An Improved Genetic Algorithm with a New Initialization Mechanism Based on Regression Techniques
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Basic Principles of Genetic Algorithms
- Binary encoding: all individuals are represented as series of bits 0 or 1; each bit represents a gene in the chromosome. For example, the Knapsack problem uses binary encoding:
Chromosome A 111100101100111011101101 Chromosome B 111111100010110001011111 Binary encoding example - Permutation encoding: every single individual is represented as a string of numbers that represents a position in a sequence. For example, ordering problems and traveling salesman problem (TSP) use the Permutation encoding technique:
Chromosome A 1 3 5 6 2 4 7 8 9 Chromosome B 6 5 8 7 2 2 1 3 9 Permutation encoding example - Value encoding: the individual in this type of encoding is implemented as a string of some values. These values can be any character or real number. For example, the process of determining weights for neural network uses value encoding technique:
Chromosome A 1.2324 5.3243 0.4556 2.3293 2.4545 Chromosome B ACDJEIFJDHDIERJFFDDFLFEGT Chromosome C (back), (back), (right), (forward), (left) Value encoding example - Tree encoding: All chromosomes are structured as a tree of some objects (i.e., commands in programming language):
Chromosome A Chromosome B ( + x ( / 5 y ) ) ( do_until step wall )
- Reaching the peak level of generations.
- Improving fitness still below the threshold value.
2.2. Solving Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) with GA
- Symmetric traveling salesman problem: The distance or cost between any two city nodes is equal for both directions (undirected graph), i.e., the distance from node1 to node2 and the distance from node2 to node1 are alike. Therefore, the expected solutions here will be (n − 1)!.
- Asymmetric traveling salesman problem: The distance or cost between any two city nodes is not equal for both directions (directed graph), i.e., the distance from node1 to node2 is not the same from the distance from node2 to node1. Thus, the expected solutions will be (n − 1)!/2.
- Multi traveling salesman problem: More than one salesperson involved in the problem of finding optimal route.
- Binary representation: a bit string is used to implement each city for example, 4-bit string is used to represent each city of 6 cities TSP, i.e., strings: a tour 1-3-6-5-2-4 is implemented: (00010011 0110 0101 0010 0100).
- Path representation: where there is a natural representation for the path [45], for example: a path 1-3-7-6-5-2-4 is represented: (1 3 7 6 5 2 4).
- Adjacency representation: The destination city that is linked to the source may become the source for an upcoming tour.
- Ordinal representation: The path from one city to another is implemented as an array of cities. The path i, in the list, is a number ranging from 1 to ().
2.3. Population Seeding Techniques
- Random Initialization: Random initial population seeding technique is the simplest and the most common technique that generates the initial population to GA. This technique is preferred when the prior information about the problem or the optimal solution is trivial. The sentence ‘generate an initial population’ related to the process of generating the initial population by using random initialization technique. In TSP, the random initialization technique selects the cities of the initial solutions randomly. During the individual generation, the random initialization technique generates a random number between 1 and n. If the current individual is already contains the generated number, then it generates a new number. Otherwise, the generated number is added to the current individuals. The Operation is repeated until the desired individual size (n) is reached. There are many random initial population methods aim to generate a random numbers such as the uniform random sequence, Sobol random, and quasi random [2,48].
- Nearest Neighbor: The nearest neighbor (NN) is considered as one of the most common initial population seeding technique. NN may still good alternative to random initial population technique in order to generate an initial population solutions that are used in solving TSP with GAs [49,50,51,52,53]. In the case of NN technique, the generation of each individual starts by selecting random city as the starting city and then the nearest city to be added as the new starting city. Iteratively, NN adds the nearest city to the current city that was not added to the individual until the individual includes all the cities in the problem space. The generated individuals from the NN population seeding can improve the evolving search process in the next generations as they were created from a city nearest to the current city [52].
