.0001
Use of laboratory examinations for quality testing of feeds and raw materialYes: 79, no: 246Yes: 19, no: 100<0.0001
Laboratory examinations usedChemical analysis: 37, microbiological examination: 4, mycotoxin detection: 39, residues analysis: 3Chemical analysis: 7, microbiological examination: 1, mycotoxin detection: 8, residues analysis: 2Residues analysis: 0.009, all others:
Use of laboratory examinations for quality testing of waterYes: 52, no: 273Yes: 13, no: 106<0.0001
Person responsible for nutritional managementFarmer themselves: 198,
veterinarian: 96, animal scientist: 81, other farmer: 0
Farmer themselves: 94,
veterinarian: 28, animal scientist: 22, other farmer: 0
Farmer themselves: 0.0002, all others:
Human Resources
Professional educationYes: 54, no: 171Yes: 12, no: 1070.002
Daily period of presence in the farmX: 11.5 ± 0.2 hX: 12.3 ± 0.3 h0.047
Public health
Personal opinion regarding occurrence of transmission of diseases from animals to the farmer or members of the familyYes: 44, no: 281Yes: 27, no: 920.020
1 p-value for comparison between sheep flocks and goat herds; 2 Management system classified according to the system of the European Food Safety Authority [24]; 3 Figures present frequency (n) for each category within the variable; 4 Figures present mean ± standard error of the mean (X ± σM.); 5 Figures present frequency (n) for each category within the variable; 6 Figures present average (95% confidence interval) value; 7 Figures present median (minimum–maximum) value.

Appendix B

Table A2. Differences observed in parameters (n = 7) between sheep flocks and goat herds in the results obtained during field and laboratory examinations during the mapping of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece.
Table A2. Differences observed in parameters (n = 7) between sheep flocks and goat herds in the results obtained during field and laboratory examinations during the mapping of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece.
Sheep Flocks (n = 325)Goat Herds (n = 199)p-Value 1
Clinical Examinations of Animals at the Farms
Body condition scoringX: 2.38 ± 0.02 (scale: 0–5) 2X: 2.54 ± 0.03 (scale: 0–5) 3<0.0001
Laboratory Examinations in Bulk-Tank Milk
Somatic cell counting
Somatic cell counts0.488 × 106(0.451 × 106–0.529 × 106) cells mL−1 30.838 × 106 (0.759 × 106–0.933 × 106) cells mL−1<0.0001
Microbiological examinations
Total bacterial counts398 × 103 (331 × 103–479 × 103) cfu mL−1581 × 103 (447 × 103–741 × 103) cfu mL−1<0.0001
Resistance of staphylococci to ampicillin, azithromycin, cefoxitin, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, clindamycin, erythromycin, fosfomycin, fucidic acid, gentamicin, moxifloxacin, mupirocin, oxaxillin, penicillin, rifampicin, teicoplanin, tetracycline, tobramycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazoleYes: 79, 0, 0, 2, 0, 41, 21, 31, 14, 2, 1, 1, 27, 79, 1, 0, 28, 2, 2, respectively, no: 153, 232, 232, 230, 232, 191, 211, 201, 218, 230, 231, 231, 205, 153, 231, 232, 204, 230, 230,
respectively 4
Yes: 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 16, 22, 3, 0, 0, 0, 6, 33, 0, 1, 12, 1,
0, respectively, no: 47, 80, 80, 80, 80, 61, 64, 58,
77, 80, 80, 80, 74, 47,
80, 79, 68, 79, 80,
Fosfomycin: 0.002, erythromycin: 0.040, all others:
Composition analysis
Fat contentX: 6.16% ± 0.05%X: 4.77% ± 0.44%0.0005
Protein contentX: 4.43% ± 0.01%X: 3.23% ± 0.30%0.0008
Lactose contentX: 4.21% ± 0.02%X: 4.74% ± 0.03%<0.0001
1 p-value for comparison between sheep flocks and goat herds; 2 Figures present mean ± standard error of the mean (X ± σM.); 3 Figures present mean (95% confidence interval); 4 Figures present frequency (n) for each category within the variable.


