Mitigating the Strife between Atheists and Islamists in the Arab World: Dissolving Supremacy of Principles within Socio-Historical Reality
:1. Introduction
2. Resurgence of the Atheistic-Islamic Debate in the Arab World
3. A Qur’ānic Approach to Atheism
4. Li-Mzūghī’s Defense of Atheism
5. Al-Kūr’s Islamic Counterattack against Atheism
6. The Social Magnitude of the Atheistic-Islamic Strife
- The Islam of the occasional Muslim in times of distress and personal need, but for whom religion plays no role in most other instances of his or her life?
- The popular, unscholarly Islam of seasonal festivals or magic, which attributes its alleged powers to one of the saints, awliyā’, or God’s names?
- The popular, unscholarly ideological Islamic movements that have legitimate grievances against their governments or invaders, but cannot formulate their demands rationally and empirically in a scholarly manner?
- The scholarly medieval Islamic teachings, as canonized in the legal, theological, and mystic doctrines?
- The scholarly, modern, and creative Islamic philosophies inspired by the Qur’ānic and prophetic examples, and by Islamic heritage in general?
- The atheism of the occasional atheist who angrily curses God or fate in times of personal crisis, failure of one’s life plans, or agitation from certain fanatic religious practices and for whom atheism plays no role in his or her life in all other instances?
- The popular, unscholarly atheism that uses popular music, artistic-literary inclinations, and youth movements as a counterculture or way of life?
- The popular, unscholarly ideological leftist and liberal political movements that harbor legitimate grievances against their societies and traditions, but cannot formulate them rationally and empirically in a scholarly manner?
- The scholarly classical atheistic teachings, as canonized by the philosophical doctrines of humanism, skepticism, materialism, and hedonism? or
- The scholarly modern and creative atheistic thinkers inspired by formal, natural, social, and human philosophical systems?119
6.1. Rethinking the Atheistic-Islamic Mutual Eradication
6.2. The Fallacy of First Principle Supremacy
Since human cultures involve many formal, natural, social, and humanistic forms of thinking and practices, every single item of these will necessarily be derived from one’s position regarding God or the cause of the cosmos.
6.3. The Fallacy of Intentional Supremacy
Faithful human adoption of certain principles, e.g., atheism or theism, necessarily leads to thoughts and practices that agree with these principles and never lead to their opposite.
6.4. Mitigating the Atheistic Threat to Islam
6.5. Mitigating the Islamic Threat to Atheism
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix B
1 | For a complementary ontological examination of atheism and Islam, see: Obiedat (2022, pp. 190–98). This work offers a different and detailed evaluation of atheism. In a section refuting the “five arguments for the existence of a Deity”, in chapter six, section four, Nicholas Rescher’s sixth “doxastic argument” is defended. |
2 | This essay deals only with the Arab world, in which there is a linguistic, cultural, and historical unity. The common experience under Umayyad, ʿAbbāsid, Moroccan, and Ottoman empires, the colonialism that followed, the current Arab league institution, and the “Arab Spring” vindicate such unity. The Arab world is culturally and geographically part of the larger Islamic world comprising some 1.6 billion people, including Balkan, Turkish, Persian, Central Asian, Indian, Indonesian, and sub-Saharan African peoples, and many other smaller communities. Due to the Islamic world’s massive linguistic and cultural diversity, this study restricts its claims to the cultures of the Arab world. |
