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A Thermally Stable Quasi-CMOS Bipolar Logic

Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology, 00-661 Warsaw, Poland
Electronics 2022, 11(1), 6;
Submission received: 24 November 2021 / Revised: 16 December 2021 / Accepted: 20 December 2021 / Published: 21 December 2021
(This article belongs to the Section Microelectronics)


Logic gates made of pairs of NPN and PNP bipolar transistors, similar to CMOS logic gates, have been proposed and patented long ago but did not find any practical application until now. Other bipolar technologies (TTL, TTL-S, ECL), once the technologies of choice for digital systems, were abandoned and superseded by CMOS. In this paper it is shown that now, when truly complementary pairs of bipolar transistors can be made, properly biased bipolar gates similar to CMOS gates are feasible, can be thermally stable and find practical applications.

1. Introduction

Bipolar technologies such as TTL, TTL-S and ECL, once the technologies of choice for digital systems, were totally abandoned and superseded by CMOS. The reasons are well known: large area of vertical bipolar transistors in comparison with MOS devices, larger device count in bipolar logic gates and larger power consumption. These properties made the bipolar technologies mentioned above unsuitable for VLSI circuits. CMOS-like complementary bipolar logic gates similar to CMOS logic gates (Figure 1) were proposed long ago (1976, [1]) but never used. They will be called CBip in this paper. In traditional bipolar technologies, in which TTL or ECL gates were made, good NPN vertical bipolar transistors were available but PNP transistors had different physical structures and much worse parameters. They were not complementary to their NPN counterparts. Moreover, vertical transistors were strongly asymmetric, with heavily doped emitters, much lower doping in the collector and different areas of emitter-base and collector-base junctions. Such transistors have a relatively high voltage drop between the emitter and collector when switched “on” in a digital gate. As a result, both “0” and “1” voltage levels would be degraded (“0” voltage level higher than “0” and “1” voltage level lower than the supply voltage) if asymmetric transistors were used in a CMOS-like digital gate.
In 2011 a new structure of a lateral bipolar transistor on SOI, technologically compatible with PD-SOI (Partially Depleted Silicon on Insulator) CMOS circuits, has been demonstrated [2]. Such transistors are small and symmetric, complementary pairs of NPN and PNP devices can be made. Later in a series of papers [3,4,5,6,7] these transistors were investigated both theoretically and experimentally, including experimental characterization of inverters, SRAM cell flip-flops and ring oscillators. It was suggested that CMOS-like bipolar logic, i.e., logic gates made of complementary pairs of NPN and PNP transistors, could be useful both for very fast circuits and very low power circuits. Later another SOI-based technology, in which complementary pairs of symmetric NPN and PNP transistors as well as MOS devices can be made, has been demonstrated [8,9,10]. One more bipolar device concept-symmetric lateral doping-free bipolar transistor-has been proposed [11] and investigated [12,13]. In spite of these very promising works CMOS-like bipolar logic is still not used in digital integrated circuits.
There is a fundamental difference between CMOS logic gates and similar CBip logic gates: the input current. In MOS transistors the input (gate) current is equal to zero (except gate leakage that is negligible in state-of-the-art very small devices) while in bipolar transistors the input (base) current in the “on” state is not negligible. When the output of a CBip gate is connected to the input of another CBip gate, the current drawn by this input from the output of the previous gate (as shown in Figure 2) distorts the voltage transfer curve of the previous gate.
The input (base) currents in CBip gates depend exponentially on the input (base-emitter) voltages and rise exponentially with temperature. This thermal effect is highly undesirable and makes CBip-based logic circuits practically useless at elevated temperatures. In this paper a simple solution mitigating this effect is proposed in Section 2, and Appendix A gives its mathematical analysis. In Section 3 CBip gates performing NOT, NOR and NAND logic functions are simulated and their properties discussed in the context of the solution proposed in Section 2. Examples of CBip-based logic circuits are also shown. Section 4 discusses the results shown in previous sections and suggests possible applications of CBip circuits. Transistor models used in simulations are given in Appendix B. These models roughly correspond to the experimental characteristics of lateral symmetric NPN devices discussed in [2] (see Figure 9 in [2]). To simplify interpretation of the simulation results, in most cases it is assumed that the models of NPN and PNP devices are identical.

