From Domestic Devotion to the Church Altar: Venerating Icons in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Adriatic
:1. Introduction
2. The Introduction, Reception and Appropriation of Icon Painting in the Catholic West
3. The Veneration of Greek Icons in the Italian and Dalmatian Household
3.1. The Archival Evidence
3.2. “Alla Greca” in the West, “Alla Latina” in the East: The Many Styles of Greek Icons
3.3. A World of Homely Madonnas and More: The Subjects of Greek Icons
3.4. The Display and Functions of Icons in the Domestic Space
3.5. From the House Tabernacle to the Church Altar: Icons of Domestic Devotion in the Public Space
“B. V. sopra tavola, fatta alla greca e presa dall’italiano di Sassoferrato, con cornice d’intaglio dorata lire 80; Decollazione di s. Giovan Batt. opera greca, sopra tavola, con cornice id. lire 120; S. Niccolò alla greca sopra tavola con cornice dorata lire 90; S. Stefano martire alla greca sopra tavola, con cornice antica dorata lire 50; S. Giorgio a cavallo alla greca id con cornice id lire 50; Sacra Famiglia alla greca id con cornice id. lire 80; Ecce-Homo alla greca id preso dall’italiano con cornice id. lire 80; B. V. col bambino, maniera greca sopra tavola con cornice id. lire 80; S. Spiridione maniera greca id, con cornice dorata d’intaglio lire 110.
4. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | The episode is commemorated in a dedicatory inscription at the ex-church of Our Lady of Tears (Santa Maria delle Lacrime) in Longiano: D.O.M. // BEATISSIMAEQUE VIRGINI // LACRIMARUM // QUAE// ANNO CIƆIƆVI POSTRID. K. MAR // SUDORE MANAVIT // SEBASTIANUS BARBERIUS // DOMUM IN TEMPLUM D.D.D.S. // QUODQ. VETUSTATE COLLABENS // CONSULES LONZANI // A FUNDAMENTIS IN HANC FORMAM AEDIF. CIƆIƆCCLXXII. The inscription is cited and transliterated in (Turchi 1829, pp. 4–5). See also (Pasi 1986, pp. 156–58). |
2 | (Palumbo Fossati 1984; Lydecker 1987; Grubb 2000; Brown 2004; Palumbo Fossati 2004; Ajmar Wollheim and Dennis 2006; Currie 2006; Ajmar Wollheim et al. 2007; Anderson 2007; Cavallo and Evangelisti 2009; Henry 2011; Morse 2013; Feigenbaum and Freddolini 2014; Walsham 2014; Corry et al. 2017; Brundin et al. 2018; Corry et al. 2018). |
3 | For the role of icons in Byzantium see (Belting 1994; Carr 2004, pp. 142–52; Vassilaki 2008, pp. 758–69; Drandaki 2013, pp. 109–14). |
4 | For the diffusion of icon worship in the West see (Ringbom [1965] 1984, pp. 12–22; Belting 1994; Carr 2004, pp. 142–52; Drandaki 2013, pp. 109–14; Bacci 2018, pp. 272–92). |
5 | “Τινὲς τῶν Λατίνων εὑρίσκονται μὴ καθόλου διαφερόμενοι πρὸς τὰ καθ’ ἡμᾶς ἔθη […] τῶν ἁγίων γὰρ εἰκόνων εἰσὶ καὶ οὗτοι προσκυνηταὶ, καὶ ἐν τοῖς κατ’ αὐτοὺς ναοῖς ἀναστηλοῦσιν αὐτάς”. (Rallis and Potlis 1855, p. 434; Morini 1989, p. 267). |
6 | In his life of Cimabue Giorgio Vasari relates the emergence of Italian panel painting to the presence of “Greek painters”, who had been invited to Florence “for no other purpose than that of introducing there the art of painting, which in Tuscany long had been lost” [“Avenne che in que’ giorni erano venuti di Grecia certi pittori in Fiorenza, chiamati da chi governava quella città non per altro che per introdurvi l’arte della pittura, la quale in Toscana era stata smarrita molto tempo”]. (Vasari 1550, p. 126; cited and translated in Maginnis 1994, p. 147; Concina 2002, pp. 89–96). See also Voulgaropoulou (Forthcoming). |
7 | For the development of Italian panel painting see (Folda 2015, pp. xxii–xxiii, with references). |
8 | “Il quale Giotto rimutò l’arte del dipignere di Greco in Latino e ridusse al moderno”. |
9 | “Arrechò l’arte nuova, lasciò la rozeza de’ Greci”. |
10 | “[…] come vedemo in ne’ pittori dopo i Romani, i quali sempre imitarono l’uno dall’altro, e di età in età sempre mandarono detta arte in declinazione”. |
11 | “la maniera goffa greca”, “rozza maniera Bizantina”, “altre mostruosità di que’ Greci”, “quella maniera greca goffa e sproporzionata”. |
12 | For the Council of Ferrara–Florence see (Geanakoplos 1955, pp. 324–46; Nicol 1988, pp. 376–79; Morini 1989, pp. 267–96). |
