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Journal: J. Clin. Med., 2023
Volume: 12
Number: 3629

Article: Assessment of the Utilization of Validated Diagnostic Predictive Tools and D-Dimer in the Evaluation of Pulmonary Embolism: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study from a Public Hospital in New York City
Authors: by Amrin Kharawala, Jiyoung Seo, Diego Barzallo, Gabriel Hernandez Romero, Yunus Emre Demirhan, Gustavo J. Duarte, Charan Thej Reddy Vegivinti, Manuel Hache-Marliere, Prasanth Balasubramanian, Heitor Tavares Santos, Sanjana Nagraj, Majd Al Deen Alhuarrat, Dimitrios Karamanis, Dimitrios Varrias and Leonidas Palaiodimos

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