Christian Perfection in Basilian Monastic Hospitals from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries
:1. Introduction
2. Divine Commandments as Christian Perfection According to Basil of Caesarea
“And he (the Lord) has so joined”, declares Basil, “together these two commandments in every way that the kindness shown our neighbor he refers to himself, I was hungry, he says, and you gave me to eat (Matt. 25: 35), and so on, to which he adds: insofar as you did it even to the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me (Matt. 25: 40). Consequently, through the first commandment the second is also accomplished, but again, through the second there is (an ascent and a) return to the first, such that if anyone loves the Lord (without doubt) it follows that he also loves his neighbor. For Whoever loves me, says the Lord, will keep my commandments (John 14: 15)”.(LR 3; Silvas 2005, pp. 172–73)
3. Functions of the Hospital of Caesarea
4. Basilian Hospitals in the Judean Desert of the Fifth and Sixth Centuries
The care for the sick is the sovereign proof of the love for neighbor. In particular, through it, the passionate part () of our soul is purified.40 For the perfection (), it is not sufficient to nourish the starved, to drink the thirsty, to invite strangers and clothe the naked, but it is necessary to be compassionate () to those people so that one acts not simply a good thing but becomes to be good, and one shows the compassion () not only by hands but also by the soul, manifestly according to the disposition () of the soul. The one who sets forth the love for God not saying “Lord, Lord” but accomplishing the will of the Father in Heavens makes this aspect of the charity visible. He (Theodosius) recognized that the accurate fulfillment of the commandments was the clear sign of the love for God, according to the Lord saying “whoever loves me will keep my commandments”.(John 14: 15)41
5. The Hospital of the Monastery of Seridos of Gaza
6. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Regarding the date of Basil of Caesarea’s death, I rely on the research conducted by Pierre Maraval, who argues that it occurred around September 377 (Maraval 1988). The construction of the charitable institution in Caesarea seems to have been finished around 373. R. Pouchet suggested that the dedication of the church for the charitable facilities might have taken place in September 373 instead of September 372 (Pouchet 1992, pp. 303–4). For further discussions on this topic, please refer to the secondary studies cited in note 3. |
2 | Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio 43, 63.1. |
3 | Firmus of Caesarea, Letter 43. Sozomenus, Historia Ecclesiastica VI.34.9. For information on Basileias, refer to (Allard 1903, pp. 109–12; Clarke 1913, pp. 61–62; Gain 1985, pp. 277–89; Pouchet 1992, pp. 299–304; Rousseau 1994, pp. 139–42; Holman 2001, p. 75). |
4 | The Small Asketikon that is preserved in both Latin and Syriac versions has 203 questions in one series. The number of questions of the Asketikon edited in 370s differs from the manuscript tradition (Gribomont 1953). |
5 | Even though his audience consisted of ascetics, the term “Christian perfection” is not inappropriate, as he consistently employs the terms () or “brother” (), to reference it, rather than “monk” ( or ). In contrast, Basil of Caesarea frequently used the expression to denote ascetics in his letters and sermons. See (Gain 1985, p. 128, n. 23; Rousseau 1994, pp. 198, 204–5; Nam 2004, p. 194, n. 82). |
6 | The “charity” referred to by Humbertclaude and Amand in their studies denotes internal fraternity within the monastic community. See (Humbertclaude 1932, pp. 64–65; Amand 1949, pp. 295–309). |
7 | According to the manuscript tradition of the Vulgate, which serves as the basis of most modern translations, the Asketikon is divided into two parts: the 55 Longer Responses and over 300 Shorter Responses (Gribomont 1953, pp. 13–25). |
