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Effects of Y2O3 Content on the Microstructure and Tribological Properties of WC-Reinforced Ti-Based Coatings on TC4 Surfaces

School of Aviation Maintenance Engineering, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Chengdu 610100, China
College of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China
College Materials, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
Traffic Engineering Institute, Xiamen City University, Xiamen 361008, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Coatings 2024, 14(9), 1110;
Submission received: 25 July 2024 / Revised: 18 August 2024 / Accepted: 19 August 2024 / Published: 2 September 2024


To extend the safety service life of aviation TC4 alloy, the composite coatings of TC4 + Ni-MoS2 + WC + xY2O3 (x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 wt.%) were prepared on TC4 by coaxial powder feeding laser cladding technology. The results showed that all the coatings had the same generated phases which mainly consisted of TiC, Ti2Ni, Ti2S, matrix β-Ti, and unfused residual WC. Y2O3 formed co-dependent growth relationships with TiC, Ti2S, and Ti2Ni. Meanwhile, TiC-Ti2S, TiC-Ti2Ni, and Ti2S-Ti2Ni coherent composite structure phases were effectively synthesized in all the coatings. With the increase in the Y2O3 content, the exposed area of the matrix increased and other phases refined progressively. When the Y2O3 content in the coatings were 3 and 4 wt.%, the degree of phase refinement in the coatings was consistent and the phases grew along grain boundaries, but microstructure segregated in the 4 wt.% Y2O3 coating. The microhardness of all the coatings was higher than that of TC4 and decreased with the increase in the Y2O3 content. Higher friction coefficients and lower wear rates both appeared in all the coatings than in the substrate, and they presented a trend of decreased first and then increased with the addition of Y2O3, in which the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating had the lowest friction coefficient and optimal wear resistance. The research found that the Y2O3 could not change the types of phases in the coatings and could serve as a heterogeneous nucleation center for the refinement of the TiC-Ti2S-Ti2Ni coherent structure phase. Meanwhile, except for the matrix phase, Y2O3 could attract other phases to pinning on the grain boundaries of the coatings. The content of Y2O3 was negatively correlated with the hardness and wear resistance of the coating and it had the optimal tribological properties with the moderate amount of Y2O3. The wear mechanism of all coatings was abrasive wear.

1. Introduction

TC4 (Ti-6Al-4V), characterized by its low density, superior corrosion resistance, and high specific strength, is a crucial raw material for manufacturing key components in civil aircraft, such as engine blades, flaps, and fuselage fasteners, which makes it play a critical role in enhancing the transient response capabilities of civil aircraft in flight, garnering widespread attention from aerospace manufacturing companies [1,2]. However, TC4 has poor wear resistance, making it difficult to meet the safety and service requirements under severe friction conditions, which significantly limits its promotion and application range [3,4,5,6].
The coatings prepared by laser cladding technology has dense tissue, stable properties, and form metallurgical bonds with substrate; they are widely used in key areas such as aerospace, petrochemical, and other fields. Li et al. [7] indicated that TC4/ SnAgCu/Al2O3 self-lubricating laser-cladded layers on aero titanium alloy could meet the safe service conditions under harsh working conditions. Gu et al. [8] manufactured CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy coatings on oil storage and transportation steel by laser cladding technology, which could improve the bearing and anti-corrosion capacity of the transportation pipeline during the long-term service process.
Rare earth oxides (Y2O3, CeO2, La2O3, and so on) played an important role in improving the forming quality, enhancing the mechanical properties, and addressing heterogeneous defects for the laser-cladded layers, which received considerable attention from researchers [9,10,11,12]. Zhang et al. [13] studied the effect of Y2O3 addition on the TC4 + Ni45 + Co-WC-cladded layers on TC4, which demonstrated that a large number of submicron ceramic phases were uniformly precipitated in the appropriate amount of Y2O3 coating. Zhang et al. [14] proved that CeO2 effectively improved the forming quality, suppressed crack initiation, and enhanced the wear resistance of the cladded layers. Zhao et al. [15] found that the La2O3 addition could refine the microstructure and reduce the wear rates of WC-Ni60 (Ni-coated WC) coatings on AISI 304 steel. Shao et al. [16] prepared Cu10Al/MoS2/CeO2 coatings on Q235 steel, finding that a moderate addition of CeO2 could effectively improve the uniformity of tissue distribution and reduce the fluctuation of coating properties. The aforementioned studies indicated that the addition of earth oxides could effectively refine the coating microstructure and enhance mechanical properties, but the refining mechanisms of coatings needed to be further clarified.
Therefore, the material system of TC4 + 35 wt.% Ni-MoS2 + 5 wt.% WC + xY2O3 (x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 wt.%) was designed in this study, and the coatings were prepared on TC4 by coaxial powder-feeding laser cladding technology. Characterization and testing techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD, Nalytical, Almelo, The Netherlands), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan), Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS, Oxford Instruments, Oxford, UK), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM, Field Electron and Ion Company, OR, USA), microhardness testing, and friction and wear testing machines were employed to investigate the effects of Y2O3 addition on the microstructure and tribological properties of the coatings. The two-dimensional lattice misfit theory was used to reveal the behaviors of Y2O3 in refining the in situ phase of the coating. It laid a theoretical and experimental foundation for the further development and application of TC4 alloy.