13 | The common Ottoman threat created a sense of solidarity between Greek and Latin Christians, especially considering that a large part of the Byzantine refugees had accepted the Union of Florence and converted to Catholicism. Although short-lived, the Union of Florence had cultivated a favorable environment for Orthodox Christianity in the Catholic West, especially in Venice, where there was more tolerance towards doctrinal differences. Quite revealing is a letter of the Camaldolese monks, Paolo Giustiniani and Vincenzo Querini to pope Leo X in 1513, claiming about the Greeks that “they are true Christians; we half-pagan” (“hi Christiani vere sunt, nos semipagani”). (Giustiniani and Quirini 1773, p. 662; Bianchini 1995, p. 75; Prodi 1973, pp. 422–23. See also Nagel 2011, p. 21; Lamers 2015, p. 5). |
14 | “sicchè queste dipinture, e specialmente l’antiche, che vennono di Grecia anticamente, sono di troppo grande autoritade; perocchè là entro conversaro molti santi che ritrassero le dette cose e diederne copia al mondo, delle quali si trae autorità grande, siccome si trae di libri”. |
15 | This is explicitly decreed in the twenty-fifth and last session of the Council, which took place on 3–4 December, 1563: “[…] picturis vel aliis similitudinibus expressas erudiri et confirmari populum in articulis fidei commemorandis et assidue recolendis; tum vero ex omnibus sacris imaginibus magnum fructum percipi non solum quia admonetur populus beneficiorum et munerum quae a Christo sibi collata sunt sed etiam quia Dei per sanctos miracula et salutaria exempla oculis fidelium subiiciuntur ut pro iis Deo gratias agant ad sanctorum que imitationem vitam mores que suos componant excitentur que ad adorandum ac diligendum Deum et ad pietatem colendam […] Quodsi aliquando historias et narrationes Sacrae Scripturae cum id indoctae plebi expediet exprimi et figurari contigerit: doceatur populus non propterea divinitatem figurari quasi corporeis oculis conspici vel coloribus aut figuris exprimi possit”. For the English translation of the excerpt see (Schroeder 2011): “by means of the stories of the mysteries of our redemption portrayed in paintings and other representations the people are instructed and confirmed in the articles of faith, which ought to be borne in mind and constantly reflected upon; also that great profit is derived from all holy images, not only because the people are thereby reminded of the benefits and gifts bestowed on them by Christ, but also because through the saints the miracles of God and salutary examples are set before the eyes of the faithful, so that they may give God thanks for those things, may fashion their own life and conduct in imitation of the saints and be moved to adore and love God and cultivate piety […]this is beneficial to the illiterate, that the stories and narratives of the Holy Scriptures are portrayed and exhibited, the people should be instructed that not for that reason is the divinity represented in picture as if it can be seen with bodily eyes or expressed in colors or figures”. For the consideration of painting as Poor Man’s Bible (Biblia pauperum) and live scripture see (Paleotti 1594, p. 288; Barocchi 1961, p. 408; Molanus 1570, pp. 15, 32; Molanus 1996, pp. 125–27). |
16 | For the so-called “early Christian revival” of the end of the sixteenth century see (Zuccari 1984, pp. 49–52, 64, 80, 94; Bianchi 2008, vol. 11, pp. 84–85; Tosini 2009). |
17 | “usum a primaevis christianae religionis temporibus”. [following the sacred writings and the ancient tradition of the Fathers]. Sessio XXV 3–4 dec. 1563. Cf. the treatises of Molanus and Gabriele Paleotti. |
18 | “Dipingere le sacre imagini oneste e devote, con que’ segni che gli sono stati dati dagli antichi per privileggio de la santità, il che è paruto a’ moderni vile, goffo, plebeo, antico, umile, senza ingegno et arte”. |
19 | “His adde, quod Gulielmus Durandus Mimatensis Episcopus scribit de quibusdam Graecanicis Ecclesiis in Rationali divinorum officiorum, Graeci, ait, utuntur imaginibus, pingentes illas ut dicitur, solum ab umbilico supra & non inferius, ut omnis stultae cogitationis occasio tollatur”. |
20 | “Per prima io le desidero a mezzo busto. Così fù l’antico uso de’ Christiani ritenuto da greci per degni rispetti […] tanto che spirano divozione e maestà sopraumana; ancorche l’opera non appaja secondo le regole dell’arte […] Pittori de nostro secolo, che hanno profanato in maniera le sacre pitture, che non solamente non si ponno adorare, ma nè men rimirare con occhio puro, havendo introdotta la nudità infin sopra gli Altari”. |
