1. Introduction
Italian ryegrass (
Lolium multiflorum; IRG), belonging to the grass family (Poaceae), is among the many annual forage grass species cultivated in winter in Korea [
1]. Native to the Mediterranean coastal region, particularly Italy, IRG is a top, gramineous grass with distinct leaf veins and a superficial gloss on the back. Thriving predominantly in warm climates, IRG exhibits high fibrous palatability, moisture tolerance, and regeneration ability. Nonetheless, it is susceptible to summer depression [
3]. In Korea, 20 IRG varieties have been developed, with recommended local cultivars including Kowinearly, Greenfarm, and Kowinmaster and recommended foreign varieties featuring cultivars such as Florida80 and Tetraflorum [
5]. Additionally, perennial ryegrass (
Lolium perenne; PRG), also a member of the grass family (Poaceae), is among several perennial forage species cultivated in Europe [
6] PRG shares similar morphological traits with IRG, such as height and flat, glossy leaves. However, efforts to improve PRG varieties are constrained by the limited diversity within its cultivars, which can be utilized for breeding in the Korean cultivation environment. Currently, research efforts to breed and cultivate IRG varieties are mainly concentrated in Korea, where IRG is often utilized in double cropping systems with rice. In contrast, PRG has not been extensively bred in Korea and is predominantly employed to create mixed pastures. Notable foreign recommendations for PRG varieties include Reville and Bastion [
DNA-based molecular markers offer several advantages, including independence from environmental influences and the ability to provide an impartial assessment of genetic diversity and relationality. In the case of IRG, molecular studies have utilized amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), simple sequence repetition (SSR), and sequence tag site (STS) genetic diversity assessments within both varieties and wild species [
10]. Similarly, investigations into PRG have employed AFLPs [
11] single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis [
12] and RFLP, STS, and SSR methodologies [
18]. Moreover, SSR markers, characterized by their codominant nature, multiple alleles, and high polymorphic information content (PIC) values, have primarily been utilized to discriminate varieties and assess the genetic diversity and flexibility of genetic resources [
24]. Furthermore, a substantial number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) have recently been identified, and research employing EST-SSR markers has been conducted across various species or genera within several grain crop species [
29]. In particular, as EST-SSR markers are evolutionarily conserved, they harbor the potential for genetic transfer among the species involved [
Understanding genetic abundance and distribution is pivotal as they affect the evolutionary potential of species [
31]. SSR markers offer an accessible and practical method that does not require expensive equipment. Previously, several studies have been conducted among pasture and polycross varieties [
34]. However, studies validating the genetic diversity within varieties are lacking. In this study, 87 samples, comprising nine IRG varieties and two PRG varieties, were analyzed using 66 polymorphic SSR markers. The investigation aimed to determine the distribution of genetic diversity, both within individual varieties and across varieties. Ultimately, the findings of this study facilitate the creation of breeds exhibiting superior development compared to their parents through polycross and heterosis breeding. The results provide a database that will expedite the breeding process and enhance economic outcomes while fostering varieties’ development in the future.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Material
This study evaluates the genetic diversity of eight IRG varieties (Hwasan 104ho, Kowinearly, Kowinmaster, Greenfarm, Greencall, Greencall 2ho, IR605, and IR901), one exotic IRG variety (Florida 80), and two perennial ryegrass varieties (Kentaur and Aspire). All seeds were provided by the National Institute of Animal Science (Jeonju, Republic of Korea), except for Aspire, which was sourced from Samoeco (Seongnam, Republic of Korea). Two PRG varieties were included in this analysis because they are gaining attention from the Korean livestock industry. This was done to better understand the genetic relationship between IRG and PRG. Thirty-two seeds per variety were cultivated in the high-tech greenhouse at Chungbuk National University for phenotype comparison. From each variety, eight individuals were selected for analysis (except Aspire, which included seven individuals) based on observed differences (
Table 1).