- Selective Initialization: Yang [54] presented a selective initial population technique based on the K-nearest neighbor (KNN) sub graph. The KNN builds a graph contains all cities such as and , based on the distance matrix. Where is one of the KNN cities of or is one of the KNN cities of . The selective initial population technique grants the higher priority to the KNN sub graph edges. Firstly, from the city c, the next city will be randomly selected from c’s KNN list, but if all cities of c in KNN list are selected, then the next city is randomly selected from unvisited cities.
- Gene Bank: Wei et al. [55] proposed a greedy GA that depends on Gene Bank (GB) to generate the initial population to GA. GB technique aims to generate a high quality initial population solution. The GB is created based on the distance between cities by gathering the permutation of N cities. The initial population solutions that are generated from the GB are greater than the average fitness. In the case of solving TSP with N cities, the GB is constructed from c closer cities to city I, where c is the gene size less than or equal . Each gene of the first city, I, is randomly chosen. Then, the closest unvisited city j from the i-th row is selected and from the j-th row the closest unvisited city k is selected. On the other hand, if all j-th row cities are visited, then the next city is randomly chosen from unvisited cities list.
- Sorted Population: Yugay et al. [28] proposed a sorted initial population technique to modify and improve GA based on the principle of the better offspring’s which are generated from the best parents. SP technique generates a large number of initial population solutions and sorts the min ascending order based on their fitness value in case of TSP-short distance. Finally, some of initial populations that have bad fitness are eliminated. The probability of finding a good solution in the population is very high when the initial population is very large. So, the sorted initial population technique is more likely to find a favorable initial population solution.
- K-means Initial Population: Deng et al. [33] introduced a new initial population technique to improve the performance of GA by using k-means algorithm for solving TSP. The proposed strategy used the k-means clustering to split a large-scale of TSP into small groups k, where and N = number of cities. Next, KIP applies GA to find the local optimal path for each groups and a global optimal path that connects each local optimal solution, see Figure 6. K-means based initial population technique was compared with two initializations, random and gene bank initialization techniques. The results showed that this particular initialization technique is more efficient to improve GA.
- Knowledge Based Initialization: Li et al. [56] proposed a knowledge based initialization technique to elevate the performance of GA in solving TSP. The main idea of KI based on generating initial population without path crossover, see Figure 7. However, when the number of involved nodes is large; it is too difficult to delete the crossover path without triggering another path. KI uses a heuristic method based on coordinate the transformation and the polar angle along with learned knowledge to create the initial population. The main idea is to split the plane into disjoint sectors; by increasing the polar angle to choose the cities that does not cause path crossover. Knowledge based initial population technique was compared to four other initializations: random, NN, gene bank, and Vari-begin with Vari-diversity techniques. The results showed that knowledge based nitialization technique is better than other techniques on the improvement of GA.
- Ordered Distance Vector Population Seeding: Paul et al. [7,57] disclosed an initial population seeding techniques that have a property of randomness and individual diversity based on the ordered distance vector (ODV). Three different initial population seeding techniques have been lunched based on ODV, namely ODV-EV, ODV-VE, and ODV-VV.The best adjacent (BA) number plays an important role in the individual diversity of the population. It assumes that any city in the optimal solution is connected to city , where is one of nearest BA number of cities to . In addition, Indevlen is the number represents the number of cities in each individual. In ODV techniques, the ordered distance matrix (ODM) size is created by using the value of BA and the given problem distance matrix. The techniques of generating the initial population using the ODM can be represented as follows:
- –
- ODV-EV. In ODV-EV technique, each individual in the populations begins with same city. A random number (BAi) is generated within the (BA) before inserting each city into each individual. The podv-ev that is generated using the ODV-EV technique can be represented as:
- –
- ODV-VE. In ODV-VE technique, each individual is assigned a random number (BAi) which is generated within the BA; and the same random number (BAi) is used to adjust each city in the individual. After that, the BA number of individuals, in the population begins with the same initial city number. The ODV-VE technique can be represented as:
- –
- ODV-VV. In ODV-VV technique, a new random number (BAi) between 1 and BA is generated before inserting any city to any individual. The starting city for each individual is randomly selected. The generated initial population seeding from ODV-VV is efficient and has good individual diversity. The ODV-VV technique can be represented as:
- Insertion Population Seeding: The process of the insertion initial population seeding (In) technique starts with a partial path that contains several randomly selected cities. Then, iteratively inserts the nearest city to any city in the partial path. Finally, adds the edge to the lowest cost position at the path [58].
