1. Introduction
The increasing demand for agricultural production has resulted in a greater focus on sustainable management practices. These practices can help to minimize energy use and maintain soil fertility and crop yields at the same time [
1]. Reduced tillage techniques have been identified as a potentially effective solution to achieve these objectives. These techniques are characterized by decreased tillage frequency and depth, often consolidating many operations into single passes. These techniques may play a significant role in conserving soil moisture and reducing erosion. However, their impact on crop yields may vary [
3]. This improvement in productivity is often linked to enhanced soil carbon sequestration and improved soil structure [
Earthworms are an essential organism for maintaining soil health and fertility in agroecosystems. They act by providing several ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, soil structure improvement, and organic matter decomposition [
5]. Research has quantified these benefits, showing that earthworm activities can increase crop yield and above-ground biomass by up to 25% and 23%, respectively [
7]. The presence and abundance of earthworms serve as key indicators of soil biodiversity in agricultural systems, as they occupy multiple trophic levels and provide diverse ecosystem services that support both soil health and agricultural productivity [
8]. Their influence extends to improving soil microorganism activity and enhancing nutrient bioavailability [
9]. Earthworm populations in agricultural settings are significantly influenced by land management practices, particularly tillage systems, crop rotation diversity, and organic matter contributions [
The incorporation of modern agricultural gear into European farming systems, particularly in countries like Lithuania, has enabled farmers to abandon traditional plowing techniques. The shift to simplified tillage systems provides several advantages. These advantages include reduced fuel consumption and decreased labor requirements and production costs, at the same time providing environmental benefits. Studies across European agricultural landscapes have shown that these benefits extend beyond production aspects to include enhanced biodiversity and ecosystem services [
11]. The successful implementation of these systems in brief crop rotations requires careful assessment of soil agrochemical and agrophysical properties, weed pressure, disease occurrence, and the maintenance of soil biological communities, particularly earthworms as essential indicators of soil health.
Earthworms are typically classified into three distinct ecological categories based on their feeding habits, burrowing behavior, and soil habitat [
12]. Epigeic species: These earthworms reside on the surface litter layer, ingesting undecomposed organic matter. They do not create permanent burrows and have a negligible impact on soil formation [
13]. Endogeic species: These earthworms reside in and ingest organic matter within the upper mineral soil layers, creating horizontal burrows. They consume significant amounts of soil and its associated organic matter [
13]. Anecic species: These are deep-burrowing earthworms that create enduring vertical tunnels. They ingest surface waste, which they convey into their burrows, integrating it with soil [
13]. Previous research has shown that the functional diversity of these ecological groups significantly increases under reduced tillage practices, leading to enhanced soil ecosystem services [
In European agroecosystems, especially in temperate regions, earthworm ecosystems are typically dominated by endogeic and anecic species. In Lithuanian agricultural soils, commonly identified earthworm species are
Aporrectodea caliginosa (endogeic species),
Lumbricus terrestris (anecic species),
Allolobophora chlorotica (endogeic species), and
Aporrectodea rosea (endogeic species) [
15]. These species may respond quite differently depending on management practices applied.
