Identifying Migration Routes of Wild Asian Elephants in China Based on Ecological Networks Constructed by Circuit Theory Model
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area and Data Sources
2.2. Methodology
2.2.1. Identification of Ecological Patches (Step 1)
2.2.2. Construction of Ecological Resistance Surface (Step 2)
2.2.3. Identification of Ecological Network (Step 3)
- (1)
- Ecological network identification
- (2)
- Ecological corridor extraction
- (3)
- Ecological pinch point identification
3. Results
3.1. Ecological Patches
3.2. Ecological Resistance Surface
3.3. Ecological Network
3.4. Ecological Corridor
3.5. Ecological Pinch Point
4. Discussion
4.1. Validity of Circuit Theory Model in Identifying Migration Routes of Asian Elephants
4.2. Recommendations for Future Conservation of Asian Elephant Population
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Resistance Factor Type | Factor of Resistance | Class of Classification | Value of Resistance |
Terrain | Elevation (m) | <1000 | 10 |
1000–1500 | 50 | ||
1500–2000 | 100 | ||
>2000 | 10,000 | ||
Slope | <10 | 10 | |
10–15 | 50 | ||
15–30 | 100 | ||
>30 | 10,000 | ||
Terrain roughness | <1.1 | 10 | |
1.1–1.2 | 50 | ||
1.2–1.3 | 100 | ||
>1.3 | 10,000 | ||
Surface state | Land-use type | Shrubbery, grassland, sparse woodland | 10 |
Forest, bare land, dry land | 100 | ||
Swamp, river beach, rural settlement | 200 | ||
Other woodland, paddy field, bare rock land | 400 | ||
Urban land, other construction land, river canal, lake, reservoir, permanent glaciers, snow | 10,000 |
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Jiang, X.; Liu, H.-J.; Jiang, Z.-Y.; Ni, R.-P. Identifying Migration Routes of Wild Asian Elephants in China Based on Ecological Networks Constructed by Circuit Theory Model. Animals 2023, 13, 2618.
Jiang X, Liu H-J, Jiang Z-Y, Ni R-P. Identifying Migration Routes of Wild Asian Elephants in China Based on Ecological Networks Constructed by Circuit Theory Model. Animals. 2023; 13(16):2618.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJiang, Xin, Hong-Jie Liu, Zhi-Yun Jiang, and Ru-Ping Ni. 2023. "Identifying Migration Routes of Wild Asian Elephants in China Based on Ecological Networks Constructed by Circuit Theory Model" Animals 13, no. 16: 2618.
APA StyleJiang, X., Liu, H.-J., Jiang, Z.-Y., & Ni, R.-P. (2023). Identifying Migration Routes of Wild Asian Elephants in China Based on Ecological Networks Constructed by Circuit Theory Model. Animals, 13(16), 2618.