Cyber Resilience Meta-Modelling: The Railway Communication Case Study †
:1. Introduction
- 1.
- the emerging threats characterised by the deliberate attempt to disrupt or obfuscate the expected information flows [2];
- 2.
- triggered by a cyber-breach as a result of an attack (e.g., Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) denying to legitimate users the access to services [3]; or
- 3.
- simply can be the results of software glitches, hardware failures or disruption, loss of connections or energy, etc.
2. Background on Cyber-Resilience
- Capacity-based: An indirect quantification through the potential (capability) for resilience [23]
2.1. Functionality-Based Approach
- Plan/Prepare: It includes all actions needed to keep the system functionality within an acceptable range of functioning during known and unknown critical events.
- Absorb: It is related to the mitigation of the impact of the assets and services disruption applying countermeasures as isolation,
- Recover: It is related to the system’s functionality restoration to the status before the disruption (bounce-back).
- Adapt: It evolves the system to a new level (bounce forward) using the new knowledge coming from the lesson learnt. Adaptation strategies may include new configurations of the system, personnel training, different decision making structures, etc.
2.2. Capacity-Based Approach
- Respond: Knowing what to do
- Monitor: Knowing what to look for
- Anticipate: Knowing what to expect
- Learn: Knowing what has happened
2.3. Merging the Views: Resilience as an Emerging Property of a Synergistic Dynamic Dual System
- Adaptive Capacity
- Coping Ability
- Assets
- Human: It includes technical skills, expertise and competencies (knowledge), as well as cognitive resources, particularly those relating to decision-making processes. These resources should be investigated within all relevant operational and managerial contexts. From an end-user perspective, both individual and collective behaviours (i.e., risk awareness, perceptions and aversion, among other aspects) are critical factors to be considered, as they may critically impact on the effectiveness and application of key outputs.
- Technology: It comprises ICT as well as built artefacts and infrastructure as implemented by the utilities (energy, oil and gas and water networks), transport networks, signalling systems, traffic control and ticketing related assets.
- Organisation: It includes hierarchical structures and formal procedures and regulations, as well as logistics elements.
- Finance: It includes the number of financial resources available in the system and their dynamics and the risk managed (assurance).
- Critical Functions
- Buffer Capacities (BC) refers to the kind/quantity of damage a system can absorb without a critical function failure.
- Flexibility (FX) reflects the capability of the system to balance between opposite critical features. An example is constituted by the need of the balance between an efficient centralised organisation and a flexible distributed one.
- Margin (MA) deals with how far the system is pushed to its limit in accomplishing its task. In other words, it is used to compute the capability of the system to tolerate some variations in parameter values.
- Tolerance (TO) is related to the distance between the system nominal performance/quality index and the actual ones. It determines if the system is able to respond to a stressor properly.
- Need of Formalisation
3. The Cyber-Resilience Meta-Model
The Cyber-Resilience Domain Model
4. Integrating and Using the Meta-Model
4.1. A Model-Driven Process
4.2. The Annotated Functional Model
4.3. Generating the Formal Quantitative Model
- R1
- Each annotated use case or component generates one binary BN variable (e.g., an {on,off} variable according to the activation state of the function/component). The only exception is constituted by adaptive capacities.
- R2
- Each “include” tagged dependency makes in a hierarchical relation two use case, and hence two BN variables. A failure of an “included” use case determines a failure of the “including” use case that includes. On the BN model side, the variable generated by the included use case is a parent for the BN variables related to the including ones.
- R3
- The same situation as R2 is for the “depends on from” dependency. In this case, the depending use case plays the role of the including one. The corresponding BN variables are in the parent–child relationship as in the previous case.
- R4
- Another situation where parent–child relationships are created in the BN model is when an “asset”-annotated component is contained into another “asset” one.
- R5
- This rule takes care of the “affects” dependency relationships occurring between a “stressor” and the “asset” that is under attack. In this case, the tagged values related to the “affects” stereotype (see Figure 7) are used to define the parent–child relationship in the BN model. First, the exploits tagged value is used to determine the component that exposes the reported vulnerability (i.e., in the example, V1). Second, the succProb is used in the CPT of the parent BN variable to determine the impact of the attack to the critical function/asset under attack. As a sample, the CPT of the C1A is reported in Table 1: is the success probability of Alpha while is the one of Green.
- R6
- The last rule is related to the resilience-related mechanisms. As an example, the relationship in the high-level model from the “protection”-annotated use case (i.e., Green in the model) to the “stressor” Alpha determines the generation of two links in the BN model. The first is related to the parent–child relationship from Alpha BN node to Green: this BN link represents the activation of the protection mechanism. The second link is instead related to the effect of the protection system to the healing effects of the resilience mechanisms, and is represented in the BN model by the link from Green to C1A (that is, the subject of the attack).
Alpha | Green | ||
1 | 0 | ||
1 | 0 | ||
1–p1 | p1 | ||
p2 | 1–p2 |
- The names of both UML’s Use Cases and Components can be inferred by the name property.
- getSourceUC()-getDestUC() are methods of an “include” relationships functions returning the source and the destination use case.
- getChildern() is a method of the UML’s components returning the list of sub-components.
- getProvidedBy() is a method of the use cases able to retrieve the list of the components reported in the providedBy property.
- isStressor() and isProtection() are methods to understand whether the use case is tagged with the relative stereotypes.