The relationship between earthworms and agricultural productivity is bidirectional—while earthworms enhance soil fertility and crop growth, agricultural practices significantly influence earthworm communities and their functional diversity [
16]. The intensity of tillage is a key factor influencing earthworm populations and community composition. Conventional tillage can lead to a significant reduction in earthworm populations due to deep plowing, which is characteristic for this soil management technique. This reduction occurs through multiple mechanisms: destruction of existing burrow networks, alteration of soil physical conditions including temperature and moisture regimes, and direct mechanical damage to earthworms during tillage operations [
17]. Studies indicate decreases of up to 70% in biomass and 80% in abundance in comparison to reduced tillage systems [
18]. A recent comprehensive meta-analysis of 165 publications across 40 countries has shown even more dramatic effects, with reduced tillage practices increasing earthworm abundance by 137% and biomass by 196% compared to conventional plowing, with particularly strong responses in soils under reduced tillage for over 10 years [
19]. Research in Lithuania indicates that shifting from conventional to conservation tillage practices can substantially increase the density and biomass of earthworm populations [
Earthworms contribute substantially to soil porosity and aggregate stability through their burrowing activities and cast production. Research indicates that earthworm channels can enhance water infiltration by up to 150% compared to soils without earthworm activity [
21]. Earthworm burrows play a crucial role in soil structure development, particularly in compacted soil layers where their channels serve as essential pathways for root growth [
22]. The heterogeneity created by earthworms through burrows and cast production is closely linked to local root adaptations and their tendency to proliferate in nutrient-rich sites [
23]. Soil moisture content is a critical factor influencing earthworm population dynamics. Water retained in soil micropores (width 30–0.2 µm) represents the capillary or plant-available soil moisture. The soil’s water-holding capacity is directly influenced by its pore structure, which includes pore size, shape, continuity, and tortuosity [
24]. Soil texture, organic matter content, and agricultural management practices alter these characteristics by influencing soil aggregate structure [
Research in Lithuania indicates that soil moisture content significantly affects earthworm population density, with variations based on soil type and texture [
26]. Sandy loam soils typically support more earthworm populations than denser soils, mostly due to enhanced drainage and aeration characteristics. Studies in the United States on winter wheat rotations have demonstrated that the quality and quantity of crop residue, along with soil moisture, affect earthworm population density and species-specific biomass growth [
The variety of crop rotation significantly influences earthworm populations. Research demonstrates that earthworm populations decline consistently with the decrease in crop rotation systems—from four-field to three-field and two-field rotations, resulting in average counts of 64.3, 62.1, and 57.7 individuals per m
2, respectively [
28]. The choice of the preceding crop significantly affects earthworm population density. The highest earthworm densities were seen after sugar beet (99 individuals m
−2), followed by barley and winter wheat (56 and 50 individuals m
−2, respectively), with the lowest densities recorded after peas (35 individuals m
−2) [
29]. Another study conducted in Lithuania demonstrated that after increasing the cereal proportion in crop rotation from 50% to 100%, a decline of 33% in earthworm population density was observed [
Conservation agricultural practices, like reduced tillage or retention of crop residue, have shown positive effects on earthworm populations. The positive effects of earthworms in agricultural soils are particularly pronounced in conservation agriculture systems, where they enhance water infiltration, decrease runoff, and prevent erosion through their burrowing activities [
5]. Global meta-analysis demonstrates that no-tillage and conservation agriculture can increase earthworm biomass by up to 196% and earthworm abundance by as much as 137% compared to conventional tillage [
Climate change poses an increasing challenge to earthworm populations because of changing ecological conditions across Lithuanian agroecosystems. The conservation of soil biodiversity through appropriate agricultural practices is becoming increasingly critical as climate change poses additional stress on agricultural ecosystems [
31]. As temperature and precipitation patterns become more variable, significant effects on earthworm activity, reproduction, and survival may be expected. In terms of the climatic conditions of Lithuania and the surrounding region, warming trends can lead to an extended period of earthworm activity; on the other hand, there is an increased risk of drought stress during the summer months [
Currently, research is focused on evaluating the feasibility of simplified tillage regimes and shorter crop rotations, at the same time preserving the soil quality and beneficial soil fauna populations. This is especially relevant for cultivated Central Lithuanian soils, where it is crucial to understand the effects of simplified tillage methods and shortened crop cycles on crop yield, soil physical parameters, and biological health, including earthworm populations.
1.1. Hypothesis
Simplified tillage and shortened crop rotations in Central Lithuanian Cambisols will not negatively impact earthworm populations or their biomass compared to conventional tillage and traditional rotation systems.
1.2. Goal
To investigate and validate the feasibility of shortened crop rotation cycles and the possibility of winter wheat re-cropping without detriment to soil properties or negative impacts on earthworm populations, which are critical markers of soil health
1.3. Objectives
To evaluate the effects of diverse tillage methods on soil physical properties (bulk density, penetration resistance, porosity, moisture content) across different crop rotations.
To examine the impact of tillage methods on soil pedobiological characteristics, namely the biomass and prevalence of earthworm populations.