2. Thermal Stability of CBip Gates

Let us consider a CBip inverter biased, as in Figure 3. It is assumed that the voltage level of logic “1” equals the supply voltage VCC.
Figure 4 shows a simulated DC transfer characteristic and input current vs. input voltage for VCC = 1 V at 300 K. The transfer characteristic is excellent, but the input current is unacceptable—up to 0.7 mA.
If the supply voltage is reduced to 0.65 V, the transfer characteristic is still acceptable, and the input current is reduced to nanoamperes—see Figure 5.
However, reduction of the supply voltage does not solve the problem of the input current because this current strongly increases with temperature. Figure 6 shows the transfer characteristic and input current at 400 K. The input current increases from 3 to 600 nA.
To mitigate this thermal effect, a solution borrowed from an analog domain can be used. It is based on the observation that the collector current of a bipolar transistor operating in forward active mode (i.e., with VCB ≤ 0 and VBE > 0, where VCB is the collector-base voltage and VBE is the base-emitter voltage; positive voltage means forward bias and negative voltage—reverse bias of the respective transistor pn junctions) does not depend on the collector-base bias voltage (neglecting secondary effects). Therefore, if the same base-emitter voltage VBE is applied to two identical transistors operating in the same temperature, their collector currents will be identical. This directly follows from the Ebers–Moll bipolar transistor model [14]. The expression for the collector current can be written as [14] (see Equation (17) in [14]).
I C = I E S ( e q V B E k T 1 ) I C S ( e q V C B k T 1 )
where IES and ICS are constants, and k T / q is the thermal voltage (approx. 26 mV at room temperature). If VCB ≤ 0, the second term can be neglected, and if VBE >> k T / q (in practice if VBE is larger than 100~150 mV), (1) can be reduced to
I C = I E S e q V B E k T
Expression (2) is widely used in analog bipolar circuit design.
Figure 7 shows the proposed solution. The supply voltage for the CBip inverter Q2–Q3 equals the base-emitter voltage of transistor Q1. This voltage also defines the logic level “1”. With “1” (i.e., Vsupply) at the input of the inverter transistors, Q1 and Q2 make the current mirror. If both are identical and their temperatures are identical, both collector currents are the same (neglecting base currents). If the collector current of Q1 (determined by the VCC voltage and resistance R) will not depend on temperature, the collector current of Q2 also will not depend on temperature. The input current of the inverter will be hFE—times lower, where hFE is the DC current gain factor, i.e., the ratio of the collector DC current to the base DC current. The input current of the inverter will depend somewhat on temperature because hFE is temperature dependent, but this dependence is weak, not exponential. Moreover, in the configuration shown in Figure 7 the collector current of Q1 will not be absolutely constant. The current flowing across the resistor R will be equal to ( V C C V B E ) / R , and, since VBE will decrease with temperature, the current flowing across the resistor R and the collector current of Q1 will increase. In practical integrated circuits thermal dependence of the collector current of Q1 can be minimized because resistance of resistors in integrated circuits increases with temperature. Appendix A discusses this issue quantitatively. However, in this paper resistance R is constant in all simulations.
It is worth noting that Q1 and Q2 need not be identical. If they are not, the collector current of Q2 will be proportional to the collector current of Q1. If the collector current of Q1 does not depend on temperature, the collector current of Q2 will not depend on it either.
If the logic level at the input of the inverter is “0”, the current mirror is composed of transistors Q1 and Q3—see Figure 8. The base-emitter voltages of Q1 and Q3 are identical. In the general case Q1 (an NPN device) and Q3 (a PNP device) will not be identical, but since the collector current of Q1 is temperature-independent, thermal stability of the inverter will be maintained. To demonstrate this, the simulations shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10 were carried out with an NPN model different from the PNP model—see Appendix B. The input current characteristics are no longer symmetric but the input current at 400 K is almost the same as at 300 K.
The thermal stabilization idea shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 can be extended to logic blocks with any number of CBip inverters and other gates, as shown in Figure 11. By varying R, one can vary the sum of all currents consumed by the logic gates in this block, i.e., the overall current consumption. Of course, thermal stabilization of the whole block requires the same temperature of Q1 and all the transistors in the logic block.
Note that an increase in the temperature from 300 to 400 K results in reduction of the supply voltage, which is also the “1” voltage level, from 650 to 465 mV (Figure 9 and Figure 10). This is not a problem in a digital circuit if the supply voltage and the “1” voltage level are the same for all CBip gates in the circuit, as in Figure 11. Examples are shown in the next section.

