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Long- and Mid-Term Trends in the Waterbird Community: Functional and Ecological Turnovers After Restoration of Freshwater and Brackish Habitats in a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland

Servicio de Conservación de Ambientes Acuáticos, SAV/Servicio Devesa-Albufera, Ajuntament de València, Ctra, CV-500, km 8,5 Izq, 46012 El Saler, Valencia, Spain
SEO/BirdLife, Delegación de la Comunitat Valenciana, Calle Tavernes Blanques 29-B, 46120 Alboraia, Valencia, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Environments 2024, 11(12), 298;
Submission received: 17 November 2024 / Revised: 10 December 2024 / Accepted: 12 December 2024 / Published: 21 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Ecological Restoration in Marine Environments)


In the Mediterranean, urban and agricultural development has led to the degradation of coastal habitats and a decline in wetland biodiversity. L’Albufera de Valencia is a paradigmatic case-study, with intensive rice fields, scarcity of natural aquatic habitats, and an unfavorable conservation status. Since the 1990s, restoration efforts have been made in freshwater and brackish environments. In this study, long-, medium-, and short-term dynamics and ecological and functional traits were analyzed for waterbird communities. We found that restoration of these areas had facilitated the establishment of resilient communities with higher specialization and diversity than the rest of the protected area, including threatened species. Overall, restoration has improved population dynamics and ecological traits in L’Albufera compared to the surrounding hyper-eutrophic lagoon and rice fields. The findings reveal two complementary conservation paradoxes linked to ecological succession. Initial dynamics affected small, pioneer species of high conservation value, while larger species of conservation concern displaced them over time. Dynamics were influenced by body mass, with less competition in freshwater species. Notably, large waders and vegetation gleaners nesting in restored freshwater wetlands exhibited greater sensitivity to ecological succession, reversing regional declines. These paradoxes highlight the importance of increasing restoration efforts in various stages of succession to meet the ecological needs of threatened species.

1. Introduction

Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are the three main processes leading to an unfavorable conservation status of species and increasing their risk of extinction [1,2,3]. Reversing these pressures represents one of the major challenges for biodiversity conservation [4,5]. This is of vital concern in wetlands, which are likely the ecosystems that have experienced the greatest degradation on a global scale [6,7], with an estimated loss of over 50% of total wetland area in the past century [8,9]. Coastal wetlands are additionally facing significant threats, with major recent changes in water dynamics [10], and are considered the most vulnerable ecosystem to rising global sea levels [11]. As a result, key ecological functions are being lost [12,13], and declines in wetland-dependent species have been among the most significant recorded [14]. Waterbirds, which encompass a wide range of species and serve as sensitive indicators of wetland functional traits and conservation status at both local and landscape scales [15,16], are experiencing steep declines globally [17]. Consequently, conservation efforts are often focused on supporting bird diversity through wetland protection and habitat restoration [18,19]. The significant loss of wetlands is driving efforts to restore natural wetlands and their ecological functions, alongside a growing recognition of the limitations of artificial wetlands (e.g., rice fields, fish farms, and saltpans) as ecological and functional substitutes for natural wetland ecosystems [20,21,22,23,24]. The framework for environmental restoration must apply different theoretical and practical approaches depending on the specific objectives [25,26,27]. Wetland restoration and artificial wetlands, especially in coastal and agricultural landscapes, have been increasingly used to restore the ecosystem services provided by wetlands [28,29], complementing the needs for biodiversity promotion and endangered species conservation [30,31,32], as well as the restoration of ecological processes [33], leveraging their ability to be actively managed with integrated knowledge and an ecosystem-based approach [18].
Assessing the success of wetland restoration activities is a challenging task, and the results are often not practical [34]. The study of trends is essential for understanding the underlying ecological processes and factors that shape them, as well as the temporal and spatial scales at which they operate [35,36,37,38]. These are, therefore, tools that allow the identification of conservation and management priorities [39,40,41]. To achieve this, it is critical to understand the point reached, especially if there is no basis for comparison, such as sufficiently complete and detailed time series data to compare pre- and post-restoration states, and to have appropriate control points that help to account for background trends and other variations that are not directly related to restoration effects [42,43,44]. Moreover, functional traits and ecological processes following restoration actions need to be assessed at the community level, including interference competition, colonization and extinction events, ecological succession, and ecological specialization [22,45,46,47], as they are essential for a better understanding of the ecological processes underlying community dynamics after restoration efforts [25].
Historical human occupation and ecosystem modifications in Mediterranean coastal areas have led to extremely high rates of habitat degradation and loss [48], and future projections warn of the continued loss of natural areas [49]. However, Mediterranean coastal areas have seen the greatest increase in artificial wetlands, partially reversing their degradation [50], and the wetlands that remain today support a significant portion of biodiversity of conservation concern at the European scale [51]. Given the increasing practical significance of conservation, it is crucial to assess restoration outcomes by examining both short- and long-term results of restoration projects in relation to the objectives for which they were designed. In that context, this study evaluated long-term changes in community structure, as well as several functional and ecological traits, of marine, brackish, and freshwater bird communities following environmental restoration efforts in a Mediterranean coastal wetland of international importance. This wetland, which is intensively managed for rice farming, has undergone several ecological restoration projects aimed at addressing the unfavorable conservation status of its aquatic habitats and increasing their extent. To address it, we analyzed a set of 30-year bird census at the regional and local scale to investigate“(i) to what extent restoration efforts have helped reverse the negative trends of certain species; (ii) whether the restoration of a new coastal, brackish habitats designed to host marine bird colonies facilitates the attraction of new species to the protected area, with trends independent of those in the rest of the wetland; (iii) whether the restoration of small wetlands within the agricultural matrix attracts birds with higher quality requirements and promotes the assembly of species into a more specialized community; and (iv) how environmental restoration projects have contributed to an increased capacity to support threatened and specialist species, and to the development of more complex communities.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

