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Influence of Chromium Coating on Microstructure Changes in Zirconium Alloy E110 Under High-Temperature Hydrogenation and Kr Ion Irradiation

Mark A. Kruglyakov
Viktor N. Kudiiarov
Roman S. Laptev
Dmitrii B. Vrublevskii
Leonid A. Svyatkin
Vladimir V. Uglov
Igor A. Ivanov
3 and
Mikhail V. Koloberdin
School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia
Physics Faculty, Belarusian State University, 220030 Minsk, Belarus
Institute of Nuclear Physics ME RK, Almaty 050032, Kazakhstan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Coatings 2025, 15(2), 133;
Submission received: 30 December 2024 / Revised: 20 January 2025 / Accepted: 21 January 2025 / Published: 23 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Section Surface Characterization, Deposition and Modification)


In this work, the peculiarities of microstructure changes in Cr-coated Zr1%Nb alloy under high-temperature hydrogenation and Kr ion irradiation were investigated. A comprehensive analysis revealed that Cr coating reduces the thickness of the Kr+ radiation damage zone by 15%–20% and decreases the density of radiation-induced defects compared to that of uncoated Zr1%Nb alloy. Additionally, Cr-coated samples exhibit a more uniform hydrogen distribution. According to first-principles calculations and positron annihilation spectroscopy, hydrogen-free dislocations predominate in the Cr-coated Zr1%Nb alloy after hydrogenation and irradiation. These findings emphasize the protective role of Cr coatings in mitigating radiation damage and hydrogen embrittlement in zirconium alloys.

1. Introduction

The improvement of the properties of operational materials for nuclear power engineering has been a topical issue for many decades. The degradation of zirconium alloys under the action of neutron irradiation, as well as resulting from aggressive thermal and hydrogen effects during operation, remains an urgent problem [1,2,3,4,5]. One of the most effective ways to protect materials from thermal, hydrogen, and neutron effects is through the deposition of protective coatings, for example, based on chromium (Cr) [6,7,8,9,10,11]. Chromium-based coatings not only increase the resistance of zirconium alloys to the mechanical effects of an aggressive environment, but in addition, they significantly change the mechanisms of hydrogen effects, namely, diffusion processes [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24].
There are many studies regarding the effect of hydrogen on zirconium alloys in a wide temperature range; however, such works do not take into account the radiation effects that seriously influence the defective structure of the material. This is due to the serious problem that researchers of any elements of the core of nuclear power reactors must face, i.e., the excessively high complexity of conducting tests for radiation resistance and establishing the regularities of the influence of the radiation dose on the mechanical and corrosion properties of the material. Carrying out such tests under neutron irradiation conditions is extremely expensive and requires special equipment for working with materials after irradiation.
Irradiation with other high-energy particles, namely heavy ions, can be considered as an alternative to such tests. If certain experimental conditions are met, irradiation with heavy ions can indeed be considered as an exposure that mimics neutron irradiation. Krypton ions (Kr+) with an energy of 145 MeV, which is a decay product of uranium, were used as high-energy particles in this work. The lack of studies regarding how both irradiation and hydrogenation influence the structure of chromium-coated zirconium alloys makes it difficult to select and justify materials with respect to tolerant fuels. Thus, the establishment of the influence of chromium coatings ion irradiation on the structural-phase state, microstructure, and resistance to hydrogenation of zirconium alloy E110 (Zr1%Nb) is of not only fundamental but also practical interest.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sample Preparation

In this work, Russian grade E110 zirconium alloy Zr1%Nb (zirconium with an additional 1% Nb), presented in the form of plates with a thickness of 2 mm and dimensions of 15 × 15 mm, was used as the investigated material. The specified alloy is the main material for the production of claddings and spacer grids in a water–water energetic reactor of the Russian Federation [25]. Samples of the studied material were cut using the Accutom 5 device of Struers company (Copenhagen, Denmark), using a diamond cutting disk with a thickness of 0.5 mm, and pressed through the cold pouring method using SpeciFix-40 epoxy resin. To obtain a highly reflective and defect-free surface, the samples were prepared on a TegraPol machine in the following sequence: coarse grinding using 220, 500, and 1000 grit abrasive sandpaper; fine grinding using a water-based diamond suspension; polishing using a water-based diamond suspension with grain sizes of 3 μm and 1 μm; and finishing polishing using a colloidal silicon suspension.

