1. Introduction
Discovered in 2012, the glymphatic system, which stands for glial-dependent lymphatic transport, has been categorized as a macroscopic waste clearance system. Due to the similarities in function, the glymphatic system has been described as the central nervous system’s analogue to the lymphatic system [
2]. The transportation of the central nervous system’s interstitial fluid (ISF) has long been thought to move via diffusion, but recently ISF was observed moving at a much faster rate than that possible through diffusion. This suggests the involvement of a mass transport system [
3]. This glial cell-dependent paravascular network removes soluble proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system, but in addition supplies the brain with glucose, lipids and neuromodulators, utilizing paravascular tunnels formed by astroglial cells [
4]. Since this is a relatively new discovery, the amount of scientific literature surrounding the glymphatic system is rapidly increasing, and therefore its definition is continuously being renewed. This has caused controversy surrounding both the directionality and the anatomical space in which this system resides. For instance, the movement of ISF along paravascular spaces of veins remains disputed, and some claim that a distinct route exists for this clearance pathway [
5]. These discrepancies can, however, be partially explained by the limited amount of literature and methodological differences between studies [
The glymphatic system is constantly filtering toxins from the brain, but during wakefulness, this system is mainly disengaged [
1]. During natural sleep, levels of norepinephrine decline, leading to an expansion of the brain’s extracellular space, which results in decreased resistance to fluid flow. This is reflected by improved cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) infiltration along the perivascular spaces, and therefore increased interstitial solute clearance [
2]. The increase in clearance happens specifically during non-rapid eye movement sleep (N), also known as quiescent sleep. The third N stage, N3 or slow-wave sleep, is categorized by slow oscillatory brain waves, that create a flux of CSF within the interstitial cavities, leading to an increase in glymphatic clearance [
8]. The role of sleep in glymphatic clearance has been conclusively demonstrated, and since the vast majority of clearance occurs during sleep, the glymphatic system can simply not be investigated without examining the basic aspects of sleep.
Impaired glymphatic clearance has been linked to neurodegenerative diseases [
1]. Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease and the most common dementia, typically beginning with disorientation and then proceeding to a gradual deterioration of memory, language and physical independence, among others [
1]. Amyloid-beta and tau protein aggregations are heavily associated with Alzheimer’s disease, creating plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain that lead to brain degradation [
3]. Glymphatic clearance moves tau proteins and amyloid-beta aggregates out of the brain [
3]. This suggests that the glymphatic system is involved in modulating, or possibly protective against, Alzheimer’s disease. This paper will focus on Alzheimer’s disease, since it is the most frequent dementia, but will hopefully remain applicable to other neurodegenerative diseases, since several dementias are thought to be caused by protein aggregation. The need for an intervention is gaining urgency [
4]. Benveniste and colleagues recently used MRI scans in combination with contrast agents to monitor CSF flow through the brain in real time [
1], yet a method for manipulating glymphatic activity in humans still remains to be developed. Regulating glymphatic clearance could increase waste removal of aggregates in diseases associated with protein deposition, slowing or even reversing neurodegeneration.
Sleep is a primary driver of glymphatic clearance. However, research on a wealth of other lifestyle choices such as sleep quality, quantity, physical exercise, changes in body posture, omega 3, chronic stress, intermittent fasting and low doses of alcohol has begun to emerge. Despite these advances, scholars in this field have not yet adequately harnessed the power of lifestyle-regulated glymphatic clearance. Lifestyle choices remain to be evaluated and compared. No guides or literature reviews exist on how to use preventative measures to bolster glymphatic activity. With the incidence of neurodegenerative disease increasing and evidence of the glymphatic systems’ involvement growing, there is an urgent need to capitalize on the uses of this mass transport system. Lifestyle changes decelerating disease progression could be an important discovery, opening a therapeutic avenue and the potential for improvements in quality of life.
In order to infer the causal relationships of lifestyle choices in reducing brain ageing and Alzheimer’s disease, this paper will first investigate why glymphatic clearance primarily occurs during sleep, and which underlying mechanisms drive glymphatic clearance. Next, this paper will inspect the implications of a dysfunctional glymphatic pathway and establish the relationship between glymphatic clearance and neurodegenerative disease. Finally, this paper will investigate how lifestyle choices affect this mass transport system and how they can be used as a protective and preventive measure in the context of aging and Alzheimer’s disease.