L’Albufera de València (hereafter l’Albufera) is a Mediterranean coastal wetland located along the Gulf of València coastline (39°17′ N, 0°20′ W). L’Albufera protected area covers 21,120 ha, of which 2840 ha consists of a shallow, hypereutrophic lagoon, with 290 ha of marshland vegetation forming a narrow belt and small islands. The lagoon is surrounded by intensive rice fields covering approximately 14,500 ha, which are in turn bordered by a large urban area (c. 1.5 million inhabitants), with industrial and agricultural development within its perimeter. The agricultural use of the landscape determines the wetland’s hydrological functioning, which remains stable over the years, with a higher input of water during the cultivation period and a winter flooding phase of the rice fields closest to the lagoon [52].
Due to its geographical location at the confluence of the Mediterranean/Black Sea and East Atlantic flyways, l’Albufera is a key wetland for birdlife, regularly hosting around 250 species throughout the year, 90 of which are common breeders and 75 waterbirds. The wetland supports regular breeding, wintering, or migratory populations of 92 bird species protected under the Bird Directive. In terms of habitats, l’Albufera contains up to 22 habitats of interest, 7 of which are considered priorities for conservation in Europe under the Habitats Directive. Reflecting these conservation values, l’Albufera is part of the Natura 2000 network as a ‘Special Protection Area for Birds’ (SPA, since 1990) and a ‘Site of Community Importance’ (SCI, since 2006). The wetland was designated a Natural Park in 1986 under regional legislation, and due to its international importance for aquatic biodiversity conservation, it has also been included since 1989 in the ‘Wetlands of International Importance’ network (RAMSAR site).
In the 1960s and 1970s, water pollution caused by discharges from urban, industrial, and agricultural sources altered the aquatic communities, leading to the disappearance of submerged vegetation [52] and a subsequent decline in the bird community. Due to the degradation suffered by the lagoon, a priority habitat (habitat code 1150, coastal lagoons), it is still far from reaching its ecological potential. Although several structural measures have been implemented to prevent point-source pollution and reduce diffuse nutrient pollution, which have led to tangible improvements, they remain insufficient [52,53,54]. Among the actions carried out are four environmental restoration projects located in the surrounding area of the lagoon (Figure 1), which have three main objectives: (i) to reduce the scarcity of permanent brackish and freshwater habitats that support small populations of threatened or rare species at the regional scale; (ii) to improve water quality in the freshwater restored sites; and (iii) to create spaces for public use and environmental education.

2.2. Brackish Restored Wetland

The Racó de l’Olla Natural Reserve (hereafter Racó de l’Olla) was established in 1993, following the recovery of salt marsh habitats that suffered infilling at the end of the 1970s for the construction of a racecourse. The reserve covers approximately 47 hectares across four large areas within the sandspit of the coastal lagoon system. It includes fixed dune habitats, stabilized and colonized by dense perennial thickets (Pistacia lentiscus, Phillyrea angustifolia); brackish meadows, dominated by perennial shrubs (Sarcocornia fruticosa, Tamarix boveana) and annual grasses (Salicornia ramosissima, Suaeda spicata) that colonize temporarily flooded mud and sand of marine origin; and islands with natural deposits of marine shells and pebbles, supporting sparse vegetation (Limonium spp., Frankenia pulverulenta) on sandy soils that are intermittently infiltrated by saline water and subjected to extreme summer desiccation, leading to the formation of saline efflorescence. There are up to 16 of these insular areas that promote the establishment of breeding colonies of waterbirds. The annual flooding cycle is influenced by rainfall, with maximum water levels during the winter and prolonged summer droughts lasting until autumn. However, the reserve is equipped with a pumping station that allows freshwater to be diverted from the lagoon if necessary. Localized actions are being carried out to adapt the vegetation cover of some of the islands, particularly to encourage the establishment of wader, gull, and tern colonies.

2.3. Freshwater Restored Wetlands

Between 2008 and 2011, three former rice fields were converted into freshwater wetlands: Tancat de la Pipa (39 ha, restored in 2008 by the Júcar River Basin Authority), Tancat de Milia (33 ha), and Tancat de l’Illa (16 ha, both restored by AcuaMed in 2011). Due to their dual-purpose design, combining the objectives of constructed wetlands (nutrient load reduction) and restored wetlands (biodiversity enhancement), they can be considered Integrated Constructed Wetlands [32]. For clarity, they will hereafter be referred to as freshwater wetlands. The three freshwater wetlands include shallow lagoons and areas with surface flow, where water levels fluctuate between 10 and 70 cm in depth [55,56]. Submerged macrophyte meadows (Myriophyllum spicatum, Najas marina, Ceratophyllum demersum, Chara spp.) develop seasonally in the lagoons [54], and the system results in a net reduction in phytoplankton and an increase in zooplankton [57]. The vegetated areas are characterized by different coverages of bulrush (Cladium mariscus), cattail (Typha domingensis), and reeds (Phragmites australis). These marsh and peatland habitats, which are currently maintained in the Albufera lagoon’s belt and islands, represent the original ecosystems that existed prior to their conversion into rice fields during the 19th and 20th centuries. In general, water in these freshwater wetlands enters by gravity and is subsequently pumped out of the system. Management of these artificial wetlands involves some seasonal vegetation mowing during the winter, when coverage increases in the lagoon and certain sectors, as well as periodic summer drying of selected lagoons every 2–4 years to promote nutrient mineralization and manage invasive fish populations, primarily common carp (Cyprinus carpio) [56,58].