2.2. Coating Deposition

Chromium coating with a thickness of 6 μm was deposited at Tomsk Polytechnic University using a specially designed ion-plasma device. This ion-plasma equipment includes a vacuum system with cryogenic and turbomolecular pumps, three magnetron sputtering systems with 90 mm diameter disc targets, an ion source with a closed electron drift for the finishing plasma cleaning of substrates, a resistive heater (up to 300 °C), a gas ion implanter (ion energy up to 25 keV), a planetary substrate holder (8 positions), and a system of bias supply to the substrates (up to −1 kV). Chromium coatings were deposited on the substrates after plasma cleaning under vacuum.

2.3. Structural Analysis

The regularities of changes in the structural-phase states of the material were investigated using a Shimadzu XRD 7000S X-ray diffractometer (Kyoto, Japan). The diffractometer is equipped with a wide-angle 1280-channel high-speed detector. Viewing and photographing areas near the oxide film were carried out at 1000× magnification using an Olympus GX51 optical microscope (Tokyo, Japan). Image acquisition was performed using SIAMS 800 software.

2.4. Hydrogen Tests

The interaction of the samples with hydrogen was studied using at GRAM-complex (Gas Reaction Automated Machine) developed by the authors’ team at Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia) at an initial hydrogen pressure in the chamber of 2 atm. The temperature in the chamber during hydrogen saturation was 900 °C; the heating rate was 6 °C/min. The absolute hydrogen concentration was analyzed using the hydrogen extraction method when heated in the flow of inert carrier gas using a LECO (St. Joseph, MI, USA) RHEN602 unit.

2.5. Ion Irradiation

Since in-reactor tests of chromium-coated zirconium Zr1%Nb alloy are very expensive and time-consuming, irradiation with high-energy (145 MeV) heavy krypton ions at the DC-60 accelerator complex of the Astana branch of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Republic of Kazakhstan seems to be a worthy alternative that allows for the modeling of neutron irradiation, including irradiation with fission fragments of uranium nuclei. This express method makes it possible to accumulate the necessary irradiation doses in a relatively short time (from several hours to several weeks), which makes it much less financially costly. The irradiation of samples was carried out on the heavy ion cyclotron DC-60. The main technical parameters are given below. The range of accelerated ions was 6Li—132Xe. The range of accelerated ions by mass-to-charge ratio was A/Z = 6–12. The maximum energy of the accelerated ions was 1.7 MeV/nucleon, using a low-energy channel possessing ion beams with energies up to 20 kV/charge. The variation in ion energy was in the range of 0.42 to 1.75 MeV/nucleon. Changing the charge of the accelerated particles and the magnetic field of the cyclotron allows for the procurement of heavy ion beams in the mass and energy ranges close to the masses and energies of nuclear fission fragments. The beam transport channel and irradiation chamber are equipped with all necessary elements to control the beam parameters and irradiation conditions. The accelerator allows for the possibility of irradiation at high temperatures (up to 700 °C). In this work, irradiation was performed at a dose of three displacements-per-atom (dpa), at room temperature.