4. Discussion
This paper provides a synthesis of currently tested lifestyle choices which could aid in preventing or slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease through increased glymphatic activity. The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is rising, but there is currently no effective disease-modifying treatment. Similar to other neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the accumulation of aggregated proteins [
1]; the accumulation of amyloid-beta peptides and tau within the brain parenchyma causes neuroinflammation, amyloid-beta plaques and tau tangles [
16]. This deposition occurs along perivascular spaces. Glymphatic clearance acts within these spaces, moving tau and amyloid-beta aggregates out of the brain and thus reducing neurodegenerative processes [
Glymphatic clearance also offers an explanation for why dementias are generally age-related. In mice, clearance of misfolded proteins and other cellular debris is generally efficient but reduces in capacity over time and begins to fail at the end of the reproductive lifespan [
1]. This was demonstrated by glymphatic clearance in old mice being reduced by 80–90%, and may at least partly explain the increased concentration of amyloid-beta in aged brains [
4]. One suggested mechanism behind this is the loss of polarization of AQP4 water channels. AQP4 channels are usually polarized along astrocytic endfeet, but can lose polarization, becoming more evenly distributed around the soma and thus slowing the rate of CSF–ISF exchange [
17]. Since AQP4 polarity is crucial for CSF inflow and the clearance of amyloid-beta, the loss of AQP4 polarization in the brain contributes to the impairment of glymphatic function [
18]. AQP4 deletion results in decreased clearance of amyloid-beta, supporting its involvement in neurodegenerative processes [
The vast majority of glymphatic clearance occurs during sleep. There is a 90% reduction in glymphatic clearance during wakefulness and twice the amount of protein clearance from the brain intima during sleep [
1]. During slow-wave sleep, delta oscillations are nested in high-voltage slow oscillatory neuronal activity, causing large bundles of neurons to harmonize, rhythmically and repetitively depolarizing over 20–30 s [
7]. This increases CSF inflow within the interstitial cavities and boosts glymphatic activity, increasing interstitial solute clearance [
8]. Sleep is a primary driver of bulk flow and is crucial in its modulation. These slow oscillations have been linked to sleep pressure, occurring in abundance early in the night and then decreasing over time [
7]. Slow-wave sleep is linked to time spent awake, with an increase in waking hours increasing the amount of slow-wave sleep [
12]. As well as within each night, sleep changes greatly across our lifespan. The percentage of slow-wave sleep is highest during puberty, and then declines with age, exacerbated in Alzheimer’s disease [
12]. Age-related neuronal and cortical grey matter loss is thought to be responsible for the decrease in slow-wave sleep, particularly in the prefrontal cortex where slow oscillations are believed to originate [
The neuromodulator norepinephrine regulates sleep, but also glymphatic clearance. During sleep, the decrease in norepinephrine levels causes the expansion of the extracellular space, decreasing resistance and therefore increasing the rate of glymphatic clearance [
2]. Norepinephrine also suppresses choroid plexus CSF production [
1]. These expansions, together with the increase in CSF production, decrease resistance and boost perfusion, leading to a further increase in the removal of metabolic waste products from the brain [
7]. Norepinephrine controls the overall quantity of solute clearance, but intracranial pulsations are the physical force that propel CSF along the parenchyma. Intracranial pulsations have an established relationship with oscillations of blood pressure, which coincide with heart rate. These disperse throughout the brain, aiding metabolism, and at the same time eliminate toxic waste products. Alongside heart rate, lower-frequency events of respiration, and vasomotion contribute to glymphatic pulsations [
Slow-wave sleep is linked to glymphatic clearance, but also dementia. A third of Alzheimer’s patients suffer from clinically diagnosed sleep disturbances, and the vast majority Alzheimer’s patients have a shorter total sleep time and impaired slow-wave sleep, with both these deteriorations of sleep often predating its onset [
14]. The complex cascade of neurotransmitters and hormones involved in sleep regulation is affected in Alzheimer’s disease [
14]. Additionally, in healthy mice, a single night of sleep deprivation was sufficient to increase amyloid-beta deposition [
15]. Sleep impairment therefore appears as an influential risk factor for neurodegenerative disease [
15] that should ideally be recognized by general practitioners and medical specialists alike.
