The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Its Socio-Economic Implications
:1. General Introduction
“that which is common”, that which constitutes a link, a community (2 Cor 13:13; 1 Jn 1:3); consequently, the disinterested spirit of sharing (2 Cor 9:13); then the sign or proof of fellowship, especially in common contribution, a gift both centrifugal and centripetal (Acts 2:42…); finally, participation in collection (2 Cor 8:4) or in a common good, e.g., the Body and Blood of Christ (1Cor 10:16)—a use which gives the word, in the liturgy and in fourth-century writers, the meaning of communion in the Eucharistic mystery […]. Among the Latins the term expresses the act of association, participation, then the status of being common, likeness, the fact of sharing the same faith, union with the whole Church which holds fast to spiritual and material goods, reconciliation which gives back “communion” with the Church, and finally participation in the Eucharist through communion.”
2. What Is the Foundation of the Trinitarian Koinōnia?
2.1. Is There a Biblical Foundation of the Doctrine of the Trinity?
2.1.1. The Hebrew Bible and the Doctrine of the Trinity
2.1.2. The New Testament and the Doctrine of the Trinity
2.2. Is Koinōnia Rooted in the New Testament?
2.3. Is the Trinitarian Koinōnia Grounded in the New Testament?
2.3.1. The Incarnate Son and Koinōnia
2.3.2. The Father and Koinōnia
2.3.3. The Spirit and Koinōnia
2.3.4. The Believers and the Koinōnia
2.4. A Further Consideration of the Trinitarian Koinōnia in the New Testament
2.4.1. The Kingdom (Reign) of God: The Eikōn (Icon) of Trinitarian Koinōnia
2.4.2. The Presence or/and Absence of the Kingdom (Reign) of God
The decisive battle in a war may have already occurred in a relatively early stage of the war, and yet the war still continues. Although the decisive effect of that battle is perhaps not recognised by all, it nevertheless already means victory. But the war must still be carried on for an undefined time.
2.4.3. The Models of the Kingdom (Reign) of God
2.5. Conclusions
3. Some Contemporary Views of the Trinitarian Koinōnia
3.1. A Brief Reflection on God for Us—Catherine M. LaCugna
3.1.1. Her Brief Historical Review of the Doctrine of Trinity
3.1.2. Some Different Views on Personhood and Trinity
3.1.3. A Summary of the Trinitarian Koinōnia
3.2. A Brief Reflection on Trinity and Society—Leonardo Boff
3.2.1. His Brief Historical View of the Doctrine of the Trinity
3.2.2. The Trinitarian Eternal Life
3.2.3. The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Human Society
3.2.4. The Trinitarian Perichōrēsis and Human Society
3.3. A General Evaluation of the Views of LaCugna, and Boff on the Trinitarian Koinōnia
3.3.1. The Contribution of LaCugna and Boff to the Trinitarian Koinōnia
3.3.2. The Limitations of LaCugna and Boff on the Trinitarian Koinōnia
4. The Socio-Economic Implications of the Trinitarian Koinōnia
4.1. An Outline of Some Socio-Economic Facts
4.1.1. The Function and Dysfunction of the Global Economic System
4.1.2. Is Going Against the Current Economic Imbalance Possible?
4.2. Can the Trinitarian Illuminate the Human Socio-Economics?
4.2.1. The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Kenōsis
4.2.2. Trinitarian Koinōnia and Agapē
4.2.3. The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Solidarity
4.3. The Ongoing Search of Ideal Human Koinōnia
4.3.1. Human Koinōnia and Fair Trade
4.3.2. Human Koinōnia and Cancellation of Debts
4.3.3. Human Koinōnia and the Integrity of Creation
4.3.4. Trinitarian Koinōnia and Human Koinōnia Embrace
5. General Conclusion
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Gobbo, W.J. The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Its Socio-Economic Implications. Religions 2025, 16, 166.
Gobbo WJ. The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Its Socio-Economic Implications. Religions. 2025; 16(2):166.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGobbo, Wilbert Joseph. 2025. "The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Its Socio-Economic Implications" Religions 16, no. 2: 166.
APA StyleGobbo, W. J. (2025). The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Its Socio-Economic Implications. Religions, 16(2), 166.