FO-Sketch: A Fast Oblivious Sketch for Secure Network Measurement Service in the Cloud
:1. Introduction
1.1. Available Solutions and Limitations
1.2. Motivation and Challenges
1.3. Contributions
1.3.1. Design Choices
1.3.2. Proposed Approaches
- In this paper, we identified five critical functions that can be optimized in implementing oblivious sketch merging and metrics estimation; they are the merging of the light parts from two different underlying sketches (Merge LxL, for short), the merging of the light part with many heavy flows (Merge LxF), the calculation of heavy-change candidates (Heavy-change), the calculation of counter distribution from the light part (Counter dist.), and the calculation of flow distribution from the heavy part (Flow dist.). With the help of Oblivious Shuffle, Divide and Conquer, and SIMD instruction set AVX2 [60,61], we optimized all five critical functions obliviously.
- To provide an even faster flow size estimation, we optimized the process of PORAM access in an oblivious way.
- To prove the data-obliviousness of our proposed optimized functions, we proposed a simple and effective data-oblivious proof method to verify its correctness.
- We also provided a switchless request and response protocol.
- The extensive experiments show that our FO-Sketch can provide an oblivious network measurement service in an SGX-enabled public cloud for a large-scale network.
1.3.3. Paper Structure
2. Related Work
2.1. Non-Oblivious Network Measurement Service
2.2. Hardware-Assisted Isolated Execution Environments for Securing Network Middleboxes
2.3. Access Pattern Attacks and Oblivious Solutions for SGX
3. Background
3.1. Sketches and Network Measurements
- Flow size: estimates the size of any flow by its flow ID;
- Heavy-hitters: detects flows whose sizes are larger than a user defined threshold;
- Heavy-changes: detects flows that have experienced a drastic change (judged by a user-defined threshold) in two adjacent monitoring windows;
- Cardinality: estimates the number of global flows;
- Flow distribution: estimates the distribution of global flow sizes.
3.2. Intel SGX
3.3. Path ORAM and Oblivious Controller
- (T; (S, PM)) ← PORAM.Init( ; (N, Z, B)). On input a block budget N, node size Z blocks, and block size B in the controller, PORAM.Init initializes the server S with encrypted blocks in a perfect tree form, in which each node contains Z blocks and output a initial state to the controller.
- (T′; (data, pos, S′, PM′)) ← PORAM.ReadBlock(T; (bid, S, PM)). Upon inputting a Tree T in the server and a block ID , a stash S and a position map in the controller, fetches all blocks on the path from the T’s root to leaf , inserts them into S, and outputs the fetched block’s to the controller. Furthermore, it assigns a new random leaf in .
- (T′; (S′, pos)) ← PORAM.Evict(T; (S, pos)). Note that the controller can change the contents of blocks in S as needed. To write back blocks in S, ORAM.Evict push them as far down the path from root to as possible, while keeping with the main invariant that each bucket in the path contains at most Z blocks. The path is then evicted to the tree T.
- ((T, ); ϕ) ← ORAM.Init( ; (N, Z, B)). First, the untrusted server loads into an enclave , where is the compiled enclave program for oblivious controller and is the process running in the enclave. Then, initiates with the server by executing OPORAM.Init( ; (N, Z, B)) (the Oblivious Controller). Third, with remote attestation, the user obtain a proof produced by from the server and verifies the proof with a trust third party to ensure that the controller program is honestly initialized by the server and exchanges a secret key K with secretly for further data transfer.
- (T′, (S′, PM′), , pos) ← ORAM.Access(T; (S, PM); (op, bid, )). The serve relays the user’s access request of read/write the of block to . runs OPORAM.ReadBlock(T; (bid, S, PM)) obliviously with the server to obtain (T′; (, pos, S′, PM′)) and runs OPORAM.WriteToStash to write block (bid, pos, back into if . Then, responds to the access request by returning an encrypted through the server to the user. Finally, they execute (T′; (S′, pos)) ← OPORAM.Evict(T; (S, pos)) obliviously.
4. System Overview
4.1. Architecture
4.2. Threat Model
4.2.1. Cloud Infrastructure
4.2.2. Network Applications
4.2.3. Monitored Network
4.2.4. Security Goals and No-Goals
5. Optimize Functions and PORAM Controller Obliviously
5.1. Sketch Data Structure for Flow Statistics
5.1.1. The update of the Update Sketch
5.1.2. Updating the Heavy Part
- If the record is empty, replace with . Here, indicates only has the heavy portion in this record;
- If , then increase s by ;
- If and , then increase the negative vote by and update the light part by ;
- If and , then reset the record to and update the light part by . For now, f is deleted from the heavy part. As before is chosen as a potentially heavy flow, with high probability, it may be already updated in the light part, we set to indicate that this flow has a light portion from the light part.