2.2. DNA Extraction
The plants were cultivated for 60 days, and young and bright green leaves were chosen and sampled. Subsequently, these samples were ground in liquid nitrogen and processed according to the protocols outlined in the DNeasy® Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) The DNA extracted from the samples was quantified at 10 ng/µL using the NanoDrop One C Spectrophotometer (TermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA).
2.3. SSR Marker Selection and Diversity Analysis
PCR amplification was performed using the AllInOneCycle™ PCR system (Bioneer Corp., Daejeon, Republic of Korea). The total volume of the reaction mixture was 10 µL, comprising 1 µL of DNA at 10 ng/µL, 5 µL of GoTaq Green Master Mix (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), and 2 µL of forward and reverse primers at 10 pmol/µL each. The markers utilized were produced by Bioneer Company (Daejeon, Republic of Korea). PCR was initiated with denaturation at 95 °C for 9 min, followed by 34 cycles under the following conditions: denaturation at 95 °C for 30 s, annealing at 50 to 60 °C for 30 s, and extension at 72 °C for 1 min. A final extension at 72 °C for 7 min concluded the process. Electrophoresis was conducted at 150 V for 50 min using a 2.5% agarose gel prepared with Tris–acetate–EDTA (TAE) buffer based on the selected markers. Subsequently, EtBr (ethidium bromide) was added to a tank of TAE buffer, and the agarose gel underwent staining for 10 min. The gel was then subjected to UV illumination through the Digital Imaging System GDS-200D (Korea Lab Tech, Seongnam, Republic of Korea) to confirm the band pattern. For a more precise determination, to obtain more accurate base pair (bp) sizes, the selected markers underwent analysis using a 96-capillary automated DNA fragment analyzer (Fragment Analyzer™ 96, Advanced Analytical Technologies, Inc., Ames, IA, USA). The required materials for this analysis included FA dsDNA gel, 5 × 930 dsDNA inlet buffer, dilution buffer 1× TE, insertion dye, markers, DNA ladder (with fragments of 35, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, and 500 bp), 5 × capillary conditioning solution, capillary storage solution, and mineral oil. The database was constructed based solely on bands within the range of 35–500 bp, and analysis was performed using PROSize™ 3.0 software (Advanced Analytical Technologies, Inc., Ankeny, IA, USA).
2.4. Data Analysis
The genetic distance was analyzed using [
35] method implemented in the power marker software, and the resulting data were used to construct a UPGMA dendrogram employing Nei’s genetic distance in MEGA 4.0 [
36]. The genetic similarity was determined based on Rohlf’s simple matching (SM) coefficient using NTSYSpcver.2.1 software, wherein alleles were designated as ‘1’ or ‘0’ depending on their presence or absence [
37]). The SSRs after screening were used to calculate the average number of alleles (Na), average effective number of alleles (Ne), observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), fixation index (FST), and private alleles (PAs), and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was employed to assess the significance of genetic variation within and among individuals using the GenAlEx analysis ver. 6.5 package [
35]. The program STRUCTURE ver. 2.3.4 was employed to detect potential sub-populations (K = 1 to K = 15) utilizing a model accommodating admixture and correlated allele frequencies. This analysis involved a burn-in of 100,000 iterations and a run length of 100,000, with 20 iterations performed thereafter [
36]. The optimal number of populations corresponded to the highest value in the k graph [
38]. The bulk strategy was implemented with eight individuals per group (except for Aspire, which had seven individuals), to ascertain the genetic distance between groups. The bulk strategy involved extracting DNA from individual samples and diluting it to 10 ng/μL using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). The PCR conditions (Bioneer Corporation, Daejeon, Republic of Korea) were consistent with those previously described, with us utilizing 60 markers for each DNA sample. Accordingly, each DNA sample was divided into 60 aliquots, with one marker added to each aliquot for PCR amplification. The precise base pair (bp) lengths were determined using a 96-capillary automated DNA fragment analyzer (Fragment Analyzer™ 96, Advanced Analytical Technologies, Inc., Ames, IA, USA). The presence or absence of DNA fragments in the individual PCR samples was recorded as ‘1’ for a clear band and ‘0’ for no band. These binary values from eight samples per variety were grouped by variety for further analysis. Additionally, the bulk strategy was utilized in conjunction with NTSYSpcver.2.1 software [
39] and GenAlExver 6.51 software [
40] to construct UPGMA dendrograms and principal component analysis (PCoA) in both 2D and 3D models (i.e., with ‘1’ representing an identical band and ‘0’ representing an absent or differing band) [