2.6. First-Principles Calculations

The vacancy formation energy in the Cr and the α-Zr structures was calculated using the projector augmented wave method implemented in the ABINIT 9.10.3 software package [26,27,28] in the framework of the electron density functional theory. The generalized gradient approximation suggested by Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof [29] was used to describe the exchange and correlation effects. We used the supercells consisting of 3 × 3 × 3 blocks of the unit cells of the Zr HCP lattice and the Cr BCC lattice (Figure 1a,b) for vacancy formation energy calculation in the bulk of the Cr and the α-Zr samples. A single metal atom was removed from the structure (Zr-vac and Cr-vac systems) in order to create the vacancy. This resulted in atomic vacancy concentrations of ~1.85 at.%. Relaxation was considered complete when the value of the forces acting on the atoms was less than 10 MeV/Å. The eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian were calculated on a 5 × 5 × 5 mesh of k-points generated by the Monkhorst–Pack scheme over the entire Brillouin zone of the supercell in the self-consistency iteration. The cutoff energy of the wave function decomposition over the plane wave basis was 400 eV.
The vacancy formation energy in Zr or Cr was calculated using the following formula:
Evac = EMe–vac − (n − 1)EMe/n,
where EMe–vac—total energy of the Me-vac system with vacancy; EMe—total energy of n Me atoms without vacancy.

2.7. Structural-Phase Transformations and Defect Structure Evolution Analysis

Positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) methods were applied to analyze the features of the structural-phase transformations and defect structure evolution in zirconium alloy Zr1%Nb, before and after chromium coating formation, and as a result of hydrogen saturation from the gas phase and subsequent irradiation with high-energy Kr+ ions. The studies were carried out using the PAS complex with the hybrid digital positron spectroscopy complex with an external synchronization system based on positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) and coincidence doppler broadening spectroscopy (CDBS) modules [30,31,32,33,34]. The time resolution of the PALS module is 172 ± 6 ps, and the average count rate is 110 ± 30 counts/s. The count rate for the CDBS module is 130 ± 20 counts/s, with an energy resolution of 1.15 ± 0.04 keV. The 44Ti isotope, with an activity of 1.38 MBq and maximum positron energy of 1.47 MeV, was used as the source of the positrons. For each specimen, three positron lifetime spectra and one two-dimensional CDBS spectrum were collected, with statistics of 5·106 and 1·107 annihilation events, respectively. The positron lifetime spectra were processed using LT10 software (version, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland) [35,36], according to the two-component positron trapping model [37], which takes into account the annihilation of delocalized positrons in the lattice, as well as the annihilation of positrons trapped by two types of defects [38]. Three components of the positron lifetime τA (positron capture by state A); τB (positron capture by state B); τF (delocalized positron annihilation); relative intensities IA and IB; and trapping rates kA and kB were used for the analysis. The experimental spectra were approximated by a series in which the variables τA and τB were combined into a system for two lifetime spectra obtained for each sample, and the τF component was combined for all spectra. Therefore, the τA, τB, and τF parameters for all spectra were “common free” mode and kA and kB were “partially common” for two positron lifetime spectra at each high-speed machining parameter. In such cases, the lifetimes of positrons trapped by state A and B, as well as the lifetimes of delocalized positrons, are determined with high accuracy. The positron source contribution was ~9%, and the positron annihilation components in the source were τ1 = 149 ± 1 ps (with intensity 45.5%), τ2 = 413 ± 1 ps (43.0%), and τ3 = 3100 ± 50 ps (11.5%). For detailed source correction, well-annealed reference samples with different atomic numbers, starting from 13 to 82 (Al, Cu, Zr, Sn, Pb), were measured several times. The «common free» and «partially common» modes were also used in this case. The common components for all spectra were combined, and components for each material were partially combined. Two-dimensional CDB spectra were processed using the CDBTools software (Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia) [39]. The spectra were also analyzed by the S and W parameters obtained for the cross-section along the abscissa of a two-dimensional spectrum.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Structural Analysis

