Surface Plasmon Resonance Optical Sensor: A Review on Light Source Technology
:1. Introduction
2. SPR Sensor Configuration
2.1. Grating
2.2. Prism Coupler
2.3. Waveguide
2.4. Localized SPR
3. SPR Measurement, Methodology and Performance Parameters
4. Light Source and Platform Preferences for SPR Sensor
4.1. Incandescent Lamp
4.2. Laser
4.2.1. Gas Laser
4.2.2. Laser Diode
4.3. Polychromatic Solid State Lighting
4.3.1. Light Emitting Diode
4.3.2. Organic Light-Emitting Diode
4.3.3. Smartphone-Based SPR Sensor
5. The Summary, Future Perspectives, and Challenges
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No | Feature | Incandescent Lamp | Gas Laser | Laser Diode | LED | OLED |
1 | Size | Bulky | Bulky | Small | Small | Small |
2 | Color | Polychromatic | Monochromatic | Monochromatic | Polychromatic | Polychromatic |
3 | Disposability | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
4 | Detection method possibility | λ int., intensity mod. | θ int., intensity mod., phase int. | θ int., intensity mod., phase int. | λ int., intensity mod. | λ int., intensity mod. |
5 | Incident light | Convergent, divergent | Convergent, rotating | Convergent, rotating | Convergent, divergent | Convergent, divergent |
6 | Component of optical alignment | Lens, fiber optic | Lens, fiber optic Motor | Lens, fiber optic Motor | Lens, fiber optic | Microstructure film |
7 | Light source alignment | Hard | Hard | Moderate | Moderate | Simple |
8 | Drawback | Self-heating, size, lifetime, stability | Self-heating, size, stability | Self-heating, stability | Self-heating, stability | Technology maturity |
No | Configuration | Technical Remarks | Target Sample | Results/Performance | Ref. |
1 | Optical fiber | Uniform-waist tapered optical fibers | Water | Sensitivity: 10−4 RIU | [32] |
2 | Optical fiber | Side-polished multimode optical fiber | Water, ethanol, DNA | Sensitivity: 3 × 10−6 RIU | [33] |
3 | Optical fiber | Cold plasma modified Side-polished optical fiber | BSA | 5 ng | [34] |
4 | Grating | Grating based SPRi | BSA | ∼225 spots cm−2 | [35] |
5 | Kretschmann | Optical fiber coupled-prism to enhance long and short range SPR | Streptavidin | LOD: 2.3 × 10−5, RIU: 11 pg/mm2 | [36] |
6 | LSPR | Ag nanospheres and nanorods on TiO2 substrate | Streptavidin | LOD: 2.8 × 10−4, RIU: 0.3 µg/mL | [37] |
7 | LSPR | Au nanosphere for the detection of DNA mutation in Roundup Ready soybean | DNA hybridization | LOD: 1 nM DNA | [38] |
8 | LSPR | LSPR excitation in AgAu nanorings | Methylene blue. | 4.3 and 4.7 fold LSPR enhancement | [39] |
9 | LSPR | Large metal nanowire array | Air | SERS enhancement | [40] |
10 | LRSPR | Kretschmann, long-range SPR sensing structure (Teflon AF under Au layer). | Water-diethylene glycol | Dynamic range: 8 × 10−3 RIU | [41] |
No | Laser Type | Technical Remark | Target Sample | Performance | Ref. |
1 | He-Ne laser | Kretschmann, SPRi, λ = 632.8 nm, microarray sensing membrane | Si coating, SAM | Decay length ~4 µm | [47] |
2 | He-Ne laser | Kretschmann, dielectric mirror TiO2/SiO2 sensing structure, λ = 632 | Glucose solution | Res: 1.28 × 10−5 RIU Dynamic range: 1.331–1.50 RIU | [48] |
3 | He-Ne laser | Kretschmann, angular int., λ = 632.8 nm | Sugar content in carbonated drink | LOD: 0.01–0.05% | [49] |
4 | He-Ne laser | LSPRi, λ = 632.8 nm, nanohole arrays. | SAM | detection sensitivity ~16,6%/RIU | [50] |
5 | He-Ne laser | Waveguide, green light (λ = 534.5 nm), PAA/Al sensing structure. | Fe(II) solution | n/a | [51] |
6 | He-Ne Laser | Grating, transmission measurement, λ = 632.8 nm, integrated flow cell and detector | NaCl solution | Res: 6.3 × 10−6 RIU/√Hz | [52] |
