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Status of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Africa

Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tokyo City University, Tokyo 158-0087, Japan
Department of Health Sciences, Université Privée de Marrakech, Marrakech 42312, Morocco
Higher Institute of the Sciences and Techniques of Water of Gabes, University of Gabès, Gabes 6029, Tunisia
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei City 106032, Taiwan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Environments 2021, 8(2), 10;
Submission received: 31 December 2020 / Revised: 30 January 2021 / Accepted: 31 January 2021 / Published: 5 February 2021


Life cycle assessment (LCA) has received attention as a tool to evaluate the environmental impacts of products and services. In the last 20 years, research on the topic has increased, and now more than 25,000 articles are related to LCA in scientific journals databases such as the Scopus database; however, the concept is relatively new in Africa, where the number of networks has been highlighted to be very low when compared to the other regions. This paper focuses on a review of life cycle assessments conducted in Africa over the last 20 years. It aims at highlighting the current research gap for African LCA. A total of 199 papers were found for the whole continent; this number is lower than that for both Japan and Germany (more than 400 articles each) and nearly equal to developing countries such as Thailand. Agriculture is the sector which received the most attention, representing 53 articles, followed by electricity and energy (60 articles for the two sectors). South Africa (43), Egypt (23), and Tunisia (19) were the countries where most of the research was conducted. Even if the number of articles related to LCA have increased in recent years, many steps still remain. For example, establishing a specific life cycle inventory (LCI) database for African countries or a targeted ideal life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method. Several African key sectors could also be assessed further.

1. Introduction

According to United Nations (UN) projections, the African population, which is composed of more than 1.2 billion people at present, is expected to double by 2050 [1]. By this time, Nigeria, South Africa, and Egypt might also enter the list of the top 30 global economies by 2050 [2]. The high population and economic growth may have an impact on environmental problems in Africa. According to an Africa Environmental Outlook (AEO3) [3] report, several environmental problems already exist in Africa, including air pollution (more than one million people die every year in Africa due to air pollution [4]), water scarcity, and toxicity due to the heavy use of chemicals.
The economies of the 54 countries of Africa are mainly based on raw products [5,6] such as oil (Angola, Algeria, and Nigeria), metals (Egypt, Ghana, and South Africa), agrcultural products (cocoa beans in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana), oilseeds (Ethiopia and Togo), or coffee (Ethiopia and Uganda).
As highlighted by Bjorn et al. (2013) [7], little has been done concerning life cycle assessment (LCA) in Africa, where networks/research groups are notably limited. LCA is a useful technique to assess the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout its entire life cycle, i.e., from the extraction of raw material through to processing, transport, use, and finally recycling/disposal [8]. By considering several different impacts over the entire life cycle, it is possible to identify potential tradeoffs from transitioning one stage to another or from one environmental problem to another. These are major differences with other assessment methods, such as the carbon/water footprint (focusing only on one environmental aspect) or the methods focusing only on the direct emissions of products during operation. Several global life cycle inventory databases [9] and life cycle impact assessment methods [10] exist that include African information, although the impact resolutions or data are limited.
Several country reviews have been conducted in recent years, such as in Austria [11], Brazil [12], Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria [13], Indonesia [14], Portugal [15], South Arica [16], and Sweden [17]. When focusing on the reviews published for African countries, it was found that several existing studies have been omitted, and several of the reported studies were not peer-reviewed and were sometimes ordered by private sector information. Additionally, key information has not been extracted (for example, the results or type of LCI database and the data used for the assessments). The existing research gaps for African countries are similar and it would be interesting to produce a clear overview of the situation for the whole continent.
Given this situation, we decided to focus on the current pub-lished studies in Africa while focusing on life cycle assessment in order to highlight what has been done so far, but also to identify possible research gaps. This review does not apply to African LCA researchers alone, but also to anyone who has a possible interest in conducting LCA rsearch in Africa.

2. Materials and Methods

This review was conducted with “Google Scholar” and “Scopus”, research articles published between 2000 and 2020. Keywords for this review were “life cycle assessment”, “life-cycle assessment”, “LCA”, and the name of each African country (e.g., “life cycle assessment” and “Morocco”). A total of 25,000 research articles were found when only using the keyword “life cycle assessment”, while around 400 were found for African countries. As the focus was on environmental impacts, research based on other types of life cycle assessments such as life cycle costing (LCC) or social life cycle assessment (SCLA) were excluded. Research that was not peer-reviewed was also withdrawn to preserve the neutrality of the review. As the results found in the research articles were mainly based on life cycle inventory databases based on situations in developed countries (e.g., Ecoinent v2 [9]) or European life cycle assessment methods (e.g., CML-IA [18]), similar to previous reviews, we chose to not directly compare data from one region with data from another (i.e., Asia, Europe, or America). The LCIA results that were extracted from research articles are included in the Supplementary Materials.

3. Results

3.1. Overview

A total of 199 research articles related to African LCA were found.
Table A1 shows the Gross Domestic Product (GDP; Purchasing power parity (PPP), 2017 data) for each African country, as well as the main economic sector in each country and the number of published LCA studies. From Table A1 and Figure A1, it can be observed that the research published so far has not followed the economic situation in each country.
Africa’s top economies (Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Algeria, and Morocco) are among the most active countries concerning LCA research. On the other hand, the least developed economies (Guinea-Bissau, Central African Republic, and Djibouti) do not even have a single research article focused on LCA. Surprisingly, some advanced African economies, such as Angola or Sudan, do not have a single research article either, despite the potential interesting research topics (oil and agricultural products for example). Mauritius’s situation is singular, where, as a very active country with a relatively small GDP, Mauritius shows a good example for other African countries as the key drivers of the economy. Overall, North Africa has been the most active region, whereas many countries in Central Africa have not received any attention. South Africa is the leading country on the continent, with more than 40 LCA studies focused on the country. South Africa has the longest history with LCA research, starting from the beginning of the 2000s. Further recommendations concerning potential research topics in the future are provided in Section 4.3.
The number of research articles published from 2010 increased when compared with 2000–2010 (Figure 1), proving that LCA received more attention; however, it can be observed that publications in recent years (2017–2020), have not followed a constant pace. Therefore, the concept is still under development for the African continent, especially when considering that the number of LCA studies conducted by African research institutes/universities is still limited (The first author was based in Africa for 121 research articles).
When looking at which types of product/services have been studied the most (Figure 2), two topics received the most attention, namely, agriculture (53 articles) and energy/electricity (a total of 60 articles). This can be well understood, as many African countries rely on the agricultural sector for revenue (both from domestic consumption and overseas demand). For the electricity and energy sector, several problems exist in Africa due to solid fuel consumption in households, causing severe indoor air pollution [3]. The total electricity generation of Africa was around 800 TWh in 2020 [19] (which is nearly equal to the production of a developed country such as South Korea).
A description of each study is provided in Table 1. The main details of each research article are provided, such as the year of publication, country, product, functional unit, LCI database, and LCIA method used. In addition, Table A2 presents information such as the allocation, system boundaries, and institution of the first author for each study.
Concerning the life cycle inventory (LCI) database chosen, almost half of the research articles (100) used Ecoinvent as their LCI database, including 35 studies that used Ecoinvent v2 (mainly containing processes based on the situations in developed countries).
Concerning the Life-Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) method, CML was the most widely chosen (45) followed by ReCiPe (39), and EcoIndicator (24). It has to be noted that only nine studies chose ReCiPe2016 [10], one of the latest global LCIA methods, that contains characterization factors specific to African countries.
A map of the research articles published per country is provided Figure 3. Additionally, a bar graph is presented in Figure 4, with the number of articles for the top eight most studied countries. It can be observed that these eight countries account for two thirds of the total number of African LCA publications. This highlights the fact that currently only 15% of Africa has been more or less covered whereas the environmental impacts of products or services in the 85% remaining countries remain mostly undetermined. It also shows the importance of the South African LCA community compared with most of the African countries.
When looking at the institution of the first author in each article, it was found that outside Africa, France (17), Spain (10), and the UK (10) were the three countries the most linked to the African LCA research. The information for each research article is presented in Table A2.