3 | Dr. Juynboll denies that Ismāʿīl Adham holds such degree. He investigated his life and alleged publications, and concludes that the “account of Adham’s first twenty-five years which he gave himself is so improbable that it can be discarded as the fantasies of a pathological liar whose main object in life was to create for himself a reputation he was in no way able to earn through ordinary means.” (Juynboll 1972). |
4 | إسماعيل أحمد أدهم، لماذا أنا ملحد (الاسكندرية: مطبعة التعاون، 1937)،, accessed on 28 November 2020. |
5 | سليمان بن صالح الخراشي، انتحار إسماعيل أدهم: تفاصيل المعركة الفكرية التي قامت بين الملحد إسماعيل أدهم، صاحب رسالة (لماذا أنا ملحد؟)، وأحمد أبو شادي، صاحب رسالة (لماذا أنا مؤمن؟)، ومحمد فريد وجدي، صاحب رسالة (لماذا هو ملحد؟) (الرياض: نشر ذاتي، 2011). |
6 | عبد الرحمن بدوي، من تاريخ الإلحاد في الإسلام (القاهرة: مكتبة النهضة المصرية، 1945). |
7 | أحمد بن عبد الحليم ابن تيمية، كتاب الرد على المطقيين: المُسَمَّى أيضا نصيحة أهل الإيمان في الرد على منطق اليونان، تحرير: عبد الصمد شرف الدين الكتبي (بيروت: مؤسسة الريان، 2005)، 531. |
8 | رمسيس عوض، الإلحاد في الغرب (بيروت: مؤسسة الانتشار العربي، 1997)؛ رمسيس عوض، ملحدون محدثون ومعاصرون (بيروت: مؤسسة الانتشار العربي، 1998). |
9 | ريتشارد دوكنز، وَهْم الإله. ترجمة: بسام البغدادي (ستوكهولم: نشر ذاتي، 2009). |
10 | ميشيل أونفري، كتاب نفي اللاهوت: فيزياء الميتافيزيقا. ترجمة: مبارك العروسي (بغداد: منشورات الجمل، 2012). |
11 | لوك فيري، الإنسان المُؤلِّه أو معنى الحياة. ترجمة: محمد هشام (الدار البيضاء: أفريقيا الشرق، 2002). |
12 | ريتشارد كارير، العقل والطبيعة في عالم طبيعي: عرض ودفاع عن فلسفة دون غيبيات. ترجمة: حيدر عبد الواحد راشد (بغداد: دار سطور، 2017). |
13 | تيري إيغلتُن، الثقافة وموت الآله، ترجمة: أسامة منزلجي (بيروت، لبنان: دار المدى، 2018). |
14 | لورانس كراوس، كون من لا شيء، ترجمة: غادة الحلواني (القاهرة: منشورات الرمل، 2015). |
15 | فيكتور جون ستينجر، الله: الفرضية الفاشلة: كيف يثبت العلم عدم وجود الله، ترجمة: كمال طاهر (دون مكان نشر، 2012). |
16 | بول كيرتز، الفاكهة المحرمة: الأخلاق الإنسانية. ترجمة: ضياء السومري (بغداد: منشورات الجمل، 2012). |
17 | |
18 | جمعة جمال، ديوان الزنادقة: كفريات العرب (بيروت: منشورات الجمل، 2007). |
19 | أبو حاتم الرازي، أعلام النبوة: الرد على الملحد أبي بكر الرازي (بيروت: دار الساقي، 2003). |
20 |, accessed on 28 November 2020. |
21 | Chris Dyer, “Atheist Blogger Charged with Blasphemy Appeals for Funds to Escape Egypt after Police Exit Ban,” Daily Mail Online, 11 January 2019,, accessed on 28 November 2020. |
22 | The Tunisian scholar, Mohamed Ben Jemaa, brought to my attention that li-Mzūghī is not derived from a standard Arabic morphology such as al-Mizwaghī because it is the name of a Berber tribe that lives in Tarhunah, Libya some 240 km from Tunisia’s Eastern border. Li-Mzūghī hence is a Tunisian delicital rendition of al-Amāzīghī, i.e., the Berber. |
23 | |
24 | محمد المزوغي، تحقيق ما للإلحاد من مقولة (بيروت: دار الجمل، 2014). |
25 | عمرو شريف، وهم الإلحاد (القاهرة: الأزهر، 2013)؛ عمرو شريف، الإلحاد مشكلة نفسية (القاهرة: نيو بوك للنشر والتوزيع، 2016). |
26 | محمد باسل الطائي، أوهام الإلحاد العلمي (الرياض: دلائل، 2017). |
27 | |
28 | مايكل دنتون، قَدَر الطبيعة: قوانين الحياة تُفصِح عن وجود الغاية في الكون ([?]: مركز براهين، 2016). |
29 | أنتوني فلو، ليس هناك إلهٌ: كيف غيَّر أشهرُ مُلحِد رأيَهُ. ترجمة: صالح الفضلي (الكويت: عصير الكتب، 2019). |
30 | عبد الله بن صالح عجيري، شموع النهار: إطلالة على الجدل الديني الإلحادي المعاصر في مسألة الوجود الإلهي (الخُبر، السعودية: تكوين، 2016). |
