A Methodology for Integrating Hierarchical VMAP-Data Structures into an Ontology Using Semantically Represented Analyses
:1. Introduction
- a set of requirements for Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) of bulk data;
- mechanisms that upload metadata and automatically query additional information from the bulk data;
- queries for additional metadata using semantically representing routines that process the bulk data and produce metadata;
- semantic routine management that can be expanded from data processing to manufacturing and management processes.
2. Standardization and Semantic Technologies for Simulation Data Management
2.1. Standardization of SPDM
2.1.1. The ISO Standard STEP
- The data model requires tedious and lengthy standardization processes for new modules due to the CWA: only defined classes are accepted.
- The data definition varies fundamentally due to the different granularity of design and simulation data.
- Simulation data can either be referenced as a whole file or fully stored in a STEP file. Referencing, however, lacks the possibility of linking to key results within the model, while STEP file formats require large amounts of storage space as described in Section 3.
2.1.2. The VMAP CAE Data Interface Standard
- GEOMETRY contains spatial information on nodes and elements.
- VARIABLES stores physical quantities referenced to the nodes and elements.
- In SYSTEM, the simulation parameters such as coordinate system and integration method are defined.
- MATERIAL contains material information stored in different tables, which can be imported or shared across files.
2.2. Semantic Technologies for SPDM
2.2.1. Ontological Core Framework
2.2.2. Ontological Data Integration
- Bulk data must be stored in an efficient format. This may be propriety or semantic.
- To store data efficiently, it may be integrated to different extents.
- Data access must be defined if data are not fully imported into the database.
- An ontology, i.e., a domain model, is required for full reasoning capabilities and must be maintained.
3. Software Requirements
- Semantic access to simulation data is necessary due to the described digital twin context. Simulation data, including all data values, must be found from a semantic access point.
- Simulation data are too large for a one-to-one mapping to a semantic framework, as is the current practice in OBDA [26,29]. Storage space is already a significant issue for SPDM, especially in dynamic simulations. Storing it in triples can be expected to take up a multiple amount of storage space, while the knowledge gained may be minimal. This is due to the clear-text nature of semantic formats and the inefficiency of RDF in storing ordered lists or even arrays, as structural relations would be repeatedly stated [18].The extra space is easily demonstrated when comparing the size of a use case example for STEP Application Protocol 209 “Multidisciplinary analysis and design” in ISO 10303-209:2014 (AP209) [41]. The recreated test case file in VMAP takes up only 176 kB of disk space, much less than the AP209 test file with 4278 kB. An Ontology Web Language [42] (OWL) instances file (translated using ExpressToOwl [43]) requires 43,652 kB. Therefore, the respective data must remain in its optimal storage format to minimize storage space while maximizing interoperability.
- Access methods must be easily available to create new metadata without manual labor. Currently, the post-processing of VMAP files requires mapping back and forth between vendor-specific formats. This is computationally intensive and unnecessary for well-defined post-processing steps and easily automatable tasks that can be bundled in a batch process. The requirement we impose is automating data processing to obtain the desired information. For this, very performative routines are available in open-source software packages for the binary HDF5 structure of VMAP.
- providing a file and request metadata via a user interface;
- uploading vital information from the file to the ontology down to a certain depth;
- searching the requested metadata and returning it if it is available;
- finding the routine required to create the metadata if it is unavailable, executing the routine, and adding the metadata to the knowledge graph;
- returning the metadata to the user.
4. Software Architecture and Prototype
- All data can be accessed via the knowledge graph (see Section 4.3). A GUI is implemented to show the current capabilities.
- The knowledge graph is populated only with such information required for new metadata to be queried and found or created with efficient methods (Section 4.1), thus significantly reducing the required storage space.
- Access methods are semantically available in the knowledge graph and can be easily managed (see the process ontology in Section 4.1 and the access layer in Section 4.3).
4.1. Semantic Definitions
4.1.1. Storage Ontology
4.1.2. Process Ontology
4.2. Querying Information in Three Steps
- 1.
- Find the File
- 2.
- Find the Metadata
- 3.