3. CBip Gates and Circuits

3.1. NAND and NOR Gates

The schematic diagrams of NAND and NOR gates are shown in Figure 12.
Figure 13 shows the simulated transfer characteristics of the NAND and NOR gates. Characteristics (b) and (c) are similar to the characteristics of CMOS gates. Characteristic (a) is different, somewhat similar to the transfer characteristics of the logic gates in the old NMOS technology with NMOS enhancement mode transistors as active devices and an NMOS depletion mode transistor as pull-up device. Although the (a) characteristics are not as good as (b) and (c) characteristics, the NAND and NOR gates work correctly in logic circuits, as will be demonstrated in Section 3.

3.2. AND and OR Gates

By adding inverters at outputs of NAND and NOR gates we obtain AND and OR gates (Figure 14).
Figure 15 shows simulated transfer characteristics of these gates.

3.3. The Effects of Load

All transfer characteristics shown above (Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 13 and Figure 15) were obtained for gates without any load connected to their outputs. Figure 16 shows inverters with resistive load (a) and load in the form of input of another inverter (b).
The maximum current that can be drawn from output of any gate will never exceed the current supplied from VCC: I m a x = ( V C C V B E ) / R . In practice, this means that the load resistance RL must be much larger than R. However, even resistive load that meets this requirement will shift the transfer characteristics of the gate. This is shown in Figure 17a.
If the output of a CBip gate is connected to the input of another CBip gate, as in Figure 16b, the transfer characteristic of the first gate is strongly distorted, as shown in Figure 17b. However, the transfer characteristic from the input to the output of the second gate is correct. In the next subsection it is demonstrated that logic blocks with CBip gates work correctly despite distortion shown in Figure 17b.

3.4. Two Examples

The first example demonstrates the operation of a simple logic block (C17 ISCAS benchmark) implemented with CBip gates. The logic diagram of C17 benchmark is shown in Figure 18. The block is thermally stabilized in the way shown in Figure 11.
The input and output signals are shown in Figure 19. For comparison, operation of the same block implemented with 22 nm CMOS gates is shown. The logical response of the CBip-based block does not differ from response of the CMOS-based block
It has been demonstrated [4,6] that the delay of a CBip inverter can be varied by many orders of magnitude by varying its supply voltage. The performance of CBip-based thermally stabilized digital circuits can be adjusted by the voltage VCC and/or resistance R. The second example demonstrates this feature by replacing resistor R with a NMOS transistor, whose gate voltage is controlled by a voltage source VREG (Figure 20). By varying this voltage, the supply voltage and the frequency of oscillation of the ring oscillator are varied.
Figure 21 shows that the CBip ring oscillator can be used as a voltage-controlled oscillator. The shortest oscillation period at VREG = 1.5 V equals 0.28 ns; the longest period at VREG = 0.95 V is approximately 125 ns. This simulation demonstrates the flexibility of CBip-based logic circuits: the same circuit can be used either as a high-performance circuit or as a low-power circuit by changing the VCC voltage and/or the resistance R (Figure 7 and Figure 8). If the resistance R is replaced by an active voltage-controlled device, as in Figure 20, the performance and power consumption can be easily controlled in a working circuit and adjusted as needed for a given task.
For comparison, Figure 22 shows the same CBip ring oscillator simulated at temperature 400 K. The IDD current is larger and oscillator periods are shorter. The shortest oscillation period at VREG = 1.5 V equals 0.19 ns; the longest period at VREG = 0.95 V is approximately 5 ns only. This simulation result is also affected by temperature dependence of the parameters of the MOS transistor M and capacitances of bipolar devices.