2.4. Database and Community Dynamics Analysis

The censuses of breeding waterbirds across the entire l’Albufera wetland from 1993 to 2023 were obtained from publicly available data provided by the regional government ( (accessed on 10 June 2024)). Monitoring of waterbird populations has been conducted in the restored areas since the initiation of the restoration projects. The number of breeding pairs at Racó de l’Olla was determined through direct nest counts of waders, gulls, and terns across several islands. Each island is surveyed annually, approximately 24 days after egg-laying begins. The total number of nests counted serves as an estimate of the colony size for each species. This census method has been consistently employed since the establishment of the reserve, and it is conducted by the same team. For other breeding waterbirds (such as ducks, herons, grebes, and rails), the number of adults with chicks is recorded during regular visual surveys, conducted with standardized effort. The data for the freshwater wetlands are derived from their respective monitoring programs, conducted by a team of ornithologists following a common methodology. This methodology involves covering the entire area through repeated surveys and fixed observation points, conducted 1–2 times a week. The total results of these surveys are publicly available (L’Albufera Natural Park reports, LIFE+ Albufera reports).
A review of all historical censuses was conducted to identify inconsistencies between general data and site-specific data, which were resolved by referring to the original records provided by the census coordinators. From the global data, two new datasets were created, consisting of the total number of pairs for each species outside the restored areas (occurring in the eutrophic lake and rice fields), considering only the list of breeding species within the restored sites. The common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) and European water rail (Rallus aquaticus) were excluded from this study, as recurring gaps or incomplete census data were found both for the overall wetland and for some of the restored areas. The former is a common and abundant species with generalist habits, and it has a low number of pairs in the restored wetlands, rendering these areas insignificant for its population. For the latter, official censuses before 2000 are lacking and its elusive behavior significantly reduces detectability, particularly outside the restored wetlands, introducing considerable uncertainty in evaluating the effects of restoration on this species. Additionally, the nesting of the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) at Racó de l’Olla in 2023 (5289 nests, hatching between January and March) was not considered, as it did not directly involve the interspecific dynamics occurring during the main breeding season (April to July).
The Shannon diversity index (−Σ pi × ln(pi)) was calculated over time for individual breeding communities (by site and year), using the species forming the breeding communities in the restored areas as a reference, and applying the same species in the rest of the wetland to calculate the indices for each breeding community. The same proceeding was conducted considering only the species listed in Annex I of the Bird Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC). The average body weight of species (Table S1) was obtained from [59] or calculated as the mean of partial means for each sex and age group, as reported in the same source. To investigate the role of species-specific ecological traits in changes to breeding communities, we used three approaches: the first considered species nesting on bare ground or vegetation, as this nesting site selection is related to population dynamics characterized by strong fluctuations, resulting from greater vulnerability to extrinsic factors such as predators [60] and adverse weather conditions [61]. The second approach was based on a specialization index, which considered the proportion of habitats regularly used by each species within the available habitats in the study area [47,62] (Table S2). The variation over the study period in the diversity and specialization indices was fitted using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs), as no assumptions were made regarding the existence of linear or nonlinear relationships between the variables. The analyses were performed using the mgcv package version 1.9-1 [63], and the corresponding annual values were compared using a paired t-test. To assess the dynamics of the waterbird community from a functional perspective, all species were categorized into functional groups based on their foraging guilds, a useful tool for integrating ecosystem functional processes [64]. Eight functional groups were considered (Table S3): small wading birds, large wading birds, vegetation gleaners, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, opportunistic gulls, surface fishers, and diving fishers [22,65]. Additionally, two nesting preference categories were defined: ground-nesting and reed-nesting species (see Table S3 for the species assignment to each group).
To study changes in population trends throughout the study period and to assess the occurrence of different trends between restored areas and the rest of the wetland, a trend analysis was performed using the rtrim 2.3.0 package [66], based on the TRIM statistics, which models annual counts assuming a Poisson distribution with a log link function [67]. Models were checked for overdispersion and serial correlation prior to calculating the mean trend, standard error, and trend significance. A population growth rate approach was not followed, as its primary objective is to understand dynamic processes across different time frames [42], rather than to describe population dynamics. Furthermore, the data used present two limitations for this approach: small population sizes in the reserves and high intra-annual variability. These factors mask the realized population growth rate, diminishing its utility as a population descriptor [68], which is generally only significant under conditions of sustained growth [46]. Such conditions are rare in breeding species in wetlands, which are particularly affected by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, as well as by the metapopulation structure [69]. Among the species studied, a total of 8 cases of missing census data were found in the used 30-year historical series: 1 case for purple heron (Ardea purpurea), 1 case for little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius), 2 cases for little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), 1 case for purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio), and 3 cases for little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis). The missing census values were estimated prior to model estimation using the mice 3.16.0 package [70]. The population trends of the breeding waterbird community in Racó de l’Olla and outside of it for the same species were studied by dividing them into three time periods of 10 years: short term (10 years after restoration), mid-term (20 years after restoration), and long term (31 years after restoration). For the freshwater wetlands, two periods were analyzed: short term (10 years after restoration) and mid-term (15 years after restoration). Nonlinear relationships between the trend slope, body mass (log-transformed), and specialization were studied using GAM, with the period included as a fixed-effect term using the mgcv package.
In order to control for the occurrence of trends within the restored sites that correspond to broader background trends at a larger spatial scale [19], trends for the same species were obtained for the entire Valencian region, in which l’Albufera is included. The data were sourced from the same regional government repository as the data from l’Albufera. This dataset includes census data from a total of 53 wetlands of various types between 1984 and 2013. For the analysis, the l’Albufera censuses were excluded from the total and the same time periods were used for comparison. Population trend slopes for each pair of species, whose trend was found to be significant or stable in the trend analysis using the trim package, were compared. Since the independence of species trends occurring in restored sites and the region could not be assumed, a paired t-test or Wilcoxon test was performed, depending on the normality of the differences in slopes, as assessed by the Shapiro–Wilk normality test. To explore the effect of ecological and functional traits on these differences in trend slopes between Racó de l’Olla and the rest of the region, hierarchical clustering of species was conducted based on slope differences using the hclust function in R. The robustness of the clustering was then evaluated by calculating the silhouette score, which integrates both cohesion within clusters and separation from other clusters [71]. A score close to +1 indicates well-defined clusters, while a score near −1 suggests poor grouping. The calculation of the silhouette score and the individual silhouettes for each species (silhouette width, si) was performed using the cluster package (version 2.1.6) [72].

