Innovative Approaches to Geoscientific Outreach in the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark, Ecuadorian Amazon Region
:1. Introduction
2. Geological and Socioeconomic Setting
2.1. Geosites of NSAUGG
2.2. Socioeconomic Background
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Data Collection
3.2. Fieldwork
3.3. Laboratory Work
3.3.1. Thin Section Elaboration
3.3.2. XRD Analysis
3.4. Development of Data and Analytical Methods
3.4.1. Petrographic Analysis
3.4.2. Multi-Platform App
4. Results
4.1. Geodiversity Knowledge
4.1.1. Wawa Sumaco Quarry Geosite (G17)
4.1.2. Puka Urku Geosite (G18)
4.1.3. Pucuno River Geosite (G19)
4.2. SumAppGeo Multi-Platform Application Elaboration
5. Discussion
5.1. NSAUGG Geodiversity and Sociocultural Use
5.1.1. Wawa Sumaco Quarry (G17)
5.1.2. Puka Urku (G18)
5.1.3. Pucuno River (G19)
5.2. SumAppGeo Web and Mobile Application
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Code | Geosite | Rock Type | Geological Formation | Ages | Location |
G1 | Sumaco Volcano | Igneous | Sumaco volcanic deposits | Pleistocene | 77°37′ W 0°32′ S |
G2 | Guagua Sumaco Lagoon and Outlook | Igneous | Sumaco volcanic deposits | Pleistocene | 77°35′ W 0°34′ S |
G3 | Hollín Waterfall | Igneous | Misahuallí | Jurassic | 77°43′ W 0°41′ S |
G4 | Pungarayacu Quarry | Sedimentary Igneous | Hollín | Cretaceous | 77°44′ W 0°42′ S |
G5 | Virgen de Guacamayos Outlook | Igneous | Superficial deposits | Jurassic | 77°50′ W 0°37′ S |
G6 | Los Guacamayos Granite and the Gringo’s Stone | Igneous | Abitagua granite | Jurassic | 77°48′ W 0°38′ S |
G7 | Ñachi Yacu River Grand Canyon | Sedimentary | Hollín-Napo | Cretaceous | 77°45′ W 0°49′ S |
G8 | Chiuta Hill | Sedimentary | Tiyuyacu | Paleocene–Eocene | 77°53′ W 0°57′ S |
G9 | Waysa Yacu and the Jatun Yacu River | Igneous | Abitagua granite | Jurassic | 77°57′ W 1°4′ S |
G10 | Napo River Labyrinths | Sedimentary | Napo | Cretaceous | 77°43′ W 1°2′ S |
G11 | Puerto Misahuallí’s Bookcase | Sedimentary | Alluvial deposits | Eocene | 77°39′ W 1°2′ S |
G12 | Hollín River | Sedimentary Igneous | Hollín-Napo | Cretaceous | 77°45′ W 0°56′ S |
G13 | Churo | Sedimentary | Napo | Cretaceous | 77°46′ W 0°48′ S |
G14 | Karst Relief (34 caverns) | Sedimentary | Napo | Cretaceous | 77°47′ W 0°52′ S |
G15 | Cotundo Petroglyphs | Igneous | Superficial deposits | Holocene | 77°47′ W 0°50′ S |
G16 | Shunku Rumi | Igneous | Abitagua Granite | Jurassic | 77°49′ W 0°37′ S |
G17 | Wawa Sumaco Quarry | Igneous | Sumaco Volcanic Deposits | Pleistocene | 77°35′ W 0°42’ S |
G18 | Puka Urku | Sedimentary | Tiyuyacu | Paleocene–Eocene | 77°54′ W 1°00’ S |
G19 | Pucuno River | Sedimentary Igneous | Sumaco volcanic deposits Hollín Abitagua Granite | Cenozoic | 77°36′ W 0°39′ S |
Geo Zone | X | Y | Code | Analysis | Rock Name |
18M | 201,501.00 | 9,921,188.00 | WS01 | Petrographic | Tephrite |
18M | 211,490.00 | 9,921,270.00 | WS02 | Petrographic | Weathered basaltic breccia |
18M | 211,472.00 | 9,921,284.00 | WS03 | Petrographic | Tephrite |
Geo Zone | X | Y | Code | Analysis | Rock Name |
18M | 176,840.00 | 9,888,409.00 | PU01 | XRD | Kaolinite |
18M | 177,049.00 | 9,888,652.00 | PU02 | XRD | Quartz–Kaolinite |
Geo Zone | X | Y | Code | Analysis | Rock Name |
18M | 209,660.00 | 9,926,914.00 | PR01 | Petrographic and XRD | Quartz sandstone |
18M | 209,580.00 | 9,926,788.00 | PR02 | XRD | Quartz sandstone |
18M | 209,662.00 | 9,926,916.00 | PR03 | Petrographic | Andesite |
18M | 209,660.00 | 9,926,914.00 | PR04 | Petrographic | Tephrite |
18M | 209,048.00 | 9,927,081.00 | PR05 | Petrographic and XRD | Weathered syenite |
Development Application | Software Compatibility | Requirements | Data Updating | Offline Mode | |||
Internet | Sw Version | ||||||
Yes | No | ||||||
SumAppGeo by Flutterflow | Android | X | 6.0 or later | Monthly | Test phase | ||
iOS | X | 13 or later | Development phase | ||||
Experience Builder | Browsers | Chrome | X | Not applicable | Every week | Development phase | |
Firefox | |||||||
Safari |
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Share and Cite
Salazar-Del-Pozo, S.-S.; Carlosama-Morejón, F.; Freire-Quintanilla, K.; Grefa-Shiguango, H.; Simbaña-Tasiguano, M. Innovative Approaches to Geoscientific Outreach in the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark, Ecuadorian Amazon Region. Geosciences 2025, 15, 43.
Salazar-Del-Pozo S-S, Carlosama-Morejón F, Freire-Quintanilla K, Grefa-Shiguango H, Simbaña-Tasiguano M. Innovative Approaches to Geoscientific Outreach in the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark, Ecuadorian Amazon Region. Geosciences. 2025; 15(2):43.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSalazar-Del-Pozo, Samantha-Solange, Felipe Carlosama-Morejón, Karla Freire-Quintanilla, Henry Grefa-Shiguango, and Marco Simbaña-Tasiguano. 2025. "Innovative Approaches to Geoscientific Outreach in the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark, Ecuadorian Amazon Region" Geosciences 15, no. 2: 43.
APA StyleSalazar-Del-Pozo, S.-S., Carlosama-Morejón, F., Freire-Quintanilla, K., Grefa-Shiguango, H., & Simbaña-Tasiguano, M. (2025). Innovative Approaches to Geoscientific Outreach in the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark, Ecuadorian Amazon Region. Geosciences, 15(2), 43.