2. Experimental Materials and Procedure

2.1. Substrate Material

The chemical composition of the TC4 substrate for the experiments is shown in Table 1. The substrate was cut into pending blocks with dimensions of 100 mm × 40 mm × 10 mm, which underwent ultrasonic cleaning and surface sandblasting and then placed in a vacuum drying oven.

2.2. Cladding Material

The WC possessing high hardness is a common cladding powder, which can effectively enhance the wear resistance of the coatings [17]. MoS2 is a frequently used self-coating lubricant and the S element provided by its dissolution can form a variety of Ti-S compounds in the Ti-based molten pool, which can improve the comprehensive mechanical properties of cladded layers [18]. Therefore, this study took WC + Ni-MoS2 (Ni-coated MoS2) powders as the coating functional material and designed the cladding material systems with various Y2O3 content, which are shown in Table 2.
The morphologies of the TC4, WC, Ni-MoS2, and Y2O3 powders are depicted in Figure 1, with particle sizes ranging from 60 to 160 µm, 80 to 200 µm, 10 to 30 µm, and 10 to 25 µm, respectively. The EDS analysis result for the TC4 powders is presented in Table 3. The mass ratio of Ni to MoS2 in Ni-MoS2 was 3:1 and the parcel rate of Ni to MoS2 was 100%. Both the WC and Y2O3 powders had a purity of over 99%.

2.3. Experimental Procedure

The Trumpf 4002 disk laser equipment (Figure 2) was adopted in preparing the coatings, in which the He gas was used to feed powder and the Ar gas was used to prevent the oxidation of the molten pool in the cladding process.
The optimized cladding process parameters were detailed in Table 4 through literature research [19,20,21,22] and exploratory experiments.
Figure 3 is the schematic diagram of the test sample preparation, in which Figure 3a shows the 10 mm × 10 mm × 11 mm square sample that was cut out in the central area of coating by wire cutting machine, and Figure 3b marks the detection surfaces of the samples, which was designated for the XRD, SEM, EDS, microhardness test, and tribological characterization.
Table 5 lists the purpose, device name, model, and parameters of experimental characterizations.

3. Microstructure Analysis of Coatings

3.1. XRD Analysis of Coatings

The XRD test results of the coatings with varying Y2O3 additions are shown in Figure 4, indicating that all of the coatings had the same precipitated phases which contained TiC, Ti2Ni, Ti2S, the matrix phase β-Ti, and WC. As also can be seen from Figure 4, the intensity of TiC, Ti2Ni, Ti2S, and WC diffraction peaks gradually decreased, and that of β-Ti increased with the Y2O3 content increase, which is attributed to the increase in the dilution rate of the coatings caused by the Y2O3 addition, leading to a decrease in the mass fraction of TiC, Ti2Ni, Ti2S, and WC, except for the matrix phase. Furthermore, WC was preserved in the molten pool because of its high melting point [17] and MoS2 disappearing in the spectrum indicated that it had completely dissolved.