- Find the Metadata Routine
4.3. Software Design
4.3.1. Presentation Layer
4.3.2. Application Layer
4.3.3. Access Layer
4.3.4. Naming Conventions and Used Packages
- The classes of the prototype’s presentation layer use the tkinter package, which provides functions for both the user interface and the control classes [50].
- The h5py package can import HDF5 files, i.e., VMAP data [51].
- NumPy uses HDF5 for storage and computing and provides efficient numerical methods [52].
4.4. Test Functions
- Requesting metadata should require a minimal amount of information about its object. Finding the referred dataset instance has been implemented for an owlready2 entity, the datapath of a dataset, the required state variable, and the HDF5 dataset itself. This has been tested in test00existsoninstance.py, test01existsoninstancename.py, test02datapath.py, test03variable.py, and test04dataset.py, respectively.
- When instantiating a file to the knowledge graph, duplicates must be identified. This is tested in test05duplicatefile.py based on ID parameters.
- If a metadata instance is already available, it must be found in the knowledge graph and directly returned, rather than repeatedly searching and executing the data processing routines. In test06duplicatemetadata.py, metadata instances are found with the same existsOn and subClassOf specifications as requested.
- More complex metadata, i.e., the difference between two datasets, and translations of Cauchy stresses into a Von Mises criterion, are created in test08difference.py and test09cauchytomises.py, respectively.
- A more complex blow molding simulation result from an industrial use case for VMAP [2] was instantiated and processed in test07bsimresults.py. The data for this test case is currently not publicly available.
5. Discussion and Outlook
- Without manual mapping, data can be directly analyzed on the binary VMAP file. Loading only vital information into the ontology minimizes the storage space footprint of the stored triples, and the bulk data remains in its optimal form.
- New numerical methods and data analyses can be imported into the process ontology for knowledge management of the available routines and automatic use in the semantic framework.
- As outlined in Section 2, a widely accepted common ontological framework for OBDA of simulation data is yet to be developed. Harmonizing smartMpCCI and PSO appears to be a promising starting point.
- The method is currently only implemented as a prototype and is not yet being used in an industrial context, which is a vital prerequisite for the method’s success [5,14]. Currently, PLM methods and particularly SPDM methods lack standardized benchmarks, restricting the evaluation to expert assessments for individual industry scenarios [15].
- The computational overhead of the method depends on the search along the knowledge graph. This can be minimized using efficient semantic search engines [57]. The method may be limited to the simple routines tested in this paper. However, APIs can be used to automate integrated workflows efficiently.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
STEP | ISO 10303 “Standard for the Exchange of Product model data” |
IoT | Internet of Things |
SDM | Simulation Data Management |
SPARQL | SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language [33] |
SCAI | Fraunhofer-Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing |
SQL-DB | Structured Query Language database |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
DB | database |
MpCCI | Mesh-based parallel Code Coupling Interface |
HDF5 | Hierarchical Data Format |
PSO | Physics-based Simulation Ontology |
BFO | Basic Formal Ontology |
OBDA | Ontology-Based Data Access |
smartMpCCI | MpCCI Ontologies for Digital Twins |
OWL | Ontology Web Language [42] |
OPC-UA | Open Platform Communications (OPC) Unified Architecture [37,38] |
RDF | Resource Description Framework [35] |
AP209 | STEP Application Protocol 209 “Multidisciplinary analysis and design” in ISO 10303-209:2014 |
SPDM | Simulation Process and Data Management |
RDFS | RDF Schema [45] |
CAE | Computer Aided Engineering |
PLM | Product Lifecycle Management |
SME | Small and Medium Enterprise |
API | Application Programming Interface |
OWA | open-world assumption |
CWA | closed-world assumption |
Appendix A. Class Diagram
Appendix B. RDF Notations of Semantic Definitions
Appendix B.1. Top-Level Classes of the Storage Ontology
- VMAP_File subClassOf VMAP_Thing
- VMAP_Group subClassOf VMAP_Thing
- VMAP_Group isStoredIn VMAP_file
- VMAP_Group has_data_path xsd:string
- VMAP_Attribute subClassOf VMAP_Thing
- VMAP_Attribute isStoredIn VMAP_Group
- VMAP_Attribute has_value (xsd:string or xsd:int or xsd:float or ...)