4. Discussion and Conclusions

The purpose of this paper is to show that CBip gates thermally stabilized as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 can be used to build fully functional digital circuits working well in a broad range of temperatures. A unique feature of CBip-based digital circuits is that the same circuit can be used either as an ultra-low power circuit or as a high-performance circuit, and power vs. performance tradeoff can be easily controlled in a working circuit.
But the question is: who needs CBip gates?
It is rather obvious that CBip-based digital circuits will not replace the most advanced FinFet or Nanosheet-based CMOS circuits. However, they can become a valuable addition to more traditional CMOS circuits. The symmetric lateral bipolar transistors on PD-SOI substrates [2,3,4,5,6,7] and CBip gates using them could be used as additional components of PD-SOI CMOS circuits, for example in I/O buffers, or even as either high-performance or ultra-low power digital blocks, as suggested in [5,6,7]. The doping-free symmetric lateral bipolar transistors [11,12,13] could be added to FD-SOI (Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator) CMOS circuits, where the channel area of MOS devices is not intentionally doped. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not offer symmetrical lateral bipolar transistors in their PD-SOI or FD-SOI technologies yet. Therefore, the simulations described in the paper cannot be directly compared with experiments. However, the transistor models used in the simulations roughly correspond to the experimental characteristics of NPN devices discussed in [2] (Figure 9).
It is worth noting that bipolar transistors are very useful in analog circuits. In mixed-signal circuits the symmetric lateral bipolar transistors could be used, e.g., in low-noise amplifiers as well as in RF amplifiers. This topic is, however, beyond the scope of this paper.


This research was funded by Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, grant number PBS1/A3/4/2012.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


For convenience of the readers acronyms used in the paper are listed below.
NPNdenotes bipolar transistor with emitter and collector made of n-type semiconductor and base of p-type semiconductor.
PNPdenotes bipolar transistor with emitter and collector made of p-type semiconductor and base of n-type semiconductor.
CMOSComplementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor—logic gates that use complementary pairs of p-type and n-type MOS transistors.
TTLTransistor–Transistor Logic—logic gates that use NPN bipolar transistors.
TTL-STransistor—Transistor Logic with Schottky diodes—logic gates that use NPN bipolar transistors with Schottky diodes in order to reduce the switching time of bipolar transistors.
ECLEmitter-Coupled Logic: another kind of logic gates that uses bipolar transistors.
VLSIVery Large-Scale Integration—technology enabling fabrication of complex integrated circuits, which combine millions of MOS transistors in a single semiconductor chip.
SOISilicon on Insulator—silicon layer located on top of silicon dioxide insulating layer.
SRAMStatic Random-Access Memory—semiconductor memory that preserves the content of memory cells as long as they are powered, no refreshing of the content necessary.
PD-SOIPartially Depleted Silicon on Insulator—CMOS technology in which MOS devices are made in a relatively thick silicon layer located on top of silicon dioxide insulating layer.
FD-SOIFully Depleted Silicon on Insulator—CMOS technology in which MOS devices are made in a very thin silicon layer located on top of silicon dioxide insulating layer.
CBipLogic gates discussed in this paper that use complementary pairs of bipolar NPN and PNP transistors, different from TTL, TTL-S or ECL gates.
NAND, NOR, AND, ORNames of logic gates performing the respective logic functions.
RFRadio Frequency—name often used for electronic circuits working in the microwave range of frequencies.