3.2. A Focus on LCA for Agricultural Products

Several points can be highlighted regarding the research on agricultural products.
For fisheries, Lourguioui et al. [26] found in Algeria that a reduction of 3150 MJ and 156 kg CO2eq per ton of fresh mussels could be reached if mussel farming activities would be operated in cooperation, instead of the traditional competitive scheme, as the resulting efficiency would be higher. The authors also highlighted the importance of applying LCA to the seafood production sector in Algeria. In Egypt [50], the importance of management practices was also highlighted to produce Nile Tilapia, carps, and mullets. By choosing better practices, life cycle impacts could be reduced by 22%. In Tunisia [184,191], it was shown that the production of seabass was an important source of nitrogen and phosphorus releases due to the fish feed. Cascade raceways featured higher impacts than traditional raceways. In sub-Saharan Africa, fish also constitute one of the main sources of animal protein. In Cameroon [37], the eutrophication impact was higher for Cameroon farms than for an intensive trout monoculture (France) or extensive carp polyculture (Brazil) due to poor water and poor manure management. In Senegal [132], F. Ziegler et al. found that artisanal fisheries have far lower inputs and emissions in the fishing phase compared with industrial fisheries. The global warming impacts from artisanal fisheries mainly come from the use of heavy fuel oil and low-quality refrigerants.
For the beef and dairy industries, D. Woldegebriela et al. [65] found out that milk production in Ethiopia had a higher global warming impact (1.75–2.22 kg CO2eq/kg milk) than other developing countries due to the large amounts of low-quality feeds fed.
For fruit and vegetable products, C. Basset-Mens et al. [107] showed that compared with mangoes from Brazil or peaches/apples from France, it could be observed that except for terrestrial acidification and marine eutrophication, the results were higher for all the other impact categories for clementine production in Morocco. There are several reasons that explain these results: the higher amount of fertilizer used (6 kgN/kg) and the high amount of water needed to grow clementines (8000 m3/hectare compared with 2.767 for apples grown in France), despite the fact that water is scarce in Morocco and it has to be withdrawn from more than 100 meter deep wells. The energy required to pump this water is also important (22,830 MJ per hectare compared with 2946 for mangoes grown in Brazil). Moreover, the Moroccan electricity mix is composed of more than 50% fossil energy (coal), which explains why the impact of climate change was also high. S. Peyen et al. [105] also showed that tomato cultivation had a higher impact in Morocco than in France (28 vs. 7.5 L H2Oeq/kg). They highlighted the importance of LCA for other impact categories (e.g., total energy consumption and global warming), which showed higher results in the case of France.
For forestry, in Ghana [73], it was found that the wastage of wood during timber processing contributed considerably to resource depletion, and land use impact was also a major concern, while kiln-dried lumber, plywood, and veneer production lines affected CO2 emissions considerably. Relatively high energy consumption was also reported due to biomass combustion for drying wood products.
For other types of crops such as cocoa [69], it was revealed that even though fertilizer and pesticide usage was low, the water consumption was higher in Ghana’s plantations than in other parts of the world such as Ecuador or Indonesia. For cassava, a major crop cultivated mainly in Western Africa, it was calculated that the higher energy consumption came from planting operations, where the global warming potential (GWP) per one hectare was about 80 kg CO2eq.

3.3. A Focus on LCA for Energy

The second topic that has received interest is life cycle assessment for energy and electricity systems.
Jatropha is often one of the preferred choices in Africa to replace conventional transport fuel. In Burkina Faso [33], it was found that its production could reduce both GHG emissions and energy consumption by around 80% when compared with diesel fuel. One of the main challenges is the land transformation that implies the quantity of energy output per hectare was limited (less than 10 GJ/ha). Therefore it could become a competitor of food crops. Another type of biodiesel is made using palm oil [35], where the results for Cameroon confirmed this tendency with a reduction of 70% compared with conventional fuel in the range of 60–80 g CO2/MJ. Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells have also received attention; however, the results found in Morocco [111] were much higher than those in Norway (4040 g CO2 vs. 239 g/kWh) due to the electricity generation primarily based on fossil fuels for hydrogen production.
For cooking fuel, biogas is also an option to reduce the impacts of indoor air pollution. J. Lanche et al. [64] showed that 130,542 t CO2eq could be saved annually in Ethiopia if dung cakes were replaced with biogas. Indoor air pollution could also be avoided as dung combustion contributes to significant Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) emissions.
The use of renewables for electricity has been studied extensively. Several researchers have pointed out the need to develop photovoltaic (PV) systems and biomass power plants. R. Brizmohun et al. [103] pointed out the impacts of African fossil fuel power plant plants by analyzing the emissions of Mauritian plants. The global warming potential of electricity from coal was estimated to be 1444 kg CO2eq/MWh, which is about six times the minimum value obtained in the literature. The lack of abatement technology for PM2.5, SO2, and NOx was highlighted, as well as the higher sulphur content of the coal.
Wind power also received attention in Ethiopia [66]. Similar to studies conducted in developed countries, the CO2 emissions per kWh output were low, around 35 g CO2/kWh.
Electricity demand in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region has increased at a rate of 6–8% in recent years. To limit the impacts of this increase, a hybrid solar and biomass power plant was evaluated in Tunisia [199]; the GWP impact was found to be 22 kg CO2eq/MWh, with the boiler system and field having the greatest impact. Resource depletion and human toxicity were not negligible due to the solar field. Similar results were obtained in Morocco [113]. One of the solutions to promote renewables would be to retrofit existing dams to generate electricity from hydro power. This option was studied in Nigeria [125], finding corresponding values between 1.6 and 5.5 kg CO2eq/MWh. It was highlighted that there were advantages in terms of saving on economic investments as well in that case.
Finally, the extraction of raw materials such as coal, oil or natural gas has not received as much attention, as further highlighted by A. Irhoma et al. [82] in Libya. The study showed that crude oil production and distillation had significant impacts. The impact of respiratory inorganics was also highlighted. The authors pushed for a reduction in fossil resources at refineries but also raised concerns for flaring and venting issues.

4. Discussion

4.1. The Need for an African LCI Database

As observed in several studies [26,74,87,179] and highlighted furthermore in Table 1, many of the LCA results obtained in the different studies were based on data from European-based LCI databases, namely, Ecoinvent or Gabi. Even though there has been progress in globalizing inventory processes from Ecoinvent v2 to Ecoinvent v3 [217], most of the processes are based on the situations in developed countries. Therefore, several important uncertainties may exist when using these data to evaluate African conditions, especially for the least developed African economies. To solve these limitations, the Life-Cycle Initiative has promoted the “Global LCA Data Access network” (GLAD) to encourage the compatibility between the LCI databases and share information between different countries [218]. Several datasets can be found for African countries and future research could focus on improving these datasets.

4.2. The Need for an African LCIA Method

A second comment can be made when looking at the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods used in the different studies. Many of the models have been developed based on the situation in developed countries (i.e., in terms of the population, population density, meteorological conditions, etc.). This point has also been raised by M. Ghazi et al [20]. Only a few studies in our review used a global life cycle impact assessment method, namely, ReCiPe2016 [10], Impact World+ [219] or LIME3 [220]. These methods provide characterization factors for each impact that is specific to the global region or country. The accuracy of the damage assessment can be greatly improved; however, limitations still exist, for example, models for air pollution damage in these methods divided Africa into only a limited number of regions. Some improvements could be made to further take into account the specific socio-economic disparities between African countries in these methods.

4.3. Future Possible Topics of LCA Research

In this section, some potential research topics are raised from economic and environmental points of view. Environmental data were mainly collected from global popular databases used in LCA such as EDGARv5.0 [221] or FAOSTAT [6], economic information from OEC [5], and the world factbook from CIA [222].
A remark concerning all African countries can be raised, even though several reports from the UNEP [223] have highlighted the potential impacts of second-hand vehicles in African countries (imported mainly from Europe and the USA), there is no research paper that has focused on second-hand vehicles in Africa, despite the fact that the global LCA community has focused extensively on transport. The impact of tourism could be also studied furthermore, as the concern for sustainable tourism has been raised in recent years [224].
A description for each African country is provided in Table 2, regarding each aforementioned topic.