8 | An appeal to the last judgment scene is characteristic of Byzantine monastic charters of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, which regulated the operation of hospices or hospitals for the poor and sick. For example, the Typikon of Nikon of the Black Mountain, dating from the twelfth century, follows this tradition closely in chapters A2, B15, and B19 (See Thomas et al. 2000, pp. 430, 435–37). In the Pantokrator Typikon, promulgated in 1136, Emperor John II Komnenos cites Matt. 25: 40 (“as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it for me”), identifying Christ with sick monks (ch. 10, 42), and uses the typical expression “our brothers in Christ” in the same context (ch. 45, 51, 63, see Thomas et al. 2000, pp. 760, 762, 767). Similarly, the Kosmosoteira Typikon written in 1152 by Isaac Komnenos (ch. 2, 6, 70, 87, 91), the Typikon of Timothy for the Monastery of the Mother of God Evergetis (ch. 38, 41), the Typikon of Gregory Pakourianos (ch. 10, 21), the Rule of Michael Attaleiates (ch. 2, 3, 5, 6), and the Typikon of Empress Irene Doukaina Komnene (ch. 64) all exhibit this theme (Thomas et al. 2000, pp. 799, 801, 830, 837–38, 495–97, 535, 544–46, 334–36, 698). It is noteworthy that the Typika of this period relate the last judgment scene to the notion of merit, specifically the remission of sin for benefactors, a concept entirely absent in Basil’s Asketikon. |
9 | Lefort, Les Vies coptes de saint Pachôme et de ses premiers successeurs, pp. 32, 350, 355 (twice), 358. |
10 | Life of Pachomius, The First Greek Life, ch. 28 and Bohairic Life, ch. 26 (Lefort, Les Vies coptes de saint Pachôme et de ses premiers successeurs, 1943, pp. 96–97). Also, refer to Praecepta 40–43 and its introduction 5 added by Jerome when he translated the Pachomian Rule into Latin in 404. The infirmary of the Pachomian Koinonia was closed to the outside world, much like the Roman valetudinaria of the first and second centuries, which were typically operated to preserve slave labor or military power. For the valetudinaria, see (Webster 1985, pp. 193 (figure 38b), 211; Risse 1999, pp. 47–56). According to Palladius’ report around 410, the monastery of Panopolis belonging to the Koinonia had an old custom where monks raised swine with vegetable leftovers to sell meat and provide its feet to the sick and old (Palladius, The Lausiac History, ch. 32.9–10). Nevertheless, the Pachomian monasteries had not established any special institution for merciful work. |
11 | The monastery of Metanoia, located at Canope around Alexandria, was established as a colony of Pachomian monks between 391 and 404. It owned a fleet for the Nilotic transportation of the Annona civilis (Gascou 1991; Gascou and Fournet 2002; Nam 2004, pp. 403–4, 453–55). Fluvial transportation of the Annona civilis by Pachomian monks dates back to at least 367–368 (Gascou 1976, p. 184; Nam 2004, pp. 416–18). Biographers of the Pachomian Lives express varying degrees of criticism regarding the shipbuilding activities of their monasteries (Life of Pachomius, First Greek Life, ch. 146, and Bohairic Life, ch. 197 and 204). The monastery of Tsmine, belonging to the Pachomian Koinonia, owned land in remote areas, and Pachomian monks of Poinikoreos were involved in wine production and fluvial transportation (Gascou and MacCoull 1987; Gascou 1994, p. 85; Nam 2004, pp. 445–48, 460). |
12 | Theodore the Studite reiterated the teachings of Basil of Caesarea in his catechesis I.55 (Leroy 1979, p. 504): “J’espère que nous gardons les commandements, que nous ne serons ni condamnés ni à l’écart d’un seul. Il ne faut pas que je me montre transgresseur de la loi sur un seul commandement en ne recevant le vieillard, en n’accueillant pas l’espropié. La garde des commandements est un cercle; elle est une ronde. L’un maintient l’autre. Si nous délaissons un seul commandement, on nous dira très petits dans le royaume des cieux. Le mot «très petits» ne veut rien exprimer d’autre, d’après le grand et divin Chrysostome, que la condamnation au châtiment. Recevons donc et les enfants et les vieillards et les estropiés”. (Leroy 1979, p. 504). Theodore mentioned that among his audience were several nursing monks (Leroy 1958, p. 193, n. 123, p. 198, n. 129). He also dedicated some poems to his various xenodocheia, as seen in his poems 29, 104, 105, 107, and 108 (Theodore the Studite, Iambi de Variis Argumentis, Patrologia Graeca 99, col. 1792 A–B; col. 1085 A–D). Leclercq suggested that poem 29 might have been inscribed on the lintel of the xenodocheion (Leclercq 1925, col. 2760). |
