Conservation Soil Tillage: Bridging Science and Farmer Expectations—An Overview from Southern to Northern Europe
:1. Introduction
- Increased water infiltration and improved soil structure due to crop residues on the surface;
- Reduced surface water runoff and soil erosion (water and soil retention by crop residues);
- Reduced evaporation and increased soil surface protection from solar radiation due to crop residues on the surface;
- Reduced crop stress intensity due to lack or excess of soil moisture (increased infiltration and reduced evaporation), due to day–night temperature oscillations, as well as due to high air temperatures;
- Less requirements for mechanization and human labor in soil tillage;
- Lower input costs (price) of fuel and human labor.
- Increased soil organic matter (SOM) content results in better soil structure, higher cation exchange capacity (CEC), better nutrient availability, and greater soil water capacity;
- Increased and stabilized crop yield levels;
- Reduction in production costs (lower capital investments);
- Increased biological activity in the soil and environment (better biological pest control);
- Reduced weed infestation.
2. Perspectives of Conservation Soil Tillage from Southern to Northern Europe
2.1. Croatia Case Study
2.2. Serbia Case Study
- The period 1980–2000—first meaningful experiments and demo trials positioning CST among cropping systems, critical judgments, and the identification of advantages and limitations [51]. The beginning of judicious expansion of CST, mainly driven by the intention of lowering production cost and improving tillage effectiveness (energy consumption, testing the equipment, and lowering labor costs) and efficiency compared with plowing tillage. During this period, conservation tillage methods served as a learning example and scientific platform for research of alternatives to plowing [56,57,58].
- Expansion phase 2000–2020—Began when the first evidence of climate change became apparent. Thus, in the 21st century, the main requirement for the change from CT to CST comes to the fore with decreasing soil quality, extreme climatic events, and adaptation of a new crop variety suitable for novel machinery. It has also been observed that intensive tillage is the main driver of accelerated mineralization and loss of organic matter and, thus, loss of carbon and nitrogen [59]. During this period, there was considerable progress in the availability of the machinery.
- In the period after 2020, significant advances related to information and communication technology became broadly available for agriculture, and the demand for adaptation of CST practices comes from the circumstance of increased use of precision farming and GPS tracking, which are fully compatible with the new approach to tillage. The wide availability and diversity of CST machinery as well as the digital solution in agriculture become inseparable settings to farmers and largely supported by national and European funds [60,61].
- Re-establish the connection between academia, the extension service, machine dealers, and farmers by organizing field days, focus groups, or interactive workshops on the selected topic;
- Establish long-term trials with CST systems vs. CT systems;
- Introduce special incentives for those applying the selected types of CST adaptable to the regional level;
- Create a national strategy for adaptation of tillage technologies for mitigation of CC including the carbon-farming agenda,
- Provide a dedicated ICT (Information and communication technology) solution to support conservation practices, with specific guidance to demonstrate their benefits.
2.3. Hungary Case Study
- Ecological aspects come to the fore, and the environmental load can be significantly reduced;
- The soil structure and fertility improve, the soil organic carbon stock increases, and soil degradation can be minimized;
- With the introduction of mulching, the soil surface is protected from erosion, and the absorption and retention of precipitation improves;
- In addition to the crop being placed at the center of production, soil protection and economy receive similar attention;
- Much less fossil fuel is used than in conventional cultivation systems.
2.4. Slovakia Case Study
- 1a. The Research Institute of Plant Production (RIPP), an important entity within the National Agricultural and Food Center (NPPC), serves as a leading center for agricultural research. It focuses on investigating soil tillage practices and the agroecological dynamics of cropping systems. A major component of its work includes conducting long-term field trials, with particular emphasis on CST methods and their impact on promoting sustainable agricultural practices (RIPP–NPPC [129].
- 1b. The Research Institute of Soil Science and Conservation (SSCRI) as a body of NPCC plays a pivotal role in pedological, agricultural, and environmental research (RIPP–NPPC [130]). The institute is responsible for conducting soil surveys and pedological research, and it manages the Register of Slovak Soils, which is part of a comprehensive Soil Information System. SSCRI also administers the publicly accessible soil and landscape information system, available through the Soil Information Portal [131]. This platform provides farmers with spatial mapping data, enabling them to identify soil blocks suitable for minimal tillage, thus, supporting the application of conservation tillage. The relevance of this information was previously highlighted by Vilček et al. [119].
2.5. Czech Republic Case Study
- large fields (on an average 20 ha, but there are even parcels of 200 ha);
- reduction in the dense network of linear elements and spot elements in the landscape (such as paths, grass belts, groves, ties, etc.), which could potentially prevent or reduce surface runoff;
- extensive soil amelioration with the introduction of dense networks of tile drains and straightening and deepening of streams;
- drainage of inundation areas, leading to more arable land but to lower water retention capacity of the landscape in the same time;
- transformation of grasslands and pastures into arable areas in morphologically unfavorable landscape areas (foothills and slope areas);
- usage of heavy machinery, which has resulted in soil compaction and reduced soil infiltration capacity;
- planting of wide row crops with higher sensitivity to water erosion (e.g., maize, sunflower, potatoes, sugar beet) on slopes;
- a drastic reduction in organic matter inputs, due to reduced livestock production since the 1990s;
- increased application of mineral fertilizers since the 1970s;
- insufficient use of modern CST technologies and a lack of political support for soil protective cultivation of the land.