5. Conclusions

A total of 199 peer-reviewed LCA articles were found for Africa. The interest in LCA for the continent has been growing in the last ten years, but it remains far less than in other countries, including developing countries, located in Asia such as Thailand. The most active African countries are South Africa (43), Egypt (23), and Tunisia (19). It was observed that several countries (especially those in central Africa) were not paid attention. For example, a country such as the DR Congo, whose population may exceed 200 million in 2050, has not yet been the subject of research. With the predicted economic and population growth, the already existing environmental impacts might increase in Africa in the near future. The number of LCA researchers based in Africa is still limited, and it appears important to prioritize education and training of the life cycle thinking for the continent.
African LCA has mainly focused on agricultural products and energy, representing almost half of the research topics. Fisheries, fruits, and vegetables have received considerable attention as well as biofuel. However, several key products of the African economy were not paid attention such as second-hand vehicles or natural resources (oil, natural gas, mining products, etc.). With the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) commencing as of 1 January 2021, trade between African countries might intensify, and the need for sustainable production could become very important.
As shown in Table 1, one of this review’s key messages is that research has been mainly conducted with LCI databases that are not specific to African countries. The usage of global LCIA methods also remains scarce. Several key economic sectors for African countries have not yet been assessed.
This lack of tools specific to African countries to conduct LCA could lead to uncertainties in consequent results. Future research could probably focus on developing an LCI database that is specific to the African continent and on improving the resolution of impact assessment models to include a higher number of African regions.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.K. and N.I.; methodology, S.K.; formal analysis, S.K. and S.R.; investigation, S.K., S.R., M.M., C.-C.L.; writing—original draft preparation, S.K.; supervision, N.I.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All data is available in this manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Gross domestic product (GDP) [224] of African countries and articles per sector (the sum of the different columns is not necessarily always equal to the sum of the last column, as, for example, “reviews” cannot be inserted into any sector).
Table A1. Gross domestic product (GDP) [224] of African countries and articles per sector (the sum of the different columns is not necessarily always equal to the sum of the last column, as, for example, “reviews” cannot be inserted into any sector).
CountryTotal GDP (PPP, Million USD)Share of GDP, Agriculture (%) [Nb of Articles]Share of GDP, Industry (%) [Nb of Articles]Share of GDP, Services (%) [Nb of Articles]Total Number of Research Articles
Algeria630,00013.3 [1]39.3 [4]47.4 [0]16
Angola193,60010.2 [0]61.4 [0]28.4 [0]0
Benin25,39026.1 [2]22.8 [0]51.1 [0]1
Botswana39,0101.8 [0]27.5 [0]70.6 [0]0
Burkina Faso35,85031 [0]23.9 [4]44.9 [0]4
Burundi800739.5 [0]16.4 [0]44.2 [0]0
Cameroon89,54016.7 [1]26.5 [3]56.8 [1]5
Cape Verde37778.9 [0]17.5 [0]73.7 [0]0
Central African Republic339043.2 [0]16 [0]40.8 [0]0
Chad28,62052.3 [0]14.7 [0]33.1 [0]0
Comoros131947.7 [0]11.8 [0]40.5 [0]0
Democratic Republic of the Congo68,60019.7 [0]43.6 [0]36.7 [0]0
Djibouti36402.4 [0]17.3 [0]80.2 [0]0
Egypt1,204,00011.7 [4]34.35413
Equatorial Guinea31,5202.5 [0]54.6 [0]42.9 [0]0
Eritrea940211.7 [0]29.6 [0]58.7 [0]0
Eswatini11,6006.5 [0]45 [0]48.6 [0]0
Ethiopia200,60034.8 [2]21.6 [2]43.64
Gabon36,6605 [0]44.7 [0]50.4 [0]0
Gambia555620.4 [0]14.2 [0]65.4 [0]0
Ghana134,00018.3 [4]24.5 [4]57.2 [0]8
Guinea27,97019.8 [0]32.1 [0]48.1 [0]0
Guinea-Bissau317150 [0]13.1 [0]36.9 [0]0
Ivory Coast97,16020.1 [0]26.6 [1]53.3 [0]1
Lesotho66565.8 [0]39.2 [0]54.9 [1]1
Liberia611234 [0]13.8 [0]52.2 [0]0
Libya61,9701.3 [0]52.3 [2]46.4 [0]2
Madagascar39,85024 [0]19.5 [1]56.4 [0]2
Malawi22,42028.6 [1]15.4 [2]56 [0]3
Mali41,22041.8 [3]18.1 [1]40.5 [0]6
Mauritania17,28027.8 [1]29.3 [1]42.9 [0]2
Mauritius28,2704 [2]21.8 [2]74.1 [9]13
Morocco298,60014 [4]29.5 [6]56.5 [1]11
Mozambique37,09023.9 [0]19.3 [2]56.8 [0]2
Namibia26,6006.7 [0]26.3 [0]67 [0]0
Niger21,86041.6 [0]19.5 [0]38.7 [0]0
Republic of the Congo29,3909.3 [0]51 [0]39.7 [0]0
Rwanda24,68030.9 [1]17.6 [0]51.5 [0]1
São Tomé and Príncipe68611.8 [0]14.8 [0]73.4 [0]0
Senegal54,80016.9 [1]24.3 [0]58.8 [0]1
Seychelles27502.5 [0]13.8 [0]83.7 [0]0
Sierra Leone11,55060.7 [0]6.5 [0]32.9 [0]0
Somalia20,44060.2 [0]7.4 [0]32.5 [1]1
South Africa767,2002.829.767.521
South Sudan - [0]- [0]- [0]0
Sudan177,40039.6 [0]2.6 [0]57.8 [0]0
Tanzania162,50023.4 [1]28.6 [6]47.6 [0]7
Togo12,97028.8 [0]21.8 [0]49.8 [0]0
Tunisia137,70010.1 [12]26.2 [5]63.8 [1]19
Uganda89,19028.2 [1]21.1 [1]50.7 [4]7
Zambia68,9307.5 [1]35.3 [1]57 [0]2
Zimbabwe34,27012 [0]22.2 [5]65.8 [2]7
Figure A1. Correlation between the GDP (PPP) with the number of LCA research articles concerning each African country.
Figure A1. Correlation between the GDP (PPP) with the number of LCA research articles concerning each African country.
Environments 08 00010 g0a1
Table A2. Summary of available life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies in Africa (Annex to Table 1).
Table A2. Summary of available life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies in Africa (Annex to Table 1).
Country [Ref.]System BoundariesAllocationInstitution of the First AuthorLocation of the First Author
Algeria [20]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationEOSTFrance
Algeria [21]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationBoumerdes UniversityAlgeria
Algeria [22]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationBoumerdes UniversityAlgeria
Algeria [23]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of BoumerdesAlgeria
Algeria [24]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationBADJI Mokhtar UniversityAlgeria
Algeria [25]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of BoumerdesAlgeria
Algeria [26]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationENSSMALAlgeria
Algeria [27]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity Saad Dahlab Algeria
Algeria [28]Well-to-TankNo indication/no allocationEcole Nationale PolytechniqueAlgeria
Algeria [29]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationBougara UniversityAlgeria
Benin [30]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCIRADFrance
Benin [31]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCIRADFrance
Burkina Faso [32]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationEscola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial Spain
Burkina Faso [33]Well-to-Tankenergy allocationBoumerdes UniversityGermany
Burkina Faso [34]Cradle to siteNo indication/no allocationUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)Spain
Cameroon [35]Well-to-WheelNo indication/no allocationKU LeuvenBelgium
Cameroon [36]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of YaoundéCameroon
Cameroon [37]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationINRAFrance
Cameroon [38]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationUniversity of YaoundéCameroon
Cameroon [39]Well-to-Tankenergy allocationUniversity of UdineItaly
Egypt [40]Cradle to site/end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationEnvironment and Climate Research Institute, EgyptEgypt
Egypt [41]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationNational Water Research Center, EgyptEgypt
Egypt [42]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [43]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [44]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [45]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationUniversita Politecnica delle MarcheItaly
Egypt [46]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [47]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationRiga Technical UniversityLatvia
Egypt [48]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [49]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationParthenope University of NaplesItaly
Egypt [50]Cradle to gateMass and economic allocationWorldFishMalaysia
Egypt [51]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationMenoufia UniversityEgypt
Egypt [52]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [53]Cradle to gateMass and energy allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [54]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationAlexandria UniversityEgypt
Egypt [55]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [56]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationAlexandria UniversityEgypt
Egypt [57]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationE-JUSTEgypt
Egypt [58]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationMinistry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Alexandria, EgyptEgypt
Egypt [59]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationMansoura UniversityEgypt
Egypt [60]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationMansoura UniversityEgypt
Egypt [61]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCairo UniversityEgypt
Egypt [62]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of SienaItaly
Ethiopia [63]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationWageningen UniversityNetherlands
Ethiopia [64]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversitat HohenheimGermany
Ethiopia [65]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationWageningen UniversityNetherlands
Ethiopia [66]Cradle to graveEcoinvent 3-allocation, default unitAddis Ababa UniversityEthiopia
Ghana [67]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of GhanaGhana
Ghana [68]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong Kong
Ghana [69]Cradle to graveMass and energy allocationUniversity of GenoaItaly
Ghana [70]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationWageningen UniversityNetherlands
Ghana [71]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of GhanaGhana
Ghana [72]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationCurtin UniversityAustralia
Ghana [73]Cradle to gatePhysical and economical allocationWageningen UniversityNetherlands
Ghana [74]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationKwame Nkrumah University of Science & TechnologyGhana
Ivory Coast [75]Well-to-Tankenergy allocationUniversite de ToulouseFrance
Kenya [76]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationMarks and SpencerUK
Kenya [77]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationTechnical University of DenmarkDenmark
Kenya [78]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of CaliforniaUSA
Kenya [79]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of MichiganUSA
Kenya [80]Gate to graveNo indication/no allocationUmeå UniversitySweden
Libya [81]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationNottingham Trent UniversityUK
Libya [82]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationThe Higher Institute of Polytechnic ProfessionsLibya
Madagascar [83]Cradle to grave?No indication/no allocationUniversity of AntananarivoMadagascar
Madagascar [84]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversité de la RéunionFrance
Malawi [85]Gate to gateNo indication/no allocationStellenbosch UniversitySouth Africa
Malawi [86]Cradle to siteNo indication/no allocationEdinburgh Napier UniversityUK
Malawi [87]Cradle to gateEconomic and mass allocationUniversity of ExeterUK
Mali [88]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationHigher Technical Institute, CyprusCyprus
Mali [89]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationKU LeuvenBelgium