Appendix A. Analysis of Thermal Stability of a CBip Inverter

Let us consider quantitatively the thermal stability of the collector current IC of the transistor Q1 (Figure 7). At a temperature T0 this current can be calculated as follows:
I c ( T 0 ) = V C C V B E ( T 0 ) R ( T 0 )
The goal is to obtain constant IC, independent on temperature. The base-emitter voltage at constant collector current decreases with temperature almost linearly, typical change δVBE = 2 mV/°C. Resistance of resistors made of doped silicon increases with temperature, thermal coefficient of this resistance TCR is typically much less than 1%/°C. The collector current at a temperature T1 is
I c ( T 1 ) = V C C [ V B E ( T 0 ) δ V B E ( T 1 T 0 ) ] R ( T 0 ) [ 1 + T C R ( T 1 T 0 ) ]
The condition for thermal stability of the collector current is
V C C V B E ( T 0 ) R ( T 0 ) = V C C [ V B E ( T 0 ) δ V B E ( T 1 T 0 ) ] R ( T 0 ) [ 1 + T C R ( T 1 T 0 ) ]
From (5) we obtain the condition for TCR:
T C R = δ V B E V C C V B E ( T 0 )
Example: let VCC = 1.2 V, VBE (300 K) = 0.7 V (typical value), δVBE = 2 mV/°C (typical value). This gives TCR = 0.4%/°C. This estimated value corresponds to relatively low doping; doped regions in silicon ICs usually exhibit lower TCR, somewhere between 0.1%/°C and 0.3%/°C. However, this estimate shows that thermal dependence of the collector current can be minimized, even if not completely eliminated.
It is worth noting that, if the collector currents of Q1 and Q2 (Figure 7) are constant, the input current of the inverter (i.e., base current) will decrease with temperature because current gain factor hFE increases with temperature.