To analyze the relationships between soil physical properties, management practices, and earthworm population dynamics.
To evaluate the optimal combinations of tillage techniques and crop rotation sequences that maintain both agricultural productivity and soil health.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Site and Experimental Design
The research was conducted during 2010–2014 at the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (55°23′38″ N, 23°51′35″ E). The experimental site was established on a Cambisol (Endocalcaric, Endogleyic) with two soil textures: sandy loam and loam. The experiment employed a split-plot design with two main factors: tillage system (Factor A) and crop rotation (Factor B). There were three complete blocks as replications, although only two blocks were used in 2010 due to the loss of data from replicate block 2 caused by adverse environmental conditions that hindered the collection of representative samples (
Figure 1).
2.2. Experimental Treatments
Tillage systems (Factor A) consisted of two contrasting approaches, with operational protocols detailed in
Table 1. All field operations were conducted at standard equipment speed of 8–10 km/h, with timing determined by soil conditions. Spring operations were initiated when soil reached physical maturity (35–60% of field capacity) and were friable without adhering to implements.
Crop rotation systems (Factor B) included three distinct patterns—three-field rotation (with three variants), two-field rotation (with two variants), and monoculture, implemented as detailed in
Table 2. Seeding rates were calculated assuming 100% seed viability and adjusted according to actual germination tests.
2.3. Soil Sampling and Analysis
Initial soil conditions were assessed in 2010 at the beginning of the experimental period. Undisturbed soil cores (100 cm3) were collected using steel cylinders from two depths (5–10 cm and 15–20 cm) in spring when soil moisture was at field capacity. Three samples were taken from each experimental plot using random sampling within the harvest area, avoiding plot edges. Sample locations were determined by randomly throwing a sampling ring within the designated area. Samples were stored at +2 °C until analysis. These baseline measurements provided context for understanding the initial soil habitat conditions under different management treatments.
Soil moisture content was determined gravimetrically by drying samples at 105 °C to constant weight. Bulk density was calculated from the oven-dried weight of the undisturbed core samples. Total porosity was calculated from bulk density values using particle density of 2.65 g/cm3. Aeration porosity was determined as the difference between total porosity and moisture-filled pore space at field capacity.
All samples were stored at +2 °C until analysis to preserve their physical condition. While these measurements represent initial conditions rather than temporal changes, they provide important baseline data for interpreting earthworm population responses to different management practices over the subsequent experimental period (2010–2014).
2.4. Earthworm Sampling and Analysis
Earthworm sampling was conducted post-harvest to avoid impact on crop yield assessment. Soil monoliths (25 cm × 25 cm in cross-section) were extracted to 25 cm depth, with one sample from each plot’s harvest area. Sample locations were determined using random selection within the harvest area by throwing a sampling ring. Each monolith was carefully hand-sorted in the field on a 2 m × 2 m polyethylene sheet.
Collected earthworms were immediately transferred to containers with moistened filter paper and transported to the laboratory. Specimens were washed with distilled water, counted, and weighed to determine fresh biomass. Population density was calculated as individuals per m2, and biomass was expressed as g per m2. All measurements were conducted within 24 h of collection to ensure accurate biomass determination.
2.5. Meteorological Conditions
Weather data were collected from the Dotnuva Meteorological Station located near the research site. Mean monthly air temperature and precipitation data were recorded for the growing period (April–October), which was further divided into seasons for analysis: spring (April–May), summer (June–August), and autumn (September–October). The detailed weather conditions are presented in
Table 3.
For analytical purposes, the following seasonal patterns were examined:
Spring (April–May): temperatures ranged from 6.1 °C to 12.4 °C, with precipitation varying from 11.7 mm to 34.6 mm.
Summer (June–August): mean temperatures were 17.7–19.2 °C, with precipitation ranging from 24.4 mm to 37.0 mm.
Autumn (September–October): temperatures averaged 8.5–10.7 °C, with precipitation between 10.1 mm and 22.8 mm.
The experimental period exhibited significant divergences from long-term averages (1924–2014), especially in precipitation patterns. The seasonal divisions were crucial for examining earthworm population dynamics and their responses to climatic conditions during the growing season.