- Solomon Heuristic Seeding: Solomon Heuristic is a modification of the heuristic that was proposed for the vehicle routing problem with time windows by Solomon [59]. It starts with a partial path contains two cities that are randomly selected. Next, it calculates the inserting cost at any possible positions on the path for each city that is not inserted in the path. Finally, inserts the city into the path at the optimal position cost.
- Selection techniques such as Rank-based selection, Tournament selection, and Roulette Wheel selection.
- Crossover: handled single-point crossover, two point crossover, and uniform crossover.
- Different Population Size.
- Crossover Rate: The rate of crossover operator used in each experiment.
- Mutation Rate: Aims to find the best operator to their technique to be used in the experiments.
- The larger population size, the higher efficiency in the search space.
- The moderate population size ranged from (12–4000).
- The increasing or decreasing of crossover rate leads to lose some solutions, where the range of crossover rate from (–1) and the range of mutation rate from (–1).
- Finding the best initial population is critical to find the optimal or near-optimal solution.
- The need of population diversity to avoid GA early convergence problem.
- Avoid falling in the local optimal solution problem:
- (a)
- Decrease the GA search time that are consumed for finding an optimal or near-optimal solution.
- (b)
- Decrease the numbers of generations that are needed to obtain the optimal or near-optimal solution.
3. Proposed Initialization Technique Based on Linear Regression
- (1)
- start with dividing the large-scale TSP into four small sub-problems using regression line and the perpendicular line, and classify the points into four categories. Each category is divided into four new categories recursively by using the regression line and the perpendicular line. The process carries on until having the target category that contains a small number of instances (x,y) points. Maximum four cities or (x,y) points assigned to each category that are considered as initial population for TSP sub-problem. The process ends up when the local optimal solution is obtained for each category.
- (2)
- Rebuild the initial populations seeding by reconnecting all local optimal solutions together. Finally, mutate the initial population N times to obtain N solutions, where N is the population size.
- Step 1: Find the regression line equation () that divide the points into two sections. To compute the regression line for berlin52 ( cities), we note that , , , , so that we see the constants the y-intercept, the slope of the line, see Equation (5). Thus, the regression line equation is given by . Similarly for att532 ( cities), we note that , , , , so that we see the constants the y-intercept, the slope of the line. Thus, the regression line equation is given by . See Figure 9a that shows these regression lines graphically.
- Step 2: Find the center points (x,y) of the regression lines. For berlin52 the center point (, ) is calculated from the end points (25, ), (1740, ), for and att532 the center point (, ) is calculated from the end points (8605, ), (10, ). See Figure 9b that shows these center points.
- Step 3: Find the perpendicular line equation that intersects the regression line at the center point. Note that the regression line slope is b, then the perpendicular line slope . The perpendicular line equation can then be obtained by using the line slope and the intersection point with the regression line (center point). See Figure 9c that shows these perpendicular lines.
- Step 4: Shift the center point to the origin point, and then allocate the regression line and the perpendicular line on the (x, y) axis. Next, classify the points into four categories A, B, C, and D, see Figure 10a.
- Step 5: Recursively, compute the regression and perpendicular lines (Steps 1 to 4) four times for each category A, B, C, and D, see Figure 10b for examples.
- Step 6: Terminate the recursive computation if the number of points (cities) less than or equal to four.