The results of XRD analyses of the Zr1%Nb zirconium alloy before and after Cr coating and before and after hydrogenation from the gas phase exposed to irradiation with high-energy Kr+ ions are shown in Figure 2 and Table 1.
It was found that only the Zr and Cr phases are present in the initial samples of Zr1%Nb and Zr1%Nb + Cr after irradiation with high-energy Kr ions, respectively. In addition, the analysis of hydrogenated samples of the Zr + Cr system from the gas phase allows us to conclude that as a result of hydrogenation of the alloy without chromium coating, the formation of phases of two hydrides occurs, i.e., ZrH and ZrH2, while in the sample with Cr-coating, all Zr passes into the ZrH2 phase. The formation of only one stoichiometric phase of zirconium hydride in the uncoated samples and its higher volumetric content in the uncoated samples indicates an uneven distribution of hydrogen in the alloy volume and its greater accumulation near the surface. At the same time, in the chromium-coated zirconium alloy samples, hydrogen distribution is more uniform, which indicates a positive effect of chromium deposition on increasing the resistance of the zirconium alloy to hydrogen embrittlement.
Figure 3 shows the results of metallographic studies of Zr1%Nb alloy, with and without chromium coating, as well as before and after hydrogenation from the gas phase, after irradiation with Kr ions at room temperature with a dose of 3 dpa.
It can be concluded that the surface of the material as a result of irradiation with Kr ions is characterized by the presence of surface defects in the form of craters, as can be seen from the microphotographs of the surface of the zirconium alloy Zr1%Nb, with Cr-coating and without Cr-coating (Figure 3a). The surface of the alloy without Cr-coating is characterized by the presence of numerous craters, with sizes in the range of 2–15 microns, as well as the presence of extended cracks. The surface of the Cr-coated alloy lacks extended cracks and craters. Thus, the chromium coating exhibits a favorable effect on the radiation resistance of the zirconium alloy.
In addition, metallographic studies of the cross-section of the sample in the state after irradiation showed that there is a radiation damage zone at a depth of 20–25 µm from the surface, in contrast to the surface of the main matrix. This is the depth at which the irradiation occurred, which is consistent with the TRIM calculations (Figure 4).
This is confirmed by the absence of a pronounced grain structure at the same depth, which is due to the large number of defects due to irradiation. The grain size in the basic matrix is 3–4 µm. Metallographic studies of the cross-section of the chromium-coated alloy after irradiation showed that irradiation did not degrade the chromium coating. The coating is uniform and tightly bonded to the matrix. The thickness of the coating is approximately 6 μm. The grain size in the underlying matrix is 3–4 µm (Figure 3b). It is worth noting that the depth of the radiation damage zone in the chromium-coated samples is 15%–20% less compared to that of the uncoated samples, and this zone is less pronounced, which once again proves the positive effect of chromium coating on the radiation resistance of zirconium alloy.
The surface of the investigated zirconium alloy (Figure 3c) after hydrogenation is characterized by the presence of numerous craters with sizes in the range of 2–15 µm, as well as the presence of extended cracks. In addition, metallographic studies of the cross-section of the material, subjected to hydrogenation and after irradiation, showed that in the absence of coating, despite the hydrogenation at the temperature of the β-region, it is possible to clearly distinguish a radiation damage zone with the depth 15–50 μm. The characteristics of the matrix structure from the β-region after cooling, although “needle-like”, are different from those of the chromium-coated samples subjected to hydrogenation. The samples were hydrogenated to approximately the same concentration: 1.43 wt. % (without Cr coating) and 1.38 wt. % (with Cr coating). It was found that the presence of chromium coating leads to an increase in the time of hydrogenation by 1.8 times compared to that of the alloy without Cr coating. The chromium coating reduces the rate of hydrogen penetration into the surface of the alloy; in addition, it significantly reduces the diffusion rate in the volume. This results in a fairly uniform distribution of hydrides throughout the alloy volume. In the alloy without chromium coating, there is a significant hydride gradient near the surface.
It was found that neither hydrogenation nor irradiation affected the microstructure of the coating, which is uniform across the sample and tightly bonded to the matrix (Figure 3d). The surface of the hydrogenated chromium-coated alloy is not characterized by the presence of extended cracks, and the diameter of the few craters does not exceed 10 µm. The depth of the radiation damage zone could not be established due to the peculiarities of the structure associated with hydrogenation at the temperature of the β-region of the Zr-Nb diagram. The matrix has a needle-like structure, with no clear grain boundaries, which is also associated with a high hydrogenation temperature. To illustrate the effect of Kr ion irradiation, the initial zirconium Zr1%Nb alloy in the pre-study state and in the delivery state are presented in Supplementary Figure S1.