2.6. Poland Case Study
3. Farmer’s Relation to Conservation Soil Tillage
- -
- “Conservation Soil Tillage is a new technique or technology and sounds like a novelty created by someone (usually scientists), provided by the government to bother farmers and complicate the process of crop production”, or opposite;
- -
- “Conservation Soil Tillage is not a new technique or technology, and its application can help my farm, my financials, and the environment”.
- What is the basic difference between Conservation Agriculture and Conservation Tillage?
- On which types of soil CST can be implemented?
- What types of tools are allowed in the CST system?
- Which crops can be grown in the CST system?
- What is the minimum, maximum and optimal coverage of the soil surface with crop residues in CST?
- Does the CST system allow the use of plowing if the soil surface is mulched afterward?
- How many years should pass in the CST system to re-plow the soil?
- What is the allowed (minimum, maximum, optimal) depth of tillage in the CST system?
- Can CST be applied for just one year, or must it be carried out continuously?
- What is the simplest way to measure/estimate the coverage (amount) of crop residues on the soil surface in the CST system?
- How important is it to finely chop crop residues, and does it affect the quality of CST performance?
- How to apply mineral fertilizers in the CST system?
- How to “deal” with an excessive amount of crop residues on the soil surface (can the crop residues be burned) in the CST system?
- What yields can be expected in a CST system?
- How are other agronomic practices (protection, fertilization, irrigation) carried out in the CST system?
- And maybe the most frequent questions: what are the risks, benefits, and support?
- Agriculture without plowing actually is not agriculture!
- My soil type * is not suitable for application of CST (* soil texture, field on a slope or in a hilly region, dry region, or region with precipitation in surplus)!
- Only plowing can accumulate enough moisture in the soil—not the CST system!
- There is no efficient system of mineral fertilizer application in the CST system!
- High and stable yields can only be achieved by plowing!
- Inadequate and expensive machinery/tools, primarily seed drills,
- Difficulties in handling a large amount of crop residues on the soil surface,
- Problems with the application of mineral and organic fertilizers at higher depths, especially in a direct seeding/planting system,
- Increased soil compaction,
- Poorer root development,
- Insufficiently effective crop protection from weeds, diseases, and pests,
- Increased surface accumulation of nutrients (primarily phosphorus and potassium),
- Challenges in implementing ameliorative measures for soil conditioning (e.g., liming),
- Lower soil temperature (in spring, it may delay sowing/planting),
- Slower soil drying (due to cover from crop residues on the soil surface).
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Correction Statement
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Year 1 | Area (ha)—CA | Total Area | Proportion of CA (%) | Number of Users—CA | Total Number of Users | Proportion —CA (%) |
2023 | 126,059 | 1,117,204 | 11 | 4066 | 107,393 | 4 |
2024 | 177,325 | 1,109,947 | 16 | 5599 | 100,946 | 6 |
NUTS 2 | NUTS 3 | Arable Land ha−1 |
Bratislava Region | Bratislava Region | 36,803 |
Bratislava Region Total | 36,803 | |
Western Slovakia | Trnava Region | 184,934 |
Trenčín Region | 34,522 | |
Nitra Region | 300,510 | |
Western Slovakia Total | 519,966 | |
Central Slovakia | Žilina Region | 0 |
Banská Bystrica Region | 64,903 | |
Central Slovakia Total | 64,903 | |
Eastern Slovakia | Prešov Region | 7166 |
Košice Region | 64,682 | |
Eastern Slovakia Total | 71,848 | |
NUTS 1 Slovakia | 693,520 | |
NUTS 1 Slovakia | Arable land | 1,417,983 |
NUTS 1 Slovakia | Total agricultural land | 2,417,932 |
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Share and Cite
Jug, D.; Jug, I.; Brozović, B.; Šeremešić, S.; Dolijanović, Ž.; Zsembeli, J.; Ujj, A.; Marjanovic, J.; Smutny, V.; Dušková, S.; et al. Conservation Soil Tillage: Bridging Science and Farmer Expectations—An Overview from Southern to Northern Europe. Agriculture 2025, 15, 260.
Jug D, Jug I, Brozović B, Šeremešić S, Dolijanović Ž, Zsembeli J, Ujj A, Marjanovic J, Smutny V, Dušková S, et al. Conservation Soil Tillage: Bridging Science and Farmer Expectations—An Overview from Southern to Northern Europe. Agriculture. 2025; 15(3):260.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJug, Danijel, Irena Jug, Bojana Brozović, Srdjan Šeremešić, Željko Dolijanović, Jozsef Zsembeli, Apolka Ujj, Jana Marjanovic, Vladimir Smutny, Soňa Dušková, and et al. 2025. "Conservation Soil Tillage: Bridging Science and Farmer Expectations—An Overview from Southern to Northern Europe" Agriculture 15, no. 3: 260.
APA StyleJug, D., Jug, I., Brozović, B., Šeremešić, S., Dolijanović, Ž., Zsembeli, J., Ujj, A., Marjanovic, J., Smutny, V., Dušková, S., Neudert, L., Macák, M., Wilczewski, E., & Đurđević, B. (2025). Conservation Soil Tillage: Bridging Science and Farmer Expectations—An Overview from Southern to Northern Europe. Agriculture, 15(3), 260.