Mali [90]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationKU LeuvenBelgium
Mali [91]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of South FloridaUSA
Mali [92]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationCIRADFrance
Mauritania [93]Cradle to gateMass allocationUniversity of Santiago de CompostelaSpain
Mauritania [94]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationInstituto Eduardo Torroja de ciencias de la construcciónSpain
Mauritius [99]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Mauritius [100]Cradle to graveEconomic allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Mauritius [101]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Mauritius [102]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Mauritius [103]Cradle to siteEconomic and mass allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Mauritius [104]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationSotravic LteMauritius
Mauritius [95]Cradle to graveEconomic allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Mauritius [96]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Mauritius [97]Cradle to siteEconomic allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Mauritius [98]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of MauritiusMauritius
Morocco [105]Cradle to gateMass allocationADEMEFrance
Morocco [106]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCIRADFrance
Morocco [107]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationCIRADFrance
Morocco [108]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversidad Politécnica de MadridSpain
Morocco [109]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationINESFrance
Morocco [110]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCIRADFrance
Morocco [111]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of LjubljanaSlovenia
Morocco [112]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationAbdelmalek Essaadi UniversityMorocco
Morocco [113]Cradle to graveEconomic allocationCIEMATSpain
Morocco [114]Cradle to grave?No indication/no allocationMohammed V UniversityMorocco
Morocco [115]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationMohammadia School of EngineeringMorocco
Mozambique [116]Well-to-WheelMass allocationChalmers University of TechnologySweden
Mozambique [117]Cradle to siteMass allocationSwedish University of Agricultural SciencesMorocco
Nigeria [118]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of ManchesterUK
Nigeria [119]Cradle to grave?No indication/no allocationIowa State UniversityUSA
Nigeria [120]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCovenant UniversityNigeria
Nigeria [121]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationNational Water Quality Reference Laboratory MinnaNigeria
Nigeria [122]Well-to-WheelMass allocationCranfield UniversityUK
Nigeria [123]Gate to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of IbadanNigeria
Nigeria [124]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of TlemcenAlgeria
Nigeria [125]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationHohai UniversityChina
Nigeria [126]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationNigerian Stored Products Research InstituteNigeria
Nigeria [127]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationLandmark UniversityNigeria
Nigeria [128]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationAdeleke UniversityNigeria
Nigeria [129]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationThe University of ManchesterUK
Nigeria [130]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationLadoke Akintola University of TechnologyNigeria
Nigeria, ghhana, ivory coast [13]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationThe University of ManchesterSouth Africa
Rwanda [131]Cradle to gateMass allocationCIRADFrance
Senegal [132]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationThe Swedish Institute for Food and BiotechnologySweden
Somalia [133]Cradle to graveMass allocationUniversity of SienaItaly
South Africa [134]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationUniversity of PretoriaSouth Africa
South Africa [135]Cradle to gateMass allocationUniversity of PretoriaSouth Africa
South Africa [136]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of NatalSouth Africa
South Africa [137]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationUniversity of PretoriaSouth Africa
South Africa [138]Cradle to siteNo indication/no allocationUniversity of Pretoria,South Africa
South Africa [139]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of KwaZulu-NatalSouth Africa
South Africa [140]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCSIR, South africaSouth Africa
South Africa [141]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationHuawei Technologies CO., LtdChina
South Africa [142]end-of-lifeMass allocationUniversity of Cape TownSouth Africa
South Africa [143]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of PretoriaSouth Africa
South Africa [144]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of CataniaItaly
South Africa [145]Well-to-WheelEconomic allocationUniversity of StellenboschSouth Africa
South Africa [146]Cradle to gateMass allocationUniversity of KwaZulu-NatalSouth Africa
South Africa [147]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa
South Africa [148]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of Cape TownSouth Africa
South Africa [149]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationStellenbosch UniversitySouth Africa
South Africa [150]Cradle to gravePhysical allocationStellenbosch UniversitySouth Africa
South Africa [151]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationZurich University of Applied SciencesSwiss
South Africa [152]Cradle to gateMass allocationUniversity of Cape TownSouth Africa
South Africa [153]Cradle to gateEconomic and energy allocationStellenbosch UniversitySouth Africa
South Africa [154]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationUniversity of StellenboschSouth Africa
South Africa [155]Cradle to gateEconomic and energy allocationUniversity of StellenboschSouth Africa
South Africa [156]Cradle to gateEconomic allocationUniversity of Stell+D170:D182enboschSouth Africa
South Africa [157]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationInstitute of Electronic Structure & Laser Greece
South Africa [158]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa
South Africa [16]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationUniversity of the WitwatersrandSouth Africa
South Africa [159]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa
South Africa [160]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR)South Africa
South Africa [161]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationCranfield UniversityUK
South Africa [162]Well-to-WheelMass allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa
South Africa [163]Well-to-TankNo indication/no allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa
South Africa [164]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of KwaZulu-NatalSouth Africa
South Africa [165]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa
South Africa [166]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationMount Royal University CalgaryCanada
South Africa [167]Cradle to graveMass allocationUniversity of Cape TownSouth Africa
South Africa [168]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationTshwane University of TechnologySouth Africa
South Africa [169]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationSouth African Sugarcane Research InstituteSouth Africa
South Africa [170]Cradle to gateMass allocationKU LeuvenBelgium
South Africa [171]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of Cape TownSouth Africa
South Africa [172]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of Cape TownSouth Africa
South Africa [173]Well-to-WheelEconomic allocationUniversity of CambridgeUK
South Africa [174]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationStellenbosch UniversitySouth Africa
South Africa [175]Cradle to gateMass allocationUniversity of NatalSouth Africa
Tanzania [176]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of Dar es SalaamTanzania
Tanzania [177]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationKing Mongkut’s University of TechnologyThailand
Tanzania [178]Well-to-Wheelenergy allocationUniversity of Dar es SalaamTanzania
Tanzania [179]Cradle to siteNo indication/no allocationTropical Pesticides Research InstituteTanzania
Tanzania [180]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationYara InternationalGermany
Tanzania [181]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationTropical Pesticides Research InstituteTanzania
Tanzania [182]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationResearch Institute of Electric Power Industry, JapanJapan
Tunisia [183]Not applicableNo indication/no allocationCNRSFrance
Tunisia [184]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversité de MonastirTunisia
Tunisia [185]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of SfaxTunisia
Tunisia [186]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversitat Autònoma de BarcelonaSpain
Tunisia [187]Cradle to grave?No indication/no allocationIRSTEAFrance
Tunisia [188]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationInstitut National des Sciences Appliquée TechnologieTunisia
Tunisia [189]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversité de CarthageTunisia
Tunisia [190]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversité de CarthageTunisia
Tunisia [191]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversité de CarthageTunisia
Tunisia [192]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationNational School of Engineers of GabesTunisia
Tunisia [193]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationGabes UniversityTunisia
Tunisia [194]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversité de CarthageTunisia
Tunisia [195]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCIRADFrance
Tunisia [196]Cradle to grave?No indication/no allocationCIRADFrance
Tunisia [197]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversité de GabèsTunisia
Tunisia [198]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationCIEMATSpain
Tunisia [199]Cradle to graveEconomic allocationCIEMATSpain
Tunisia [200]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocation(IFAPA)Spain
Tunisia [201]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationCranfield UniversityUK
Uganda [202]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationMakerere UniversityUganda
Uganda [203]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationNational Water & Sewerage Corporation, UgandaUganda
Uganda [204]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of HohenheimGermany
Uganda [205]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of South FloridaUSA
Uganda [206]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationMakerere UniversityUganda
Uganda [207]Gate to gateNo indication/no allocationMakerere University College of Agricultural & Environmental SciencesUganda
Zambia [208]Cradle-to-gate?No indication/no allocationNorwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)Norway
Zambia [209]Cradle-to-gate?No indication/no allocationNorwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)Norway
Zimbabwe [210]Cradle to gateMass allocationUniversity of Zimbabwe,Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe [211]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa
Zimbabwe [212]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity Of JohannesburgSouth Africa
Zimbabwe [213]Cradle to gateNo indication/no allocationUniversity Of JohannesburgSouth Africa
Zimbabwe [214]Cradle to graveNo indication/no allocationUniversity of ZimbabweZimbabwe
Zimbabwe [215]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa
Zimbabwe [216]end-of-lifeNo indication/no allocationUniversity of JohannesburgSouth Africa