5.2. Merge Algorithm and Mergeability
5.2.1. Merge Algorithm
5.2.2. Mergeability Analysis
5.3. Oblivious Primitives
5.3.1. Security of Algorithm 1
5.3.2. The Importance of Oblivious Shuffle
Algorithm 1: Oblivious map to a bucket table. |
Algorithm 2: Oblivious delta and count. |
5.4. Oblivious Functions
5.4.1. Merge LxL: Merge of Two Light Parts
- vpmaxub %%ymm13, %%ymm14, %%ymm15
- vpaddd %%ymm13, %%ymm14, %%ymm15
5.4.2. Merge HxH: Merge of Two Heavy Parts
5.4.3. Merge LxF: Merge of Light Part and Many Heavy Flows
5.4.4. Heavy-Change: Heavy-Change Candidates Calculation
5.4.5. Counter Dist.: Counter Distribution Calculation
5.4.6. Flow Dist.: Flow Distribution Calculation
5.4.7. Stash Table Initialization
5.5. Oblivious PORAM Controller
5.5.1. OPORAM.Init
5.5.2. OPORAM.Evict
6. Secure Network Measurement Service
6.1. Oblivious Merge of Sketches
6.2. Oblivious Access of the Global Sketch
6.3. Oblivious Measurement Tasks
6.3.1. Flow Size Estimation
6.3.2. Heavy-Hitter Detection
6.3.3. Heavy-Change Detection
6.3.4. Cardinality Estimation
6.3.5. Flow Distribution Estimation
6.4. Implementation
6.4.1. Implementation Considerations
6.4.2. Request Type Indistinguishability
6.4.3. Switchless Request and Response
7. Evaluation
7.1. Setup
7.1.1. Platform
7.1.2. Traces
7.1.3. Baseline
7.1.4. Recommended Setting
7.2. Critical Functions Performance
Scalability of OSort-Supported Critical Functions
7.3. PORAM Performance
7.3.1. PORAM Block Size Selection
7.3.2. Scalability of PORAM Access
7.4. Comparison with OblivSketch
7.4.1. Obliviousness
7.4.2. The Rationality of PORAM Parameter Setting
7.4.3. Generality
8. Conclusions and Future Directions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1000K | 3000K | 5000K | 7000K | 9000K | |
Max | 45 | 45 | 51 | 45 | 48 |
Max after Evict | 10 | 9 | 8 | 10 | 12 |
Intervals | 1 s | 5 s | 10 s | 30 s | 60 s | 120 s | 240 s |
CAIDA1 | 30K | 68K | 110K | 200K | 284K | 430K | 690K |
CAIDA2 | 43K | 115K | 178K | 372K | 600K | 916K | 1.47M |
Solution | Merge LxL | Merge HxH | Merge LxF | Heavy-Change | Counter Dist. | Flow Dist. | Stash Table | Total b |
Trivial | 2.859 | 6.254 | 2663.00 | 4780.00 | 626.10 | 2234.00 | 58.30 | 10414 |
FO-Sketch | 0.045 | 6.254 | 240.20 | 165.20 | 66.59 | 20.16 | 58.30 | 600 |
Non-Obliv | 3.370 | 2.271 | 1.44 | 16.34 | 1.19 | 0.93 | 5.77 | 32 |
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Liu, L.; Shen, Y.; Zeng, S.; Zhang, Z. FO-Sketch: A Fast Oblivious Sketch for Secure Network Measurement Service in the Cloud. Electronics 2021, 10, 2020.
Liu L, Shen Y, Zeng S, Zhang Z. FO-Sketch: A Fast Oblivious Sketch for Secure Network Measurement Service in the Cloud. Electronics. 2021; 10(16):2020.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Lingtong, Yulong Shen, Shuiguang Zeng, and Zhiwei Zhang. 2021. "FO-Sketch: A Fast Oblivious Sketch for Secure Network Measurement Service in the Cloud" Electronics 10, no. 16: 2020.
APA StyleLiu, L., Shen, Y., Zeng, S., & Zhang, Z. (2021). FO-Sketch: A Fast Oblivious Sketch for Secure Network Measurement Service in the Cloud. Electronics, 10(16), 2020.