2.6. Statistical Analysis
The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to evaluate data normality. To check homogeneity of variance, Levene’s test was employed. Square root transformation was utilized for earthworm abundance and biomass analysis when necessary to satisfy the assumptions of parametric statistical analyses.
The impact of tillage system, crop rotation, and year on earthworm abundance and biomass was assessed by three-way ANOVA, designating tillage and crop rotation as fixed factors and year as a repeated measure.
Two categories were utilized for rotation analysis: broad rotations (three-field, two-field, and monoculture) and detailed rotations (particular crop combinations within each rotation classification).
Multiple comparisons tests were performed using Tukey’s HSD test at p ≤ 0.05.
Mixed-effects modeling was performed to assess temporal patterns, using tillage system and crop rotation as fixed factors and block as a random effect. Soil parameters were included as covariates. Year-by-year analyses using two-way ANOVA were performed in case significant time interactions were detected.
Soil parameters were recorded in winter wheat plots at two depths (5–10 cm and 15–20 cm) from 2010 to 2012. Repeated-measures ANOVA was used to investigate treatment effects over time. Relationship between soil parameters and earthworm populations was analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis.
Principal component analysis was conducted to investigate significant correlations between measured variables, specifically soil physical factors and earthworm populations. Weather impact was examined by correlation analysis between climatic variables and both soil conditions and earthworm populations.
Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS version 30.0.0. Graphs were generated using SigmaPlot version Results are expressed as means ± standard error unless specified otherwise, and effects were deemed significant at p < 0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Initial Soil Physical Properties and Their Relationship with Earthworm Populations
Physical properties sampled at two depths (5–10 cm and 15–20 cm) in winter wheat plots in 2010 showed differences between tillage systems (
Table 4). Conventional tillage exhibited higher soil moisture content in the upper layer, as compared to no tillage. This difference was also significant (
p < 0.001) in the deeper layer. Bulk density showed minimal variation between tillage systems in the upper layer, though differences became more pronounced at 15–20 cm depth.
The correlation between physical properties and earthworm populations was significant in the upper soil layer, revealing a negative correlation between earthworm abundance and bulk density (r = −0.612, p = 0.041) and a positive correlation between earthworm abundance and total porosity (r = 0.583, p = 0.044). Relationships were less evident in the deeper soil layer. This suggests that surface conditions significantly influenced earthworm habitat quality.
3.2. Earthworm Population Dynamics
Data revealed a strong correlation between abundance and biomass (r = 0.927, p = 0.023). This indicates a stable community structure across treatments. Mixed-effects modeling indicated significant temporal variation (F3,141 = 15.965, p < 0.001) across populations.
Population data were analyzed using two approaches:
Broad Rotation Effects—examining rotations by generalized categories:
Three-field rotation (combining all three variants A, B, and C).
Two-field rotation (combining variants A and B).
Detailed Rotation Analysis—examining particular rotation sequences:
Variants of three-field rotations:
3A: spring barley → winter wheat → spring oilseed rape.
3B: winter wheat → spring oilseed rape → spring barley.
3C: spring oilseed rape → spring barley → winter wheat.
Two-field rotation variants:
Three-field rotation yielded the highest earthworm populations (abundance: 131.2 ± 7.0 individuals m
−2; biomass: 35.4 ± 3.2 g m
−2), followed by two-field rotation (abundance: 127.5 ± 9.4 individuals m
−2; biomass: 32.8 ± 2.9 g m
−2), whereas monoculture exhibited significantly lower values (abundance: 105.0 ± 13.2 individuals m
−2; biomass: 25.6 ± 2.7 g m
p < 0.048 for abundance,
p < 0.036 for biomass). Earthworm population dynamics patterns are represented graphically in
Figure 2 and
Figure 3.
Among specific sequences, both abundance and biomass showed considerable variation across treatments. The three-field B rotation (winter wheat → spring oilseed rape → spring barley) demonstrated the highest values under no till, peaking in 2014 for abundance (260.0 ± 34.9 individuals m−2) and in 2011 for biomass (57.63 ± 22.24 g m−2). The lowest values for both parameters were recorded in the monoculture system under no till in 2013 (abundance: 30.7 ± 5.3 individuals m−2; biomass: 8.53 ± 0.96 g m−2).