31 | عبد الله بن سعيد الشهري، ثلاث رسائل في الإلحاد والعلم والإيمان (بيروت: مركز نماء للبحوث والدراسات، 2014). |
32 | ألفن بلانتنجا وجاري جتنج، هل الإلحاد لاعقلاني؟ ترجمة: عبدالله سعيد الشهري (المملكة المتحدة: مركز براهين، 2016). |
33 | |
34 | عبد الجليل الكور، لماذا لستُ ملحدًا؟ في إمكانات التعليل العقلي للإيمان (بيروت: المؤسسة العربية للفكر والإبداع، 2016). |
35 | Some readers might object by justifiably adducing the so-called apostasy penalty, ḥadd al-riddah, from the corpus of Islamic law. However, this medieval legal verdict is not a matter of consensus, and is currently rejected by many major figures among liberal Muslims, as well as by the conservative line of thinking of the Muslim brotherhood. In a detailed study, the Iraqi conservative jurist, Ṭāhā Jābir al-ʻUlwānī (1935–2016), argues; “It is an established fact that never in his entire life did the Prophet put an apostate to death. Al-Shāfiʻī states […] ‘Some people believed, then committed apostasy, then professed belief again. However, the Messenger of God did not put them to death’”. Al-Alwani (2011, p. 65). |
36 | For a recent scholarly evaluation, see (Cole 2018). |
37 | It is interesting to observe that this theologically foundational formula never occurs in the Qur’ān in full. The first part is stated in verses 47:19 and 3:18, while the second part is mentioned in verses 48:29 and in 33:40 with modification. |
38 | Dr. Karin van Nieuwkerk of Radboud University in the Netherlands reminds me of the following line of thinking: “many nonbelievers claim: you—believers—are also ‘atheist’ of the gods of other religions, while we just go one step beyond this by denying all gods”. |
39 | Buddhism is known for utilizing a similar method. Dr. John M. Koller of Rensselaer Polytechnic University illuminates the issue: “To disrupt the sort of idle or pernicious speculation that could be a hindrance to enlightenment, abrupt and shocking techniques were employed, from radical statements such as, If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him!” (Koller 2018, p. 299). |
40 | On this method of logical reasoning, see Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad Al-Ghazālī, Al-Mustaṣfā Min ʻIlm al-Uṣūl, ed. Aḥmad Zakī Ḥammad (Riyadh: Saudi Arabia: Dār al-Maymān, 2009), pp. 497–98. |
41 | I thank an anonymous reviewer for bringing to my attention this possible objection. |
42 | (Al-Ghazzali 2010, p. 64). Emphasis in the original. |
43 | A more literal translation reads: “know that the knowledge of God cannot be reached except by the inability to know him […for] the lack of understanding is [in itself acknowledging a form of] understating”. See the Arabic origin below: اِعلَمْ أنَّهُ لا يُوصَلُ إلى معرفةِ الله تعالى إلَّا بالعَجزِ عَن مَعرِفَتِهِ […] العَجْزُ عن دَركِ الإدراكِ إِدراكٌ"، الإمام العز بن عبد السلام، زُبَدُ خلاصة التصوف: وهو المُسَمَّى بحَلِّ الرُمُوز ومفاتيح الكنوز، تحرير: محمد عبد الرحمن الشاغول (الرياض، السعودية: مكتب الروضة الشريفة، 2005)، 79. |
44 | An example of this line of thinking against Islam and all religions is this: “Violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children: organized religion ought to have a great deal on its conscience”. In Hitchens (2009, p. 56). |
45 | المزوغي، تحقيق ما للإلحاد من مقولة، 107. |
46 | المزوغي، 110. |
47 | المزوغي، 109. |
48 | المزوغي، 6. |
49 | المزوغي، 7. |
50 | Li-Mzūghī without sufficient clarification blames Zionism and Wahhabism for the speared of religious darkness in the Arab world. المزوغي، 8. |
51 | المزوغي، 13. |
52 | |
53 | المزوغي، تحقيق ما للإلحاد من مقولة، 25. |
54 | المزوغي، 25. |
55 | المزوغي، 26. |
56 | المزوغي، 30. |