7 | He-Ne laser | Imprinted AuNP Grating, λ = 632.8 nm. | Fe(II)-BTP and PEDOT:PSS | n/a (proof of concept) | [53] |
8 | Argon-ion laser | Tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG), λ = 1550 nm | Epithelial cells | LOD ~2 × 106 cells/mL | [54] |
9 | He-Ne laser | Kretschmann, Au/SnO2 sensing film, angular int., λ = 633 nm | Ammonia gas | Sensitivity 0.055°/ppm (0.5–250 ppm) | [55] |
10 | He-Ne laser | Kretschmann, Au/ZnO sensing film, angular int., λ = 633 nm | DNA of N. meningitidis | LOD: 5 ng/μL | [56] |
11 | He-Ne laser | Optical fiber coupling, Intensity modulation, λ = 632.8 nm | Fibrinogen on plasma blood | LOD: 20 ng/mL | [57] |
12 | He-Ne laser and Laser diode | Kretschmann, angular int., He-Ne laser: 1.5 mW, red, λ = 632.8 nm; Laser diode: 15 mW, green, λ = 543 nm | Air, thermal effects on laser spot area. | Local thermal drift: red laser ∼0.1 K and green laser ∼1 K | [58] |
13 | Laser diode | Kretschmann with rotating diffuser, SPRi, CCD camera detector, λ = 633 nm, high throughput and disposable sensing design. | IgG, BSA | Proof of concept for multi-sample detection. | [60] |
14 | Laser diode | Kretschmann, linear laser incident, two channels detection area, quadrant cell photodetector. | Pb2+ ions | ~0.2 nM or 0.04 ppb | [61] |
15 | Laser diode | Kretschmann, intensity mod. at dual wavelengths references. | DNA hybridization | LOD: 2 × 10−6 RIU | [62] |
16 | Laser diode | Integratted in NanoSPR™ | IgG | Sensing regeneration | [63] |
17 | Quantum cascade laser | Kretschmann CaF2 prism, TiO2/Au layer on sensing, angular int., λ = 633 nm. | CO2 | 5 times sensitivity improvement | [64] |
18 | Laser diode | Kretschmann, Si prism, λ = 1200 nm for air medium, λ = 1500 nm for aqueous medium, phase modulation. | Ar and N2 | LOD: 10−6 RIU | [65] |
19 | Laser diode | Portable, Kretschmann, rotating mirror for the incident angle adjustment, powered by battery, 2 channels measurement. | PSA | LOD: 2.5 × 10−6 RIU | [66] |
20 | Laser diode | Kretschmann, angular int., diverging laser beam, λ = 637 nm | Ethanol solution | LOD: 5 × 10−6 RIU | [67] |
21 | Laser diode | Dual wavelengths, λ = 658 nm and 980 nm, self-referencing | Diluted NaCl on PBS | 20 times reducing noise from bulk RI medium effect | [68] |
22 | Laser diode | FBG based coupling, λ = 976 nm | Yb3+ | n/a | [69] |
No | LED Type | Technical Remark | Target Sample | Performance | Ref. |
1 | NIR LED | Additional laser diode for scattering enhancement, λ = 820 nm. | Bacterial spores | LOD: 107 mL−1 | [73] |
2 | White LED | Kretschmann, wavelength int., 200 µm pin hole to control incident light. | Glycerin solution | Res: 1.98 × 10−4 RIU | [76] |
3 | LED | Waveguide coupling using 5 cm cylindrical glass probe (diameter 1.5 mm), photodiode detector, wavelength int. | Glycerin, BSA | Res: 1.2 × 10−5 RIU LOD: 50 ng/mL | [77] |
4 | Dual LED | Waveguide coupling using 5 cm flat pyrex glass, intensity mod. At two wavelengths, optional LED for different wavelength. | Ethanol solution, BSA | LOD: 2.3 × 10−5 RIU | [78] |
5 | Dual LEDs | Transmission grating based, nanohole array sensing, intensity mod. | Biotin-streptavidin binding | LOD: 6 × 10−4 RIU | [79] |
6 | LED | Kretschmann, SPRi, intensity mod., patterned sensing, λ = 648 nm | Cholera toxin (CT), IgG | IgG detection range 0.005 to 0.5 mg/mL | [80] |
7 | Warm white light LED | Dual Kretschmann (for reference and target sample), phase int. in preferred wavelength. | NaCl solution | Res: 10−7 RIU | [81] |
8 | Five color LEDs | Kretschmann, SPRi, optical fiber waveguide, wavelength int. | DNA hybridization | Res: 3 × 10−6 RIU | [82] |