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Figure 1. Locations (red dots) of the 325 sheep (left figure) and 119 goat (right figure) farms around Greece, which were visited for a detailed and extensive interview and for collection of samples.
Figure 1. Locations (red dots) of the 325 sheep (left figure) and 119 goat (right figure) farms around Greece, which were visited for a detailed and extensive interview and for collection of samples.
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Figure 2. Locations (green dots) of 325 sheep flocks (left figure) and 119 goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in accordance with somatic cell counts in bulk-tank milk (diameter of dots on maps is proportionate to cell counts).
Figure 2. Locations (green dots) of 325 sheep flocks (left figure) and 119 goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in accordance with somatic cell counts in bulk-tank milk (diameter of dots on maps is proportionate to cell counts).
Animals 13 02044 g002
Figure 3. Locations (purple dots) of sheep flocks (left figure) and goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in which total bacterial counts over 1500 × 103 cfu mL−1 in bulk-tank milk were detected.
Figure 3. Locations (purple dots) of sheep flocks (left figure) and goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in which total bacterial counts over 1500 × 103 cfu mL−1 in bulk-tank milk were detected.
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Figure 4. Locations (blue dots) of sheep flocks (left figure) and goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in which machine-milking was practiced.
Figure 4. Locations (blue dots) of sheep flocks (left figure) and goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in which machine-milking was practiced.
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Figure 5. Locations (orange dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which staphylococci resistant to at least one antibiotic were isolated from bulk-tank milk.
Figure 5. Locations (orange dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which staphylococci resistant to at least one antibiotic were isolated from bulk-tank milk.
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Figure 6. Locations (purple dots) of sheep flocks (left figure) and goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in accordance with the incidence of clinical mastitis in ewes/does (diameter of dots on maps is proportionate to incidence of the pathological condition).
Figure 6. Locations (purple dots) of sheep flocks (left figure) and goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in accordance with the incidence of clinical mastitis in ewes/does (diameter of dots on maps is proportionate to incidence of the pathological condition).
Animals 13 02044 g006
Figure 7. Locations (orange dots) of sheep flocks (left figure) and goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in accordance with incidence of diarrhoea in lambs/kids (diameter of dots on maps is proportionate to incidence of the pathological condition.
Figure 7. Locations (orange dots) of sheep flocks (left figure) and goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in accordance with incidence of diarrhoea in lambs/kids (diameter of dots on maps is proportionate to incidence of the pathological condition.
Animals 13 02044 g007
Figure 8. Locations (pink dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which reproductive control techniques were employed.
Figure 8. Locations (pink dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which reproductive control techniques were employed.
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Figure 9. Locations (black dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which vaccination against staphylococcal mastitis was performed.
Figure 9. Locations (black dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which vaccination against staphylococcal mastitis was performed.
Animals 13 02044 g009
Figure 10. Locations (green dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which D. dendriticum was detected in pooled faecal samples.
Figure 10. Locations (green dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which D. dendriticum was detected in pooled faecal samples.
Animals 13 02044 g010
Figure 11. Locations (brown dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which Nematodirus spp. was detected in pooled faecal samples.
Figure 11. Locations (brown dots) of sheep flocks and goat herds around Greece, in which Nematodirus spp. was detected in pooled faecal samples.
Animals 13 02044 g011
Figure 12. Locations (red dots) of 280 sheep flocks (left figure) and 90 goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in which no anthelmintic treatment was carried out during the two months prior to sampling, in accord with epg counts in pooled faecal samples (diameter of dots on maps is proportionate to epg counts).
Figure 12. Locations (red dots) of 280 sheep flocks (left figure) and 90 goat herds (right figure) around Greece, in which no anthelmintic treatment was carried out during the two months prior to sampling, in accord with epg counts in pooled faecal samples (diameter of dots on maps is proportionate to epg counts).
Animals 13 02044 g012
Figure 13. Management system applied in 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece, in accordance with the location of the farms.
Figure 13. Management system applied in 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece, in accordance with the location of the farms.