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Figure 1. Research articles published by year.
Figure 1. Research articles published by year.
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Figure 2. Research articles published by product type.
Figure 2. Research articles published by product type.
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Figure 3. Research articles published per African country.
Figure 3. Research articles published per African country.
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Figure 4. Research articles published for the eight most studied African countries.
Figure 4. Research articles published for the eight most studied African countries.
Environments 08 00010 g004
Table 1. Summary of available life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies in Africa.
Table 1. Summary of available life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies in Africa.
YearCountry [Ref.]ProductFunctional Unit LCI DatabaseLCIA Method
2011Algeria [20]Drilling mud1 well drilled 4100 m deepPrimary data/Existing literature/SimaProIMPACT 2002+
2012Algeria [21]Recycled water5 L of recycled water intended to be used for irrigationPrimary data/Existing literature/EcoinventEco-Indicator 95
2013Algeria [22]Potable water1 L of potable waterPrimary data/SimaProEco-Indicator 99
2015Algeria [23]Cement1 ton of cementPrimary data/SimaPro 7.1IMPACT 2000+
2015Algeria [24]Ammonia1 ton of anhydrous ammonia with 99.9% purityPrimary data/GEMISOther
2016Algeria [25]Drilling mudDrilling mud treatment scenarioSimaPro 7Eco-Indicator 99
2017Algeria [26]Mussels1 ton of fresh Mediterranean musselsPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3CML
2017Algeria [27]Hotel buildingimpact/occupant/m2Primary data/EcoinventOther
2017Algeria [28]Biodiesel1 ton of biodieselPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3.1IMPACT 2002+
2020Algeria [29]PV Energy1 year of utilizationPrimary dataOther
2014Benin [30]Tomatoes1 hectarePrimary dataILCD
2017Benin [31]Tomatoes1 kg of productPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.2ReCiPe2008
2016Burkina Faso [32]Energy sources for a water purification plantOne yearEcoinvent v3ReCiPe
2018Burkina Faso [33]Jatropha biofuelhectare.year/gigajoule of J. curcas SVO or JMEPrimary data/Existing literatureReCiPe
2018Burkina Faso [34]PV1 L of oilEcoinventReCiPe World E/A
2010Cameroon [35]Palm Oil1 MJ in a car engine Primary data/Existing literature/LCA databaseOther
2010Cameroon [36]RoadNumber of vehicles moving on that road for a period of fifty yearsPrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2012Cameroon [37]Farms1 ton of fresh fish (both tilapia and African catfish) at the farm exit gateExisting literature/EcoinventCML2001
2016Cameroon [38]Waste Water1 life-cyclePrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2019Cameroon [39]Jatropha1 MJ of JVO obtainedPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2Other
2010Egypt [40]WastewaterTreatment of 1 m3 of wastewaterPrimary data/Existing literatureEco-Indicator 99
2012Egypt [41]WastewaterTreatment of 1 m3 of wastewaterExisting literatureEco-Indicator 99
2014Egypt [42]Building materials (Method)---
2014Egypt [43]Residential building1 usable floor space (m2)Primary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent V3IMPACT 2002+
2014Egypt [44]Building database---
2014Egypt [45]Cotton1 kg of dyed cotton yarnPrimary data/Ecoinvent v2Eco-Indicator 99
2015Egypt [46]Diesel fuel, solar pumpIrrigation of 1 feddan of ricePrimary dataIMPACT 2002+
2015Egypt [47]Jatropha Biodiesel1 ton of Jatropha BiodieselPrimary dataIMPACT 2002+
2016Egypt [48]Dredged Material1 trip per dayPrimary data/SimaPro 8IMPACT 2002+
2016Egypt [49]Energy systemThe operation of the power supply system for a calendar yearExisting literature/ecoinventEco-Indicator 99
2016Egypt [50]Aquaculture1 ton of live tilapia at the farm gatePrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.2Other
2016Egypt [51]LCA tool---
2016Egypt [52]Transport vehiclesTotal Vehicle Kilometers Travelled (VKT) in EgyptPrimary data?/Existing literatureIMPACT 2002+
2016Egypt [53]Tilapia1 ton of TilapiaPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2CML baseline 2000
2016Egypt [54]Acrylic fiber1 kg production of acrylic fiber.Primary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.2Eco-Indicator 99
2016Egypt [55]Cement1 kg of cementPrimary data/Ecoinvent v3IMPACT 2002+
2016Egypt [56]Acrylic fiber1000 kg production of acrylic fiber.Primary data/Ecoinvent v2Eco-Indicator 99
2017Egypt [57]Bricks1 kg of brick productsPrimary data/Existing literature/IDEALIME2
2017Egypt [58]Lubrication oil1000 kg lubrication used oilExisting literature/Ecoinvent v2Eco-Indicator 99
2019Egypt [59]Waste water1 m3 of treated wastewaterPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2CML2000
2020Egypt [60]Waste1 ton of wastePrimary dataOther
2020Egypt [61]Wastewater1 m3 of treated wastewaterPrimary data/GabiReCiPe
2020Egypt [62]Bioethanol1 ton of bioethanolPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3CML-IA
2012Ethiopia [63]Rose cultivation1 bunch of roses consisting of 20 stemsEcoinvent v2CML 2 baseline 2000
2017Ethiopia [64]Biogas, dungAmount of primary energy needed to provide energy carriers Primary data/Existing literature/ecoinvent v2.2CML2001
2017Ethiopia [65]Milk1 adult cattle unit (cu)/1 kg of milk produced by a cowPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.2Other
2020Ethiopia [66]Electricity from a wind farmThe generation of 1 kWh of average electricityPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3ReCiPe 2008
2012Ghana [67]Cooking fuels1 MJ of energy delivered to the cooking potPrimary data/Ecoinvent/Gabi 4CML2001
2020Ghana [68]Building180.50 m2 gross floor area (GFA) for a lifespan of 50 yearsPrimary data/ICEOther
2020Ghana [69]Food products1 kg of product/1 kcal unitExisting literature/Ecoinvent v3.5CML2001/ReCiPe2008
2011Ghana [70]Timber1 kg/1 euro/1 m3 of product producedExisting literatureCML2000
2011 Ghana [71]BiogasProduction of 1 MJ of useful energy Primary data/Ecoinvent/Gabi 4CML2001
2011Ghana [72]Cyanide containers1 packagePrimary data/Existing literatureEco-Indicator 99
2010Ghana [73]Timber1 m3/1 kg/1 euroPrimary dataOther
2008Ghana [74]Cocoa1 kg of cocoa beans processedPrimary data/Ecoinvent/Gabi 4CML2001
2009Ivory Coast [75]Biofuel1 MJ of JMEPrimary data/EcoinventOther
2007Kenya [76]Food products1 ton of grade 1 productExisting literature/EcoinventCML baseline 2000
2016Kenya [77]Biowaste1 kg of wet biowastePrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3.3ReCiPe 2016
2017Kenya [78]Solar photovoltaic microgrid system1 kWh of electricity consumed by the communityEcoinvent v2.2/Gabi 6ReCiPe 2008
2020Kenya [79]Food products1 kg of edible boneless weightExisting literatureIPCC/AWARE
2020Kenya [80]BioenergyDifferent scenariosExisting literature/Ecoinvent v3.1/AgrifootprintReCiPe2016
2014Libya [81]Crude oilUltimately presented in terms of the functional unit (km)Primary data/EcoinventEco-Indicator 99
2015Libya [82]Wind farm1 kWh of electricity producedPrimary dataOther
2014Madagascar [83]Solar cooker1 mealPrimary dataOther
2017Madagascar [84]Electricity generation1 yearPrimary data/GEMISOther
2016Malawi [85]Tea1 kg of teaPrimary data/Existing literatureCML2002
2016Malawi [86]Building materials1 m2 wallPrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2019Malawi [87]Mining products1 kg of rare earth oxide (REO)Primary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3/GabiTRACI
2004Mali [88]Thermosyphon solar water1 complete solar hot water systemPrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2014Mali [89]Jatropha-based bioenergy1 MJ of electricity.Primary data/Ecoinvent v2.2ReCiPe
2017Mali [90]Insect-based feed production1 kg whole dried larvae with a residual water content of less than 10%Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3.0Other
2017Mali [91]Shea butter1 kg of shea butterPrimary data/Existing literatureCML 2001
2020Mali [92]Cotton1 t and 1 ha of seed cotton at the farm gate and 1 t and 1 ha equivalent of baled cotton fiber and cottonseed at the ginning plant gatePrimary data/Ecoinvent v3/World Food LCA DatabaseILCD
2012Mauritania [93]Octopus24 kg carton of frozen common octopus up to the point of import in the year 2009.Primary data/Ecoinvent/LCA Food DatabaseCML baseline 2000
2014Mauritania [94]Building materialsStructure and envelope of a classroom block consisting of eight modules in Nouakchott for a period of 30 yearsEcoinvent v2.2Other
2004Mauritius [95]Sugarcane1 ton of raw cane sugar exportedPrimary data/Existing literatureCML
2005Mauritius [96]Biodegradable wasteTreatment of 1 kg of biodegradable wastes by composting and Anaerobic Digestion (AD)Primary dataOther
2008Mauritius [97]Electricity generation bagasse1 GWh of electricity exported to the national electricity gridPrimary data/Existing literature/BUWAL 2000Eco-Indicator 99/CML World 92
2008Mauritius [98]polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottleUse and disposal of 1000 packs of 1.5 LPET bottles, used for the packaging of 9000 liters of beveragePrimary data/BUWAL 2000Eco-Indicator 99
2011Mauritius [99]WasteThe disposal of 300,000 tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in one yearPrimary dataIMPACT 2002+
2012Mauritius [100]PET bottle1 ton of used PET bottles supplied to the respective disposal facilitiesPrimary dataEco-Indicator 99
2012Mauritius [101]PET bottle1 ton of used PET bottlesPrimary data/Existing literature/SimaPro 7.1Eco-Indicator 99
2012Mauritius [102]PET bottle1 ton of used PET bottlesPrimary data/Existing literature/EcoinventEco-Indicator 99