- Step 7: Select a random city to be the starting city, and then add the nearest city as new starting city until having all cities connected in the category of the local path. The group in each category is connected with the nearest group in other categories until all groups are connected in a global path.
4. Experimental Results and Discussion
4.1. Experimental Setup
4.2. Assessment Criteria
- Error Rate is the percentage of the difference between the known optimal solution and the fitness value of the solution for the problem [52,70,71]. It can be represented as:The error rate can be classified into two types based on the fitness values in the population. First, individuals with high error rate due to the initial population with worst fitness value. Second, individuals with low error rate due to the initial population with worst fitness [32].
- Final Solution Error Rate refers to the difference between the known optimal solution and the final solution that is resulted when applying the GAs on TSP instances using one of initial population technique. It can be represented as:This factor measures the quality of the generated population by finding the effect of applying initial population technique on Gas performance to obtain a solution near to optimal one.
- ANOVA: A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used as one of statistical analysis techniques that test if one or more groups mean are significantly different from each other. Specifically, the ANOVA statistical analysis tests the null hypothesis:
- Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT): This is considered as one of the most important statistical analysis tests that is used to find group differences after rejecting the null hypothesis. It is called post hoc or multiple comparison tests [72]. The Duncan’s multiple range tests compares all pairs of groups mean. It computes the numeric boundaries that allow classifying the difference between any two techniques range [73]. If there is a significant difference between the population means, DMRT will have a high probability of declaring the difference. For this reasons, the Duncan’s test has being the most popular test among researchers. The DMRT was implemented in this work for classifying the study groups (random, nearest neighbor, and regression) into homogenous group. The classified groups and sig value show if there is a significant difference between groups or not. Pairs of means resulting from a group comparison study with more than two groups are significantly different from each other with level of significance (). However, DMRT produces information about the significant difference between groups without differentiates their mean.
- Least significant difference (LSD): This is one of post-hoc test developed by Ronald Fisher in 1935. In general, the (LSD) is a method used to calculate and compare groups mean after rejecting the ANOVA null hypothesis (H0) of equal means using the ANOVA F-test [72]. Rejecting H0 means there are at least two means different from each other, but if the ANOVA F-test fails to reject the H0, there will be no need to apply LSD as it will incorrectly propose a significant differences between groups mean. LSD computes the minimum significant variance between two means, and to declare any significant difference larger than the LSD.