3.2. SEM and EDS Analysis of Coatings

Figure 5 shows the cross-sectional macroscopic morphology of the coatings with varying Y2O3 contents. It was evident that the other coatings exhibit significant defects except for the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating. The measurements showed that the average thicknesses of the coatings with 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 wt.% Y2O3 were 0.968, 1.165, 1.192, 1.231, and 1.447 mm, respectively, indicating that the thickness of the cladded layers increased with the addition of Y2O3, which could be explained that the Y2O3 promoted the laser absorption rate of the molten pool, resulting in enhancing the dilution rate of the coatings [23,24]. Furthermore, white spherical particles were found in all the coatings, and their composition needed to be further detected.
Figure 6 shows the SEM morphology of the white spherical particle (Figure 6a) in the 0 wt.% Y2O3 coating and that in its neighboring area (Figure 6b). The results of the EDS analysis indicated that the white spherical particle was unmelted WC powder, which was consistent with XRD results. It can be seen from Figure 6c that the coating included strip-shaped phase A, irregular block-shaped phase B, spherical-like phase C, and matrix phase D, and their results of EDS analysis are detailed in Table 6. It could be concluded that phase A was Ti2S, phase B was identified as the metal intermetallic compound Ti2Ni, phase C represents the reinforcing phase TiC, and phase D was characterized as β-Ti combined with the EDS and XRD analysis results. Furthermore, Table 6 manifests that the Mo element completely exists in the matrix β-Ti, which has the effect of solid solution strengthening on the coatings.
Figure 7 shows the progressively magnified microstructures of the 0 to 4 wt.% Y2O3 coatings in areas distant from the WC particles, which show bright white micron-sized spherical phases E pinned on the grain boundaries of 3 to 4 wt.% Y2O3 coatings (Figure 7(d3,e3)), and the EDS analysis (Table 6) confirm that they are Y2O3. Additionally, only a minimal amount of TiC was observed in the coatings (Figure 7(a3)), indicating that the regions distant from the WC particles were carbon-depleted zones.
The particle size of Ti2S and Ti2Ni in the 1 wt.% Y2O3 coating was significantly reduced compared to that in the 0 wt.% Y2O3 coating and the exposed area of the matrix increased combined with Figure 7(b3). In the 2 wt.% Y2O3 coating, the in situ phases excepted for the matrix were further refined and experienced a phenomenon of clustering, which had been unable to distinguish the shape properties (such as strip-shaped or irregular block-shaped and so on) of each phase. When the content of Y2O3 reached 3 and 4 wt.% in the coatings, the morphological characteristics of all the synthetic phases disappeared completely and the network structures of the strip phases were formed on the grain boundary of the coatings, which noted that the reinforce phases of the coatings were gradually refined with the increase of Y2O3 content.
The analysis of the above experimental principles was as follows: The microstructure of the 1 to 4 wt.% Y2O3 coatings was refined because Y2O3 could raise the supercooling of the molten pool and act as the heterogeneous nucleation center of synthetic phases [25,26]. Moreover, the refined phases in the 3 and 4 wt.% Y2O3 coatings grew along the grain boundaries for the reason that Y2O3 pinning on grain boundaries easily attracted them to triggering the above behavior [27,28,29,30].
It was worth noting that although the degree of microstructure refinement was similar in the 3 and 4 wt.% Y2O3 coatings, local segregation occurred in the 4 wt.%Y2O3 coating (Figure 7(e2)), which would make the cladded layer cracked (Figure 5e), suggesting that the Y2O3 content needed to be carefully controlled in the coating material system.