2015Mauritius [103]Electricity generation1 MWh of electricity delivered to the consumerPrimary data/Ecoinvent v2CML 2 Baseline 2001
2017Mauritius [104]WasteThe management of 427,687 t of MSW generated in the year 2010Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.0CML-IA
2014Morocco [105]Tomatoes1 kg of fresh bulk tomatoes delivered at the Saint-Charles International Market entry gateway Primary data/Ecoinvent v2.2ReCiPe
2014Morocco [106]Perennial crops1 kg of fresh fruitsPrimary data/Ecoinvent v2.2ReCiPe 2008
2016Morocco [107]Clementines1 kg raw fruit at the farm gateEcoinvent v2.2ReCiPe
2016Morocco [108]Photovoltaic power plant1 MWh Ecoinvent v3ReCiPe
2016Morocco [109]Photovoltaic power plant1 MWEcoinvent v2.2Other
2016Morocco [110]Fresh fruit1 kg of fresh fruitsPrimary data/Ecoinvent v2.2ReCiPe 2008
2018Morocco [111]Electric energy1 kWh of produced electric energyPrimary data/Gabi/Ecoinvent v3.1CML2001
2019Morocco [112]Automotive headrest1 headrest for automotive seatingPrimary data/EcoinventIMPACT 2002+
2020Morocco [113]hybrid solar/biomass micro-cogeneration1 kWh of electricityPrimary data/WIOD/EORAILCD
2020Morocco [114]Solar water heaterUtilization during one yearPrimary dataOther
2020Morocco [115]Waste WaterTreat effluent of one population equivalent for one dayPrimary dataReCiPe midpoint 2014
2013Mozambique [116]Jatropha oil1 MJ of energy in the form of jatropha oil or fossil dieselPrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2016Mozambique [117]Biomass power plant1-GJ pellets delivered to a combined heat and power (CHP) plantPrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2010Nigeria [118]Future electricity scenarios56,160 TJ/yr for 2003; 346,000 TJ/yr for 2010; 551,000 TJ/yr for 2020; 764,000 TJ/yr for 2030Primary data/Existing literature/GEMIS 4.3/SimaProOther
2014Nigeria [119]BiodigestersOne mealxOther
2015Nigeria [120]Residential buildingOne life-cyclePrimary dataOther
2015Nigeria [121]Municipal solid waste managementWaste Management scenariosPrimary data/EcoinventOther
2015Nigeria [122]Jatropha biofuel1 MJ of fuel used in a typical biodiesel-fired power plant/Jatropha plantation of 1 hectare (ha) over a 20-year periodLiterature review/Agrifootprint/EcoinventReCiPe
2016Nigeria [123]Shea butter1 kg of shea butterPrimary data/EcoinventTRACI
2019Nigeria [124]Electricity1 kWh of electricity generationExisting literature/GabiCML 2001
2020Nigeria [125]Electricity1 MWh of net electricity producedPrimary data/EcoinventCML 2001
2020Nigeria [126]Cowpeas1 ton of grainPrimary data/Gabi 8.7CML
2020Nigeria [127]Cassava1 ha land area Primary data/Existing literatureOther
2020Nigeria [128]Sweet Oranges1 haPrimary dataOther
2013Nigeria [129]Passenger transport467 billion people/km in 2003/721 billion people/km in 2020/942 billion people/.km in 2030Existing literature/GEMIS4.3CML 2001
2013Nigeria [130]BiodieselThe functional unit was defined as one kilogram of soybeanPrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2017Nigeria, Ghana, ivory coast [13]Review---
2019Rwanda [131]Tomatoes1 kg of tomatoes at farm-gateExisting literature/Ecoinvent v2.2ILCD
2011Senegal [132]Shrimp products1 kg of shrimp and the accompanying packaging material at the point of import to EuropePrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2CML 2002
2019Somalia [133]Treated water1 L of treated waterExisting literature/Ecoinvent v3.4ReCiPe 2008
2002South Africa [134]Review--Review
2002South Africa [135]Wool1 kg of dyed two-fold wool yarnPrimary data/Existing literatureMethod
2002South Africa [136]Potable water1 kL of potable waterPrimary data/Gabi 3ReCiPe
2003South Africa [137]Method---
2006South Africa [138]Water supply1 Mℓ/d of potable water supplied at Rosslyn Primary dataspecial African
2009South Africa [139]Urban water1 kL of water Primary data/Existing literature/Gabi 3CML
2010South Africa [140]Sugar1 ton of raw sugarPrimary data/EcoinventEco-Indicator 99
2012South Africa [141]Photovoltaic/Wind RadioOne radio base station utilization during 10 yearsPrimary dataReCiPe2008
2014South Africa [142]Container glass waste1 ton of container glass wastePrimary data/Ecoinvent v2Other
2014South Africa [143]Clay brick Walling1 standard brick equivalent (SBE)Primary data/Ecoinvent v2.2IMPACT 2002+
2014South Africa [144]Polymer bag1 m2 of plastic filmPrimary data/Ecoinvent v2.2IMPACT 2002+
2015South Africa [145]Biofuel1 km traveledAspen simulation/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.2/Greet 2.7Other
2016South Africa [146]Agriculture1 metric ton of extractable sucrose delivered at the mill gate in the form of sugarcane stems or billets.Primary data/Existing literature/GreetOther
2016South Africa [147]Method for constructing LCAs---
2016South Africa [148]BooksThe reading of 21 books by a single user in two hours per day over a four-year periodEcoinvent v3ReCiPe2008
2016South Africa [149]Lignocellulosic lactic acid1 ton of Lactic Acid (LA) producedAspen/EcoinventReCiPe
2017South Africa [150]TimberQuantity of materials required to construct the roof truss system of a houseAUSLCI/Ecoinvent v3.1ReCiPe
2017South Africa [151]Maizeone kilogram of maize in silo storagePrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3.3ILCD
2017South Africa [152]Meat1 kg of LW meat/1kg of CW meatPrimary data/EcoinventCML IA
2017South Africa [153]Biorefineriesa biorefinery with a processing capacity of 65 (tDM/h) tons bagasse and trash per hourPrimary data/Existing literatureEco-Indicator 99
2017South Africa [154]Biorefineries1 MWh electricity producedAspen simulation/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3CML-IA baseline 3.02
2017South Africa [155]Biorefineries1 MWh electricity producedAspen simulation/Existing literature/EcoinventCML-IA baseline 3.02
2017South Africa [156]Biorefineries1 ton BD produced/1 MWh electricity producedAspen simulation/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3CML-IA baseline 3.02
2017South Africa [157]Zinc oxideZnO surface area (1 m2/g)Primary data/Existing literatureReCiPe
2017South Africa [158]Domestic Biogas Digester1 MJPrimary dataOther
2018South Africa [159]Sandstone1 t of sandstonePrimary data/Existing literatureIMPACT 2002+
2018South Africa [160]Acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment1 m3 of effluent generated by an AMD reactorPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3ReCiPe2016
2018South Africa [161]Sanitation systemThe provision of a sanitation service for the daily defecation of a 10-adult occupant household in South AfricaPrimary data/Ecoinvent v3.0ReCiPe2016
2018South Africa [162]Soybean Biodiesel1 L of BiodieselExisting literatureOther
2018South Africa [163]Sugarcane Ethanol (Inventory)---
2019South Africa [164]Seawater desalination1 kL of potable waterPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3ReCiPe
2019South Africa [165]Method for the Construction industry---
2019South Africa [166]Coal power plant712-MW power-generating unitPrimary data/EcoinventEco-Indicator 99
2020South Africa [167]StrawAnnual straw consumption per capitaPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3.5ReCiPe
2020South Africa [16]Review---
2020South Africa [168]Wastewater1 L of real wastewaterPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3.6ReCiPe2016
2015South Africa [169]Sugarcane1 ton of extractable sucrose produced leaving the farm gatePrimary dataOther
2012South Africa [170]Pork1 kg of pork (carcass weight)Existing literature/Gabi 2006CML2001
2012South Africa [171]Saline wastewater A daily production of 40 ton of dehydrated sodium sulphate by each process and another 960 ton/day of “ice + liquid water” mixture in the amounts obtained by EFC.Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.2IMPACT 2002+
2012South Africa [172]Water treatment1000 m3 of boiler feed water (BFW) Existing literature/EcoinventCML 2 baseline 2000 V2.04
2010South Africa [173]Biodiesel1 ton of biodieselPrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2010South Africa [174]BiofuelA unit of product, over a one-year production periodPrimary data/Existing literature-
2002South Africa [175]Water recycling plant1 kL of water as supplied to industryPrimary data/Gabi3CML
2007Tanzania [176]Production of biofuels from pyrolysis of woodOne yearPrimary dataOther
2012Tanzania [177]ElectricityThe functional unit for this study is 1 MW h net electricity at the power plant.Ecoinvent v2.2/USLCI 1.6.0CML(IA)
2013Tanzania [178]Bioethanol produced from sugarcane molasses1 ton of combusted jatropha biodiesel.Primary data/Existing literature/EcoinventCML (IA)
2014Tanzania [179]Electricity1 MWh gross electricity generated at the power plant.Ecoinvent v2.2/USLCI 1.6.0CML (IA)
2014Tanzania [180]MaizeOne ton of MaizePrimary data/Existing literature/Gabi 4Other
2016Tanzania [181]Review---
2020Tanzania [182]PV Electricity1 m2 of PV modulePrimary dataOther
2007Tunisia [183]Coastal area1 L of water samplePrimary dataOther
2011Tunisia [184]Sea bass1 ton of live fish weight produced.Primary data/ecoinventCML 2 Baseline 2000
2012Tunisia [185]Jatropha biodiesel1 hectare of Jatropha Primary data/Existing literatureOther
2013Tunisia [186]Olive-waste cake1 kg of AC from by-product olive-waste cakesPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.2CML 2 Baseline 2000
2014Tunisia [187]Groundwater pumping system1 m3 pumped at a 35 m depth, 2 bars of pressure, and 0.9 bars of friction losses in pipesEcoinvent v2.2ReCiPe
2015Tunisia [188]Shale gas1 MJ of shale gasPrimary dataReCiPe v1.06
2017Tunisia [189]Sheep/chicken meat1 kg of carcassPrimary data/Existing literatureOther