57 | المزوغي، 30. |
58 | المزوغي، 31. |
59 | المزوغي، 32. |
60 | المزوغي، 32. |
61 | المزوغي، 172. |
62 | المزوغي، 34. |
63 | المزوغي، 34. |
64 | King James Bible, Ezekiel 4:12 “And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung [i.e., feces] that cometh out of man, in their sight”. |
65 | علي بن محمد أبو حيان التوحيدي، كتاب الإمتاع والمؤانسة. تحرير: أحمد أمين وأحمد زين (بيروت: دار الكتب العلمية، 1997). |
66 | As inserted in li-Mzūghī’s in quotation. |
67 | |
68 | المزوغي، 35. |
69 | المزوغي، 37. |
70 | المزوغي، 39–40. |
71 | المزوغي، 41. One can add to li-Mzūghī’s objections: If that is God’s behavior, how to demarcate him from Satan’s behavior? |
72 | King James Bible, Matthew 10:34. |
73 | King James Bible, Luke 19:27. |
74 | المزوغي، 177. |
75 | Many Muslim scholars would respond that these biblical stories are mythological because the Jews and Christians had tampered with God’s scriptures. Ibn Taymiyyah takes the opposite attitude. He says that there are those who “claimed that much of what is in the Torah or the Gospels are wrong and are not from God’s speech […] the correct one is the third opinion that there are on the earth true copies remained to the time of the Prophet […] there is no statement in the in the Qur’an that they [Jews and Christians] changed all copies. If it were [as we reason] then we say as God said [in Qur’an 5:47] Let the people of the Gospel judge by what God has revealed therein”. In Ibn Taymiyyah (2003, p. 104). |
76 | المزوغي، 178. |
77 | المزوغي، 183–184. |
78 | المزوغي، 187. |
79 | المزوغي، 191. |
80 | For a detailed examination on how medieval Arab-Islamic scholarship dealt with this issue, see: Obiedat (2021, pp. 1–42). |
81 | The translation is mine from the original Arabic. The scholarly English translation mentioned in the next footnote covers the first two volumes, but not the third and fourth; Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm Ibn Mūsā al-Shāṭibī, al-Muwāfaqāt fī Uṣūl al-Sharīʻah, ed. Muḥammad ʻAbd Allāh Dirāz (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Wizārat al-Shuʼūn al-Islāmiyyah wal-Awqāf wal-Daʻwah wal-Irshād, 2014), Vol. IV, p. 83. |
82 | al-Shāṭibī (2011), Vol. II, p. 55. |
83 | Al-Shāṭibī directs his two arguments toward a conclusion different than the one formulated here, but these arguments are solid enough to be formulated differently. |
84 | الكور، لماذا لست ملحدا؟، 14. |
85 | الكور، 14. |
86 | الكور، 50. |
87 | الكور، 21. |
88 | محمد المزوغي، عمانوئيل كانط: الدين في حدود العقل أو التنوير الناقص (بيروت، لبنان: دار الساقي، 2007). |
89 | الكور، لماذا لست ملحدا؟ 17، 35. |
90 | الكور، 36. |
91 | الكور، 15 و13. |
92 | الكور، 8. |
93 | الكور، 8. |
94 | الكور، 16. |
95 | الكور، 18. |
96 | الكور، 18. |
97 | In a personal communication to me, Dr. Junaid Hassan suggested the argument that the existence of God was not made obvious because that would have rendered our intellectual (inferential) capacities irrelevant. Nonetheless, this is still not a view of belief as rooted in faith. |
98 | الكور، 18–19. |
99 | الكور، 15. |
100 | الكور، 42. |
101 | الكور، 31. |
102 | الكور، 24. |
103 | الكور، 35. |
104 | |
105 | For a cogent, readable account of the highly misunderstood Quantum problem see: Bunge (2003, pp. 445–66). |
106 | الكور، لماذا لست ملحدا؟ 38. |
107 | "مُنَىً إنْ تَكُن حقًا تَكنِ أَحسَنَ المُنَى *** وإلا فَقَد عِشنَا بِها زَمَناً رَغداً"، محمد عثمان علي، شروح حماسة أبي تمام: دراسة موازنة في مناهجها وتطبيقها، المجلد الثاني (بيروت: دار الأوزاعي للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع،[?])، 165. |
108 | الكور، 38. |