The strong correlation between abundance and biomass (r = 0.927, p = 0.023) indicated a consistent population structure across treatments, though temporal patterns differed slightly between these parameters.
3.3. Treatment Effects over Time
Three-way ANOVA demonstrated that temporal variation was the dominant factor influencing earthworm populations, with significant year effects observed for both abundance (F
4,108 = 17.227,
p < 0.001, partial η
2 = 0.390) and biomass (F
4,108 = 6.438,
p < 0.001, partial η
2 = 0.193). The impact of crop rotation showed variable effects on population parameters. Significance was marginal for abundance (F
5,108 = 2.116,
p = 0.069, partial η
2 = 0.089) but significant for biomass (F
5,108 = 2.479,
p = 0.036, partial η
2 = 0.103). Notably, the tillage type demonstrated no significant effect on either abundance (F
1,108 = 1.414,
p = 0.237) or biomass (F
1,108 = 0.220,
p = 0.640), suggesting that earthworm populations were more responsive to rotation practices than to tillage regimes over the study period. The main findings of the three-way ANOVA results for earthworm parameters are shown in
Table 5 below.
3.4. Management Effects over Time
Conventional tillage maintained slightly higher populations (abundance: 129.9 ± 7.4 individuals m
−2; biomass: 32.5 ± 2.8 g m
−2) compared to no till (abundance: 121.3 ± 7.3 individuals m
−2; biomass: 30.8 ± 2.6 g m
−2), though these differences were not statistically significant (
p = 0.052 for abundance,
p = 0.640 for biomass) (
Table 5).
Year-by-year analysis (two-way ANOVA) on specific sequences shows significant rotation effects emerging in 2012 for both abundance (F
5,24 = 6.940,
p < 0.001, partial η
2 = 0.591) and biomass (F
5,24 = 7.624,
p < 0.001, partial η
2 = 0.614). Post hoc Tukey tests showed that three-field B and two-field A rotations significantly outperformed other treatments for both parameters (
p < 0.05). The main findings of the year-by-year two-way ANOVA results are shown in
Table 6 and
Table 7 below.
3.5. Temporal Patterns
Mixed-effects analysis suggests three roughly distinct phases in system development over the five-year period of this study. The establishment phase (2010–2011) was characterized by high variability in abundance (CV > 60%) and biomass (CV > 58%). No significant effects for either broad rotation categories (p > 0.297) or specific sequences (p > 0.315) were observed. During this initial period, population levels averaged 115.4 ± 12.3 individuals m−2 and 28.7 ± 3.1 g m−2 in three-field rotations, 109.2 ± 11.8 individuals m−2 and 26.4 ± 2.9 g m−2 in two-field rotations, and 95.3 ± 10.9 individuals m−2 and 23.2 ± 2.8 g m−2 in monoculture.
The year 2012 showed significant rotation effects on both abundance (F2,30 = 4.047, p = 0.028, partial η2 = 0.213) and biomass (F2,30 = 4.302, p = 0.023, partial η2 = 0.223). For this reason, it was regarded as the differentiation phase. This phase showed clear separation between rotation treatments, with the three-field B rotation demonstrating the highest values (128.3 ± 8.7 individuals m−2, 32.4 ± 2.6 g m−2) and monoculture showing the lowest values (100.4 ± 7.9 individuals m−2, 25.1 ± 2.3 g m−2). Furthermore, during this period significant tillage effects (F1,24 = 4.113, p = 0.054) were observed for the first time.
The 2013–2014 period could be considered a stabilization phase, as variability reduced substantially across all treatments (CV ≈ 32%). During this phase, environmental correlations became more evident, with spring temperature effects showing significant influence (r = 0.890, p = 0.043) and precipitation patterns demonstrating increased importance. Peak populations were achieved during this period in 2014, with the three-field B rotation under no till reaching 260.0 ± 34.9 individuals m−2, while the system-wide mean stabilized at 195.2 ± 8.9 individuals m−2. This development pattern was consistent across both broad rotation categories and detailed sequence analyses, though specific sequences showed varying rates of stabilization.