3.3. TEM Analysis of Coatings

In order to confirm the precipitated phases of the coatings from the perspective of crystal structure, the TEM detection was used to analyze the central microregion in the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating, as shown in Figure 8. It could be observed that the coating was mainly composed of strip-like phase A, irregular block-like phase B, petaloid phase C, matrix phase D, and spherical phase E combined in Figure 8(a1–e1), which is similar to the SEM detecting results. Figure 8(a2–e2) presents the analysis and calculation results of the selected area electron diffraction pattern of all the phases in the coating, which determined that phase A was Ti2S (pdf # 72-0013, space group Pnnm), phase B was Ti2Ni (pdf # 72-0442, space group Fd-3ms), phase C was TiC (pdf # 71-0298, space group Fm-3m), D was β-Ti (pdf # 89-4913, space group Im-3m), and phase E was Y2O3 (pdf # 72-0927, space group La-3), which were consistent with the XRD and EDS detecting results.

3.4. Heterogeneous Nucleation Rule Analysis of Y2O3 and Reinforcements

In order to further clarify the dependent growth rules between Ti2S, Ti2Ni, TiC, and Y2O3, their nucleation relationships were calculated by Bramfitt’s two-dimensional lattice mismatch theory of which the applied formula is shown in Equation (1) [31].
δ hkl n hkl s = 1 3 i = 1 3 d [ uvw ] s i cos θ d [ uvw ] n i d [ uvw ] n i × 100 %
Equation (1) is explained in Table 7.
The lattice parameters of Ti2S, Ti2Ni, TiC, and Y2O3 are listed in Table 8. The calculation results of the two-dimensional lattice mismatch and the low-index crystal plane mismatch relationships are presented in Table 9 and Figure 9, respectively.
Through the calculation results shown in Table 9, it was found that coherent interface relationships were formed between Y2O3 and TiC, Ti2Ni, and Ti2S, meaning that they could be refined by Y2O3 [32]. However, the stripy reinforcements of network structure growth in the 3 and 4wt.% Y2O3 coatings might be related to the adherent growth relationship between Ti2Ni, Ti2S, and TiC.

3.5. Dependent Growth Relationship Analysis between Reinforcements

The nucleating basal phases were determined according to the melting point of TiC, Ti2S, and Ti2Ni, and their mismatch relationships were judged by Equation (1), indicating TiC, Ti2S, and Ti2Ni formed a coherent growth structure (Table 10), which also explains their continuous growth behaviors in the 3 and 4 wt.% Y2O3 coatings.

4. Mechanical Properties Analysis of Coatings

4.1. Microhardness Analysis of Coatings

Figure 10 presents the microhardness test results of TC4 and the coatings with varying Y2O3 additions, revealing that the fluctuation amplitude of microhardness is the smallest in the 3% Y2O3 coating (Figure 10a), which might be related to its optimal uniformity of microstructure distribution. Figure 10b shows that the average microhardness of the coatings containing Y2O3 is much higher than that of TC4, and exhibits a negative correlation with the Y2O3 content for the reason that the addition of Y2O3 increased the dilution rate of the coating, which gradually raised the exposed area of the lower hardness β-Ti matrix.

4.2. Friction-Reducing Properties Analysis of Coatings

The time-dependent curves of the friction coefficient between TC4 and the coatings are shown in Figure 11, of which the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating exhibited relatively stability, suggesting that friction resistance and stress concentration were comparatively small during the grinding process because the microstructure refinement degree and distribution uniformity of the coatings were optimal. The average friction coefficients of the TC4 and coatings are illustrated in Figure 12, showing that they were higher than TC4, which manifest that they did not possess self-lubricating properties in the coatings.

4.3. Wear-Resistant Properties Analysis of Coatings

The calculation formula of the coating wear rate is shown in Equation (2) of which the variables are explained in Table 11. The calculation results (Figure 13) indicated that the wear rates of all the coatings were lower than that of TC4, and presented a trend of initially decreasing and then increasing with the addition of Y2O3, in which the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating had the lowest wear rate. The wear resistance of the 4 wt.% coating was less than that of the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating due to the segregation of the tissue, suggesting that the Y2O3 should not be added excessively.
W = V F · S