109 | It is fashionable in some Western media to embrace a sharp opposition between the “religious” and the “secular”, which is matched with a value preference for the second. Demarcation between these two notions, in these media circles, is inexact, or vague at best, see (Obiedat 2022, pp. 64–78). The demarcation and valuation are taken for granted as self-evident facts of nature. However, cultural reality is far from it. For example, see Jennifer Holleis, “Middle East: Are People Losing Their Religion?”, DW.COM, accessed 5 February 2021, |
110 | Regarding the “Unacceptable Price Argumentation in Philosophy”, see (Rescher 2001, pp. 110–14). |
111 | Iran is outside the Arab world but shares the same religious goals as the Saudi regime, albeit from a Shīʻah perspective. |
112 | “All Atheists Are Terrorists, Saudi Arabia Declares”, The Independent, 17 November 2015, sec. News, |
113 | Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, “Responses to Information Requests: Information on the Treatment of Atheists and Apostates by Society and Authorities in Erbil” (Canada, 5 June 2018), |
114 | “A New Salman Rushdie?”, BBC News, Middle East,, accessed 13 March 2021. |
115 | Benjamin Plackett, “How to Break the Informal Ban on Studying Evolution”, Al-Fanar Media (blog), 7 April 2016, |
116 | George Sadek, “Egypt: Parliament Discusses New Bills Criminalizing Atheism and Homosexuality”, The Library of Congress: Global Legal Monitor, 26 January 2018, |
117 | On the history of the Alawites, see (Winter 2016). On a study of the Assad dynasty, see Michel Seurat, Syrie, l’État de barbarie (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2015), translated into Arabic as Mīshīl Sūrāh, Sūriyyah al-Dawlah al-Mutawaḥḥishah (Beirut, Lebanon: al-Shabakah al-ʻArabiyyah lil-Abḥāth wal-Nashr, 2017). |
118 | For a blanket statement of this sort, Christopher Hitchens asserts, “Violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children: organized religion ought to have a great deal on its conscience” (Hitchens 2009, p. 56). |
119 | A rare sophisticated example in secular philosophical system-building is found in the monumental eight-volume, nine-book Treatise on Basic Philosophy (1974–1989) by the Argentinian-Canadian philosopher Mario Bunge (1919–2020). This work “constitutes perhaps the most comprehensive and systematic philosophy of the twentieth century” (Pickel 2001). These volumes are listed here: Mario Bunge, Treatise on Basic Philosophy: I- Semantics: Sense and Reference, II-Semantics: Interpretation and Truth, III- Ontology: The Furniture of the World, IV- Ontology: A World of Systems, V- Epistemology and Methodology: Exploring the World, VI- Epistemology and Methodology: Understanding the World, VII- Epistemology and Methodology: Philosophy of Science and Technology: Part I. Formal and Physical Sciences, Part II. Life Science, Social Science and Technology, and VIII- Ethics: The Good and the Right (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Reidel, 1974–1989). |
120 | Hayes Brown, “Opinion | Biden’s White House Is Firing Staffers for Marijuana Use. That’s a Mistake”,,, accessed on 26 March 2021. |
121 | Mario Bunge, Treatise on Basic Philosophy. Vol. 8, Ethics: The Good and the Right (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1989), p. 174. |
122 | For an older version of enlightened Islamic thought that appeared in Arabic in 1993, see Ghannouchi (2021). For recent developments of the same Tunisian author, see al-Ghannūshī (2012, pp. 189–95). |
123 | “Casualty estimates vary widely, but approximately 3 to 4 million Koreans died, out of a total population of 30 million”, in Stone and Kuznick (2019, p. 224). |
