1. Introduction
Presently, the integration of wind power in the power sector has been increased drastically for its eco-friendly behavior. For the uncertainty of wind power, the deregulated power system is facing a lot of problems viz. voltage variation, voltage fluctuation, harmonics, fault, thermal overload, etc. To mitigate some of this problem, wind farms as storage systems have been employed in the last few years. The use of a storage device minimizes the imbalance of wind power generation and it also minimizes the penalty imposed by the grid. Different types of storage devices include pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS) systems, compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems, batteries, fuel cells, flywheel super-capacitors, etc. The characteristics and applications of the storage systems are extensively studied in [
1]. Among other storage systems used so far in power systems, the pumped storage hydro system is one of the matured storage systems in modern power systems [
2]. To integrate wind power in the electricity market, lots of research work has been carried out with the combination of hydro generation and wind power generation. In [
3], the authors combined wind generation with hydro generation to present the bidding and operation strategy of wind generation in the power market. In an electricity market, two-stage stochastic optimization problems with wind power and hydro pumped storage have been studied in [
4]. Wind power and pumped storage devices are used in the bilateral and day-ahead electricity market to sell wind energy in the electricity market [
The characteristic of the deregulated electricity market is to compete among the different market participants present in the electricity market. The system operator tries to utilize the maximum available resource in the market so that all the market participants will get the maximum benefit from the market. The market is an environment in the electricity sector where power/energy can be sold and bought by the different market participants (here, states act as different market entities) under the control of the system operator. It is a tough job for the system operator to ensure reliable congestion-free transmission under these circumstances. Some of the available congestion mitigation techniques are generator rescheduling [
6], load shedding [
7], zonal approach [
9], optimal placement of FACTS device [
11], voltage stability [
12], etc. Transmission congestion can be dealt with in wind farms [
13] and pumped storage hydro units [
14]. The application of the bacteria foraging optimization (BFO) algorithm in a double-sided bidding market under transmission congestion is proposed to maximize the supplier’s profit [
15]. In [
16], the authors presented the congestion management issues and challenges in the deregulated electricity markets. In [
17], an efficient Flower pollination algorithm has been used for real power rescheduling of generators for transmission congestion management in a pool-based electricity market. Reza Hemmati et al. [
18] demonstrated congestion management by optimal scheduling of energy storage systems considering renewable energy resources. The application of hydro units with the co-ordination of thermal units to minimize congestion cost and to mitigate congestion has been proposed in [
19]. The increase in transmission line flow capacity is one of the most important techniques to mitigate system congestion. FACTS devices may be applied to increase the transmission line capacity, which can reduce the transmission line congestion [
In recent years, plenty of research accomplishments related to bidding strategies under deregulated markets were attained [
23]. By using a bidding strategy in the power market, the consumer’s payment is minimized and the seller’s profit is maximized. In a deregulated environment, marker clearing mechanism has been discussed by some researchers with considering transmission congestion in [
24]. In the literature, pumped storage hydro system and wind farm bidding strategies have been studied [
24], but they have not considered the impact of a wind farm and pumped hydro system in a competitive electricity market under a congested transmission environment. The main characteristics of wind power are the unpredictability and variability of the generation source. To handle this drawback, a pumped hydroelectric storage system [
5] has been used with wind power in the deregulated electricity market.
As per the author’s knowledge, very limited work has been done by previous researchers regarding the bidding strategies in renewable integrated deregulated power systems—i.e., (a) What will be the impact of the wind farm in a congested deregulated power system? (b) What will be the effect of the wind farm and PSH hybrid system in a congested day-ahead power system? (c) How do optimal bidding strategies give advancement in social benefit in a renewable integrated system? (d) How do different optimization techniques provide better economic benefits for a congested hybrid power system?
In this paper, the authors have tried to provide all feasible solutions to these questions. This paper analyzes the market clearing mechanism considering wind farm (WF) and pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS) systems under congested transmission environments. The novelty of this paper is: MFO algorithm is used for the first time in these types of congested market-clearing power problem solutions with the objective of social welfare maximization. To verify the proposed methodology, the same problem is also solved by the firefly algorithm. The impact of the WF and PHS system on social welfare in a congested deregulated system has been verified with the help of a modified IEEE 30 bus system. The highlights of this work are as follows:
The paper presents the impact of the wind farm (WF) and pumped hydroelectric storage system (PSH) in the competitive power market under congested transmission systems.
We have considered the day-ahead electricity market for our study. In this work, the wind farm is considered a secondary energy source. Therefore, wind power prediction is required for proper participating and scheduling in the electricity market. Therefore, the day-ahead electricity market has been considered here.
The PHS system is used to compensate for the deviation of WF generation in the electricity market. The real-time wind speed data has been considered here for checking the effectiveness of the proposed approach with considering the variable nature of wind speed.