Appendix B. Device Models

Below device models in Berkeley Spice format, used in the simulations reported above, are listed.
  •   Bipolar transistor models identical for NPN and PNP devices:
      MODEL QMODN NPN(is = 2e-19 bf = 10 br = 10 re = 20 rb = 20 var = 25 vaf = 25 ikf = 5.15e-4
    • +ikr = 5.15e-4 cje = 6e-17 cjc = 6e-17 vjc = 1 vje = 1 tf = 4.2e-12 tr = 4.2e-12)
      MODEL QMODP PNP(is = 2e-19 bf = 10 br = 10 re = 20 rb = 20 var = 25 vaf = 25 ikf = 5.15e-4
    • +ikr = 5.15e-4 cje = 6e-17 cjc = 6e-17 vjc = 1 vje = 1 tf = 4.2e-12 tr = 4.2e-12)
  •   Bipolar transistor models—NPN device with higher hFE than PNP device, used in simulations shown in Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 19 and Figure 21:
      MODEL QMODN NPN(is = 5e-19 bf = 100 br = 100 re = 20 rb = 20 var = 25 vaf = 25 ikf = 5.15e-4
    • +ikr = 5.15e-4 cje = 2e-18 cjc = 2e-18 vjc = 1 vje = 1 tf = 4.2e-12 tr = 4.2e-12)
      MODEL QMODP PNP(is = 2e-19 bf = 10 br = 10 re = 20 rb = 20 var = 25 vaf = 25 ikf = 5.15e-4
    • +ikr = 5.15e-4 cje = 2e-18 cjc = 2e-18 vjc = 1 vje = 1 tf = 4.2e-12 tr = 4.2e-12)
  •   Generic NMOS model for 22 nm CMOS technology [15], used in simulations shown in Figure 19 and Figure 21:
      * PTM High-Performance 22 nm Metal Gate/High-K/Strained-Si
      model nmos nmos level = 14
  • +version = 4.6.5 binunit = 1 paramchk = 1 mobmod = 0
  • +capmod = 2 igcmod = 1 igbmod = 1 geomod = 1
  • +diomod = 1 rdsmod = 0 rbodymod = 1 rgatemod = 1
  • +permod = 1 acnqsmod = 0 trnqsmod = 0
  • +tnom = 27 toxe = 1.05e-009 toxp = 8e-010 toxm = 1.05e-009
  • +dtox = 2.5e-010 epsrox = 3.9 wint = 5e-009 lint = 2e-009
  • +ll = 0 wl = 0 lln = 1 wln = 1
  • +lw = 0 ww = 0 lwn = 1 wwn = 1
  • +lwl = 0 wwl = 0 xpart = 0 toxref = 1.05e-009
  • +xl = -9e-9
  • +vth0 = 0.50308  k1 = 0.4  k2 = 0 k3 = 0
  • +k3b = 0 w0 = 2.5e-006 dvt0 = 1 dvt1 = 2
  • +dvt2 = 0 dvt0w = 0 dvt1w = 0 dvt2w = 0
  • +dsub = 0.1  minv = 0.05  voffl = 0 dvtp0 = 1e-011
  • +dvtp1 = 0.1  lpe0 = 0 lpeb = 0 xj = 7.2e-009
  • +ngate = 1e+023  ndep = 5.5e+018 nsd = 2e+020  phin = 0
  • +cdsc = 0 cdscb = 0 cdscd = 0 cit = 0