3.2. First-Principles Calculations

The theoretical study using the first principles of electron density in chromium and zirconium in the presence of a defect (vacancy) has been carried out to establish the role of defects in the variation of positron lifetime in Zr1%Nb zirconium alloy samples before and after Cr coating deposition. The values of vacancy formation energies in pure Cr and Zr, calculated by Formula (1), and the obtained lattice parameters of the systems are presented in Table 2. The calculated values of the vacancy formation energies are in good agreement with the data of most other theoretical works [40,41,42,43] and are significantly higher than the experimental results [44,45,46,47].
Table 2 shows that for the formation of a vacancy in the BCC lattice of Cr, the energy required to form a vacancy is ~33% more than that in the HCP lattice of Zr. As a result, regarding the formation of ~1.85 at.% of vacancies in Zr and Cr, the changes in lattice parameters do not exceed 0.2 and 0.5%, respectively, while the formation of vacancies leads to a decrease in the lattice parameters of both Zr and Cr.
The distribution of the valence electron density in pure Cr and Zr and in the Cr-vac and Zr-vac systems is shown in Figure 5, which shows that the formation of a vacancy leads to a region with low electron density (0.02–0.04 e3), and this low electron density region occupies less space in the Cr lattice than in Zr. The minimum electron density in the vacancy region of the Cr lattice does not exceed 0.00672 e3, which is higher than the minimum electron density in the vacancy region of Zr, which does not exceed 0.00373 e3. This difference may cause the vacancy formation energy Evac of Cr to be higher than that of Zr.
Thus, the calculations show that the appearance of regions with reduced electron density is due to the formation of defects, including vacancies, during irradiation. In addition, it is important to note that since the energy of the vacancy formation in chromium is higher than that in zirconium, the absorption of the same radiation dose will result in the formation of a smaller number of vacancies in the chromium coating, and the coating will retain its structural integrity longer. In addition, we note that due to the runoff and recombination of defects at the incoherent chromium–zirconium interface, the radiation resistance of zirconium alloy Zr1%Nb with chromium coatings increases even more significantly.