3. Results

A total of 27 breeding species were recorded in the Racó de l’Olla between 1993 and 2023, with the community dominated by terns and gull colonies (14 threatened species listed in Annex I of the Bird Directive), and 25 breeding species in the freshwater wetlands between 2008 and 2023 (12 threatened species listed). The breeding bird community in the Racó de l’Olla after restoration followed an upward trend in diversity, whereas in the rest of the wetland, the community of these same species showed a nonlinear trend with a decreasing pattern, with higher diversity values in the Racó de l’Olla (paired t = 7.081, df = 30, p < 0.001) (Figure 2a). A similar trend was observed for the breeding bird community in the freshwater wetlands, with higher values within the freshwater wetlands compared to outside of them (paired t = 8.137, df = 15, p < 0.001), with a decline in diversity over time outside the freshwater wetlands (Figure 2b). The same analysis for the species listed in Annex 1 of the Bird Directive yielded similar results in the freshwater wetlands (Figure 2c, paired t = 4.258, df = 15, p < 0.001). However, in the Racó de l’Olla, the indices followed inverse nonlinear regression patterns that intersected in 2010, showing a progressive increase in diversity within the Racó de l’Olla and a decline outside of it, although these differences were not statistically significant (Figure 2d, t = 0.226, df = 30, p = 0.823).
The breeding bird community in both restored areas showed a higher degree of specialization within these areas compared to outside (Racó de l’Olla: paired t = 21.467, df = 30, p < 0.001; freshwater wetlands: paired t = 14.997, df = 15, p < 0.001) (Figure 3). The dynamics of threatened species listed in the Bird Directive differed between the freshwater wetlands and Racó de l’Olla. In the freshwater wetlands, the use of these areas by such species was predominant in the year following the end of restoration projects due to the availability of bare ground used by opportunistic species (e.g., pied avocet Recurvirostra avosetta, black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus), with a rapid shift to dominance by non-listed species that nest in reedbed vegetation (Figure 4). The GAM analysis revealed a significant effect on the balance between ground-nesting and reedbed-nesting species, with a marked difference between listed species in Annex I of the Bird Directive and non-listed species (t = 4.615; p < 0.001), as well as a significant influence of the year (F = 31.100, p > 0.001). The model showed a good fit, explaining 87.9% of the deviance (adjusted R2 = 0.860).
During the study period, eight species colonized the wetland, establishing breeding populations in the restored areas. However, due to their absence or extreme scarcity in the rest of the wetland, their trends were not representative and, therefore, were not assessed. In Racó de l’Olla, following its restoration, new breeding populations have been established for the entire wetland, including the slender-billed gull (Chroicocephalus genei, since 1994, with up to 224 nests in 2009), Mediterranean gull (Ichthyateus melanocephalus, since 2001, with up to 1699 nests in 2023), gull-billed tern (Gelochelidon nilotica, since 1994, with 1031 nests in 2009), pied avocet (since 1993, with 126 nests in 2001), Sandwich tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis, since 1993, with 2583 nests in 2006), and elegant tern (Thalasseus elegans, regular breeding of 1–3 pairs since 2006). There has also been occasional reproduction by the ferrugineus duck (Aythya nyroca, 1 pair in 1995), which is critically endangered in Spain, as well as the northern shoveler (Spatula clypeata, 1 pair in 2005) and lesser-crested tern (Thalasseus benghalensis, 1–2 pairs between 1994 and 1998). In the freshwater wetlands, new breeding populations of garganey (Spatula querquedula, regular breeding of 1 pair since 2015) and gadwall (Mareca strepera, 1–3 pairs since 2012) have been established, along with the occurrence of occasional nesting without subsequent establishment of the northern shoveler (1 pair in 2012) and red-knobbed coot (Fulica cristata), also Critically Endangered in Spain (1 pair in 2016 and 2017), with all cases occurring in Tancat de la Pipa. A total of 57 significant trends were identified for the waterbird community (Table 1) and 33 significant trends for ecological and functional guilds (Table 2). In the reserve areas, significant trends were mainly detected corresponding to the establishment of breeding populations in the Racó de l’Olla of threatened species listed in the Bird Directive, with moderate and strong increases in the medium and long term.
The GAM analysis revealed a significant effect of the time period (short-, medium-, and long-term) on the nonlinear relationship between body mass and trend (t = −3.960; p < 0.001), with significant smooth terms for mass (F = 8.765, p > 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.454, 49.4% deviance explained). The models fitted independently for each time period as fixed effects showed that smaller birds experienced negative trends in the medium and long term, while larger birds showed positive trends, especially in the medium term (medium-term: t = 3.624, p = 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.336; long-term: t = 2.569, p = 0.021, adjusted R2 = 0.248; Figure 5). This relationship was not significant in the short-term (t = 1.630, p = 0.127, adjusted R2 = 0.106), likely due to the rapid colonization and extinction dynamics observed in the short-term trends.
Opportunistic species such as the little tern (Sternula albifrons), black-winged stilt, and Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) initially colonized Racó de l’Olla following its restoration, exhibiting a significant negative trend in the short term (Figure 6). This decline was driven by a reduction in site use or abandonment after an initial period of intense occupancy. Other species, such as the pied avocet and little ringed plover, showed a similar response in the medium and long term. Throughout all three time frames, none of the species exhibiting significant trends, both within and outside the Racó de l’Olla, showed an increase in population trend inside the reserve, and a decrease outside (Figure 6). This pattern can be attributed to the fact that the species benefiting from the restoration (such as black-headed gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus, slender-billed gull, pied avocet, black-winged stilt, and elegant tern) primarily colonize the restored area but do not establish breeding populations elsewhere in l’Albufera, or do so only sporadically. Consequently, these species do not exhibit significant trends outside the Racó de l’Olla. In the freshwater wetlands, the little bittern, non-threatened species, and reedbed nesters displayed a positive effect on their population trends in the short term. In the medium term, the ecological importance of these restored areas increased for species such as the purple heron, diving species (e.g., little grebe and great-crested grebe Podiceps cristatus), and herbivorous species (e.g., red-crested pochard Netta rufina and purple swamphen), all of which exhibited significant positive population trends within these areas, in contrast to the negative trends observed in the rest of the wetland (Figure 6).
From a functional perspective, in the short-term, large waders and vegetation gleaners breeding in the freshwater wetlands reverse the declining trend observed in the rest of the wetland, with the effect for vegetation gleaners persisting into the medium-term (Figure 7). In Racó de l’Olla, there is a positive effect on the trends of diving fishers, surface fishers, and dabbling ducks in the short, medium, and long term, although this trend is consistent with what occurs for these species outside the restored area. An inconsistency is observed in the trend of small waders, with a negative trend within Racó de l’Olla and a positive trend outside (Figure 7). This pattern appears to be the result of a significant colonization effect following restoration, followed by subsequent abandonment of the reserve. As a result, this trend signal remains perceptible even in the long term.
At the regional level, 70 significant trends were obtained for the periods analyzed including both waterbird communities (Table S4). In the freshwater wetlands, no significant differences were found between the slope of population trends at the local level and those obtained at the regional scale in the medium term (Wilcoxon test V = 22, p = 0.219). However, the positive trends for species nesting in reedbed vegetation were significantly steeper in the freshwater wetlands (V = 21, p = 0.031). Regarding the species nesting in Racó de l’Olla, the trend slopes were higher within the reserve than at the regional scale, although the analyses only revealed partial significance (short-term period: t = 2.007, df = 10, p = 0.073; long-term period: t = 1.752, df = 16, p = 0.099). In the short term, hierarchical clustering identified three species groups (average silhouette width = 0.61): one consisting of a single species, the common pochard (Aythya ferina), with a slope difference much higher than the rest (regional trend slope of 0.758 ± 0.028, Racó de l’Olla trend slope of 1.903 ± 0.456); a mixed group of wading and aquatic species; and another group consisting of three gull and tern species, along with one wader species (Figure 8a). The positive difference in trend slopes compared to regional trends was steeper in the tern and gull group (mean trend slope 0.420 ± 0.127 vs −0.094 ± 0.075), with significant differences (F = 53.950; df = 2, p < 0.001). The two groups formed by terns and gulls, and common pochard, also exhibited significantly higher trend slopes compared to the regional scale (paired t = 3.693, df = 4, p = 0.021). In the long term, hierarchical clustering also identified three species groups (average silhouette width = 0.59), with heterogeneous ecological and functional traits (Figure 8b). The group consisting of tern species (little tern, gull-billed tern and Sandwich tern) was the only one to show a positive difference in trend slopes relative to regional trends (mean trend slope 0.107 ± 0.076), with significant differences compared to the other two groups (F = 37.26; df = 2, p < 0.001).

