Local-Partial Signal Combining Schemes for Cell-Free Large-Scale MU-MIMO Systems with Limited Fronthaul Capacity and Spatial Correlation Channels
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- The channel estimation process is performed locally at each access point;
- (2)
- Combiner design and data estimation are performed locally at each access point;
- (3)
- APs use the fronthaul links to send the data estimates only;
- (4)
- An additional stage of data estimation is performed centrally by the CPU.
1.1. Related Work
- All users are served by all APs in the same time-frequency resources: For example, authors in [39] investigated the achievable uplink rate performance of the cell-free systems with perfect/imperfect CSI and Zero Forcing (ZF) processing. However, in practice and as a result of this assumption, the system will not be scalable, implying that the system will be unable to manage an increasing number of active UTs and APs. Furthermore, this configuration is impractical since only a limited number of APs can beneficially communicate with a particular UT. To address these constraints and maintain scalability, we consider a practical system configuration that allows UTs to dynamically choose their subset of APs. Thus, a group of nearby APs are cooperatively serving each UT, as shown in Figure 1. In this user-centric configuration, a clustering technique known as Dynamic Cooperative Clustering (DCC) is used, which allows UTs to choose their preferred set of serving APs. With the DCC approach, the scalability comes from the fact that only the UT’s corresponding subset of APs will be involved in the signal processing. The works in [40,41] have investigated a user-centric configuration for cell-free systems with different channel estimators. However, these studies are based on simple beamforming/combining schemes with some idealized assumptions.
- Unlimited fronthaul/backhaul link capacity: For example, the authors in [42] investigate the downlink of a cell-free system considering power control technique and the ZF process. However, each fronthaul/backhaul connection will have a finite capacity when dealing with practical systems. Moreover, to achieve scalability, it is necessary to restrict the fronthaul signaling between the APs and the CPU. The authors in [43] investigated the impact of using capacity constrained fronthaul links on the average max–min rate per user, considering low-complexity hybrid precoders/decoders. However, the study focuses on the centralized case where the baseband processing of the transmitted signals is fully performed at the CPU. We investigate the uplink of a cell-free large-scale MU-MIMO system with distributed implementation, limited fronthaul links, and the DCC approach.
- The propagation channels are spatially uncorrelated: For example, studies in [44,45] analyzed the system performance under independent Rayleigh channels using general models such as uncorrelated Rayleigh fading. However, in practice, the correlation between the antenna elements is inherent in the implementation of the cell-free system due to the large number of APs. For a realistic performance investigation of cell-free systems, a physical correlated channel model is considered in this paper.
1.2. Contributions
- Uplink System modeling: In this paper, we consider the uplink scenario of a user-centric cell-free system with finite capacity fronthaul links to investigate the impact of distributing the signal processing between the APs and the CPU for achieving a certain level of performance. The distributed system implementation is modeled and numerically simulated. The goal of this research is to provide a further understanding of partial local distributed cell-free systems under more realistic system considerations.
- Analysis of distributed implementations for user-centric cell-free system: Two system configurations, namely, locally distributed and two-stage distributed, are considered to study how competitive these configurations are to a centralized-based system configuration vis-à-vis the achieved SE. Extensive simulations have been performed to evaluate the system’s performance from different perspectives, including the effect of increasing the pilot length, APs number, and APs’ antennas for the three schemes: Partial RZF, Local-Partial RZF, and Distributed MR.
- Distributed Physical layer processing: The essential local physical layer procedures in the distributed user-centric cell-free uplink transmission, such as pilot signaling, channel estimation, and data detection, are identified. Using different bounding techniques, we derive an approximation for the effective SINR using the clustering concept and the large-scale fading decoding (LSFD)scheme.
1.3. Paper Organization
2. System Model
2.1. Uplink Training and Channel Estimation
2.2. Combiner Design and Signal Detection
3. Computational Complexity and Fronthaul Signaling
4. Spatial Correlation Model
5. Numerical Results and Discussion
5.1. Local-Partial Distributed Implementation
5.2. Multiple Antennas APs
5.3. Computational Complexity
5.4. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Alammari, A.A.; Sharique, M.; Moinuddin, A.A.; Ansari, M.S. Local-Partial Signal Combining Schemes for Cell-Free Large-Scale MU-MIMO Systems with Limited Fronthaul Capacity and Spatial Correlation Channels. Electronics 2022, 11, 2757. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11172757
Alammari AA, Sharique M, Moinuddin AA, Ansari MS. Local-Partial Signal Combining Schemes for Cell-Free Large-Scale MU-MIMO Systems with Limited Fronthaul Capacity and Spatial Correlation Channels. Electronics. 2022; 11(17):2757. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11172757
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlammari, Amr A., Mohd Sharique, Athar Ali Moinuddin, and Mohammad Samar Ansari. 2022. "Local-Partial Signal Combining Schemes for Cell-Free Large-Scale MU-MIMO Systems with Limited Fronthaul Capacity and Spatial Correlation Channels" Electronics 11, no. 17: 2757. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11172757
APA StyleAlammari, A. A., Sharique, M., Moinuddin, A. A., & Ansari, M. S. (2022). Local-Partial Signal Combining Schemes for Cell-Free Large-Scale MU-MIMO Systems with Limited Fronthaul Capacity and Spatial Correlation Channels. Electronics, 11(17), 2757. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11172757