  • +voff = −0.13   nfactor = 2.3  eta0 = 0.004   etab = 0
  • +vfb = -0.55   u0 = 0.04  ua = 6e-010  ub = 1.2e-018
  • +uc = 0 vsat = 250000  a0 = 1 ags = 0
  • +a1 = 0 a2 = 1 b0 = 0 b1 = 0
  • +keta = 0.04  dwg = 0 dwb = 0 pclm = 0.02
  • +pdiblc1 = 0.001   pdiblc2 = 0.001   pdiblcb = −0.005  drout = 0.5
  • +pvag = 1e-020  delta = 0.01  pscbe1 = 8.14e+008  pscbe2 = 1e-007
  • +fprout = 0.2  pdits = 0.01  pditsd = 0.23  pditsl = 2,300,000
  • +rsh = 5 rdsw = 145  rsw = 75   rdw = 75
  • +rdswmin = 0 rdwmin = 0 rswmin = 0 prwg = 0
  • +prwb = 0 wr = 1 alpha0 = 0.074   alpha1 = 0.005
  • +beta0 = 30   agidl = 0.0002  bgidl = 2.1e+009 cgidl = 0.0002
  • +egidl = 0.8  aigbacc = 0.012   bigbacc = 0.0028  cigbacc = 0.002
  • +nigbacc = 1 aigbinv = 0.014   bigbinv = 0.004   cigbinv = 0.004
  • +eigbinv = 1.1  nigbinv = 3 aigc = 0.0213  bigc = 0.0025889
  • +cigc = 0.002   aigsd = 0.0213  bigsd = 0.0025889  cigsd = 0.002
  • +nigc = 1 poxedge = 1 pigcd = 1 ntox = 1
  • +xrcrg1 = 12   xrcrg2 = 5
  • +cgso = 6.5e-011 cgdo = 6.5e-011 cgbo = 2.56e-011  cgdl = 2.653e-010
  • +cgsl = 2.653e-010  ckappas = 0.03  ckappad = 0.03  acde = 1
  • +moin = 15   noff = 0.9  voffcv = 0.02
  • +kt1 = -0.11   kt1l = 0 kt2 = 0.022   ute = −1.5
  • +ua1 = 4.31e-009  ub1 = 7.61e-018  uc1 = −5.6e−011  prt = 0
  • +at = 33,000
  • +fnoimod = 1 tnoimod = 0
  • +jss = 0.0001  jsws = 1e-011  jswgs = 1e-010  njs = 1
  • +ijthsfwd = 0.01  ijthsrev = 0.001   bvs = 10   xjbvs = 1
  • +jsd = 0.0001  jswd = 1e-011  jswgd = 1e-010  njd = 1
  • +ijthdfwd = 0.01  ijthdrev = 0.001   bvd = 10   xjbvd = 1
  • +pbs = 1 cjs = 0.0005  mjs = 0.5  pbsws = 1
  • +cjsws = 5e-010  mjsws = 0.33  pbswgs = 1 cjswgs = 3e-010
  • +mjswgs = 0.33  pbd = 1 cjd = 0.0005  mjd = 0.5
  • +pbswd = 1 cjswd = 5e-010  mjswd = 0.33  pbswgd = 1
  • +cjswgd = 5e-010  mjswgd = 0.33  tpb = 0.005   tcj = 0.001
  • +tpbsw = 0.005   tcjsw = 0.001   tpbswg = 0.005   tcjswg = 0.001
  • +xtis = 3 xtid = 3
  • +dmcg = 0 dmci = 0 dmdg = 0 dmcgt = 0
  • +dwj = 0 xgw = 0 xgl = 0
  • +rshg = 0.4  gbmin = 1e-010  rbpb = 5 rbpd = 15
  • +rbps = 15   rbdb = 15   rbsb = 15   ngcon = 1