4. Discussion
Morphological features have traditionally been used to characterize and distinguish between plant varieties. However, this method may prove inaccurate due to variations in growing environments across regions, rendering it inefficient, time-consuming, and costly [
47]. Over the last two decades, molecular markers and agronomic traits have been actively utilized in studies on forage grasses [
51]. Among these markers, SSR markers have garnered attention owing to their high polymorphisms and reliable reproducibility [
52]. EST-SSR markers, which target coding region DNA, offer advantages over genomic SSR markers, particularly in applications involving transcription sequences and heterologous species [
53]. Consequently, SSR markers have become instrumental in evaluating genetic diversity and identifying diversity within various crops [
56] horticultural plants [
59], and forage species [
This study evaluated genetic variation within and between populations, encompassing 87 samples. These included eight IRG varieties developed in Korea, one exotic variety, and two PRG exotic varieties, each comprising eight individuals except for Aspire, which had seven.
This examination employed 66 SSR markers. Previous studies on genetic diversity showed ranges of 0.25–0.76 [
63] and 0.019–0.236 [
34]. However, our study demonstrated a higher range of genetic diversity (0.469–0.571). Currently, in Korea, the registration of new varieties under the Act on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants considers novelty (Article 17), distinctness (Article 18), uniformity (Article 19), stability (Article 20), genealogy, phenotype, and other agronomic characteristics such as morphological, physiological, and biochemical traits. This approach is crucial for enhancing reliable variety identification and the protection of breeders’ rights. Pasture breeding typically involves heterosis and polycross, resulting in a large genetic distance within varieties and low differentiation between variants [
64]. Accordingly, the sample selection method and breeding techniques utilizing molecular markers serve as tools for enhancing breeding efficiency.
Previous studies have explored the clusters in dendrograms, focusing on similar characteristics such as morphology and heading date, with consideration given to the variety, breeding location, and country [
65]. Our study yielded similar results in the cluster analysis, PCoA, and bulk strategy analysis concerning the genetic distance between varieties. Specifically, varieties in the same species were mainly clustered according to ploidy. Furthermore, Greencall and Greencall 2ho consistently showed similar results in our dendrogram. Whenever Greencall 2ho was present within a cluster, it was positioned under Greencall. This observation aligns with our breeding line data, which was derived from parental lines with a similar genetic background (
Table S10). Furthermore, we found that Greencall and Greencall 2ho share morphological similarities, growth habits, and blooming periods. However, Greencall 2ho has a thicker stem compared to Greencall. Similarly, Kowinearly and Kowinmaster showed analogous patterns in the dendrogram, PCoA, and bulk strategy analysis. Whenever Kowinmaster was clustered, it was included in Kowinearly, and these observations were corroborated by the structural analysis. Additionally, Kowinearly and Kowinmaster were developed using five different parental lines, three of which are shared (
Table S10). This explains their similar morphological characteristics, growth habits, and blooming periods. However, they differed in their blooming periods, with Kowinearly being an early-maturing variety and Kowinmaster being a mid-maturing variety [
67]. Interestingly, in the PCoA, Kowinearly, Greenfarm, and Greencall 2ho were found to share breeding with Florida 80, indicating a shared genetic heritage. Furthermore, Greencall and Greencall 2ho utilized Kowinearly for cross-breeding, resulting in a shared genetic heritage with Kowinearly. Similarly, Greencall and Greenfarm utilized Kospeed for cross-breeding, resulting in a shared genetic heritage with Kospeed (
Table S10). Structural analysis at a K value of 2 initially posed challenges in distinguishing between polyploid species such as diploids or tetraploids. However, this issue was resolved by increasing the K value to 3. The structural analysis showed results similar to those of the 2D PCoA for the 87 samples. This suggests that both structural analysis and PCoA can effectively differentiate pasture species. These analyses can be employed to confirm polyploidy between varieties or to obtain information on new varieties. It is imperative to utilize established databases, as these methods rely on standardized reference points derived from existing knowledge about varieties.