In this manuscript, we have described the results of lifestyle choices on glymphatic clearance; we here provide a summary of the findings. Sleep position, alcohol intake, exercise, omega-3 consumption, intermittent fasting and chronic stress all modulate glymphatic clearance, thereby potentially altering the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. 1. Gravity affects the movement of blood and CSF throughout the brain, and sleep position will therefore play a role in the clearance of waste products from the brain [
8]. Neurodegenerative patients spend a much larger percentage of time in the supine position, which suggests a connection between time in supine position and dementia [
8]. Glymphatic transport is most efficient in the right lateral sleeping position, with more CSF clearance occurring compared to supine and prone [
6]. 2. High levels of both endogenous and exogenous marine-based fish oils known as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n3-PUFAs) are associated with lower incidence of neurodegenerative disease, and n3-PUFA supplementation has been suggested to delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease [
19]. n3-PUFAs promote amyloid-beta clearance and reduce aggregate formation by inhibiting the activation of astrocytes, protecting against the loss of AQP4 polarization, and therefore reduce the chance of amyloid-related injury [
19]. They exhibit anti-amyloidogenic activity, decrease amyloid-beta production, modulate aggregation and decrease downstream toxicity [
19]. 3. Alcohol consumption can either boost or hinder glymphatic clearance, depending on dosage and chronic or acute consumption. Acute and chronic exposure to high doses of alcohol (1 g/kg) dramatically reduces glymphatic transport in awake mice [
18]. This suggests that heavy alcohol consumption for prolonged periods of time greatly increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease [
18]. On the other hand, both acute and chronic exposure to low doses of alcohol (0.5 g/kg) increased glymphatic clearance [
18]. Low doses of alcohol improved glymphatic function, due to decreased GFAP expression, and avoided the loss of AQP4 [
18]. Physical training in mice showed a notable improvement in both memory and cognition impairments, associated with neurodegenerative disease [
16]. 4. Physical exercise decreased astrocyte and microglia activation, leading to reduced inflammation, and increased the movement of ISF [
16]. The increase in ISF movement accelerated glymphatic clearance and reduced amyloid-beta accumulation [
16]. The increase in ISF movement is due to improved polarization of AQP4, resulting in a decline in amyloid plaques and neuroinflammation [
16]. This confirms the benefits of exercise on brain health and cognition in the elderly and demonstrates the usefulness for exercise as a neuroprotective lifestyle choice for brain aging and neurodegeneration [
16]. 5. Chronic stress is a common risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Short-term stress is crucial for adaptation and survival, but long-term stress can be detrimental to both body and mind [
20]. Chronic stress accelerates the accumulation and deposition of amyloid-beta [
20]. Mice exposed to stress exhibited decreased glymphatic influx and efflux, decreased expression and loss of the polarization of AQP4 and a reduction in AQP4-bearing astrocytes [
20]. 6. Intermittent fasting ultimately downregulates the expression of AQP4-M1, decreasing the AQP4-M1/AQP4-M23 ratio, and therefore increases AQP4 polarization along the paravenous space, increasing glymphatic clearance [
17]. Intermittent fasting therefore improves cognitive function and decreases amyloid-beta deposition, by increasing polarity mediated through, and by the upregulation of, the AQP4-M1/AQP4-M23 ratio [
17]. Intermittent-day fasting decreases the amount of amyloid-beta deposition.
These lifestyle choices in various ways modulate the levels of glymphatic clearance, lowering the risk of, or possibly even preventing, Alzheimer’s disease. Each lifestyle choice has a different mechanistic route, but all seem to function by changing the number or polarity of AQP4 channels. These can be split into two categories, with differing degrees of recommendations. Easily modifiable lifestyle choices include alcohol intake, omega-3 consumption, sleep position and exercise. Alcohol should only be consumed in low doses (0.5 g/kg) if at all, and avoided in moderate or high quantities. Omega-3 supplementation is recommended. Self-reported sleep position is often unreliable, however with the use of sleep positional therapies, an individual can be trained to alter their sleep position. Each individual should exercise moderately for 150 min a week or vigorously for 75 min. The less clear-cut lifestyle choices include intermittent fasting and chronic stress reduction. Intermittent fasting has only been investigated thus far in animal models, and can have harmful effects on humans, thus it requires further investigation. Chronic stress is treatable, but this is not as simple as taking supplementation and may require other therapeutic means. Although medication for chronic stress exists, this is a sensitive case-specific option that requires detailed and precise clinical assessment and is beyond the scope of this paper. Easily modifiable or not, lifestyle choices undoubtedly impact glymphatic clearance and should be harnessed to avoid brain ageing and neurodegeneration.
A limitation within this paper is the lack of direct information on Alzheimer’s disease sufferers. Although this literature review clearly highlights the effectiveness of lifestyle choices as a prevention of neurodegeneration, most of these findings come from murine studies, as there is only little in vivo human evidence for lifestyle choices altering neurodegeneration. Firstly, these findings need to be replicated in humans. Secondly, since this is emerging research and little literature exists, especially concerning lifestyle choices, each recommendation should be examined further before application. Therefore our suggestion that these lifestyle choices are causally linked is provided with the caveat that it is based on a small number of studies that need to replicated. Thirdly, these findings only demonstrate impaired glymphatic clearance, but the precise causal relationships still remain to be elucidated. Fourth and finally, these lifestyle choices need to be assessed in relation to each other, since we simply do not know whether these effects will summate, synergize or cancel each other out.
There seems a compelling need to capitalize on the glymphatic system to harness the potential for reducing dementia rates. Although AQP4 channels have been identified as a potential drug target, a suitable drug is yet to be developed; lifestyle choices therefore remain the best available option for regulating AQP4 numbers and polarization. Future studies should amongst others (see
Table 1) empirically confirm the causality between lifestyle choices and improved glymphatic clearance, to quickly develop effective lifestyle interventions. Since existing glymphatic research consists mostly of animal studies, these findings need to be replicated in humans. Other avenues of research may include the role of exosomes (small extracellular vesicles) in transporting protein aggregates [
21]; it is as yet unknown if disregulation of the glymphatic system may contribute to neurodegenerative processes by reducing exosome removal.