2017Tunisia [190]Sea cages1 ton of live fishPrimary data/Ecoinvent v3Other
2017Tunisia [191]Seabass1 ton of fish at the fish farm gatePrimary data/Ecoinvent v3CML2 baseline 2000
2017Tunisia [192]Sulfuric acid production system1 ton of sulfuric acidPrimary data/Ecoinvent v3ILCD
2017Tunisia [193]tomatoes1 ton of soilless geothermal greenhouse cherry tomatoesPrimary data/Ecoinvent v3.3ILCD
2018Tunisia [194]fisheries (seafood)1 ton of landed seafood by demersal trawlers in the Gulf of GabesPrimary data/Ecoinvent v3CML baseline 2000
2019Tunisia [195]Agricultural practices1 ha/1 dinarPrimary data/Existing literature/EcoinventReCiPe2016
2020Tunisia [196]Ground water irrigationArea of land cropped over 1 yearPrimary data/Existing literatureReCiPe 1.07
2020Tunisia [197]Tomatoes1 ton of soilless cherry tomato produced.Primary data/Ecoinvent v3.3/Agrifootprint 3.0ILCD
2020Tunisia [198]Electricity1 MWh of electricity generatedPrimary data/WIOD/SimaProILCD
2020Tunisia [199]Electricity1 kWh of electricity outputPrimary data/Existing literatureILCD
2020Tunisia [200]Olives1 ton of olives and 1 ha of cultivated olive growing areaPrimary data/Ecoinvent v3.2ILCD
2020Tunisia [201]Seafood1 t of landed seafoodPrimary data/Ecoinvent v3ILCD
2013Uganda [202]Sanitary productsNumber of sanitary pads needed to provide effective protection from menstruation for one woman over one year.Ecoinvent v2.2IMPACT 2002+
2014Uganda [203]WasteThe waste production for the base year 2011Primary data/Existing literatureOther
2014Uganda [204]Charcoal1 kg of charcoal produced and utilizedPrimary data/Existing literatureCML2001
2016Uganda [205]Water3.57 L of potable waterPrimary data/Existing literature/SimaProEco-Indicator 99
2016Uganda [206]Waste1 ton of impurity-free anima waste treated to produce a quality soil improver/fertilizer.Primary data/Existing literatureCML
2019Uganda [207]Juice, dry fruits1 L of packaged juice ready for consumption/1 kg of packaged dried fruits including the non-edible partsPrimary data/Existing literatureCML2001
2012Zambia [208]Biochar 1 ton of maizePrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v2.2ReCiPe (a voir)
2017Zambia [209]Biochar production SystemPreparation and sequestration of 1 kg biocharPrimary data/Existing literature/Ecoinvent v3.2ReCiPe
2007Zimbabwe [210]Plastic carrier bags1 kg of polyethylenePrimary data/Existing literature/Gabi 3Other
2007Zimbabwe [211]Paper53 gsm (g/m2) newsprint paper produced in Zimbabwe from the pulping of pinewoodPrimary dataEco-Indicator 99
2008Zimbabwe [212]Vehicle leaf springsOne life-cyclePrimary dataEco-Indicator 99
2008Zimbabwe [213]Cement1 ton of cementPrimary dataEco-Indicator 99
2015Zimbabwe [214]Steel balls1 kg of steelPrimary dataOther
2019Zimbabwe [215]Municipal solid waste managementAnnual generation of MSWEcoinvent v3ReCiPe 2016
2020Zimbabwe [216]WasteAnnual biodegradable waste generation for Harare and its dormitory townsExisting literature/Ecoinvent v3ReCiPe 2016 v1.02
Table 2. Potential future topics of research. (x: no discussion topic).
Table 2. Potential future topics of research. (x: no discussion topic).
Algeria- Wheat, one of the major crops there, was found to have a green water footprint (WF) higher than global average (3290 vs. 1277 m3/ton) [225]- Attention could be paid to petroleum and natural gas extraction as it contributes considerably to the country’s GDP. These two sectors represent 15% of the total CO2 emissions [221].
-Electricity is almost only produced from natural gas [19], where it represents 25% of the total CO2 emissions [221]
- Road transport represents 25% of CO2 emissions [221]
Angola- Cassava is a major source of revenue for agriculture, where its green WF was found to be higher than the global average (819 vs. 550 m3/ton) [225]
- The burning of savanna represents more than 70% of the CO2 emissions from the agricultural sector [6]
- Oil-related extraction contributes to about 50% of the GDP [222] and about 20% of the country’s CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport is the top sector for CO2 emissions, representing nearly 25% [221]
Benin- Attention has already been paid to tomatoes as one of the major sources of agricultural revenue. A focus on cassava and yam production could be interesting, as together they represent more than 50% of the country’s agricultural revenue [6]- More than 50% of the country’s total energy supply is from biofuel and waste products [19]- Road transport is the top sector for CO2 emissions, accounting for nearly 75% [221]
Botswana-The country’s agriculture is not well developed. Roots and tubers account for most of the production [6]- Nearly 100% of the electricity is produced from coal [19], where the sector represents more than 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]- Mining activities represent up to 25% of the country’s GDP [222], and this could be a potential research topic
Burkina Faso- Sorghum and maize represent about 30% of crop revenue [6]. Their green WF was found to be two and three times higher, respectively, when compared with the global average [225]- More than 95% of the households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Almost 50% of the country’s total CO2 emissions are due to road transport [221]
- Gold mining represents a major source of revenue for exports (more than 75%) [5]
Burundi- Bananas and cassava together represent about 50% of the revenue from agriculture [6]. Their green water footprint was found to be higher than the global average [225]- More than 95% of the households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- One third of the country’s CO2 emissions are from road transport [221]
Cameroon- Exports of timber (especially to China) have been increasing in recent years (nearly 20% of the exports) [5]- Oil production is a solid pillar of the economy [5] and it is also the highest contributor to CO2 emissions (43%) [221]- Road transport is the 2nd highest CO2 emitter, accounting for nearly 25% of the total [221]
Cabo Verdexx- The tourism industry mainly contributes to the economy [222]
Central African Republicxx- Gold and diamond mining significantly contribute to the economy [5]
Chad- The agricultural sector is reported to have the 4th highest CO2 emissions in Africa, especially due to savanna burning [6]- Oil is a major source of revenue (85% of the exports) [5], where the sector represents more than more than one third of country’s CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for more than one fifth of CO2 emissions [221]
Comoros- Coconuts are a major crop product; their green water footprint was found to be twice that of the global average [225]x- Road transport contributes to nearly 50% of the emissions [221]
Congo DR- Cassava is the major crop produced, resulting in significant land burning before plantation. The burning of savanna represents more than 80% of the CO2 emissions from the agricultural sector [6]- Nearly 100% of the total energy supply is from biofuel and waste products [19]- Mining products represent an important source of revenue, especially copper and cobalt [5]
Djiboutixx- Important transportation infrastructure (e.g., Addis Ababa–Djibouti railway) has been under development recently [222].
Egypt- The use of synthetic fertilizers contributes to about one third of CO2 emissions from the agricultural sector [6]- Electricity is mainly produced from fossil fuels (natural gas) [19], where the sector represents almost 40% of CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport represents 20% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Equatorial Guinea- Sweet potatoes and cassava are two major crops produced in the country, where their green WF was found to be four times higher than the global average [225]- The oil industry represents an importance source of revenue (more than 80% of exports [5]) and it represents 30% of CO2 emissions [221]- The chemical industry represents a source of revenue for exports [5], where the sector represents 30% of country CO2 emissions [221]
Eritrea- Sorghum is the main crop produced, where its green WF was found with a water footprint more than twice that of the global average [225]- Almost 100% of the electricity is produced from oil [19], where the sector accounts for more than one half of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for more than 20% of CO2 emissions [221]
Eswatini- Sugarcane is the major crop produced in the country [6]- About one half of the country’s CO2 emissions are due to the electricity sector [221]- Road transport accounts for about one third of CO2 emissions [221]
Ethiopia- Emissions due to agriculture are reported to be the highest in Africa, especially due to manure management [6]-About 90% of the country’s energy supply is from biofuel and waste products [226]- Road transport accounts for about one third of CO2 emissions [221]
Gabon- Cassava is one of the main crops produced [6], where its green WF was found to be higher than the global average (847 vs. 550 m3/ton) [225]- The oil and natural gas sectors are the main sources of revenue for the country, representing about 50% of CO2 emissions [221] x
Gambia- Groundnuts bring important revenue to agriculture; their green WF was found to be higher than the global average (3657 vs. 2469) [225]- More than 95% of the households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Road transport accounts for about 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Ghana- The burning of savanna contributes to more than 40% of the CO2 emissions from the agricultural sector [6]- Oil is an important source of revenue for exports [5], where the sector accounts for about 20% of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about 40% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Guinea- Agriculture relies on rice production [6], where its green WF was found to be about four times higher than the global average (4004 vs. 1146 m3/ton) [225]- The electricity sector is responsible for about 20% of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about 40% of the CO2 emissions [221]