Animals 13 02044 g013
Figure 14. Proportion of 444 small ruminant farms applying machine-milking in accordance with the breed of animals in the farms, as found in a countrywide investigation in Greece.
Figure 14. Proportion of 444 small ruminant farms applying machine-milking in accordance with the breed of animals in the farms, as found in a countrywide investigation in Greece.
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Table 1. Selected cumulative data collected during the mapping of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece, classified according to animal species in the farms.
Table 1. Selected cumulative data collected during the mapping of 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece, classified according to animal species in the farms.
Sheep Flocks (n = 325)Goat Herds (n = 199)p-Value 1
General Details
Management system 2Intensive: 13.5%, semi-intensive: 43.1%, semi-extensive: 35.7%, extensive: 7.7%Intensive: 7.5%, semi-intensive: 24.4%, semi-extensive:
51.3%, extensive: 16.8%
<0.0001 3
Year of the initial establishment of the farmX: year 1981 ± 1 year 3X: year 1977 ± 1 year0.09
Availability of a main building for animalsYes: 97.8%, no: 2.2% 4Yes: 98.3%, no: 1.7%0.75
Availability of a milking parlourYes: 78.5%, no: 21.5%Yes: 55.5%, no: 44.5%<0.0001
Type of milking parlourFishbone: 0.4%, circular: 3.9%, linear parallel: 35.7%, linear one-sided: 59.6%, other: 0.4%Fishbone: 0.0%, circular: 6.1%, linear parallel: 31.8%, linear one-sided: 62.1%, other: 0.0%0.85
Number of animal positions in the parlourX: 25 ± 1 positionsX: 25 ± 2 positions0.65
Total number of feed troughs availableX: 28 ± 2 troughsX: 26 ± 3 troughs0.71
Total number of drinking points availableX: 10 ± 0.5 pointsX: 9 ± 1.0 points0.46
Total grazing landX: 510 ± 50 acresX: 1322 ± 390 acres0.002
No. of female animals (small ruminants) in the farmX: 325 ± 13 ewesX: 237 ± 20 does0.0006
No. of male animals (small ruminants) in the farmX: 15 ± 0.5 ramsX: 16 ± 1.5 bucks0.47
Breed of female animalsAssaf: 9.2%, Awassi: 0.3%, Boutsko: 0.6%, Chios: 13.5%, Crossbreds: 13.2%, Friesarta: 3.7%, Friesian: 4.0%, Karagouniko: 1.5%, Kefallinia: 0.3%, Lacaune: 29.2%, ‘Local’: 16.9%,
Mytilini: 5.5%, Sfakia: 1.8%
Alpine: 7.6%, Crossbreds: 15.1%, Damascus: 15.1%, Kefallinia: 0.8%, Indigenous Greek (Capra prisca): 42.0%, Murciano-Granadina: 10.9%, Saanen: 4.2%,
Skopelos: 4.2%
Average age of culling ewes/doesX: 5.9 ± 0.1 yearsX: 6.9 ± 0.1 years<0.0001
Production Characteristics
Month of the start of the lambing/kidding seasonOctober
(January–December) 5
Annual milk quantity per animal obtained during the preceding milking periodX: 207 ± 5 LX: 201 ± 10 L0.55
Total number of lambs/kids born per female animal during the preceding lambing/kidding seasonX: 1.33 ± 0.1 lambsX: 1.30 ± 0.2 kids0.15
Average age of lambs/kids at slaughterX: 50 ± 1 daysX: 65 ± 3 days<0.0001
Average carcass weight of lambs/kids at slaughterX: 10.0 ± 0.1 kgX: 9.4 ± 0.2 days0.012
Health Management
The two health problems in lambs/kids considered to be of higher importance (top three outcomes presented)Diarrhoea: 71.7%, pneumonia: 27.4%, contagious ecthyma: 7.7%Diarrhoea: 69.7%, pneumonia: 22.7%, clostridial infection: 10.1%n/a