13 | Basil’s teaching on the observance of all commandments is linked to his concept of the so-called “equality of sins”, as evidenced in SR 4 and SR 293, among others (see Amand’s discussion on “le regorisme de Basile” in Amand 1949, pp. 152–75). However, E. Baudry acknowledges a distinction among sins in Basil’s Rosponses (Baudry 1977, pp. 162–66), while J. Gribomont argues that the concept of the equality of sins extends beyond Basil’s formulation (Gribomont 1984, pp. 300–1). |
14 | Augustine of Hippo, Confessions, Book X, sections 28.39 to 43.70. In this passage, he engages in profound self-analysis, confessing ten incurable passions based on his interpretation of 1 John 2: 16. |
15 | Basil of Caesarea, Ep. (=Letters) 94.36 (mentioning katagogia); 142.10–11 (referring to ptochotrophia); 143.8–9, 11, and 15 (referring to ptochotropheion, mentioned three times); 150.3 (mentioning ptochotropheion); 176.20 (mentioning ptochotropheion). SR 155 (mentioning xenodocheion) and SR 286 (mentioning xenodocheion). For the Greek texts of SR 155 and SR 286 and their modern translations, see Patrologia Graeca (henceforth PG) 31, col. 1184 B and 1284 B; (Silvas 2005, pp. 356, 430). |
16 | Artemidorus, Oneirocritica, I.4 |
17 | Sozomenus, Historia Ecclesiastica, 5.16. (Sources Chrétiennes 495, 2005, pp. 173–75). |
18 | See, (Pouchet 1992, pp. 303–6) for the letters 142–144. |
19 | (Pouchet 1992, pp. 304, 411, 561–62). A certain Elpidios was from this monastery; see Palladius, The Lausiac History, ch. 48. |
20 | Concerning the completion of the Basileias, see note 1. |
21 | See p. 1. “La première fonction de la Basiliade est donc d’offrir l’hospitalité aux voyageurs”. (Gain 1985, p. 279). |
22 | Basil of Caesarea, Ep. 94.37–38. Gregory of Nazianzus mentions Basil’s ptochotrophiai (food for the poor) and xenodochiai (hospitality for strangers) (Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio 43.9.1) |
23 | Basil encouraged Heraklides to follow the ideal of evangelical poverty according to Matt. 19: 21, and to distribute his own property through someone qualified for it. In contrast, in LR 9, he regulated that one should distribute either by oneself or through others qualified for such tasks. By contrast, Gregory of Nazianzus designated three ptochotrophoi in his testament to distribute his own property. See Gregory of Nazianzus, Testament (Beaucamp 2010, pp. 208–9). |
24 | Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio 43.63.3. See also (Gain 1985, p. 279, n. 36). |
25 | Epiphanios, Panarion (Adversus Haereses), 75.1 (PG 42, col. 504 B-C). Epiphanios referred to “those stricken by leprosy” using the term , akin to . See (Gascou 1994, p. 78, n. 162). |
26 | Basil of Caesarea, Ep. 94.37–39. |
27 | Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio 43. 63.1 |
28 | PG 31, col. 1184 B. Miller’s opinion that Basil hired nurses for the sick is weakly supported (Miller 1984, p. 54; Miller 1997, p. 86). |
29 | PG 31, col. 1284 B; (Silvas 2005, p. 430, n. 759). Communities had an infirmary for their residents who were ill. |
30 | The Miracles of St. Artemios, 21 (Miller 1997, pp. 116–17). |
31 | The word generally refers to the “superior” of a monastery in the Asketikon of Basil, while in SR 155, it indicates the chief who heads the xenodocheion. Cf. (Fedwick 1981, p. 10; Nam 2004, pp. 263–65). |
32 | Basil of Caesarea, Ep. 243.32–36. |
33 | PG 31, 1010 C. |
34 | Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio 43. 63.4. |
35 | 2 Corinthians 8:9 reads, “Though he (Jesus Christ) was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich”. This verse can be interpreted within the conception of “the King of all who became a beggar”, a concept Peter Brown labeled “the paradox of the Incarnation”. (Brown 2002, pp. 93–94) A number of Christian leaders of these periods can be called “poor euergetai” in the sense that they chose voluntary poverty while devoting themselves to poor relief (cf. Nam 2010a). |
36 | Cyril of Scythopolis, Life of Theodosius, ch. 1: (Hirschfeld 1992, p. 15). |
37 | Theodore of Petra, Life of Theodosius, ch. 20 (Festugière 1962, pp. 130–31). |
38 | Theodore of Petra, Life of Theodosius, ch. 20 (Festugière 1962, p. 130). |
39 | The cited passage is from PG 31, 890 col. B–892 C (Binns 1994, p. 45). This indicates that the monastery of Theodosius preserved a manuscript of the Asketikon of Basil of Caesarea. |