- The country’s growth relies on mining products, especially as has the highest bauxite reserve in the world [222]
Guinea-Bissau- Agriculture relies extensively on rice production [6], where its green WF was found to be about three times higher than the global average (3291 vs. 1146 m3/ton) [225]- The electricity sector is responsible for about 20% of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Cote d’Ivoire- Cocoa represents a major source of revenue [5], where the LCA results could be compared with its neighbors such as Ghana- More than 50% of the country’s electricity is produced from fossil fuels (natural gas) [19], where the sector accounts for about one third of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about one third of the CO2 emissions [221]
Kenya- Agriculture represents one third of the GDP [222]. Tea production was assessed, and maize, potatoes, or sugarcane could be also studied- More than 80% of households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Kenya is the second largest market for African vehicles [227], where the sector contributes to 50% of the total CO2 emissions [221]
Lesotho- Potatoes and maize are the two major crops [6]- The electricity sector accounts for about one fifth of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Liberia- Cassava is the main crop produced [6], where its green WF was about three times higher than the global average [225]- Almost 100% of households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Road transport accounts for about 40% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Libyax- The main economic resource, oil, has already received attention [82]. Apart from that, the electricity sector accounts for 40% of CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Madagascar- Rice, sugarcane, and cassava are the main agricultural products [6] and could receive more attention- The electricity sector accounts for about 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about 25% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Malawi- The economy relies on tobacco for exports- The electricity sector accounts for one third of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for one third of the CO2 emissions [221]
Mali- Rice and maize, the two main crops produced [6], were found to have a green WF twice that of the global average [225]-Almost all households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Road transport and cement production each account for one third of the CO2 emissions [221]
Mauritania-Rice is the major crop produced [6]- The electricity sector accounts for about 20% of CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for 40% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Mauritiusx- Fossil fuels represent 50% of electricity production [19], accounting for more than 60% of CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for 25% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Morocco- The total energy consumption for agriculture is the third highest in Africa (more than 50,000 terajoules [6])- The electricity sector accounts for more than one third of the CO2 emissions [221], especially due to coal power plants [19]- Morocco was also the first destination in Africa for tourism (2018 data [228]), and the impact of the tourism sector could receive attention
Mozambique- Cassava is the major crop produced, where its green WF was found to be twice that of the global average (1077 vs. 500 m3/ton) [225]- More than 95% of households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- The country relies on mineral fuels (coal) and aluminum for exports [5], and extraction processes could be further analyzed
Namibia- More than 50% of the CO2 emissions related to agricultural sector are due to the burning of savanna [6]x- The country relies on mineral extraction, such as diamond and uranium extraction.
Niger- Millet is the main crop produced [6], where its green WF was found to be two times higher than the global average (10,330 vs. 4306 m3/ton) [225]- Nearly 100% of the electricity is produced from fossil fuels (coal and oil) [19], where the sector accounts for more than 20% of the country’s CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Nigeria- Agriculture represents the second highest CO2 emissions in Africa [221]. Cassava has received attention, and in addition, yams and maize could be examined as other major crops [6]- Oil is a major source of revenue for the country [5], where it represents 20% of the country’s CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about one third of the CO2 emissions [221]
Republic of Congo- Cassava and sugarcane are the two main crops [6] - Oil a major source of revenue for exports [5], where the sector is responsible for 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about one third of the CO2 emissions [221]
Rwanda- The country mainly relies on agriculture, especially bananas and cassava [6]- Almost all households use solid fuels for cooking[226] - Road transport accounts for about 40% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Sao tome & Principe- Cocoa beans are a major source of revenue for exports [5]xx
Senegal- Rice and groundnuts are the two main crops [6] - Most of the electricity is produced from oil, where the sector contributes to about one quarter of the CO2 emissions [221]- Gold and phosphoric mining-related revenues have been increasing in recent years [5] and could lead to an increase in environmental impacts
Seychellesx- Electricity accounts for about one quarter of CO2 emissions [221]- Similar to Cabo Verde, the economy is mostly driven by tourism, and this could be relevant for study
Sierra Leone- Rice is the major crop produced in the country [6]- Nearly 100% of the households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Mining products (titanium and aluminum) drive exports [5]
Somalia- Revenues are mainly from livestock [6] (sheep and goats)- Nearly 100% of the households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Road transport accounts for about 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
South Africa- The most produced crops (maize and sugarcane) have already been paid attention- Electricity, mostly produced from coal [I1], contributes to 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about 10% of the CO2 emissions [221]
South Sudanx- Oil production is a major driver of the economy [5]x
Sudan- The agricultural sector is the 3rd largest for CO2 emissions in Africa, with sugarcane, sorghum, and millet as major crops.
- Sudan is also the largest exporter of Arabic gum [222]
- About half of the electricity is produced from oil [I1], where the sector accounts for about 20% of the CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport accounts for about 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Tanzania- Maize is the main crop produced [6], where its green WF was found to be double the global average- More than 95% of the households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Road transport accounts for about 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Togo- The economy relies on agriculture (yams, cassava, maize, sorghum) [6]- The country has been increasing its production of oil for exports [5]- Road transport accounts for more than 50% of the CO2 emissions [221]
Tunisia- The agricultural sector has already received attention, where its energy usage was found to be the fourth highest in Africa [6]- Electricity is mostly produced from natural gas [19], where the sector accounts for about one third of CO2 emissions [221]- Road transport account for about one fifth of the CO2 emissions [221]
Uganda- The economy mostly relies on agriculture, especially coffee [5]- More than 95% of the households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- Gold mining operations have been increasing in recent years [5]
Zambia- Maize and cassava are the two main crops produced, where their green WFs were higher than global averages [225]- More than 80% of the households use solid fuels for cooking [226]- The mining industry (mostly copper) brings significant revenues [5]
Zimbabwe- Sugarcane, Maize, and Cassava are the major crops [6] and tobacco also brings important revenue from exports [5]- About 40% of the electricity is produced from coal [I1], where the sector is responsible for more than one half of the CO2 emissions [221]- The economy depends on mining (especially gold) [5]
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MDPI and ACS Style

Karkour, S.; Rachid, S.; Maaoui, M.; Lin, C.-C.; Itsubo, N. Status of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Africa. Environments 2021, 8, 10.

AMA Style

Karkour S, Rachid S, Maaoui M, Lin C-C, Itsubo N. Status of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Africa. Environments. 2021; 8(2):10.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Karkour, Selim, Safa Rachid, Mariem Maaoui, Chia-Chun Lin, and Norihiro Itsubo. 2021. "Status of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Africa" Environments 8, no. 2: 10.

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