Supporting Relatives Prior to Caregiver Burden—Preventive E-Mental Health Short Intervention for Family Members of Individuals with Parkinsonism in an Early Phase of the Disease: Protocol for a Feasibility Study
:1. Introduction
- Feasibility of the intervention: the feasibility will be assessed via acceptability, fit and subjective benefit.
- Feasibility of the manual (adherence): it is to be assessed whether all planned aspects of the intervention have been discussed or if there are other topics that will be brought up by the relatives.
- Feasibility of the study design: investigating the feasibility of the study design means critically reflecting on the mixed-methods approach, the process of a baseline measurement with post and follow-up assessments, as well as the validity of the questionnaire selection and the structure of the interview guide. The data from questionnaires will be used for exploratory analyses.
2. Methods and Study Design
2.1. Methods
- (1)
- Patients with a clinical diagnosis of Parkinsonism according to the Movement Disorder Society (MDS) criteria [2];
- (2)
- Patients aged ≥ 18 years;
- (3)
- Hoehn and Yahr stages I–II (OFF-state).
- (1)
- Hoehn and Yahr stage ≥ III (OFF-state);
- (2)
- No care requirements and/or outpatient or inpatient care;
- (3)
- Suspected dementia according to physicians’ reports and (third-party) anamnesis.
- (1)
- Partners of people diagnosed with Parkinsonism, living together in the same household;
- (2)
- Age ≥ 18 years;
- (3)
- Not involved in informal caregiving of the subject with Parkinsonism;
- (4)
- Willingness to use telemedicine, availability of a PC or tablet with stable internet connection;
- (5)
- No cognitive impairment (operationalized by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment [MoCA] [38], Blind Version ≥ 19; the MoCA Blind, which is suitable for online administration and therefore used here, is reduced to 22 items and converted back to 30 points maximum. A total of 19 points in the MoCA Blind version correspond to 26 points in the original MoCA “Full”);
- (1)
- Own caregiving requirement;
- (2)
- Severe depression (operationalized by the Beck’s Depression Inventory-II [BDI-II] ≥ 29 points) [39].
2.2. Study Design
2.3. Intervention Protocol
2.3.1. Session 1—Understanding the Situation of the Relatives, Stress-Management Strategies
2.3.2. Session 2—Social Network and Self-Management Strategies
2.3.3. Session 3—Conception of Further Strategies Based on Personal Values
2.4. Outcome Measures
2.4.1. Effects of the Intervention
2.4.2. Feasibility Analysis of the Intervention
2.4.3. Feasibility of the Intervention Manual
2.4.4. Feasibility of the Study Design
3. Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Measurements | Outcome | Baseline | Post Intervention | Follow-Up (6 Weeks) |
Patients | ||||
Sociodemografic data | Personal data | x | ||
Big-Five-Inventory 10 (BFI) | Personality | x | ||
PDQ-39 | Health status regarding PD | x | ||
Beck’s Depression inventory (BDI-II) | Depression | x | ||
Relatives | ||||
Sociodemografic data | Personal data | x | ||
Montreal Assessment (Moca) Blind 8.1 | Cognition | x | ||
Parkinson’s disease caregiver burden questionnaire (PDCB) | Burden on family carergiver | x | x | x |
Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) | Burden on family carergiver | x | ||
Beck Depression inventory (BDI-II) | Depression | x | x | x |
Health-related quality of life (EQ-5D) | Health-related quality of life | x | x | x |
Coping Inventory for Dealing with Stressful Situations (CISS) | Coping strategies for stressful situations | x | x | x |
Questionnaire on Health-Related Resources and Self-Management Skills (FERUS) | Health-related self-management strategies | x | x | x |
Therapy Expectancy and Evaluation Questionnaire (PATHEV) | Therapy Expectancy | x | x | |
Big-Five-Inventory 10 (BFI) | Personality | x | ||
Subjective Benefit (Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ)) | Subjective Benefit | x | ||
Semi-structured Interview | Feasibility of the intervention | x | x |
Outcome | Measurement Instruments | Operationalisation |
Feasibility of the Intervention | ||
Acceptance | Interview | Willingness of the target group to participate |
Reasons for participation | ||
Evaluation of the digital intervention | ||
Fit | Interview | Scope of the intervention |
Effort for the relatives | ||
Choice of timing | ||
Suggestions for optimization | ||
Overall assessment | ||
Subjective Benefit | Interview | Particularly helpful aspects |
Psychosocial changes that the relatives notice about themselves | ||
Evaluation of the intervention | Questionnaire (Filled in by the relative) | Questionnaires for the evaluation of each session |
Feasibility of the intervention manual | ||
Adherence | Questionnaire (Filled in by Advisor) | Assess whether all intended aspects of the intervention have been discussed. A maximum of 14 points can be achieved |
Feasibility of the study design | ||
Quality criteria | Expert panel | Quantiative: Validity, reliability, objectivity Qualitative: Transparency, intersubjectivity, range Drop-Out-Analysis |
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Share and Cite
Muente, C.; Folkerts, A.-K.; Kalbe, E.; Thieken, F.; Assmann, L.-E.; Widritzki, M.; Eggers, C.; Pedrosa, D.; Wilhelm, M. Supporting Relatives Prior to Caregiver Burden—Preventive E-Mental Health Short Intervention for Family Members of Individuals with Parkinsonism in an Early Phase of the Disease: Protocol for a Feasibility Study. Brain Sci. 2022, 12, 442.
Muente C, Folkerts A-K, Kalbe E, Thieken F, Assmann L-E, Widritzki M, Eggers C, Pedrosa D, Wilhelm M. Supporting Relatives Prior to Caregiver Burden—Preventive E-Mental Health Short Intervention for Family Members of Individuals with Parkinsonism in an Early Phase of the Disease: Protocol for a Feasibility Study. Brain Sciences. 2022; 12(4):442.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMuente, Catharina, Ann-Kristin Folkerts, Elke Kalbe, Franziska Thieken, Laura-Elisa Assmann, Maria Widritzki, Carsten Eggers, David Pedrosa, and Marcel Wilhelm. 2022. "Supporting Relatives Prior to Caregiver Burden—Preventive E-Mental Health Short Intervention for Family Members of Individuals with Parkinsonism in an Early Phase of the Disease: Protocol for a Feasibility Study" Brain Sciences 12, no. 4: 442.
APA StyleMuente, C., Folkerts, A.-K., Kalbe, E., Thieken, F., Assmann, L.-E., Widritzki, M., Eggers, C., Pedrosa, D., & Wilhelm, M. (2022). Supporting Relatives Prior to Caregiver Burden—Preventive E-Mental Health Short Intervention for Family Members of Individuals with Parkinsonism in an Early Phase of the Disease: Protocol for a Feasibility Study. Brain Sciences, 12(4), 442.