4.4. Worn Mechanism Analysis of Coatings

The SEM morphology of worn surfaces for TC4 and the coatings with varying Y2O3 additions are presented in Figure 14, in which Figure 14a displays noticeable flake peeling, plastic deformation, and localized cracking, manifesting that the ground substrate presented typical characteristics of adhesive wear mechanisms. The furrow characteristic was remarkable and the plastic tearing and deformation phenomena had completely disappeared on the worn surfaces of the 0 to 4 wt.% Y2O3 coatings, indicating they belong to abrasive wear [33,34].
Notably, the quantity and size of the wear debris appeared a transformation law of reducing first and then rising on the 0 to 4 wt.% Y2O3 coatings in which that on the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating was few (Figure 14e), illuminating that the quality of the worn surface exhibits variation rules which are consistent with the principles of wear rate and microhardness, which demonstrated that the appropriate Y2O3 content in the cladded layer could enhance the comprehensive tribological properties of the coating.

5. Application and Conclusions

From the application level, TC4 + Ni-MoS2 + WC + Y2O3 composite coatings on the TC4 surface by laser cladding could enhance the surface mechanical properties of critical components including turbine disks, low-pressure compressor blades, and fan blades of aircraft engines, which will provide the theoretical and experimental basis for the aviation maintenance and manufacturing industry. The conclusions of this study are as follows:
  • These laser-cladded layers all contained Ti2S, Ti2Ni, TiC, β-Ti matrix, and residual unmelted WC powder. With the increase in Y2O3 content, the diffraction peaks of the other phases in the coating gradually decrease except the matrix. The 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating had the best distribution uniformity of microstructure.
  • The calculation results of the two-dimensional lattice mismatch theory indicated that TiC, Ti2S, and Ti2Ni could be refined by Y2O3 through heterogeneous nucleation and the TiC-Ti2S-Ti2Ni composite structural phases formed coherent structures. All the refined reinforcements formed a network structure on the grain boundary of the coatings because Y2O3 was pinned on the grain boundary.
  • The coating microhardness decreases and the dilution rate increases with the addition of Y2O3. The friction coefficients of all the coatings were higher than that of the TC4, indicating that the coatings did not possess self-lubricating properties. All the coatings exhibited higher wear resistance than the TC4, with abrasive particle wear mechanisms observed. The coating had the optimal tribological property under the condition of proper Y2O3 addition (3 wt.%).