4.3. Experimental Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Performance analysis of the regression-based technique with different GA operators such as different population size, mutation rate, and number of generations that may lead to improve the GA performance by finding optimal parameters.
- Analysis of new performance evaluation criteria including, computational time and distinct solutions need to be compared to old or new initial population techniques.
- Applying the proposed technique on different NP problems (e.g., Knapsack and job scheduling problem), as this paper evaluated the proposed technique on TSP only.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No | Parameter | Value/Technique |
1 | Population Size | 100 |
2 | Generation Limit | 3000 |
3 | Initialization Technique | Random, NN, and regression |
4 | Crossover Method | one-point modified crossover |
5 | Crossover Probability | 0.82 |
6 | Mutation Method | Exchange mutation |
7 | Mutation Probability | 0.1 |
8 | Selection | Roulette wheel |
9 | Termination Condition | Generation limit |
No | Class | Instance Size | Instances |
1 | Class 1 | Size ≤ 100 | KroA100, pr76, eil51 |
2 | Class 2 | 100 < Size ≤ 500 | KroA200, pr144, lin318 |
3 | Class 3 | 500 < Size ≤ 1000 | att532, rat783, u724 |
4 | Class 4 | 1000 < Size ≤ 5000 | fl1577, fnl4461, d2103 |
Si/no | Class | Problem | Optimal Solution | Random | NN | Regression | ||||||
Best | Worst | Time | Best | Worst | Time | Best | Worst | Time | ||||
1 | Class 1 | KroA100 | 21282 | 5.707593 | 6.1524763 | 2 | 3.119679 | 6.0301663 | 3 | 0.834367 | 0.930646 | 33 |
2 | eil51 | 426 | 2.129108 | 2.4389671 | 1 | 0.943662 | 1.1197183 | 1 | 0.467136 | 0.615023 | 20 | |
3 | pr76 | 108159 | 3.412661 | 3.7008293 | 1 | 0.873483 | 1.0330994 | 2 | 0.881794 | 1.043667 | 29 | |
4 | Class 2 | KroA200 | 29368 | 9.112061 | 9.7429856 | 5 | 5.112435 | 5.259398 | 3 | 1.190207 | 1.318646 | 66 |
5 | lin318 | 42029 | 11.64106 | 12.197197 | 6 | 5.216184 | 5.6842656 | 5 | 0.916153 | 0.958077 | 115 | |
6 | pr144 | 58537 | 10.81328 | 11.651656 | 3 | 1.265268 | 1.5631652 | 2 | 0.848421 | 0.90172 | 56 | |
7 | Class 3 | att532 | 27686 | 28.14841 | 54.836199 | 17 | 27.91581 | 54.879 | 12 | 5.753486 | 6.145778 | 292 |
8 | u724 | 41910 | 18.48289 | 19.108304 | 20 | 1.159127 | 19.011644 | 19 | 1.159127 | 1.2157 | 217 | |
9 | rat783 | 8806 | 18.01306 | 18.654781 | 21 | 9.135703 | 9.4115376 | 23 | 0.872473 | 0.90427 | 230 | |
10 | Class 4 | fl1577 | 22249 | 57.4638 | 58.642726 | 56 | 14.26936 | 58.611398 | 66 | 1.532114 | 1.587802 | 483 |
11 | d2103 | 80450 | 38.15525 | 38.674779 | 5 | 10.16072 | 38.595165 | 100 | 1.162884 | 1.202722 | 642 | |
12 | fnl4461 | 182566 | 22.101 | 43.99948 | 6 | 22.06794 | 43.880471 | 408 | 1.018339 | 1.03906 | 1516 |
N | Mean | Standard Deviation | Std. Error | 95% Confidence Interval for Mean | Minimum | Maximum | ||
Lower Bound | Upper Bound | |||||||
Random | 12 | 18.7650 | 16.13439 | 4.65760 | 8.5137 | 29.0163 | 2.13 | 57.46 |
NN | 12 | 8.4366 | 8.89413 | 2.56751 | 2.7856 | 14.0877 | 0.87 | 27.92 |