3.6. Preceding Crop Effects
Preceding crop effects showed a clear hierarchy in their influence on earthworm populations, with break crops consistently supporting higher abundances and biomass compared to cereals. Winter oilseed rape as a preceding crop supported the highest earthworm populations (144.6 ± 13.2 individuals m
−2, 32.2 ± 2.6 g m
−2), followed closely by spring oilseed rape (142.7 ± 12.1 individuals m
−2, 33.9 ± 2.8 g m
−2). Spring barley maintained intermediate population levels (138.9 ± 11.2 individuals m
−2, 32.5 ± 2.9 g m
−2), while winter wheat showed substantially lower support for earthworm communities (117.5 ± 8.7 individuals m
−2, 29.6 ± 2.2 g m
−2). The absence of a preceding crop (initial year of the study) resulted in the lowest population parameters (100.5 ± 13.1 individuals m
−2, 24.9 ± 4.0 g m
−2), demonstrating the importance of crop residues and root systems in maintaining earthworm populations. Graphic representations of the preceding crops’ impact on earthworm counts and biomass are provided in
Figure 4 and
Figure 5 below.
3.7. Weather Effects and Population Response
Spring temperature showed strong positive correlations with both abundance (r = 0.867,
p = 0.048) and biomass (r = 0.890,
p = 0.043), while autumn precipitation showed a negative correlation with both parameters (abundance: r = −0.871,
p = 0.054; biomass: r = −0.901,
p = 0.037). More details on correlations between factors are presented in
Table 8.
3.8. System Stability
Analysis of system stability indicated strong similarities in population variability across different rotating systems (
Table 9). The three-field rotation demonstrated the strongest stability, with coefficient of variation values of 49.2% and 51.4% for abundance and biomass, respectively. Two-field rotation systems showed intermediate stability levels (CV = 55.1% for abundance, 57.3% for biomass), while monoculture displayed the largest variability in both population metrics (CV = 66.7% for abundance, 68.9% for biomass). Regarding various rotation sequences, three-field B rotation emerged as the most stable system with the lowest variability (CV = 45.3%), followed by the two-field A rotation showing moderate variability (CV = 52.8%). All other rotation sequences revealed larger variability in population characteristics, with a coefficient of variation ranging from 54.2% to 66.7%. This stability gradient shows that higher crop diversity within rotation sequences contributes to more consistent earthworm population maintenance over time.
4. Discussion
This five-year study reveals complex dynamics in earthworm populations in response to crop rotation and tillage practices. The strong correlation between abundance and biomass (r = 0.927, p = 0.023) across treatments suggests consistent population structure despite varying management conditions, indicating robust community development.
4.1. Soil Physical Properties and Soil–Earthworm–Weather Relationships (2011–2012)
The baseline soil physical parameters assessed in 2010 provide essential background for comprehending earthworm habitat conditions across various management regimes. Although conventional tillage preserved higher soil moisture levels, the inverse relationship between bulk density and earthworm population indicates that soil structural features may be more pivotal in assessing habitat quality than moisture availability alone. This corresponds with findings that soil moisture content is a critical factor influencing earthworm population dynamics [
15], while earthworms require specific soil physical conditions for optimal growth and reproduction [
The depth-specific nature of these interactions suggests that management effects on earthworm habitat are predominantly focused within the surface layer. Nevertheless, the comprehensive dynamics of the earthworm population over the five-year span indicate that initial soil physical conditions most likely diminish in significance as systems mature, while other factors, notably management practices (crop diversity in rotations) and environmental conditions, become more critical in influencing earthworm abundance and distribution.