3.3. Structural-Phase Transformations and Defect Structure Evolution Analysis

The defect structure of the studied Zr1%Nb zirconium alloy was analyzed using positron annihilation spectroscopy. The results of processing the spectra of time and momentum distribution of positrons in the Cr-coated and initial Zr1%Nb alloy after hydrogenation and irradiation are presented in Table 3. In addition, Supplementary Materials Figures S2–S4 present the impulse and time distributions spectra of positron annihilation in Cr-coated and uncoated zirconium Zr1%Nb alloys before and after thermal treatment and hydrogenation.
It follows from the data in Table 3 that the investigated alloy, both uncoated and chromium-coated, shows similar values of the intensity of the first time component: I1 = 14% and I1 = 17%, respectively, with positron lifetimes τ1 = 246 ± 2 ps and τ1 = 241 ± 2 ps. The values of τ1 indicate the predominant vacancy characteristic of the defect structure of the material, which corresponds to the positron lifetime in the zirconium vacancy (~ 252 ps). For the chromium-coated Zr1%Nb alloy, a slight decrease in the τ1 value is observed, which can be attributed to the reduced positron lifetime in the chromium lattice (120 ps) and in the chromium vacancies (150 ps). Since most of the positrons annihilate in the zirconium matrix region, the contribution of annihilation in the chromium structure is minimally reflected in the resulting value of the τ1 component. However, the slight decrease in τ1 is also due to the influence of the proximity of the incoherent Cr/Zr interface to the positron annihilation site. Additionally, the DBS analysis shows that the values of the S parameter for the chromium-coated alloy are slightly lower compared to those of the analogous uncoated alloy. Together with the detected decrease in the positron lifetime, this indicates a suppression of defect accumulation during irradiation for the chromium-coated material, which confirms its higher resistance to radiation effects.
The Zr1%Nb alloy is characterized by a significantly higher value of the intense time components I1 = 51% after hydrogen saturation compared to that of the alloy before hydrogenation (14%), while the lifetimes for both samples are τ1 = 246 ± 2 and 208 ± 3, respectively. It should be emphasized that the analysis of the PAS time components revealed an increase in the positron lifetime in the Zr1%Nb alloy irradiated with krypton ions, both without and with chromium coating after hydrogenation. This regularity is caused by the appearance of regions with reduced electron density due to the formation of defects, including vacancies, during irradiation, which is in full agreement with the results of the above calculations.
The value of the time component τ1 characterizes the defect structure of the material as predominantly vacant, since the lifetime of a positron in a vacancy is 252 ps for the alloy before hydrogenation. However, after hydrogenation, a significant decrease in the value of the time component τ1 decreases to 208 ± 3. Such a significant change is due to the fact that after hydrogenation and high-energy ion irradiation in the positron annihilation region, there is a redistribution and enhanced interaction of mobile point defects (vacancies and hydrogen-vacancy complexes) with the dislocation structure of the material; thus, the prevailing types of defects are hydrogen-decorated dislocations (lifetime of positrons in which ≈ 204 ps [49]). Note that Zr1%Nb and Zr1%Nb + Cr after hydrogenation are characterized by significantly larger values of the intensive time components, i.e., I1 = 51% and 54%, respectively, compared to the values before hydrogen attack (14% and 17%, respectively), as well as a significant change in the time component, i.e., τ1 = 208 ± 1 and 214 ± 2, respectively, compared to the values before hydrogenation (246 ± 2 and 241 ± 2, respectively). This change is due to the intense formation of hydrogen-induced defects.
In addition, Cr coating reduces the diffusion of hydrogen into Zr and provides its more uniform distribution, as a result of which the Zr1%Nb + Cr alloy after hydrogenation in the positron annihilation region is characterized predominantly by the presence of dislocation-type defects (τ1 ~ 217 ps for Zr) [49], while in Zr1%Nb without Cr, by hydrogen-decorated dislocations (τ1 ~ 204 ps for Zr) [49] due to the presence of a more significant gradient of hydrogen distribution in the positron annihilation region. It should be noted that the formation of hydrogen-decorated dislocations seriously worsens the resistance of zirconium alloy to hydrogen embrittlement due to a decrease in the diffusion mobility of both hydrogen and dislocation, which leads to local stress growth and subsequent destruction in this area by the mechanism of delayed hydride cracking [12,13,14,15,16,17]. And due to the formation of chromium coating on the surface of the zirconium alloy, the rate of hydrogen penetration through the surface is reduced, a more uniform distribution of hydrogen is achieved, and as a consequence, the formation of hydrogen-decorated dislocations does not occur, which indicates an extremely strong positive effect of chromium coating on the resistance of zirconium alloy to both radiation and hydrogen embrittlement. The results of this paper are in good accordance with those of our other works, as well as those of other research groups [50,51,52,53,54].

4. Conclusions

In the present work, the effect of chromium coating on the resistance of Zr1%Nb alloy to hydrogen embrittlement and radiation damage has been studied. It is shown that chromium coating leads to a 15%–20% decrease in the thickness of the radiation damage zone when irradiated with high energy krypton ions. It is found that due to the formation of chromium coating, there is a more uniform accumulation of hydrogen in the volume of zirconium alloy during high-temperature hydrogenation. A uniform distribution of hydrogen in the alloy increases its resistance to hydrogen embrittlement. With an uneven distribution of hydrogen, more hydrides are formed on the surface, and this causes cracks to appear on the alloy surface, as well as its destruction by the mechanism of delayed hydride cracking. First-principles calculations have shown that defect formation leads to a decrease in electron density in their vicinity and as a consequence, an increase in the positron lifetime. Due to this, it is revealed by positron annihilation spectroscopy that chromium coatings on zirconium alloy lead to a decrease in the density of radiation defects and a change in the type of prevailing defects. For the zirconium alloy without chromium coating, the main type of defect is hydrogen-decorated dislocation, and for the coated alloy, there are the only dislocations. Thus, the formation of chromium coatings on the surface of a Zr1%Nb alloy significantly increases both its radiation resistance and its resistance to hydrogen embrittlement.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Image of metallographic sections of samples of Zr1%Nb zirconium alloy in a bright field (a); Zr1%Nb in polarized light (b); cross section of Zr1%Nb alloy in the delivery state in polarized light (c); histogram of grain size distribution in cross section of Zr1%Nb alloy in the delivery state (d); Figure S2: Pulse distribution spectra of positron annihilation in Cr-coated and uncoated zirconium Zr1%nB alloy before and after thermal treatment, hydrogenation (energy smoothed); Figure S3: Pulse distribution spectra of positron annihilation in Cr-coated and uncoated zirconium Zr1%nB alloy before and after thermal treatment, hydrogenation (broadening); Figure S4: Time distribution spectra of positron annihilation in Cr-coated and uncoated zirconium Zr1%Nb alloy before and after thermal treatment, hydrogenation.