Regression | 12 | 1.3864 | 1.39959 | 0.40403 | 0.4971 | 2.2756 | 0.47 | 5.75 |
Total | 36 | 9.5293 | 12.63646 | 2.10608 | 5.2538 | 13.8049 | 0.47 | 57.46 |
Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | |
Between Groups | 1833.595 | 2 | 916.798 | 8.057 | 0.001 |
Within Groups | 3755.212 | 33 | 113.794 | ||
Total | 5588.807 | 35 |
Technique | N | Subset for | |
1 | 2 | ||
Random | 12 | 18.7650 | |
NN | 12 | 8.4366 | |
Regression | 12 | 1.3864 | |
Sig. | 0.115 | 1.000 |
Technique | Technique | Mean Difference | Std. Error | Sig. | 95% Confidence Interval | |
(I) | (J) | (I–J) | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | ||
Random | NN | 10.32840 * | 4.35496 | 0.024 | 1.4682 | 19.1886 |
Regression | 17.37864 * | 4.35496 | 0.000 | 8.5184 | 26.2389 | |
NN | Random | −10.32840 * | 4.35496 | 0.024 | −19.1886 | −1.4682 |
Regression | 7.05024 | 4.35496 | 0.115 | −1.8100 | 15.9105 | |
Regression | Random | −17.37864 * | 4.35496 | 0.000 | −26.2389 | −8.5184 |
NN | −7.05024 | 4.35496 | 0.115 | −15.9105 | 1.8100 |
Si/no | Class | Problem | Optimal Solution | Population Seeding Techniques | ||
Random | NN | Regression | ||||
1 | Class 1 | KroA100 | 21282 | 94.0699652 | 95.425078 | 99.117494 |
2 | eil51 | 426 | 97.7159624 | 98.96831 | 99.45892 | |
3 | pr76 | 108159 | 96.4432548 | 99.046709 | 99.037269 | |
4 | Class 2 | KroA200 | 29368 | 90.5724768 | 94.814083 | 98.745573 |
5 | lin318 | 42029 | 88.0808727 | 94.549775 | 99.062885 | |
6 | pr144 | 58537 | 88.7675316 | 98.585783 | 99.12493 | |
7 | Class 3 | att532 | 27686 | 58.5076934 | 58.602597 | 94.050368 |
8 | u724 | 41910 | 81.2044023 | 89.914615 | 98.812586 | |
9 | rat783 | 8806 | 81.6660799 | 90.72638 | 99.111628 | |
10 | Class 4 | fl1577 | 22249 | 41.9467392 | 63.559621 | 98.440042 |
11 | d2103 | 80450 | 61.5849845 | 75.622057 | 98.817197 | |
12 | fnl4461 | 182566 | 66.9497579 | 67.025796 | 98.971301 |
Technique | N | Mean | Standard Deviation | Standard Error | 95% Confidence Interval for Mean | Min. | Max. | |
Lower Bound | Upper Bound | |||||||
Random | 12 | 78.9591 | 17.70148 | 5.10998 | 67.7122 | 90.2061 | 41.95 | 97.72 |
NN | 12 | 85.5701 | 15.05677 | 4.34652 | 76.0035 | 95.1367 | 58.60 | 99.05 |
Regression | 12 | 98.5625 | 1.44309 | 0.41658 | 97.6456 | 99.4794 | 94.05 | 99.46 |
Total | 36 | 87.6972 | 15.44635 | 2.57439 | 82.4709 | 92.9235 | 41.95 | 99.46 |
Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | |
Between Groups | 2387.201 | 2 | 1193.601 | 6.605 | 0.004 |
Within Groups | 5963.442 | 33 | 180.710 | ||
Total | 8350.643 | 35 |
Technique | N | Subset for | |
1 | 2 | ||
Random | 12 | 78.9591 | |
NN | 12 | 85.5701 | |
Regression | 12 | 98.5625 | |
Sig. | 0.237 | 1.000 |
Technique | Technique | Mean Difference | Standard | Sig. | 95% Confidence Interval | |
(I) | (J) | (I–J) | Error | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | |
Random | NN | −6.61092 | 5.48802 | 0.237 | −17.7764 | 4.5545 |
Regression | −19.60337 * | 5.48802 | 0.001 | −30.7688 | −8.4379 | |
NN | Random | 6.61092 | 5.48802 | 0.237 | −4.5545 | 17.7764 |
Regression | −12.99245 * | 5.48802 | 0.024 | −24.1579 | −1.8270 | |
Regression | Random | 19.60337 * | 5.48802 | 0.001 | 8.4379 | 30.7688 |