40 | “The passionate part of the soul” is an Evagrian notion. For the tripartite division of the soul of Plato and its Christian adaptation of Evagrius Ponticus, see (Nam 2016). |
41 | Theodore of Petra, Life of Theodosius 8, PG 114, col. 500 D–501 A and (Usener 1890, p. 40, lines 5–12). I adopted the edition of PG 114 col. 500 D–501 A and then the edition of (Usener 1890, p. 40, lines 5–12), because this choice corresponds more faithfully to Basil’s thoughts. |
42 | One can point out a similarity of such spiritual cure with the chapter 91 of the Praktikos of Evagrius Ponticus. Evagrius recommends the caring for the sick as a treatment of the irascible part of the soul. See Evagrius Ponticus, Praktikos ch. 91. |
43 | I synthesize the editions of Usener and PG 114, as they complement each other. See Theodore of Petra, Life of Theodosius, ch. 16 (Festugière 1962, p. 124; Usener 1890, pp. 40.12–41.12; PG 114, col. 501, A 11–C 21). See also (Hirschfeld 1992, pp. 15, 77, 264 (n. 35)). |
44 | PG 114, col. 501 B1. |
45 | Theodore of Petra, Life of Theodosius, ch. 17–18 (Festugière 1962, pp. 125–29). (Hirschfeld 1992, p. 33). |
46 | Theodore of Petra, Life of Theodosius, (Usener 1890, p. 40). |
47 | Cf. (Crislip 2005, pp. 14–17). |
48 | Miller wrote that “Theodosius provided a model of cloistered monastery which nevertheless continued the hospital tradition of Saint Basil”. (Miller 1997, p. 133). |
49 | (Hirschfeld 1992, pp. 48–49, 78). For the number of monks, see (Festugière 1962, pp. 127–28; Usener 1890, pp. 46.9–12). Hirschfeld (1992, p. 265, n. 41). |
50 | Cf (Grégoire 1938) for bath staff of the hospital operated by the church of Alexandria. |
51 | Life of Dositheos 1. |
52 | Life of Dositheos 1; Letter 316 and 334. |
53 | Letter 570; Dorotheos, Instructions XI.119. |
54 | Dorotheos, Instrucctions, XI.119; Letter 570. |
55 | Xenodochos (Dorotheos, Instrucctions, XI.119), xenodocheion (Letter 570), nosokomeion (Letter 313, 316, 330, 334; Life of Dositheos 1, 4, 6. (Bitton-Ashkelony and Kofsky 2000, p. 58; Hirschfeld 2004, p. 77). |
56 | Dorotheos, Instrucctions, XI.119; XI.121. |
57 | Letter 316, 327; Life of Dositheos 1. |
58 | Life of Dositheos 1; 6. |
59 | LR 7.3; PG 31, col. 932 C. |
60 | Sayings of Desert Fathers, 17.22. |
61 | Dorotheos, Instructions, 14.153 (pp. 428–31). Cf. Evagrius Ponticus, Praktikos, ch. 91. |
62 | The noun of “eleos”(mercy), one of its synonyms, was used very often in the Sayings of Desert Fathers and the writings of Evagrius Ponticus. The word occurs twenty-three times in the Sayings of Desert Fathers and five times in Praktikos and Scholia on Proverbs of Evagrius. See Sayings of Desert Fathers, Sources Chrétiennes 498, p. 314 (index); Evagrius Ponticus, Praktikos, Sources Chrétiennes 171, p. 750 (index) and Scholia on Proverbs, Sources Chrétiennes 340, p. 517 (index). Nevertheless, the exact form of “sympatheia” has only one occurrence in the Apophthegmata and it is beyond the context of care for the sick. See Sayings of Desert Fathers, 18.48 (Sources Chrétiennes 498, p. 128, line 170). |
63 | Cf. Evagrius Ponticus, Praktikos, ch. 30. Dorotheos may have been influenced by Evagrius Ponticus. See Letter 326; (Bitton-Ashkelony and Kofsky 2000, p. 93; Choi 2020, p. 56). |
64 | Augustine of Hippo, Confessions, X.38.63. |
65 | Augustine of Hippo, On The Trinity, I.8.17. |
66 | This teaching that anger and its related passions are obstacles to repentance and prayer (Letter 333) appears to be a dim reminiscence of the sayings of Evagrius Ponticus (Evagrius Ponticus, Praktikos, ch. 24; 93). See also Sayings of the Desert Fathers, 8.2. |
67 | Life of Dositheos 6; 7; 9. |
68 | Life of Dositheos 6. |
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Nam, S.H. Christian Perfection in Basilian Monastic Hospitals from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries. Religions 2024, 15, 793.
Nam SH. Christian Perfection in Basilian Monastic Hospitals from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries. Religions. 2024; 15(7):793.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNam, Sung Hyun. 2024. "Christian Perfection in Basilian Monastic Hospitals from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries" Religions 15, no. 7: 793.
APA StyleNam, S. H. (2024). Christian Perfection in Basilian Monastic Hospitals from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries. Religions, 15(7), 793.