The two health problems in adult animals considered to be of higher importance (top three outcomes presented)Mastitis: 66.2%, pneumonia: 17.5%, lameness: 6.2%Mastitis: 42.9%, paratuberculosis: 19.3%, pneumonia: 14.3%n/a
Incidence rate of total deaths, of any cause, in adult animals during the preceding season5.2% (5.0–5.5%) 65.9% (5.8–6.0%)0.023
Collaboration with a veterinarianYes: 87.1%, no: 12.9%Yes: 84.9%, no: 15.1%0.55
Use of laboratory diagnostic examinationsYes: 40.9%, no: 59.1%Yes: 43.7%, no: 56.3%0.60
Maintenance of prescribed withdrawal periods after administration of pharmaceuticalsYes: 98.8%, no: 1.2%Yes: 98.3%, no: 1.7%0.72
Overall incidence of mastitis during the preceding season3.9% (3.8–4.0%)2.8% (2.6–3.0%)<0.0001
Overall incidence of abortion during the preceding season2.0% (1.9–2.1%)2.5% (2.7–2.9%)<0.0001
Overall incidence of lameness during the preceding season2.8% (2.7–2.9%)1.2% (1.1–1.4%)<0.0001
Overall incidence of respiratory problems in young animals during the preceding season1.4% (1.3–1.5%)1.1% (1.0–1.2%)<0.0001
Overall incidence of diarrhoea in young animals during the preceding season7.9% (7.8–8.0%)10.4% (10.0–10.7%)<0.0001
Reproductive managementNo hormonal control: 66.8%, administration of melatonin: 7.1%, administration of progestogens: 27.4%No hormonal control: 83.2%, administration of melatonin: 4.2%, administration of progestogens: 13.4%0.0007
Duration of mating period2 (1–12) months2 (1–12) months0.09
Age for lamb/kid removal from their damsX: 50 ± 1 daysX: 65 ± 3 days<0.0001
Daily number of milking sessions2 (1–3)2 (1–3)0.0001
Duration of the dry-periodX: 3.0 ± 0.1 monthsX: 2.9 ± 0.1 months0.84
Vaccination against Chlamydia infectionYes: 40.0%, no: 60.0%Yes: 32.8%, no: 67.2%0.16
Vaccination against Brucella infectionYes: 100.0%, no: 0.0%Yes: 100.0%, no: 0.0%n/a
Vaccination against clostridial infectionYes: 97.2%, no: 2.8%Yes: 99.2%, no: 0.8%0.23
Vaccination against mastitisYes: 39.7%, no: 61.2%Yes: 28.6%, no: 71.4%0.047
Vaccination against contagious agalactiaYes: 57.2%, no: 42.8%Yes: 54.6%, no: 45.4%0.62
Vaccination against bacterial respiratory infectionsYes: 44.3%, no: 55.7%Yes: 32.8%, no: 67.2%0.028
Vaccination against paratuberculosisYes: 3.4%, no: 96.6%Use: 26.1%, no: 73.9%<0.0001
Administration of anthelmintics to sheep/goats in the farmYes: 99.1%, no: 0.9%Yes: 98.3%, no: 1.7%0.50
Administration of ectoparasiticides to sheep/goats in the farmYes: 33.5%, no: 66.5%Yes: 58.0%, no: 42.0%<0.0001
Application of disinfections in the farmYes: 91.1%, no: 8.9%Yes: 85.7%, no: 14.3%0.10
Foot careYes: 68.9%, no: 31.1%Yes: 60.5%, no: 39.5%0.10
Provision of hay as fodder to animalsYes: 99.7%, no: 0.3%Yes: 97.5%, no: 2.5%0.029
Total quantity of hay consumed during the preceding seasonX: 84 ± 5 tonsX: 46 ± 7 tons0.0003
Provision of straw to animalsYes: 79.4%, no: 20.6%Yes: 65.5%, no: 34.5%0.003
Provision of silage to adult animalsYes: 22.2%, no: 77.8%Yes: 15.1%, no: 84.9%0.10
Total quantity of silage consumed during the preceding seasonX: 142 ± 31 tonsX: 98 ± 35 tons0.50
Provision of finished feed to animalsYes: 93.5%, no: 6.5%Yes: 86.6%, no: 13.4%0.018
Total quantity of finished feed (concentrate) consumed during the preceding seasonX: 86 ± 6 tonsX: 66 ± 8 tons0.12
Premix purchase for use in dietsYes: 88.0%, no: 12.0%Yes: 81.5%, no: 18.5%0.08
Human Resources
AgeX: 47 ± 1 yearsX: 47 ± 1 years0.64
Length of previous animal farming experienceX: 24 ± 1 yearsX: 25 ± 1 years0.80