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, C.W. and T.Z.; Methodology, T.Z. and Q.Z.; Validation, T.Z., Z.Z. (Zhiqiang Zhang) and Q.Z.; Investigation, T.Z., Z.Z. (Zhihao Zhang) and H.Z.; Writing—original draft preparation, T.Z. and Q.Z.; Writing—review and editing, H.C. and T.Z.; Project administration, C.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (3122022104).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Figure 1. Micrographs of cladding powders: (a) TC4; (b) WC; (c) Ni-MoS2; (d) Y2O3.
Figure 1. Micrographs of cladding powders: (a) TC4; (b) WC; (c) Ni-MoS2; (d) Y2O3.
Coatings 14 01110 g001
Figure 2. Laser cladding processing equipment.
Figure 2. Laser cladding processing equipment.
Coatings 14 01110 g002
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the test sample preparation: (a) Preparation principle of test sample; (b) detecting surface.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the test sample preparation: (a) Preparation principle of test sample; (b) detecting surface.
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Figure 4. XRD result of the coatings.
Figure 4. XRD result of the coatings.
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Figure 5. The cross-sectional macroscopic morphology of the coatings: (a) 0 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (b) 1 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (c) 2 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (d) 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (e) 4 wt.% Y2O3 coating.
Figure 5. The cross-sectional macroscopic morphology of the coatings: (a) 0 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (b) 1 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (c) 2 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (d) 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (e) 4 wt.% Y2O3 coating.
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Figure 6. SEM morphology of spherical particle and that of its neighboring area: (a) 1000×; (b) 3000×; (c) 5000×.
Figure 6. SEM morphology of spherical particle and that of its neighboring area: (a) 1000×; (b) 3000×; (c) 5000×.
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Figure 7. Microstructure morphology of the coatings: (a) 0 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (b) 1 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (c) 2 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (d) 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (e) 4 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (1) 1000×; (2) 3000×; (3) 5000×.
Figure 7. Microstructure morphology of the coatings: (a) 0 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (b) 1 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (c) 2 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (d) 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (e) 4 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (1) 1000×; (2) 3000×; (3) 5000×.
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Figure 8. Selected area electron diffraction pattern calculation results of the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating: (a1,a2) Ti2S; (b1,b2) Ti2Ni; (c1,c2) TiC; (d1,d2) β-Ti; (e1,e2) Y2O3.
Figure 8. Selected area electron diffraction pattern calculation results of the 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating: (a1,a2) Ti2S; (b1,b2) Ti2Ni; (c1,c2) TiC; (d1,d2) β-Ti; (e1,e2) Y2O3.
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Figure 9. Diagram of low-exponential plane mismatch: (a) Y2O3∥Ti2Ni; (b) Y2O3∥Ti2S; (c) Y2O3∥TiC.
Figure 9. Diagram of low-exponential plane mismatch: (a) Y2O3∥Ti2Ni; (b) Y2O3∥Ti2S; (c) Y2O3∥TiC.
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Figure 10. Microhardness testing results of the substrate and coatings: (a) microhardness curve; (b) average hardness.
Figure 10. Microhardness testing results of the substrate and coatings: (a) microhardness curve; (b) average hardness.
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Figure 11. Friction coefficients of the substrate and coatings.
Figure 11. Friction coefficients of the substrate and coatings.
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Figure 12. Average friction coefficients comparative analysis of the TC4 and coatings.
Figure 12. Average friction coefficients comparative analysis of the TC4 and coatings.
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Figure 13. Wear rate comparative analysis of the TC4 and coatings.
Figure 13. Wear rate comparative analysis of the TC4 and coatings.
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Figure 14. Wear surface topography of the substrate and coatings: (a) TC4; (b) 0 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (c) 1 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (d) 2 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (e) 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (f) 4 wt.% Y2O3 coating.