NN | 12.99245 * | 5.48802 | 0.024 | 1.8270 | 24.1579 |
Si/no | Class | Problem | Optimal Solution | Population Seeding Techniques | ||
Random | NN | Regression | ||||
1 | Class 1 | KroA100 | 21282 | 0.514533409 | 0.447488488 | 0.28387839 |
2 | eil51 | 426 | 0.153051643 | 0.151760563 | 0.06220657 | |
3 | pr76 | 108159 | 0.334713246 | 0.232944092 | 0.15975739 | |
4 | Class 2 | KroA200 | 29368 | 1.183575661 | 1.349473917 | 0.48822868 |
5 | lin318 | 42029 | 2.184444074 | 1.712403341 | 0.61007043 | |
6 | pr144 | 58537 | 1.376344876 | 0.585363958 | 0.57191264 | |
7 | Class 3 | att532 | 27686 | 13.47315972 | 12.60865419 | 4.67371415 |
8 | u724 | 41910 | 4.942157003 | 2.795419948 | 1.12181937 | |
9 | rat783 | 8806 | 4.982392687 | 3.87176357 | 0.74465705 | |
10 | Class 4 | fl1577 | 22249 | 22.10749022 | 11.21874017 | 1.46520743 |
11 | d2103 | 80450 | 16.16575637 | 9.38666128 | 1.14121193 | |
12 | fnl4461 | 182566 | 20.54833978 | 18.85593922 | 1.01935355 |
Technique | N | Mean | Standard Deviation | Standard Error | 95% Confidence Interval for Mean | Min. | Max. | |
Lower Bound | Upper Bound | |||||||
Random | 12 | 7.3305 | 8.34874 | 2.41007 | 2.0260 | 12.6350 | 0.15 | 22.11 |
NN | 12 | 0.9808 | 1.23616 | 0.35685 | 0.1954 | 1.7663 | 0.06 | 4.67 |
Regression | 12 | 0.1791 | 0.28387 | 0.08194 | −0.0012 | 0.3595 | 0.02 | 1.02 |
Total | 36 | 2.8302 | 5.73914 | 0.95652 | 0.8883 | 4.7720 | 0.02 | 22.11 |
Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | |
Between Groups | 368.411 | 2 | 184.205 | 7.749 | 0.002 |
Within Groups | 784.411 | 33 | 23.770 | ||
Total | 1152.821 | 35 |
Technique | N | Subset for | |
1 | 2 | ||
Random | 12 | 7.3305 | |
NN | 12 | 0.9808 | |
Regression | 12 | 0.1791 | |
Sig. | 0.690 | 1.000 |
Technique | Technique | Mean Difference | Standard | Sig. | 95% Confidence Interval | |
(I) | (J) | (I–J) | Error | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | |
Random | NN | 6.34965 * | 1.99039 | 0.003 | 2.3002 | 10.3991 |
Regression | 7.15136 * | 1.99039 | 0.001 | 3.1019 | 11.2008 | |
NN | Random | −6.34965 * | 1.99039 | 0.003 | −10.3991 | −2.3002 |
Regression | 0.80171 | 1.99039 | 0.690 | −3.2478 | 4.8512 | |
Regression | Random | −7.15136 * | 1.99039 | 0.001 | −11.2008 | −3.1019 |
NN | −0.80171 | 1.99039 | 0.690 | −4.8512 | 3.2478 |
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Hassanat, A.B.; Prasath, V.B.S.; Abbadi, M.A.; Abu-Qdari, S.A.; Faris, H. An Improved Genetic Algorithm with a New Initialization Mechanism Based on Regression Techniques. Information 2018, 9, 167.
Hassanat AB, Prasath VBS, Abbadi MA, Abu-Qdari SA, Faris H. An Improved Genetic Algorithm with a New Initialization Mechanism Based on Regression Techniques. Information. 2018; 9(7):167.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHassanat, Ahmad B., V. B. Surya Prasath, Mohammed Ali Abbadi, Salam Amer Abu-Qdari, and Hossam Faris. 2018. "An Improved Genetic Algorithm with a New Initialization Mechanism Based on Regression Techniques" Information 9, no. 7: 167.
APA StyleHassanat, A. B., Prasath, V. B. S., Abbadi, M. A., Abu-Qdari, S. A., & Faris, H. (2018). An Improved Genetic Algorithm with a New Initialization Mechanism Based on Regression Techniques. Information, 9(7), 167.