- VMAP_Dataset subClassOf VMAP_Thing
- VMAP_Dataset isStoredIn VMAP_Group
- VMAP_Dataset hasColumns VMAP_Dataset_Column
- VMAP_Dataset stores_variable xsd:string
- VMAP_Dataset_Column subClassOf VMAP_Thing
- VMAP_Dataset_Column isStoredIn VMAP_Dataset
- VMAP_Dataset_Column has_column_number xsd:nonNegativeInteger
- VMAP_Dataset_Column has_column_name xsd:string
Appendix B.2. Top-Level Classes of the Process Ontology
- Routine subClassOf bfo:Process
- Routine hasInput owl:Thing
- Routine hasOutput Metadata
- VMAP_Routine subClassOf Routine
- VMAP_Metadata subClassOf Metadata
- VMAP_Routine hasInput VMAP_File or VMAP_Dataset
- VMAP_Routine hasOutput VMAP_Metadata
Appendix C. SPARQL Notations of Semantic Queries
Appendix C.1. Finding the File
- SELECT ?file WHERE {
- ?dataset :isStoredIn+ ?file
- ?dataset hasColumns [ :stores_variable "temperature" ] }
Appendix C.2. Finding the Metdata
- SELECT ?metadata WHERE {
- ?metadata :existsOn mydataset
- ?metadata rdf:type Minimum }
Appendix C.3. Finding the Metadata Routine Using Routine Instances
- routine1 rdf:type Routine
- routine1 hasInput mydataset1
- routine1 hasOutput minimum1
- SELECT ?routine WHERE {
- ?routine :hasInput mydataset
- ?routine :hasOutput minimum }
Appendix C.4. Finding the Metadata Routine Using Routine Subclasses
- Minimum subClassOf Metadata
- Dset_Min_Routine hasOutput some Minimum
- Dset_Min_Routine hasInput some VMAP_Dataset
- routine1 rdf:type Dset_Min_Routine
- SELECT ?routineindividual WHERE {
- ?routineindividual a ?routineclass .
- ?routineclass rdfs:subClassOf+ ?outputrestriction .
- ?routineclass rdfs:subClassOf+ ?inputrestriction .
- { SELECT ?outputrestriction WHERE {
- ?outputrestriction a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty [ rdfs:subPropertyOf* :hasOutput ] ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Minimum . } }
- { SELECT ?inputrestriction WHERE {
- ?inputrestriction a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty [ rdfs:subPropertyOf* :hasInput ] ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Minimum . } } }
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Domain Knowledge | Data Access | Storage Logic | |
STEP | Application Protocol (AP) [8] | Part21 [9] or binary file [10] | ASCII file |
VMAP | General Specifications [2] | Standard Specifications [3] | HDF5 file [11] |
Data pipelines to knowledge graphs | Ontology | Mapping-based OBDA | Relational database or supported proprietary formats |
This work | Ontology | Procedural knowledge in semantically represented access methods | Semantic knowledge graph and HDF5 data |
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Share and Cite
Spelten, P.; Meyer, M.-C.; Wagner, A.; Wolf, K.; Reith, D. A Methodology for Integrating Hierarchical VMAP-Data Structures into an Ontology Using Semantically Represented Analyses. Information 2024, 15, 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/info15010021
Spelten P, Meyer M-C, Wagner A, Wolf K, Reith D. A Methodology for Integrating Hierarchical VMAP-Data Structures into an Ontology Using Semantically Represented Analyses. Information. 2024; 15(1):21. https://doi.org/10.3390/info15010021
Chicago/Turabian StyleSpelten, Philipp, Morten-Christian Meyer, Anna Wagner, Klaus Wolf, and Dirk Reith. 2024. "A Methodology for Integrating Hierarchical VMAP-Data Structures into an Ontology Using Semantically Represented Analyses" Information 15, no. 1: 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/info15010021
APA StyleSpelten, P., Meyer, M.-C., Wagner, A., Wolf, K., & Reith, D. (2024). A Methodology for Integrating Hierarchical VMAP-Data Structures into an Ontology Using Semantically Represented Analyses. Information, 15(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/info15010021