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Journal: Antibiotics, 2020
Volume: 9
Number: 334

Article: Phytochemical Compositions and Biological Activities of Essential Oils from the Leaves, Rhizomes and Whole Plant of Hornstedtia bella Škorničk
Authors: by Matthew Gavino Donadu, Nhan Trong Le, Duc Viet Ho, Tuan Quoc Doan, Anh Tuan Le, Ain Raal, Marianna Usai, Mauro Marchetti, Giuseppina Sanna, Silvia Madeddu, Paola Rappelli, Nicia Diaz, Paola Molicotti, Antonio Carta, Sandra Piras, Donatella Usai, Hoai Thi Nguyen, Piero Cappuccinelli and Stefania Zanetti

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