4. Discussion

4.1. General Patterns

The results indicate that restoration has a clear positive impact on nesting bird communities by creating sites that promote colonization from the outset and trigger ecological succession processes. These processes have mainly affected threatened and pioneer species of high conservation value, as well as species that were not previously present in the area. During the operation of the restored areas, some of these new species have not been recorded in other parts of the wetland (six in Racó de l’Olla and two in the freshwater wetlands). Although site-specific protection facilitates colonization processes [69,73], and l’Albufera wetland has been protected since 1984, the colonization of new breeding species has only occurred in the restored areas, with the exception of the glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) and the great egret (Ardea alba), which show positive trends at the international level [17].
The dynamics of the communities in both types of restored wetlands exhibit a high degree of stability and an assembly characterized by greater specialization and diversity compared to the rest of the protected area, including the threatened species listed in the Bird Directive. In a context-dependent framework, an increase in ecosystem functions has already been linked to higher diversity, as seen in waterbirds in restored wetlands [74,75]. Our study shows that the restored sites favor the development of more resilient communities: in Racó de l’Olla, the diversity of the nesting community remains stable, while in the rest of the wetland, the assemblies of the same species experience a decline in diversity midway through the study period. Similar results regarding the resilience of functional traits in waterbird communities have been observed in Mediterranean coastal wetlands [47,68]. Together, these findings provide new evidence that wetland restoration with clearly environmental and biodiversity conservation goals in intensively agricultural landscapes is successful in restoring local and regional species diversity [33], and contributes to the conservation of ecological communities with a greater representation of ecological, functional traits and threatened species [22,76,77].

4.2. Communities Dynamics

In both types of restored spaces, a similar pattern emerges, where small opportunistic species, especially small waders (such as black-winged stilt, Kentish plover, collared pratincole, and little ringed plover) or species with similar ecological traits, such as the little tern, show a negative short/medium-term trend and a positive trend outside the reserves. This is due to the intense colonizing effect immediately after restoration and the subsequent abandonment or much less intensive use of the reserve [78,79]. The relevance of this pattern is reflected in the persistence of the trend, which remains perceptible even in the long term for some of these species. These ecological processes are typically mediated by interspecific competition in multi-species colonies, where competition by interference develops [46,80]. This type of competition is typically governed by an asymmetry in size or body mass between species, giving larger species a higher dominance hierarchy over smaller ones through direct ecological interactions, especially when there are limitations due to the exploitation of the same resources [81,82,83] and habitat scarcity [45,79]. Body mass is a key factor in this pattern, where smaller birds tend to experience negative trends in the medium and long term, while larger birds show positive trends, especially in the medium term. These dynamics commonly emerge in colonial environments, where intense interspecific competition occurs, with subordinate species based on body mass or size [46,84,85]. This relationship was probably not detected in the short term due to the rapid dynamics of colonization and extinction observed. Intrinsically, the role of restored areas lies in maintaining a certain environmental stability by avoiding anthropogenic disturbances [86,87], which allows long space–time dynamics to emerge, dynamics that these species would seldom develop in more dynamic and vulnerable sites. The fact that restored areas foster the expression of ecological and functional dynamics within the community is, in itself, a conservation goal that is often overlooked.
The Racó de l’Olla, as a brackish colonial habitat, does not show a positive trend shift for species with significant trends both inside and outside the area. However, what could be interpreted as a negative outcome is explained by the fact that the favored species (black-headed gull, slender-billed gull, pied avocet, gull-billed tern, Sandwich tern, and elegant tern) colonize this restored area but do not establish themselves in other parts of l’Albufera, or do so only sporadically, without showing any trend outside the Racó de l’Olla. This aspect holds methodological relevance, as the compared trends fail to identify these asymmetrical ecological dynamics of conservation interest. Regarding the nesting species in the Racó de l’Olla that could be assessed, the slopes of their trends were steeper in this area than at the regional scale, although the analyses revealed only partial significance. The positive significant differences in the trend slopes compared to regional trends were more pronounced in the clusters of terns and gulls, both short- and long-term (although with different species in each case), along with significant signals for species with heterogeneous ecological and functional traits, such as the common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna), a dabbling duck, with positive trends, and the red-crested pochard, a diving duck, with negative trends. These relationships are consistent with the antagonistic pattern observed with salinity in southern Iberia [65,88]. Interestingly, a species associated with freshwater habitats, the common pochard, which shows a decreasing trend at regional and continental scales [17,69], displays a clearly positive trend in this restored area.
The results also support the hypothesis that interspecific competition influences population dynamics, mediated by body mass, being less intense in freshwater wetland species [22,64,89,90]. In freshwater wetlands, a rapid shift is observed between ground-nesting species with ecological and functional traits similar to those mentioned earlier and those that nest in reedbed vegetation, along with a lower balance of species listed in Annex I. This community turnover leads to greater representation in the freshwater wetlands of species with negative trends in the rest of the wetland, allowing these trends to be partially reversed by attracting species with small populations, particularly specialists. In freshwater wetlands, no significant differences were found in the medium term between the slopes of population trends and those observed at the regional scale, although those of species nesting in reedbed vegetation were significantly steeper in the restored freshwater wetlands. In fact, from a functional perspective, large waders and vegetation gleaners breeding in freshwater wetlands exhibited greater sensitivity and reversed the decreasing trend observed in the rest of the wetland and in the region. In another long-term study in the region, Martínez-Abraín et al. [68] found that specialized freshwater species such as diving ducks and coots did not show population recovery at the regional level, most probably due to the characteristic tendency of shallow lagoons to remain eutrophic even after the implementation of specific measures to improve water quality in wetlands [53]. The role of the restored freshwater wetlands likely lies in how these natural spaces significantly improve water quality and trophic structure compared to the rest of the wetland [57,58], triggering a greater capacity for specialization and fostering functional traits of higher conservation value, which is reflected in species whose long-term population dynamics are most influenced by water quality [35].