124 | Amr Hamzawy (2017), “Seven Years On: Why Egypt Failed to Become A Democracy”, Middle East Eye, 12 December 2017, |
125 | أحمد زهاء الدين عبيدات، "تهافُتُ مَركَزِيَّةِ العقيدةِ في الخِطابِ الإِسلاميِّ وأَوْلَوِيَّةُ المُفاضَلَةِ بين البشر بالعملِ الصالحِ"، في كتاب التسامح في الثقافة العربية: دراسة نقدية [lit. Deconstruction of Creed Centrality in Islamic Discourse and the Primacy of Good Deeds in Differentiating between Humans]، تحرير: ناجية الوريمي، المجلد الثاني (بيروت، لبنان: مؤمنون بلا حدود للدراسات والأبحاث، 2018)، 177–218. |
126 | Nicholas Rescher (1963), Studies in the History of Arabic Logic (Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1963), pp. 76–86. |
127 | Franz Rosenthal (1988), “Ibn ʻArabī between ‘Philosophy’ and ‘Mysticism’: ‘Sūfism and Philosophy Are Neighbors and Visit Each Other’. Fa-Inna at-Taṣawwuf wa-t-Tafalsuf Yatajāwarāni wa-Yatazāwarāni”, Oriens 31 (1988): 22–23, |
128 | 85,000 Christian Orthodox priests were shot in 1937 alone. In Yakovlev (2002, p. 165). |
129 | |
130 | In the Saudi case, it is illegal for everyone else too. |
131 | Mutʻah marriage has credible origins in Islamic law, within the sunnī or shīʻah narratives, and the current Iranian laws are situated within the context of that origin. However, abusing that origin is widespread and eventually takes the form of prostitution. See; “Sex workers, many of which conduct business through a Shia system of ‘temporary marriage’ known in Iran as sigheh”. In Tehran Bureau Correspondent (2015). |
132 | “Al-Jisr had little difficulty accepting the evolution of species among lower orders, but he also left room for an exceptional spiritual human evolution”. In Elshakry (2016, p. 13). |
133 | Al-Jisr states: “these two beliefs, i.e., believing in the way of creation or believing in the way of evolution in making the aforementioned worlds, as far as it is based on the creation of God and no one other than him, is sufficient to be from the followers of Muhammad”; حسين محمد الجسر الطرابلسي، الرسالة الحميدية في حقيقة الديانة الإسلامية وحقيقة الشريعة المحمدية (بيروت: مجلس معارف ولاية بيروت، 1887)، 279. |
134 | عبد الصبور شاهين، أبي آدم: قصة الخليقة بين الأسطورة والحقيقة (القاهرة: مكتبة الشباب، 1998). |
135 | نضال قسوم، أسئلة الإسلام والعلم المزعجة: الكون، التطور، الإعجاز (أبو ظبي: مركز سلطان بن زايد، 2017). |
136 | This seen in his recent work in Arabic, “Nothing is by Coincidence: The Possible Relation Between Faith and The Theory of Evolution”, following the Intelligent Design line of thought: أحمد خيري العمري، لا شيء بالصدفة: العلاقة الممكنة بين الإيمان ونظرية التطور (القاهرة: عصير الكتب، 2021)، |
137 | See, أحمد زهاء الدين عبيدات، "كيف يمكنُ بَعْثُ كُلِّيَّاتِ الشّريعةِ من مَواتِها؟ أو تسديدُ المقاصِد لأساتذة ِكليات الشريعة وإصلاحُ المناهج لطلبتها [lit. How Can Departments of Sharīʻah (Islamic Studies) be Resurrected? Reforming the Objectives and Curricula] ،مؤمنون بلا حدود، أبحاث" عامة: 2018 |
138 | On the brain drain after the counter revolutions against the Arab Spring, this is just one example: “Egypt had fewer than five doctors per 10,000 people in 2018, down from more than 11 in 2014”. In “Much of the Arab World is Short of Doctors”, The Economist, 21 November 2020, |
139 | Philip Pullella (2008), “Evolution Fine but No Apology to Darwin: Vatican”, Reuters, 16 September 2008, |
140 | |
141 | مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، المشروع النهضوي العربي: نداء المستقبل (بيروت، لبنان: مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2011)، 70. |