Author Contributions

M.A.K.: investigation, formal analysis, visualization, writing—original draft, and writing—review and editing; V.N.K.: conceptualization, investigation, data curation, formal analysis, methodology, writing—original draft, and writing—review and editing; R.S.L.: investigation, funding acquisition, formal analysis, and writing—review and editing; D.B.V.: investigation, formal analysis, visualization, writing—original draft, and writing—review and editing; L.A.S.: investigation, formal analysis, visualization, writing—original draft, and writing—review and editing; V.V.U.: investigation, resources, and methodology; I.A.I.: investigation, resources, and methodology; M.V.K.: investigation, resources, and methodology. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Governmental Program, grant №FSWW-2023-0005.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article or Supplementary Materials.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Supercell of Cr (a) and Zr (b) systems used to investigate the peculiarities of the vacancy formation process. Red spheres represent Cr atoms; green spheres indicate Zr atoms; darker atoms are to be removed in order to create a vacancy.
Figure 1. Supercell of Cr (a) and Zr (b) systems used to investigate the peculiarities of the vacancy formation process. Red spheres represent Cr atoms; green spheres indicate Zr atoms; darker atoms are to be removed in order to create a vacancy.
Coatings 15 00133 g001
Figure 2. Diffractograms of the Zr1%Nb + Cr + H system after irradiation.
Figure 2. Diffractograms of the Zr1%Nb + Cr + H system after irradiation.
Coatings 15 00133 g002
Figure 3. Images of the surface (left column) and cross-section (right column) of the investigated (a) Zr1%Nb; (b) Zr1%Nb + Cr (c); Zr1%Nb + H; (d) Zr1%Nb + Cr + H alloys as a result of Kr ion irradiation at room temperature with a dose of 3 dpa. Red circles identify structural defects.
Figure 3. Images of the surface (left column) and cross-section (right column) of the investigated (a) Zr1%Nb; (b) Zr1%Nb + Cr (c); Zr1%Nb + H; (d) Zr1%Nb + Cr + H alloys as a result of Kr ion irradiation at room temperature with a dose of 3 dpa. Red circles identify structural defects.
Coatings 15 00133 g003
Figure 4. TRIM calculations of the depth distribution of incoming Kr ions.
Figure 4. TRIM calculations of the depth distribution of incoming Kr ions.
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Figure 5. The valence electron density distribution in the (a) Cr system; (b) Cr-vac system; (c) Zr system; (d) Zr-vac system. The isosurfaces corresponding to the electron density of 0.02 e3 is shown in violet, of 0.04 e3 is shown in cyan, and of 0.06 e3 is shown in orange. Red spheres indicate Cr atoms; green spheres show Zr atoms; darker atoms are to be removed in order to create Cr-vac and Zr-vac systems.
Figure 5. The valence electron density distribution in the (a) Cr system; (b) Cr-vac system; (c) Zr system; (d) Zr-vac system. The isosurfaces corresponding to the electron density of 0.02 e3 is shown in violet, of 0.04 e3 is shown in cyan, and of 0.06 e3 is shown in orange. Red spheres indicate Cr atoms; green spheres show Zr atoms; darker atoms are to be removed in order to create Cr-vac and Zr-vac systems.
Coatings 15 00133 g005
Table 1. Results of X-ray diffraction analysis of the Zr1%Nb + Cr + H system after irradiation.
Table 1. Results of X-ray diffraction analysis of the Zr1%Nb + Cr + H system after irradiation.
MaterialPhasePhase Content, vol.%Lattice Parameters
Zr1%NbZr100a: 3.2354; c: 5.1457
Zr1%Nb + CrCr84a: 2.8841
Zr16a: 3.2325; c: 5.1416
Zr1%Nb + HZr66a: 3.2270; c: 5.1397
ZrH222a: 4.7760
ZrH12a: 4.5360; c: 4.9106
Zr1%Nb + Cr + HZrH229a: 2.8812
Zr71a: 3.2268; c: 5.1395
Table 2. Vacancy formation energies and lattice parameters of Zr and Cr.
Table 2. Vacancy formation energies and lattice parameters of Zr and Cr.
SystemVacancy Formation Energy Evac, eVLattice Parameters
This CalculationOther WorksExpt.a, Åc, Å
This CalculationOther WorksThis CalculationOther Works
Cr2.8362.855 [40]
Zr3.2303.230 [48]5.1685.169 [48]
Cr-vac2.722.30 [40]
2.76 [41]
2.93 [42]
2.27 [44]2.830
Zr-vac2.052.07 [43]>1.5 [45,46,47]3.2245.145
Table 3. Results of processing of time and momentum distribution spectra of positron annihilation in the Zr1%Nb + Cr + H system after irradiation.
Table 3. Results of processing of time and momentum distribution spectra of positron annihilation in the Zr1%Nb + Cr + H system after irradiation.
Materialτ1, psI1, %k1, ns−1τF, psτavg, psSW
Zr1%Nb246 ± 2140.347164 ± 1169 ± 10.59430.01021
Zr1%Nb + Cr241 ± 2170.405164 ± 1169 ± 10.59300.01047
Zr1%Nb + H208 ± 3511.333164 ± 1172 ± 10.59720.01009
Zr1%Nb + Cr + H214 ± 2541.664164 ± 1175 ± 10.59910.00990
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MDPI and ACS Style