4.3. Implications for Wetland Restoration in Coastal Environments

Our results suggest that the natural restoration of brackish and freshwater areas in a fragmented and anthropized wetland with intensive rice cultivation has a significant positive impact on the ecological and functional traits of breeding bird communities, promoting the establishment of more resilient, diverse, and specialized communities compared to their surrounding environment. This is crucial in a landscape context where degraded or lost wetlands lead to ecosystem dysfunction. Furthermore, the results support the idea that small, restored areas can play a significant role in waterbird conservation within large, fragmented wetlands when restoration increases the continuous surface of previous natural habitats, which is a critical point to consider in conservation planning [91].
Small wetlands are highly relevant for environmental restoration in highly fragmented landscapes, but their limited size reduces their effectiveness in the conservation of target and valuable species [47], especially with increasing isolation [92,93]. In the case of the restored areas under study, all are adjacent to main coastal lagoon habitats of the wetland, favoring conditions for species recruitment and colonization [94,95]. Moreover, they meet other characteristics of small wetlands related to the ability to achieve representativeness of avian biodiversity in wetlands within intensive agricultural and fragmented landscapes, such as having a significant size [96] and a reduced extent of impacts [92]. However, in the case of l’Albufera, although while wetland restoration has improved the population dynamics of some species and enhanced functional and ecological traits in relation to their environment, their size limits the achievement of greater conservation outcomes at the entire wetland scale, which require an improvement in the ecological status of the main lagoon and a larger extent of restored areas similar to those studied.
The restoration of coastal wetlands and lagoons is a topic of great concern [97]. In areas with high agricultural intensification, the conservation approach must necessarily focus on restoring, preserving, and managing reserves dedicated to biodiversity or complementary uses, without restricting their potential role in conservation or the provision of ecosystem services [33,98,99,100]. Therefore, priority should be given to the restoration of natural wetlands, focusing on the restoration of community function [101], rather than on the restoration of specific species [22]. The results reveal two complementary conservation paradoxes arising from the intrinsic population dynamics of the ecological succession processes of communities: there were significant colonization processes of small-sized species of conservation value on regional and international scales, subsequently displaced by trophic specialists and species of conservation concern at the local scale, leading to negative trends and the need for conservation measures that can only be maintained artificially. However, the consequences of the community assemblage evolving towards a community with higher ecological fitness in the restored wetlands, as opposed to a community with higher conservation value due to the abundance of protected species, should not be perceived as a negative aspect of the restoration process, but rather as a natural spatial–temporal dynamic [46,79]. Furthermore, these conservation paradoxes, in which intervention is required, highlight the need to increase the availability of alternative restored sites at different stages of succession to better meet the ecological requirements of threatened species [102,103,104].

5. Conclusions

This multi-approach study examined waterbird population dynamics following restoration in brackish (30 years) and freshwater (16 years) coastal habitats within an agriculturally intensive wetland. The results show that restoration has a positive effect on breeding waterbird communities by creating habitats that promote immediate colonization and trigger ecological succession. In particular, some species not previously recorded in other areas of the wetland, particularly colonial terns and gulls, have established populations in the restored areas. Bird community dynamics in these restored habitats show greater stability, specialization, and diversity compared to other areas of the wetland. However, a negative short- to medium-term trend is observed for small opportunistic species, especially small waders, driven by intense colonization followed by population decline due to changes in habitat availability and interspecific competition mediated by body mass, which is less intense in freshwater wetlands. These findings highlight the role of wetland restoration in maintaining ecological communities, supporting threatened species and enhancing ecological and functional diversity. Further research is needed on long-term conservation, focusing on breeding success, underlying ecological processes, the potential emergence of ecological traps, and the role of wetland design and habitat management in community dynamics. In addition, the results highlight the importance of aligning wetland restoration strategies with regional waterbird conservation objectives to promote community conservation, successional dynamics, and ecological traits across temporal scales.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at, Table S1: Body mass considered in the analysis for each of the studied species. Data obtained or calculated from Billerman et al. [59]; Table S2: Occurrence of each of the studied species in l’Albufera’s available habitats, and species specialization index (SSI); Table S3: Functional groups considered and waterbird species belonging to them; Table S4: Species showing significant trends in the Valencia region for breeding waterbird communities and periods.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: P.V. and J.I.D.; methodology and formal analysis, P.V.; investigation: P.V., J.I.D., D.F. and A.V.; writing—original draft preparation, P.V.; writing—review and editing, J.I.D., D.F. and A.V. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


