Rituals of Victory: The Role of Liturgy in the Consecration of Mosques in the Castilian Expansion over Islam from Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries
:1. Introduction
2. Old Visions and New Paths through the Study of Liturgical Manuscripts
3. Rituals of Victory and Sacred Space from Roman Law to Early Middle Ages
4. Civil and Religious Rituals of Victory in Castilian Thirteen-Century Narratives
5. Cleaning the Filthiness of the Prophet the Ordo Dedicationnis Ecclesia Applied to Conversion of Mosques into Churches
“First, twelve crosses must be placed around it on the inside of the walls, so high that no one can reach them with their hands: three on the east, three on the west, three on the south, and three on the north. Second, all the bodies and bones of the dead who were excommunicated, or belonged to another religion, must be removed from the church. Third, twelve candles must be lighted, and each placed upon one of the crosses on nails driven in the middle of the latter. Fourth, ashes, salt, water, and wine must be mixed, and, while the bishop repeats prayers, this must be scattered around the church to purify it. Fifth, the bishop must write with his crozier the a, b, c, of the Greeks and the Latins in the ashes scattered over the floor of the church; and this should be done along the length and breadth of the building, so that these letters may be united in the middle in the form of a cross. Sixth, the bishop must anoint the crosses with chrism and with holy oil. Seventh, incense in many parts of the church must be burned”.
6. Conclusions: Old Rituals for New Conquests
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Bueno Sánchez, M. Rituals of Victory: The Role of Liturgy in the Consecration of Mosques in the Castilian Expansion over Islam from Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries. Religions 2022, 13, 379. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050379
Bueno Sánchez M. Rituals of Victory: The Role of Liturgy in the Consecration of Mosques in the Castilian Expansion over Islam from Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries. Religions. 2022; 13(5):379. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050379
Chicago/Turabian StyleBueno Sánchez, Marisa. 2022. "Rituals of Victory: The Role of Liturgy in the Consecration of Mosques in the Castilian Expansion over Islam from Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries" Religions 13, no. 5: 379. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050379
APA StyleBueno Sánchez, M. (2022). Rituals of Victory: The Role of Liturgy in the Consecration of Mosques in the Castilian Expansion over Islam from Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries. Religions, 13(5), 379. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050379