142 | Also, Ahmad Ibn Yusuf al-Tīfāshī (born in Algeria 1184, died 1253 in Cairo) is an amazing example of pornographic literature. The following appeared in English: al-Tīfāshī (1988). |
143 | For another interpretation on “the decline in central power” see (Hodgson 1977, p. 7). |
144 | Winston Churchill outlined one plan, in 1921, after the British had conquered the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire: “We are leaning strongly to what I may call the Sherifian Solution both in Mesopotamia to which the Emir Feisal is now proceeding, and in Trans-Jordania, where the Emir Abdullah is now in charge”. The “solution” was to appoint the two collaborating sons of Hashemite Sharif Hussein (1853–1931, Emir of Mecca) to rule over Iraq and Jordan. See Timothy J. Paris (2004), Britain, the Hashemites and Arab Rule: The Sherifian Solution (London, UK: Routledge, 2004), 1. The Saudi kingship in Arabia, the Marionet presidency in Lebanon, and the Bourguiba presidency in Tunisia, to name a few, were also aided or appointed by British or French colonial powers. |
145 | عبد الرحمن بدوي، من تاريخ الإلحاد في الإسلام (بيروت: المؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر، 1980)، 186. |
146 | Dr. Michael Kary, a specialist in mathematics and scientific philosophy, brought my attention to this point. |
147 | A. Z. Obiedat (2019), “Identity Contradictions in Islamic Awakening: Harmonizing Intellectual Spheres of Identity,” Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (AJMEIS) 13, no. 3 (July 2019): 332. |
148 | |
149 | I do not know of any work in English that examines this recent Tunisian philosophical mind, but these are some of his major philosophical works; Abu Yaarub Marzouki [Abzū Yaʻrub Al-Marzūqī] (2009, 2012), Azmat al-Ḥaḍārah al-ʻArabiyyah al-Mutaraddidah [lit. the crisis of the hesitant Arab civilization] (Beirut, Lebanon: al-Dār al-ʻArabiyyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn, 2009) and Abzū Yaʻrub Al-Marzūqī, Dawr al-Falsafah al-Naqdiyyah al-ʻArabiyyah wa Munjazātuhā: Muwāzanah Tārīkhiyyah bayna Dhirwatay al-Fikr al-Falsafiyatayn al-ʻArabiyyah wal-Almāniyyah [lit. the role of critical Arab philosophy and its achievements: a historical comparison between the Arab and German philosophical summits] (Beirut: al-Shabakah al-ʻArabiyyah lil-Abḥāth wal-Nashr, 2012). |
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A. Occasional atheist | I. Occasional Muslim |
B. Unscholarly artistic or youth atheist | II. Unscholarly magic-inclined or seasonal Muslim |
C. Unscholarly ideological leftist or liberal movement activist | III. Unscholarly ideological Islamic movement activist |
D. Scholarly classical atheistic doctrine intellectual | IV. Scholarly medieval Islamic traditions intellectual |
E. Scholarly up-to-date and creative atheistic philosopher | V. Scholarly up-to-date and creative Islamic philosopher |
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Obiedat, A.Z. Mitigating the Strife between Atheists and Islamists in the Arab World: Dissolving Supremacy of Principles within Socio-Historical Reality. Religions 2022, 13, 801.
Obiedat AZ. Mitigating the Strife between Atheists and Islamists in the Arab World: Dissolving Supremacy of Principles within Socio-Historical Reality. Religions. 2022; 13(9):801.
Chicago/Turabian StyleObiedat, A. Z. 2022. "Mitigating the Strife between Atheists and Islamists in the Arab World: Dissolving Supremacy of Principles within Socio-Historical Reality" Religions 13, no. 9: 801.
APA StyleObiedat, A. Z. (2022). Mitigating the Strife between Atheists and Islamists in the Arab World: Dissolving Supremacy of Principles within Socio-Historical Reality. Religions, 13(9), 801.