Information on the breeding system, reproductive biology, and life history of a species informs decisions regarding the number of individuals to sample within populations. This may entail sampling many individuals from a few populations or sampling fewer individuals from more populations [
68]. The genetic diversity of grasses typically surpasses that of general plants such as rice [
55] and soybean [
56] due to grasses’ unique characteristics such as the polycross breeding methods employed and their allogamous nature, heterosis, and self-incompatibility. Research on the genetic diversity of pasture grasses, such as IRG, PRG, and orchard grass, has varied in sampling approaches, with some studies analyzing as few as 1–3 individuals per variety and others analyzing up to 100 or more individuals per variety [
70]. Our study employed genetic diversity analysis and AMOVA, among other methods, with seven to eight individuals per variety, and it yielded results consistent with those of previous studies. The findings of our study suggest that utilizing molecular markers for variety breeding is both time- and cost-efficient.
The AMOVA revealed a higher variation within varieties, at 90%, than among them. Similar outcomes were observed in previous studies on pasture grasses, consistent with our findings [
72]. Genetic variation within varieties is higher than that between one maternal and one paternal line because pasture grasses are characterized by self-incompatibility, allogamous plants, and the polycross breeding method. Consequently, the genetic distance between varieties was confirmed using a bulk strategy, which allowed us to analyze varieties exhibiting high genetic variation [
73]. Furthermore, bulk strategies serve as valuable tools for handling ‘rare’ bands that arise from diversity creating within-variety variation [
74]. In the bulk strategy analysis, eight individuals per variety (except Aspire, which comprised seven individuals) were grouped, yielding results similar to those obtained when structural analysis and 2D PCoA were employed.
5. Conclusions
This study investigated the genetic diversity and relationships among eight IRG and two PRG varieties using 66 SSR markers, revealing substantial within-variety variation (90%) as demonstrated by AMOVA. Molecular markers, including genomic SSR and EST-SSR, effectively differentiated diploid and tetraploid varieties and distinguished IRG from PRG species. Analyses such as clustering, PCoA, and structural evaluation consistently grouped varieties by species and ploidy, while highlighting close genetic relationships, such as those between Greencall and Greencall 2ho. The bulk strategy further validated these findings, confirming the genetic diversity and distinct clustering of varieties like Kowinearly and Kowinmaster, which share parental lines and traits.
Despite the increasing importation of forage grasses in Korea, the availability of high-quality domestic varieties remains limited. While traditional breeding has been pivotal in variety development, molecular marker research—widely adopted internationally—remains underutilized locally. This study highlights the potential of molecular markers and linkage maps as powerful tools to elucidate the genetic diversity and varietal characteristics of Korean forage grasses. To maximize the applicability of these findings, incorporating key agronomic traits such as biomass and cellulose content is crucial. The research team is actively preparing to evaluate the agronomic performance of these varieties, ensuring a comprehensive approach to forage grass improvement. By integrating a robust database for marker-assisted breeding with agronomic performance analysis, this research offers a pathway to enhance agronomic traits, improve breeding efficiency, and foster innovation in the Korean forage grass industry, paving the way for a more sustainable and self-sufficient future.