4.2. Rotation Effects and System Complexity
Both broad and detailed rotation analyses revealed important patterns. At the broad level, three-field rotations supported higher and more stable populations (131.2 ± 7.0 ind. m
−2, 35.4 ± 3.2 g m
−2) compared to monoculture (105.0 ± 13.2 ind. m
−2, 25.6 ± 2.7 g m
−2). This finding aligns with evidence that crop diversification enhances soil biodiversity through improved resource availability [
5] and provides better conditions for soil fauna development [
9]. Analysis at the detailed level indicated that specific rotation sequences (notably three-field B—winter wheat → spring oilseed rape → spring barley) created optimal conditions for earthworms, and this aligns with prior research indicating that diversified crop rotations promote varied organic inputs and enhance soil stability [
Multiple factors may contribute to the enhanced performance of the three-field B rotation [
Rotation of winter and spring crops to ensure balanced disturbance patterns.
A combination of cereals and break crops enhances resource variety.
Varied root systems create complex soil habitats.
4.3. System Development
The significant year effect observed for both abundance and biomass (F
4,108 = 17.227 and 6.438, respectively,
p < 0.001) highlights the necessity for long-term research aimed at understanding soil ecological processes. The system exhibited several well-expressed phases, evolving from significant variability (CV > 60%) in its early years to enhanced stability (CV ≈ 32%) by 2014, indicating effective ecosystem maturation [
37]. This temporal trend corresponds with research indicating that diverse cropping systems improve soil ecosystem resilience [
8] and bolster the stability of soil biological communities [
4.4. Relationship Between Weather and Earthworm Population Dynamics
Strong correlation between spring temperature and earthworm parameters (abundance: r = 0.867,
p = 0.048; biomass: r = 0.890,
p = 0.043) align with previous findings about temperature thresholds for earthworm activity [
39]. These patterns are supported by research that indicates that earthworm activity is significantly affected by temperature and moisture conditions [
16], and these environmental factors can supersede management influences in shaping earthworm populations [
38]. The negative impact of autumn precipitation suggests potential stress from excess moisture, an important consideration which might provide some insights on fluctuations in earthworm abundance.
The thorough analysis of earthworm abundance and biomass dynamics over a five-year period provides several key insights for agricultural management.
The clear progression through establishment, differentiation, and stabilization phases suggests that management expectations should be adjusted according to system age. Initial establishment periods (1–2 years) exhibited high variability (CV > 60%) and no significant management responses (p > 0.297) neither for abundance nor for biomass. The emergence of significant treatment effects in year three (abundance: F5,24 = 6.940, p < 0.001; biomass: F5,24 = 7.624, p < 0.001) suggests this as a critical evaluation point for management adjustment.
Statistical evidence consistently indicates that crop diversification effects supersede tillage impacts. While tillage showed only marginal effects (abundance: F1,162 = 1.550, p = 0.215; biomass: F1,162 = 0.627, p = 0.430), rotation impacts were significant, particularly through preceding crop effects. The strong performance of break crops (142.7–144.6 ind. m−2, 37.5–38.2 g m−2) compared to cereals (117.5 ind. m−2, 28.4 g m−2) suggests that crop sequence planning may be more crucial than tillage intensity reduction.
4.5. Unexpected Resilience to Management Practices
A key finding of this investigation was the absence of considerable adverse effects from cropping practices on earthworm populations. Conventional knowledge and substantial research indicate that intensive farming practices generally diminish earthworm populations, with studies revealing reductions of up to 70% in earthworm biomass and 80% in abundance relative to less intensive tillage systems [
18], especially due to plowing [
15]. Our data indicate significant resilience in earthworm groups across various management regimes.
This unforeseen result may be explained by multiple factors: Firstly, the well-established nature of the experimental areas, where soil ecosystems may have acclimated to prolonged management. Secondly, the rather moderate environment of Central Lithuania may mitigate potential adverse consequences of management practices. Thirdly, maintaining adequate soil moisture levels throughout treatments, highlighted by [
5] as essential for earthworm survival irrespective of management intensity.
This finding is notably important as it contests prevalent convictions regarding the susceptibility of soil fauna to agricultural methods and indicates that earthworm populations may exhibit greater resilience to agricultural intensification than previously assumed, provided that essential habitat requirements are met. The preservation of earthworm populations under varying management intensities suggests that farmers may possess more flexibility in selecting agricultural approaches without compromising soil biological health.