21 | In 1597, Borromeo assigned the German artist Hans Rottenhammer and the Spanish Dominican Alphonsus Ciacconius with the task of locating the “original portraits” of Doctors of the Eastern Church in Venice and Rome, respectively, cities with strong Byzantine associations. Rottenhammer’s inquiry proved fruitless, so he proposed to have the portraits commissioned from a Greek artist residing in Venice, whom he, however, dismissed as a less skillful painter (“non è troppo maestro”). On the other hand, Ciacconius informed Borromeo that he had discovered certain portraits of Orthodox saints, which had been “carried off from Constantinople”. See (Jones 1997, pp. 190–92, 205n94). Although most portraits have been attributed to Giuseppe Franchi, the close resemblence of certain ones among them with popular iconographic models or types associated with Greek icon-painting workshops (for example the one of Ioannes Permeniates in Venice), suggests the possibility that the images could have been modelled after original Greek designs or executed with the assistance of a Greek-speaking icon painter. |
22 | “per molti palagi e case, e fino nelle camere secrete […] e tutte ho veduto essere con mirabil arte fornite, eccetto di pitture delle sacre imagini, le quali erano la maggior parte quadretti di certe figure fatte alla greca, goffissime, dispiacevoli e tutte affumicate”. |
23 | The display and uses of icons in Italian and Dalmatian households bear striking similarities with relevant practices documented in Venetian Candia. See (Constantoudaki 1975, pp. 36–74). |
24 | For the presence of Italian artists in Venetian Candia see (Constantoudaki 2018, pp. 30–58). |
25 | For icons in the collections of the broad Adriatic region see (Voulgaropoulou 2014). |
26 | In his Regola Del Governo Di Cura Familiare, Giovanni Dominici went as far as to encourage children to worship icons in private, sometimes even by engaging in ritualistic practices that involved dressing up like priests, and playing Mass around toy altars in imitation of what occurred publicly at church. (Dominici 1860, pp. 132–33). For Giovanni Dominici’s pedagogical views see also (Battista 2002, pp. 126–38; Webb 2005, pp. 34–35; Morse 2006, pp. 170, 307, 313–14n135; Kolpacoff Deane 2013, p. 69; Drandaki 2014, pp. 45–46). |
27 | It is far from surprising that icons were also found in private chambers in the households of Greek migrants in Venice. (Vlassi 2008, pp. 96–97). |
28 | For the Venetian quadro da portego see (Schmitter 2011, pp. 693–751). |
29 | |
30 | The same story with slightly differering details is reproduced by Helen Deborah Walberg. (Walberg 2004, pp. 261–69). |
31 | The idea to place the icon in a church was first revealed by divine inspiration to the wife of Francesco, head of the Amadi household, as evidened in the copy of an annotation in the Annali Guarnieri-Bocchi, which reads: L’anno 1480 Per rivelazione / dalla moglie di un Francesco / Amadi fu edificato l’oratorio de[lla] / Madona della fava deta anche / di consolazione il quale prima / era un cappitello depinto con una / inmagine di Maria operando / miracoli si edifico il luogo. Si crearono 6 procuratori Tre / nobili tre cittadini includendo / in questo numero gli Amadi. (Pastega 2015, p. 276). See also (Apollonio 1880, pp. 11–12). |
32 | Giuseppe Tassini offers an alternative account, according to which the icon hung on the walls of Ca’ Dolce and not Ca’ Amadi, and that in the year 1496 the parish priest of San Lio, Natale Colonna, Giacomo Gussoni, and other patricians bought out the two houses of the Dolce family to build a small church and move the icon to a more dignified place. (Tassini 1891, pp. 436–37; Tassini 1915, p. 234). |
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Voulgaropoulou, M. From Domestic Devotion to the Church Altar: Venerating Icons in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Adriatic. Religions 2019, 10, 390.
Voulgaropoulou M. From Domestic Devotion to the Church Altar: Venerating Icons in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Adriatic. Religions. 2019; 10(6):390.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVoulgaropoulou, Margarita. 2019. "From Domestic Devotion to the Church Altar: Venerating Icons in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Adriatic" Religions 10, no. 6: 390.
APA StyleVoulgaropoulou, M. (2019). From Domestic Devotion to the Church Altar: Venerating Icons in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Adriatic. Religions, 10(6), 390.