- getAffected() is a method of the UML’s use case able to return the components and the use cases that are affected by the “stressor”.
- getSuccessProb() extracts the value of the successProb tagged value of a “stressor”.
- Given a “protection”, the activations() and u.protected() methods, respectively, return the lists of the use cases that activate (i.e., the stressors) and are protected by (i.e., the critical functions) the protection mechanism.
- addNode()-addLink(), given a BN, add a node and a link between two nodes, respectively.
- getNode() retrieves the node of a BN from the name while setCPT() builds and sets to a node a CPT according to the schema defined in Table 1 and on the base of a specified value of probability.
Algorithm 1: Generation of the BN model pseudo-algorithm. |
5. The Secure Metro Communication Case Study
- Signalling: The combination of the interlocking and communication system that transmits the information necessary to control the train movement to the on-board subsystem
- Automation: Trains scheduling and interface with the central operator
- Power Supply: Line electrification and supply of all civil loads in a metro system (e.g., station lighting and elevators)
- Platform Screen Doors: Doors on the platform to screen it from the train
- Passengers Information System: Communication system from centre to passengers devoted to providing timely and correct information (video-walls, monitors, speakers, etc.)
Applicability Evaluation
- a.
- The delivery of MALs from ZC to CC
- b.
- The possibility of having timely and correct information in the case of emergency evacuation
- 1.
- A man-in-the-middle attack, exploiting software vulnerabilities of the router to intrude into the communication between ZC and CC
- 2.
- A jamming attack devoted to disturbing the frequency of radio communication
- 3.
- A physical sabotage oriented to interrupt the power supply to critical wayside computers (i.e., the ZC)
6. Related Works
7. Conclusions and Future Works
- integration of the proposed modelling method into an existing industrial risk management process;
- usage of the UML Profile with another “analysis-level” formalism (e.g., Petri Nets); and
- definition of a final software package implementing the approach.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ATC | Automatic Train Control |
ATO | Automatic Train Operation |
ATP | Automatic Train Protection |
ATS | Automatic Train Supervision |
BC | Buffer Capacities |
BN | Bayesian Network |
Bot | Internet Robots |
CBD | Contract Based Design |
CTBC | Communication-Based Train Control |
CC | Carborne Controller |
C&C | Command and Control |
CODOT | Colorado Department of Transport |
CPT | Conditional Probability Table |
DAG | Direct Acyclic Graph |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
DSML | Domain Specific Modelling Language |
FBC | Function Buffer Capacities |
FDC | Function Dumping Capacity |
FF | Function Flexibility |
FM | Function Margin |
FRAM | Functional Resonance Analysis Method |
FTO | Function Tolerance |
FT | Fault Tree |
FX | Flexibility |
GSPN | Generalised Stochastic Petri Nets |
HCPS | Human-Cyber-Physical Systems |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IXL | Interlocking |
MA | Margin |
MALs | Movement Authority Limits |
MDE | Model-Driven Engineering |
MDP | Markov Decision Process |
NAS | National Academy of Science |
OC | Object Controller |
PSDs | Platform Screen Doors |
POMDP | Partially Observable Markov Decision Process |
PPS | Physical Protection System |
RC | Resilience Contracts |
TO | Tolerance |
UML | Unified Modelling Language |
UTS | Urban Transport System |
V&V | Verification and Validation |
ZC | Zone Controller |
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Reference | Topic | Improvement of This Paper |
[74] | The work provides a method for modelling and evaluation of cyber resilience with BNs. | This paper introduces a wider model-driven approach. |
[63,64] | The work is based on game theory. | This paper provides a modelling framework easier to use. |
[40] | The work presents a UML Profile for modelling and analysis of physical security. | This paper also deals with cyber assets. |
[41] | Model-driven approach for survivability evaluation by means of UML and BN. | The scope of the introduced domain model/UML Profile is wider than the presented scope. |
[53] | The work is based on GSPNs | The presented work introduces a model-driven approach. |
[54] | This work is based on FT. | FT demonstrated their limitation since they allow just few analysis and do not have advanced modelling features (i.e., common cause, multi-state variables, etc.). |
[55,75] | The work uses BNs | The work does not apply any model-driven principle. Low level modelling is an error-prone activity. |
[76] | It defines a conceptual model for cyber resilience | This paper does not provide any practical modelling and analysis approach. |
[77] | It defines a DSML for the modelling of a computer-based infrastructure. | This work is based on simulation while the presented work is based on a formal—more powerful—analysis method. |
[78] | This work presents a model-driven approach for generating code skeletons for injecting security in complex software-based systems | The presented approach can be used during the design-time phases. |
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Bellini, E.; Marrone, S.; Marulli, F. Cyber Resilience Meta-Modelling: The Railway Communication Case Study. Electronics 2021, 10, 583.
Bellini E, Marrone S, Marulli F. Cyber Resilience Meta-Modelling: The Railway Communication Case Study. Electronics. 2021; 10(5):583.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBellini, Emanuele, Stefano Marrone, and Fiammetta Marulli. 2021. "Cyber Resilience Meta-Modelling: The Railway Communication Case Study" Electronics 10, no. 5: 583.
APA StyleBellini, E., Marrone, S., & Marulli, F. (2021). Cyber Resilience Meta-Modelling: The Railway Communication Case Study. Electronics, 10(5), 583.