The optimal location of WF and PHS system is decided by the bus sensitivity factor (BSF).
The analysis is carried out by using the generator sensitivity factor (GSF) with the help of the moth flame optimization (MFO) algorithm.
Results obtained from the MFO algorithm are compared with the firefly algorithm (FA).
5. Results and Discussion
To investigate the joint impact of WF and PHS systems in deregulated power market under the congested system, a modified IEEE 30 bus system test system is used here. The test system data is available in [
26]. The detailed load requirements and marginal bid price of the load are mentioned in
Table A1 in
Appendix A. The model is tested for a wind farm with a maximum capacity of 50 MW and pumped hydroelectric storage minimum and maximum energy storage level is considered as 10 Mwh and 40 Mwh respectively. The initial energy level of the PHS system is considered at 80 percent of its full energy storage capacity limit. The pumping and generating efficiency is considered as 80 and 90 percent respectively. The hourly bidding price of the joint WF and PHS system is assumed as 2.5
$/Mwh. For performing market-clearing simulation, aggregated suppliers’ bidding data are sorted in ascending order curve and aggregated customer bidding data are sorted in descending order curve.
Initially, actual and forecasted wind farm power for 24 scheduling periods is assumed and is shown in
Figure 2. Depending on the predicted wind farm power, contracted WF and PHS system power is decided. Based on the contracted and actual wind farm power, the operation of PHS is decided—i.e., whether it will work as pumping or generating or idle mode. The contracted WF and PHS system power is also shown in
Figure 2. Since the proposed approach is applied in a congested power system, seller profit will be reduced with the integration of WF and PHS system because with the integration of joint WF and PHS system, congestion is minimized. As a result, MCP is reduced and hence profitability of sellers is reduced.
In a congested transmission system, the system operator allows some market participants to enjoy effective market power, resulting in higher market prices. To carry out the proposed approach, 24-h active power variation is made. This is made by introducing a time-varying load scaling factor for 24 scheduling periods which is shown in
Figure 3 and the actual power flow rating of lines 1–2 is 130 MVA. In the proposed analysis, the base case power flow of line (1–2) is 140.95 MVA under normal operating conditions. Thus, line 1–2 is considered here to be a congested line.
To identify the location of joint WF and PHS system, BSF is calculated for a 24 h scheduling period and some selected buses BSF value is shown in
Table 1. BSF gives the knowledge about the sensitivity of the bus. A high negative BSF value means the most sensitive bus of the power system. Based on the sensitivity of the bus, the location of the joint WF and PHS system is decided at bus no. 2 as it has the maximum negative BSF value. Since bus number 2 is a generator bus, the optimal location of the joint WF and PHS system is shifted to the second priority bus of the list—i.e., bus number 3 as shown in
Table 1.
To reschedule the generator under a congested system, GSF is calculated for every load case in the 24 h scheduling period. GSF for all the generators of the test system without and with joint WF and PHS systems are shown in
Figure 4 and
Figure 5 respectively.
Figure 4 and
Figure 5, it is observed that generators with joint WF and PHS systems have less GSF value as compared to generators without the same in the maximum interval of the scheduling period. From
Figure 4 and
Figure 5, it is also observed that the GSF for G
22, G
23, and G
27 has much reduced with the integration of joint WF and PHS system compared unintegrated systems. GSF value of generator G
2 maintains almost the same value in both the cases and generator G
13 value reduces with the integration of joint WF and PHS system.
Reduced GSF value means less active power needs to be rescheduled to mitigate congestion in that case. Apart from other generators, slack bus generator G1 is also taking part in market-clearing power problems and congestion management work. To investigate the joint impact of the WF and PHS system in the electricity market under congested conditions, the market-clearing power problem needs to be solved. For solving this market-clearing power problem, aggregated suppliers bidding data are sorted in ascending order curves and aggregated customer bidding data are sorted in descending order curves. The intersection of two curves gives the MCP and MCV. Since the hourly basis bidding strategy is considered here, this power problem is solved in each hour of the scheduling period. In every hour, the MCP and MCV are changing according to the load demand and system stability.
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 respectively show the market-clearing power solution with and without the joint WF and PHS system for 50 h intervals of the scheduling period. This is the graphical representation of market-clearing power solution. From
Figure 6 and
Figure 7, it is observed that MCP is reduced from 3.8504
$/MWh to 3.8137
$/MWh after integration of joint WF and PHS system under congested transmission system. MCP is reducing because MVA flow of the congested line is reducing after integration of joint WF and PHS system and adjustment active power is also reduced as the congestion is reduced.