Highest level of general educationPrimary: 17.5%, secondary: 69.2%, tertiary: 13.2%Primary: 16.8%, secondary: 74.8%, tertiary: 8.4%0.35
Farmer by professionYes: 89.8%, no: 10.2%Yes: 88.2%, no: 11.8%0.63
Personal opinion regarding occurrence of transmission of diseases from animals to the farmer or members of the familyYes: 13.5%, no: 86.5%Yes: 22.7%, no: 77.3%0.020
Farm worker employmentYes: 37.8%, no: 62.2%Yes: 28.6%, no: 71.4%0.07
1 p-value for comparison between sheep flocks and goat herds; 2 Management system classified according to the system of the European Food Safety Authority [24]; 3 Figures present mean ± standard error of the mean (X ± σM.); 4 Figures present proportions of farms for each category within the variable; 5 Figures present median (minimum–maximum) value; 6 Figures present average (95% confidence interval) value.
Table 2. Selected cumulative results obtained during field and laboratory examinations in samples collected from 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece, classified according to animal species in the farms.
Table 2. Selected cumulative results obtained during field and laboratory examinations in samples collected from 444 small ruminant farms in a countrywide investigation in Greece, classified according to animal species in the farms.
Sheep Flocks (n = 325)Goat Herds (n = 199)p-Value 1
Clinical Examinations of Animals at the Farms
Body condition scoringX: 2.38 ± 0.02 (scale: 0–5) 2X: 2.54 ± 0.03 (scale: 0–5)<0.0001
Laboratory Examinations in Bulk-Tank Milk Samples
Somatic cell counts0.488 × 106 (0.451 × 106–0.529 × 106) cells mL−1 30.838 × 106 (0.759 × 106–0.933 × 106) cells mL−1<0.0001
Total bacterial counts398 × 103 (331 × 103–479 × 103) cfu 4 mL−1581 × 103 (447 × 103–741 × 103) cfu mL−1<0.0001
Staphylococcal isolationYes: 63.4%, no: 36.6% 5Yes: 63.0%, no: 37.0%0.94
Listeria isolationYes: 1.2%, no: 98.8%Yes: 0.0%, no: 100.0%0.22
Fat contentX: 6.16% ± 0.05%X: 4.77% ± 0.44%0.0005
Protein contentX: 4.43% ± 0.01%X: 3.23% ± 0.30%0.0008
Parasitological Examinations in Faecal Samples
epg countsX: 214 ± 13X: 219 ± 220.77
1 p-value for comparison between sheep flocks and goat herds; 2 Figures present mean ± standard error of the mean (X ± σM.); 3 Figures present mean (95% confidence intervals); 4 cfu: colony-forming units; 5 Figures present proportions of farms for each category within the variable.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Lianou, D.T.; Michael, C.K.; Fthenakis, G.C. Data on Mapping 444 Dairy Small Ruminant Farms during a Countrywide Investigation Performed in Greece. Animals 2023, 13, 2044.

AMA Style

Lianou DT, Michael CK, Fthenakis GC. Data on Mapping 444 Dairy Small Ruminant Farms during a Countrywide Investigation Performed in Greece. Animals. 2023; 13(12):2044.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Lianou, Daphne T., Charalambia K. Michael, and George C. Fthenakis. 2023. "Data on Mapping 444 Dairy Small Ruminant Farms during a Countrywide Investigation Performed in Greece" Animals 13, no. 12: 2044.

APA Style

Lianou, D. T., Michael, C. K., & Fthenakis, G. C. (2023). Data on Mapping 444 Dairy Small Ruminant Farms during a Countrywide Investigation Performed in Greece. Animals, 13(12), 2044.

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