We sincerely thank the people who participated in the waterbird censuses and those who compiled and organized all the data collected over the 40 years of protection of l’Albufera. The public administrations (Ajuntament de València, Generalitat Valenciana, Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar, Acuamed) and the people involved in the restoration projects studied have made a significant effort towards the conservation of the restored areas.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Study area in the Western Mediterranean, and location of the restored wetlands. Dotted line: protection limit of the protected area l’Albufera (Natura 2000). Gray: lagoon; striped zones: rice fields. Restored wetlands: TP, Tancat de la Pipa; RO, Racó de l’Olla; TM, Tancat de Milia; TI: Tancat de l’Illa.
Figure 1. Study area in the Western Mediterranean, and location of the restored wetlands. Dotted line: protection limit of the protected area l’Albufera (Natura 2000). Gray: lagoon; striped zones: rice fields. Restored wetlands: TP, Tancat de la Pipa; RO, Racó de l’Olla; TM, Tancat de Milia; TI: Tancat de l’Illa.
Environments 11 00298 g001
Figure 2. Shannon diversity index for the breeding community of species in Racó de l’Olla over the study period, based on the adjusted GAM model with 95% CI. (a) Racó de l’Olla; (b) freshwater wetlands; (c) Racó de l’Olla considering only listed species in Annex I Bird Directive; (d) freshwater wetlands considering only listed species in Annex I Bird Directive. Blue: restored wetlands; green: same species in the rest of the l’Albufera wetland.
Figure 2. Shannon diversity index for the breeding community of species in Racó de l’Olla over the study period, based on the adjusted GAM model with 95% CI. (a) Racó de l’Olla; (b) freshwater wetlands; (c) Racó de l’Olla considering only listed species in Annex I Bird Directive; (d) freshwater wetlands considering only listed species in Annex I Bird Directive. Blue: restored wetlands; green: same species in the rest of the l’Albufera wetland.
Environments 11 00298 g002
Figure 3. Species specialization index at the community level for species breeding in Racó de l’Olla (a) and freshwater wetlands (b) over the study period, based on the adjusted GAM model with 95% CI. Blue: restored wetlands. Green: same species in the rest of the l’Albufera wetland.
Figure 3. Species specialization index at the community level for species breeding in Racó de l’Olla (a) and freshwater wetlands (b) over the study period, based on the adjusted GAM model with 95% CI. Blue: restored wetlands. Green: same species in the rest of the l’Albufera wetland.
Environments 11 00298 g003
Figure 4. Plot of the community dynamics balance in the freshwater wetlands, adjusted to the best-fitting GAM model considering year (time since restoration), the balance between ground-nesting and reedbed-nesting species (G-R), and the balance between Annex I species and non-listed species (Annex I-no listed).
Figure 4. Plot of the community dynamics balance in the freshwater wetlands, adjusted to the best-fitting GAM model considering year (time since restoration), the balance between ground-nesting and reedbed-nesting species (G-R), and the balance between Annex I species and non-listed species (Annex I-no listed).
Environments 11 00298 g004
Figure 5. GAM models fitting the relationship between trend slope and body mass of breeding birds in the set of restored areas of l’Albufera in the medium term (orange) and long term (light blue).
Figure 5. GAM models fitting the relationship between trend slope and body mass of breeding birds in the set of restored areas of l’Albufera in the medium term (orange) and long term (light blue).
Environments 11 00298 g005
Figure 6. Relationship between the slope of trends ± s.e. for the breeding species in the restored areas and, in each case, the same species outside these areas: (a) short-term (1993–2002) in Racó de l’Olla; (b) short-term (2008–2017) in the freshwater wetlands; (c) medium-term (1993–2012) in Racó de l’Olla; (d) medium-term (2008–2023) in the freshwater wetlands; (e) long-term (1993–2023) in Racó de l’Olla. Species in the lower right quadrant exhibit positive trends within the restored areas, coupled with negative trends outside these areas, indicating a localized positive response to restoration efforts. Species in the upper right quadrant show positive trends both within and outside the restored areas, suggesting a broader, more consistent population growth across the wetland. Species in the lower left quadrant demonstrate significant negative trends in both the restored areas and surrounding areas, reflecting declining populations in both habitats. Only species with significant trends both inside and outside the reserves have been plotted. A. pla: Anas platyrhynchos; A. pur: Ardea purpurea; C. ale: Charadrius alexandrinus; C. dub: Charadrius dubius; BD+: Listed in Annex 1 of Bird Directive; BD−: Not listed in Annex 1 of Bird Directive; G. pra: Glareola pratincola; GrouN: ground nesters; H. him: Himantopus himantopus; I. min: Ixobrychus minutus; N. ruf: Netta rufina; P. cri: Podiceps cristatus; P. por: Porphyrio porphyrio; ReedN: eeed nesters; S. alb: Sternula albifrons; T. ruf: Tachybaptus ruficollis.
Figure 6. Relationship between the slope of trends ± s.e. for the breeding species in the restored areas and, in each case, the same species outside these areas: (a) short-term (1993–2002) in Racó de l’Olla; (b) short-term (2008–2017) in the freshwater wetlands; (c) medium-term (1993–2012) in Racó de l’Olla; (d) medium-term (2008–2023) in the freshwater wetlands; (e) long-term (1993–2023) in Racó de l’Olla. Species in the lower right quadrant exhibit positive trends within the restored areas, coupled with negative trends outside these areas, indicating a localized positive response to restoration efforts. Species in the upper right quadrant show positive trends both within and outside the restored areas, suggesting a broader, more consistent population growth across the wetland. Species in the lower left quadrant demonstrate significant negative trends in both the restored areas and surrounding areas, reflecting declining populations in both habitats. Only species with significant trends both inside and outside the reserves have been plotted. A. pla: Anas platyrhynchos; A. pur: Ardea purpurea; C. ale: Charadrius alexandrinus; C. dub: Charadrius dubius; BD+: Listed in Annex 1 of Bird Directive; BD−: Not listed in Annex 1 of Bird Directive; G. pra: Glareola pratincola; GrouN: ground nesters; H. him: Himantopus himantopus; I. min: Ixobrychus minutus; N. ruf: Netta rufina; P. cri: Podiceps cristatus; P. por: Porphyrio porphyrio; ReedN: eeed nesters; S. alb: Sternula albifrons; T. ruf: Tachybaptus ruficollis.
Environments 11 00298 g006