Figure 14. Wear surface topography of the substrate and coatings: (a) TC4; (b) 0 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (c) 1 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (d) 2 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (e) 3 wt.% Y2O3 coating; (f) 4 wt.% Y2O3 coating.
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Table 1. Chemical composition of TC4 substrate (wt.%).
Table 1. Chemical composition of TC4 substrate (wt.%).
Table 2. Cladding material systems (wt.%).
Table 2. Cladding material systems (wt.%).
Sequence Number
Table 3. Chemical composition of TC4 powder (wt.%).
Table 3. Chemical composition of TC4 powder (wt.%).
Table 4. Process parameters of laser cladding.
Table 4. Process parameters of laser cladding.
Laser Cladding Process ParametersNumerical Value
Laser power/(W)900
Laser scanning speed/(mm/min)400
Spot diameter/(mm)3.0
Powder feed rate/(g/min)3
Powder gas flow rate (He)/(L/min)7.0
Protective gas flow rate (Ar)/(L/min)11
Laser focal length/(mm)16
Multi-track overlap rate/(%)50
Table 5. Experimental test equipment and purpose.
Table 5. Experimental test equipment and purpose.
No.Experiment PurposeDevice NameDevice Model and Parameters
1Preliminary judgment of phasesXRDX’Pert-Pro MPD (Nalytical, Almelo, The Netherlands)
Scanning range: 20°–80°
Scanning speed: 6°/min
2Microstructure analysis
Wear topography analysis
SEMHitachi S-3000N (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan)
3Elemental analysis of phasesEDSOxford INCAPentaFET-x3 (Oxford Instruments, Oxford, UK)
4Conformed phasesTEMFEI-Tecnai G2 F30 (Field Electron and Ion Company, Hillsboro, OR, USA)
5Microhardness analysisMicrohardness testerKB 30SR-FA
(KB Pruftechnik, Munich, Germany)
Applied load: 5 N
Test time: 12 s
6Evaluation of tribological propertiesTribology Tester (Dry)RTEC MFT-5000
(Rtec-instruments, San Jose, CA, USA)
Normal load: 5 N
Test time: 60 min
Table 6. EDS results of phases in the coatings (at.%).
Table 6. EDS results of phases in the coatings (at.%).
A (Ti2S)54.186.389.841.973.2424.39
B (Ti2Ni)59.7227.042.098.572.58
C (TiC)42.6110.6436.067.043.65
D (β-Ti)62.216.9713.459.163.890.373.95
E (Y2O3)22.660.654.547.7139.4125.03
Table 7. Variable definitions of Bramfitt’s two-dimensional lattice misfit.
Table 7. Variable definitions of Bramfitt’s two-dimensional lattice misfit.
(hkl)sNucleated basal low exponential crystal plane
(hkl)nNucleation phase low exponential crystal plane
[ uvw ] s i Low exponential orientation of (hkl)s
[ uvw ] n i Low exponential orientation of (hkl)n
d [ uvw ] s i Atomic   spacing   along   the   [ uvw ] s i orientation
d [ uvw ] n i Atomic   spacing   along   the   [ uvw ] n i orientation
θ The   angle   between   the   orientation   between   [ uvw ] s i   and   [ uvw ] n i
Table 8. Lattice constants of Ti2S, Ti2Ni, TiC, and Y2O3.
Table 8. Lattice constants of Ti2S, Ti2Ni, TiC, and Y2O3.
CrystalSpace GroupCrystal SystemLattice Constant/Å
Table 9. Bramfitt’s two-dimensional matching results.
Table 9. Bramfitt’s two-dimensional matching results.
Corresponding Planes(001)Y2O3//(100)Ti2Ni(100)Y2O3//(010)Ti2S(001)Y2O3//(100)TiC
[ uvw ] Y 2 O 3 i [100][010][011][100][101][001][100][101][001]
[ uvw ] n i [ 00 1 ¯ ][ 01 1 ¯ ][010][ 2 1 ¯ 0 ][310][010][100][101][001]
θ (°)03.4720011.00018.000000
d [ uvw ] Y 2 O 3 i (Å)10.6078.00010.6075.3037.5005.30310.60610.60610.606
d [ uvw ] n i (Å)11.3198.00411.3195.2916.9255.27710.82010.82010.820
δ (%)4.2733.6711.974
Table 10. The two-dimensional matching results.
Table 10. The two-dimensional matching results.
Corresponding Planes(001)TiC//(100)Ti2S(001)TiC//(110)Ti2Ni(001)TiS//(100)Ti2Ni
[ uvw ] S i [ 100 ][ 010 ][ 310 ][ 100 ][ 010 ][ 110 ][ 2 1 - 0 ][ 310 ][ 010 ]
[ uvw ] n i [ 100 ][ 010 ][ 101 ][ 101 ][ 010 ][ 011 ][ 100 ][ 101 ][ 001 ]
θ (°)01.11411.000001.762011.00018.000
d [ uvw ] s i (Å)4.32810.826.9254.3288.6569.1805.2916.9255.277
d [ uvw ] n i (Å)4.26010.03411.9294.2798.0048.7634.8346.8374.834
δ (%)3.9914.6654.597
Table 11. Interpretations of wear rate variables.
Table 11. Interpretations of wear rate variables.
Wmm3·N−1·m−1Wear rate
Vmm3Ware volume
FNNormal load
SmTotal sliding distance
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wang, C.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, T.; Zhen, H.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Cao, H. Effects of Y2O3 Content on the Microstructure and Tribological Properties of WC-Reinforced Ti-Based Coatings on TC4 Surfaces. Coatings 2024, 14, 1110.

AMA Style

Wang C, Zhang Q, Zhang T, Zhen H, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Cao H. Effects of Y2O3 Content on the Microstructure and Tribological Properties of WC-Reinforced Ti-Based Coatings on TC4 Surfaces. Coatings. 2024; 14(9):1110.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wang, Changhao, Qiyu Zhang, Tiangang Zhang, Hao Zhen, Zhiqiang Zhang, Zhihao Zhang, and Huijun Cao. 2024. "Effects of Y2O3 Content on the Microstructure and Tribological Properties of WC-Reinforced Ti-Based Coatings on TC4 Surfaces" Coatings 14, no. 9: 1110.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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