9 | White LED | Kretschmann, wavelength int., integrated with confocal microscope | Mercury ion | LOD: 0.01 ng/mL | [83] |
10 | LED | LSPR, integrated with microfluidic device, transmittance measurement, intensity mod. | Glycerol, biotin-antibiotin | LOD: 10−4 RIU LOD: 270 ng/mL | [84] |
11 | LED | LSPR, transmittance measurement, intensity mod. | IgG | LOD: 0.05 µg/mL | [85] |
12 | LED | Glass fiber waveguide, intensity mod. | Benzyl alcohol in methanol | LOD: 10−4 RIU | [86] |
13 | LED | Miniaturize, low-cost, and portable platform, waveguide coupling, wavelength int. | RBL-2H3 cells | LOD: 1.65 × 10−3 RIU | [87] |
14 | LED | Portable, integrated with microfluidic chip, low-cost, disposable, aptamer probe. | Interferon-γ | LOD: 10 pM | [88] |
15 | LED | Transmission grating, nanohole array | IgG, BSA | Res: 4 × 10−3 RIU | [89] |
No | Light Source | Technical Remark | Target Sample | Performance (LOD) | Ref. |
1 | Three colors OLED | Kretschmann, light source attachment on prism, wavelength int. | NaCl solution | 6 × 10−4 RIU | [92] |
2 | Red and green OLED | Kretschmann, OLED attachment on prism, red and green OLED, brightness and reflective polarizer enhancement, intensity modulation At dual wavelengths. | Sucrose water, IgG | 3 × 10−6 RIU 40.6 pg/mL | [93] |
3 | White color OLED | Kretschmann, OLED attachment on prism, wavelength int., brightness and reflective polarizer enhancement, bimetallic film, intensity modulation at dual wavelengths. | Sucrose water, IgG | 2.6 × 10−6 RIU 40.3 pg/mL | [94] |
4 | Tunable color OLED | Kretschmann, integration of intensity modulations. | EV71 viral particle, VP1 protein | 67 vp/mL; 4.8 pg/mL | [97] |
5 | Red color OLED | Kretschmann, intensity modulation at dual wavelengths. | IS6110 DNA | 63 pg/mL | [95] |
6 | Red color OLED | Four layer structures, Kretschmann, intensity modulations at dual wavelengths. | EV71 viral particle | 43 vp/mL | [98] |
7 | Red color OLED | Graphene layer, π-π stacking ssDNA-graphene, AuNP signal enhancement. | DNA hybridization | 28 fM | [96] |
No | Platform | Technical Remark | Target Sample | Performance | Ref. |
1 | iPhone | PDMS Kretschmann prism, light source from iPhone screen, the front camera as a photodetector, optional sensing plate using commercial CM5. | β2 microglo-bulin | Res:2.14 × 10−6 RIU LOD: 0.1 mg/mL In serum; 0.25 mg/mL in urine | [99] |
2 | Smartphone | Optical fiber coupling, three channels, main camera as photodetector | IgG | Res:7.4 × 10−6 RIU, LOD: 47.4 nM | [100] |
3 | Optical module and iPhone integration | White light source, LSPR, transmission illumination, extended optical module, main camera as photodetector, AuNP colloid solution in cuvette. | BSA, Trypsin | LOD: 19.2 µg/mL (BSA); 25.7 µg/mL (Trypsin) | [101] |
4 | Optical module and iPhone integration | LED light source, transmission grating, extended optical module, main camera as a photodetector. | Urine, BSA | 0.01 mg/mL | [102] |
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Prabowo, B.A.; Purwidyantri, A.; Liu, K.-C. Surface Plasmon Resonance Optical Sensor: A Review on Light Source Technology. Biosensors 2018, 8, 80.
Prabowo BA, Purwidyantri A, Liu K-C. Surface Plasmon Resonance Optical Sensor: A Review on Light Source Technology. Biosensors. 2018; 8(3):80.
Chicago/Turabian StylePrabowo, Briliant Adhi, Agnes Purwidyantri, and Kou-Chen Liu. 2018. "Surface Plasmon Resonance Optical Sensor: A Review on Light Source Technology" Biosensors 8, no. 3: 80.
APA StylePrabowo, B. A., Purwidyantri, A., & Liu, K.-C. (2018). Surface Plasmon Resonance Optical Sensor: A Review on Light Source Technology. Biosensors, 8(3), 80.