Kruglyakov, M.A.; Kudiiarov, V.N.; Laptev, R.S.; Vrublevskii, D.B.; Svyatkin, L.A.; Uglov, V.V.; Ivanov, I.A.; Koloberdin, M.V. Influence of Chromium Coating on Microstructure Changes in Zirconium Alloy E110 Under High-Temperature Hydrogenation and Kr Ion Irradiation. Coatings 2025, 15, 133.

AMA Style

Kruglyakov MA, Kudiiarov VN, Laptev RS, Vrublevskii DB, Svyatkin LA, Uglov VV, Ivanov IA, Koloberdin MV. Influence of Chromium Coating on Microstructure Changes in Zirconium Alloy E110 Under High-Temperature Hydrogenation and Kr Ion Irradiation. Coatings. 2025; 15(2):133.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kruglyakov, Mark A., Viktor N. Kudiiarov, Roman S. Laptev, Dmitrii B. Vrublevskii, Leonid A. Svyatkin, Vladimir V. Uglov, Igor A. Ivanov, and Mikhail V. Koloberdin. 2025. "Influence of Chromium Coating on Microstructure Changes in Zirconium Alloy E110 Under High-Temperature Hydrogenation and Kr Ion Irradiation" Coatings 15, no. 2: 133.

APA Style

Kruglyakov, M. A., Kudiiarov, V. N., Laptev, R. S., Vrublevskii, D. B., Svyatkin, L. A., Uglov, V. V., Ivanov, I. A., & Koloberdin, M. V. (2025). Influence of Chromium Coating on Microstructure Changes in Zirconium Alloy E110 Under High-Temperature Hydrogenation and Kr Ion Irradiation. Coatings, 15(2), 133.

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