Ribāṭ in the Furthermost Coasts of Early Al-Andalus
:1. Introduction
The Study of Ribāṭ in the Mediterranean
2. On the Dissemination of Ribāṭ in Northern Sharq Al-Andalus
2.1. The Ribāṭ and Jihād Volunteers
2.2. The First Archaeological Evidence of the Practice of Ribāṭ: A Fortified Geography
2.3. From the Practice of Ribāṭ to the Founding of a Ribāṭ
3. Guarding the Sea, Tormenting the Enemy, Sacralising the Coast
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Period | Phase | Chronology | Dating Criteria |
Emirate period | Construction | Late 8th c.–Early 9th c. CE | Ceramics and stratigraphic |
Emirate period | Use | Early 9th c.–Early 10th c. CE | TV-1; TV-2; TV-3 |
Fitna-Caliphate period | Abandonment | Early 10th c. CE | TV-4; TV-5 |
ID | Laboratory Code | Sample Type | Conventional Radiocarbon Age (BP) | Calibrated Age (1σ 68.2%) | Calibrated Age (2σ 95.4%) | Calibration |
TV-1 | Beta-588420 | Charred material | 1220 ± 30 | 784–835 cal CE 844–877 cal CE 774–778 cal CE | 770–888 cal CE 686–742 cal CE | IntCal20 |
TV-2 | Beta-503127 | Charred material | 1200 ± 30 | 782–192 cal CE 801–811 cal CE 819–881 cal CE | 771–894 cal CE 706–736 cal CE 929–945 cal CE | IntCal20 |
TV-3 | Beta-639687 | Bone collagen | 1160 ± 30 | 920–955 cal CE 870–898 cal CE 828–861 cal CE 776–787 cal CE | 820–978 cal CE 772–790 cal CE 804–810 cal CE | IntCal20 |
TV-4 | Beta-588421 | Bone collagen | 1130 ± 30 | 915–976 cal CE 889–902 cal CE | 875–994 cal CE 830–851 cal CE 776–786 cal CE | IntCal20 |
TV-5 | Beta- 419185 | Charred material | 1050 ± 30 | 987–1026 cal CE | 895–925 cal CE 949–1035 cal CE | IntCal20 |
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Negre, J. Ribāṭ in the Furthermost Coasts of Early Al-Andalus. Religions 2024, 15, 124. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15010124
Negre J. Ribāṭ in the Furthermost Coasts of Early Al-Andalus. Religions. 2024; 15(1):124. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15010124
Chicago/Turabian StyleNegre, Joan. 2024. "Ribāṭ in the Furthermost Coasts of Early Al-Andalus" Religions 15, no. 1: 124. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15010124
APA StyleNegre, J. (2024). Ribāṭ in the Furthermost Coasts of Early Al-Andalus. Religions, 15(1), 124. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15010124