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Figure 1. Simplest logic gates: (a) inverter CMOS; (b) bipolar inverter CBip.
Figure 1. Simplest logic gates: (a) inverter CMOS; (b) bipolar inverter CBip.
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Figure 2. Currents in a pair of CBip inverters: (a) with “1” at input; (b) with “0” at input.
Figure 2. Currents in a pair of CBip inverters: (a) with “1” at input; (b) with “0” at input.
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Figure 3. Simulated CBip inverter.
Figure 3. Simulated CBip inverter.
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Figure 4. Transfer characteristic and input current of a CBip inverter. VCC = 1 V, temperature 300 K.
Figure 4. Transfer characteristic and input current of a CBip inverter. VCC = 1 V, temperature 300 K.
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Figure 5. Transfer characteristic and input current of a CBip inverter. VCC = 0.65 V, temperature 300 K.
Figure 5. Transfer characteristic and input current of a CBip inverter. VCC = 0.65 V, temperature 300 K.
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Figure 6. Transfer characteristic and input current of a CBip inverter. VCC = 0.65 V, temperature 400 K.
Figure 6. Transfer characteristic and input current of a CBip inverter. VCC = 0.65 V, temperature 400 K.
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Figure 7. The concept of thermal stabilization of CBip gates: with “1” at the input of the inverter Q1 and Q2 make the current mirror.
Figure 7. The concept of thermal stabilization of CBip gates: with “1” at the input of the inverter Q1 and Q2 make the current mirror.
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Figure 8. The concept of thermal stabilization of CBip gates: with “0” at the input of the inverter Q1 and Q3 make the current mirror.
Figure 8. The concept of thermal stabilization of CBip gates: with “0” at the input of the inverter Q1 and Q3 make the current mirror.
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Figure 9. Transfer characteristic and input current of a thermally stabilized CBip inverter (Figure 7 and Figure 8). VCC = 1 V, R = 10 MΩ, temperature 300 K.
Figure 9. Transfer characteristic and input current of a thermally stabilized CBip inverter (Figure 7 and Figure 8). VCC = 1 V, R = 10 MΩ, temperature 300 K.
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Figure 10. Transfer characteristic and input current of a thermally stabilized CBip inverter (Figure 7 and Figure 8). VCC = 1 V, R = 10 MΩ, temperature 400 K.
Figure 10. Transfer characteristic and input current of a thermally stabilized CBip inverter (Figure 7 and Figure 8). VCC = 1 V, R = 10 MΩ, temperature 400 K.
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Figure 11. Thermally stabilized logic block.
Figure 11. Thermally stabilized logic block.
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Figure 12. Thermally stabilized CBip gates. (a) NAND gate, (b) NOR gate.
Figure 12. Thermally stabilized CBip gates. (a) NAND gate, (b) NOR gate.
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Figure 13. Transfer characteristics of NAND and NOR gates. VCC = 1 V, R = 500 kΩ, temperature 300 K. NAND: (a) IN A: 0~800 mV, IN B: 700 mV; (b) IN A: 700 mV, IN B: 0~800 mV; (c) IN A = IN B: 0~800 mV. NOR: (a) IN A: 0~800 mV, IN B: 0; (b) IN A: 0, IN B: 0~800 mV; (c) IN A = IN B: 0~800 mV.
Figure 13. Transfer characteristics of NAND and NOR gates. VCC = 1 V, R = 500 kΩ, temperature 300 K. NAND: (a) IN A: 0~800 mV, IN B: 700 mV; (b) IN A: 700 mV, IN B: 0~800 mV; (c) IN A = IN B: 0~800 mV. NOR: (a) IN A: 0~800 mV, IN B: 0; (b) IN A: 0, IN B: 0~800 mV; (c) IN A = IN B: 0~800 mV.
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Figure 14. Thermally stabilized CBip gates. (a) AND gate; (b) OR gate.
Figure 14. Thermally stabilized CBip gates. (a) AND gate; (b) OR gate.
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Figure 15. Transfer characteristics of AND and OR gates. VCC = 1 V, R = 500 kΩ, temperature 300 K. AND: All three characteristics are almost the same. OR: All three characteristics are almost the same.
Figure 15. Transfer characteristics of AND and OR gates. VCC = 1 V, R = 500 kΩ, temperature 300 K. AND: All three characteristics are almost the same. OR: All three characteristics are almost the same.
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Figure 16. Inverters with resistive load (a) and nonlinear load—input of another inverter (b).
Figure 16. Inverters with resistive load (a) and nonlinear load—input of another inverter (b).
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Figure 17. Simulated transfer characteristics of inverter with resistive load (a) and inverter with nonlinear load (input of another inverter—(b)). VCC = 1 V, R = 10 kΩ, temperature 300 K.
Figure 17. Simulated transfer characteristics of inverter with resistive load (a) and inverter with nonlinear load (input of another inverter—(b)). VCC = 1 V, R = 10 kΩ, temperature 300 K.
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Figure 18. The logic diagram of the C17 ISCAS benchmark.
Figure 18. The logic diagram of the C17 ISCAS benchmark.
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Figure 19. Simulated operation of the ISCAS C17 benchmark: CBip and 22 nm CMOS implementation. CBip: VCC = 1 V, R = 3 MΩ. CMOS: VDD = 0.7 V. Temperature 300 K in both cases.
Figure 19. Simulated operation of the ISCAS C17 benchmark: CBip and 22 nm CMOS implementation. CBip: VCC = 1 V, R = 3 MΩ. CMOS: VDD = 0.7 V. Temperature 300 K in both cases.
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Figure 20. Five-stage CBip ring oscillator with supply voltage controlled by a NMOS transistor M.
Figure 20. Five-stage CBip ring oscillator with supply voltage controlled by a NMOS transistor M.
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Figure 21. Simulated operation of five-stage CBip ring oscillator with supply voltage controlled by a NMOS transistor: control voltage, supply current (log scale) and output voltage as a function of time; VCC = 1.2 V, temperature 300 K.
Figure 21. Simulated operation of five-stage CBip ring oscillator with supply voltage controlled by a NMOS transistor: control voltage, supply current (log scale) and output voltage as a function of time; VCC = 1.2 V, temperature 300 K.
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Figure 22. Simulated operation of five-stage CBip ring oscillator with supply voltage controlled by a NMOS transistor: control voltage, supply current (log scale) and output voltage as a function of time; VCC = 1.2 V, temperature 400 K.
Figure 22. Simulated operation of five-stage CBip ring oscillator with supply voltage controlled by a NMOS transistor: control voltage, supply current (log scale) and output voltage as a function of time; VCC = 1.2 V, temperature 400 K.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Kuzmicz, W. A Thermally Stable Quasi-CMOS Bipolar Logic. Electronics 2022, 11, 6.

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Kuzmicz W. A Thermally Stable Quasi-CMOS Bipolar Logic. Electronics. 2022; 11(1):6.

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Kuzmicz, Wieslaw. 2022. "A Thermally Stable Quasi-CMOS Bipolar Logic" Electronics 11, no. 1: 6.

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