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Journal: J. Clin. Med., 2021
Volume: 10
Number: 4758

Article: Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection Managed by Interventional Radiology
Authors: by Anna Maria Ierardi, Andrea Coppola, Silvia Tortora, Elena Valconi, Filippo Piacentino, Federico Fontana, Elvira Stellato, Chiara Beatrice Cogliati, Daniela Torzillo, Emanuela Giampalma, Matteo Renzulli, Irene Bargellini, Roberto Cioni, Rossella Scandiffio, Angelo Spinazzola, Riccardo Alessandro Foà, Costantino Del Giudice, Massimo Venturini and Gianpaolo Carrafiello

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