Table 2 shows the MCP and MCV of the system with and without the presence of joint WF and PHS systems. From
Table 2, it is observed that MCP reduces with the integration of wind farms in each hour of the scheduling periods. Since the penetration level of joint WF and PHS system power is less, the MCV does not change in this case.
Table 2, it can be seen that MCP is reducing with the integration of joint WF and PHS systems, but MCV does not change with the presence of the same system. MCP is reducing because MVA flow of the congested line is reducing after integration of joint WF and PHS system and adjustment active power (ΔP) value is also reduced as the congestion is reduced. As a result, consumers or buyers need to pay less price for their required energy consumption. Therefore, sellers’ profit will reduce and consumers benefit economically as the MCV does not change with the presence of the same system under a congested transmission system.
To find the MCP, the bid price of individual suppliers are calculated and
Figure 8 and
Figure 9 represents the bid price of generator-1 (G
1), generator-2 (G
2), and generator-5 (G
23), generator-6 (G
27) with and without the presence of joint WF and PHS system for 24-h interval. Generator-3 (G
13) and generator-4 (G
22) bid prices are 1.9375
$/Mwh and 3.5002
$/Mwh respectively fixed for the entire scheduling period.
The generator (G
13) and generator (G
22) bid prices are fixed because the generation cost of generator-3 (G
13) is less compared to the other generators and the generation cost of generator-4 (G
22) is more compared to the other generators. Based on the bid price of the generators, generators/suppliers are optimally dispatched in the electricity market to meet the energy demand of the buyers. After optimally dispatching the supply generation, MCP and MCV are calculated for clearing the market. If congestion is present in the system, then the generator or suppliers are rescheduled with the help of GSF to mitigate the congestion. After mitigating congestion, MCP and MCV are calculated for maximizing the social welfare in every interval of the scheduling period.
Table 3 shows the social welfare with and without the presence of wind pumped hydroelectric storage (WPHS) system for 24 h scheduling period by using FA and MFO algorithms. The bid price for G
1 and G
2 with and without WF and PHS for a 24 h scheduling period are shown in
Figure 8, whereas bid prices for G
23 and G
27 for 24 h scheduling period are shown in
Figure 9.
Table 3 shows the suppliers profit with and without the presence of joint WF and PHS system for 24 h scheduling period by using MFO algorithm. From
Table 3 it is seen that the profit of suppliers is reduced with integration of joint WF and PHS in the system. From
Table 3, it is also seen that—at the 6th and 7th hour intervals—profit of sellers is the same for both the cases because—at the 6th and 7th hour intervals—no power is supplied by joint WF and PHS system.
In this work, WPHS plays a vital role in mitigating congestion and as well as improves the social welfare of the system. Power flow for a 24 h scheduling period is shown in
Table 4 for congested lines 1–2. From
Table 4 and
Figure 10, it is observed that power flow through congested lines is reduced when WPHS is considered as compared to the post rescheduling of the system.
Figure 11 shows the supplier’s convergence characteristics with and without the presence of WPHS for 50-hour intervals by using the MFO algorithm. From
Figure 11, it is depicted that the integration of WPHS in the power system increases the social welfare of the overall system. From
Figure 11, it is also observed that both the implemented algorithms provide almost the same social welfare.
In this work, the PHS system plays an important role in balancing the contract power of the WPHS system. The combined operation of wind and PHS system helps to reduce the uncertainty of wind power economically and minimize the congestion under a completely deregulated power market.
Figure 12 shows the operation of the pumped hydroelectric storage system for 24 h scheduling period. The operating mode of the PHS system has changed every hour of the scheduling period to fulfill the system requirements and maximize the seller’s profit. At a high-demand period, it is operated as a generator for reducing the thermal limits of the other lines in the system.
Figure 11 shows the variation of PHS system power due to the unpredictable wind power variation of the system.
Figure 12 also shows the energy level for a 24-h interval. From
Figure 12, it is clear that in maximum hours the energy levels of the PHS system have varied between its minimum and maximum energy levels.
It is seen from the energy level diagram that, in the 17th hour interval, the reservoir reaches its maximum capacity limit. After filling up the reservoir, the dumped load is used in that interval to compensate for that excess power. In other intervals, the reservoir maintains its energy level within its energy capacity limit.
Considering the uncertain nature of the wind, three different valued real-time wind speed data have been considered to check the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Like the previous case, all the real-time wind power is combined simultaneously and repeats the same solution method.
Table 5 shows the details about the real-time wind power data with ISO contract power. The PSH works as a generator when contract power is more than the actual wind power and PSH works in pumping mode for the reverse situations.
Figure 13 and
Figure 14 show the social welfare comparison for different wind power using FA and MFO algorithms simultaneously. It can be concluded from the figures that social welfare is improved with the growing amount of wind power integration. These results can inspire the market players to use wind farms as electricity sources.