Figure 7. Relationship between the slope of trends ± s.e. for the breeding species in the restored areas and, in each case, the same species outside these areas: (a) short-term (1993–2002) in Racó de l’Olla; (b) short-term (2008–2017) in the freshwater wetlands; (c) medium-term (1993–2012) in Racó de l’Olla; (d) medium-term (2008–2023) in the freshwater wetlands; (e) long-term (1993–2023) in Racó de l’Olla. Guilds in the lower right quadrant exhibit positive trends within the restored areas, coupled with negative trends outside these areas, indicating a localized positive response to restoration efforts. Guilds in the upper right quadrant show positive trends both within and outside the restored areas, suggesting a broader, more consistent population growth across the wetland. Guilds in the lower left quadrant demonstrate significant negative trends in both the restored areas and surrounding areas, reflecting declining populations in both habitats. Only guilds with significant trends both inside and outside the reserves have been plotted. DAB: dabbling ducks; DIV: diving ducks; DFI: diving fishers; SUF: surface fishers; LWA: large waders; SMA: small waders; OPG: opportunistic gulls; VEG: vegetation gleaners.
Figure 7. Relationship between the slope of trends ± s.e. for the breeding species in the restored areas and, in each case, the same species outside these areas: (a) short-term (1993–2002) in Racó de l’Olla; (b) short-term (2008–2017) in the freshwater wetlands; (c) medium-term (1993–2012) in Racó de l’Olla; (d) medium-term (2008–2023) in the freshwater wetlands; (e) long-term (1993–2023) in Racó de l’Olla. Guilds in the lower right quadrant exhibit positive trends within the restored areas, coupled with negative trends outside these areas, indicating a localized positive response to restoration efforts. Guilds in the upper right quadrant show positive trends both within and outside the restored areas, suggesting a broader, more consistent population growth across the wetland. Guilds in the lower left quadrant demonstrate significant negative trends in both the restored areas and surrounding areas, reflecting declining populations in both habitats. Only guilds with significant trends both inside and outside the reserves have been plotted. DAB: dabbling ducks; DIV: diving ducks; DFI: diving fishers; SUF: surface fishers; LWA: large waders; SMA: small waders; OPG: opportunistic gulls; VEG: vegetation gleaners.
Environments 11 00298 g007
Figure 8. Hierarchical clustering of species with significant trend slopes both at Racó de l’Olla and regional scales in the (a) short-term following the restoration of Racó de l’Olla (1993–2003), and (b) in the long-term following the restoration of Racó de l’Olla (1993–2023) along with the silhouette width for each group.
Figure 8. Hierarchical clustering of species with significant trend slopes both at Racó de l’Olla and regional scales in the (a) short-term following the restoration of Racó de l’Olla (1993–2003), and (b) in the long-term following the restoration of Racó de l’Olla (1993–2023) along with the silhouette width for each group.
Environments 11 00298 g008
Table 1. Species showing significant trends in restored areas (Ra: Racó de l’Olla; FW: freshwater wetlands) and periods (ST: short term; MT: medium term; LT: long term). Slope and s.e. indicate mean slope and standard error (SE) of the regressions performed with rtrim. Asterisks (*) after the scientific name indicate threatened species listed in the Bird Directive.
Table 1. Species showing significant trends in restored areas (Ra: Racó de l’Olla; FW: freshwater wetlands) and periods (ST: short term; MT: medium term; LT: long term). Slope and s.e. indicate mean slope and standard error (SE) of the regressions performed with rtrim. Asterisks (*) after the scientific name indicate threatened species listed in the Bird Directive.
Scientific NameEnglish NameSitePeriodSlopeS.E.p
Podiceps cristatusGreat crested grebeFWMT1.2770.1070.011
Tachybaptus ruficollisLittle grebeFWMT1.2010.0860.022
Ardea purpurea *Purple heronFWST1.8870.4670.033
Ixobrychus minutus *Little bitternFWST1.5070.2650.048
Anas platyrhynchosMallardRAST1.0640.0280.047
Aythya ferinaCommon pochardRAST1.9030.4560.028
Netta rufinaRed-crested pochardRAST0.8960.0290.010
Tadorna tadornaCommon shelduckRAMT1.2640.1130.017
Fulica atraCommon cootFWMT1.2020.0850.021
Porphyrio porphyrio *Purple swamphenFWMT1.2360.0880.010
Charadrius alexandrinus *Kentish ploverRAST0.8560.0300.002
Charadrius dubiusRinged ploverRALT0.8850.0410.014
Chroicocephalus genei *Slender-billed gullRAST1.8920.3400.007
Chroicocephalus ridibundusBlack-headed gullRAST1.4180.021<0.001
Gelochelidon nilotica *Gull-billed ternRAST1.8990.3280.006
Glareola pratincola *Collared pratincoleRAST0.9110.0360.046
Himantopus himantopus *Black-winged stiltRAST0.8190.012<0.001
Ichthyaetus melanocephalus *Mediterranean gullRAMT1.6540.413<0.001
Recurvirostra avosetta *Pied avocetRAST1.3790.040<0.001
Sternula albifrons *Little ternFWMT0.7240.1010.036
Sterna hirundo *Common ternRAST1.1360.004<0.001
Thalasseus sandvicensis *Sandwich ternRAST1.7250.049<0.001
Table 2. Ecological, functional, and conservation waterbird groups showing significant trends in restored areas (Ra: Racó de l’Olla; FW: freshwater wetlands) and periods (ST: short term; MT: medium term; LT: long term). Slope indicates mean slope and standard error (S.E.) of the regressions performed with rtrim. Lists of species included in each group are shown in Table S2 (species listed in Annex I Bird Directive) and Table S3 (guilds and nesting ecology).
Table 2. Ecological, functional, and conservation waterbird groups showing significant trends in restored areas (Ra: Racó de l’Olla; FW: freshwater wetlands) and periods (ST: short term; MT: medium term; LT: long term). Slope indicates mean slope and standard error (S.E.) of the regressions performed with rtrim. Lists of species included in each group are shown in Table S2 (species listed in Annex I Bird Directive) and Table S3 (guilds and nesting ecology).
Species not listed in Annex I Bird DirectiveFWST1.1240.019<0.001
Species listed in Annex I Bird DirectiveRAST1.1690.003<0.001
Ground nestersRAST1.1790.003<0.001
Reedbed nestersFWST1.2010.010<0.001
Dabbling ducksRAST1.0780.0220.005
Diving ducksRALT0.9840.0050.003
Diving fishersRAST1.1610.002<0.001
Surface fishersRAST1.4930.040<0.001
Large wader birdsFWST1.6000.2800.028
Small wader birdsRAST0.9370.007<0.001
Opportunistic gullsRAST1.4090.018<0.001
Vegetation gleanersFWST1.5160.2630.043
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MDPI and ACS Style

Vera, P.; Dies, J.I.; Ferrís, D.; Valentín, A. Long- and Mid-Term Trends in the Waterbird Community: Functional and Ecological Turnovers After Restoration of Freshwater and Brackish Habitats in a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland. Environments 2024, 11, 298.

AMA Style

Vera P, Dies JI, Ferrís D, Valentín A. Long- and Mid-Term Trends in the Waterbird Community: Functional and Ecological Turnovers After Restoration of Freshwater and Brackish Habitats in a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland. Environments. 2024; 11(12):298.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Vera, Pablo, José Ignacio Dies, Diana Ferrís, and Anna Valentín. 2024. "Long- and Mid-Term Trends in the Waterbird Community: Functional and Ecological Turnovers After Restoration of Freshwater and Brackish Habitats in a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland" Environments 11, no. 12: 298.

APA Style

Vera, P., Dies, J. I., Ferrís, D., & Valentín, A. (2024). Long- and Mid-Term Trends in the Waterbird Community: Functional and Ecological Turnovers After Restoration of Freshwater and Brackish Habitats in a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland. Environments, 11(12), 298.

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