Proof of Concept of the Use of the Parametric Effect in Two Media with Application to Underwater Acoustic Communications
:1. Introduction
2. Nonlinear Acoustic: Parametric Transduction Generation
- Shock distance: In cases where a finite-amplitude harmonic wave of a given frequency propagates, its profile changes progressively (deforms) due to the difference in propagation velocity of its parts so that the points with higher pressure (crests) move faster than those of lower pressure (valleys) [8]. Thus, this profile becomes more abrupt in the propagation until it reaches a “sawtooth” shape when the wave travels the known shock distance, as depicted in Figure 1. In the frequency domain, this phenomenon results in the appearance of harmonics and subharmonics, or distortion.Figure 1. Scheme for interpreting shock distance.The shock distance is calculated as follows. Let u be the amplitude of the particle velocity in the wave. It can then be shown that the phase velocity of the acoustic wave crest is , and the phase velocity of the trough is , where is the small-signal sound speed, and is the nonlinearity coefficient of the medium. Initially, the crest of the wave is separated from its trough by a distance , and the crest takes time T to reach the trough [19,24,25], as in Equation (1):This equation does not strictly define the shock distance , which was obtained by considering the distance at which the wavefront becomes vertical at zero crossing [19,26]. Then it can be shown in Equation (2) thatIn the context of the parametric effect, the formation of shock waves is important because it acts as a mechanism for transferring energy between different frequency components of sound waves. This means that shock waves can affect the amplitude and phase of other waves in the medium, generating new frequencies or changing the amplitude of existing ones.
- Absorption distance: As the wave propagates, each frequency that appears in the medium is absorbed with different intensities by the medium so that the higher frequencies are absorbed with different intensities. (harmonics) will decay faster than the difference frequency ; therefore, the latter will be able to propagate over greater distances. Consequently, the nonlinear generation of new frequencies is limited to a distance concerning the transducer called interaction distance or “absorption length”. Thus, this process can be visualized as the interaction of a set of virtual acoustic sources (array) contained along the absorption length [27] as depicted in Figure 2.Figure 2. Scheme for interpreting absorption distance.
- Rayleigh distance: This is the boundary that separates the near field from the far field. Therefore, it is the distance from which the wave can be considered to change from behaving as a plane wave to a spherical wave. From this distance, the wave attenuates 6 dB when doubling the distance to the source [28]. When studying an emission phenomenon, it is imperative to consider the proximal field of the transducer. This consideration requires the inclusion of the main radiated frequencies, which are predominantly enclosed within a cylindrical boundary defined by the Rayleigh distance and the transducer surface area. Conversely, in the far field, the onset of spherical radiation divergence is evident. Energy propagation occurs at an accelerated rate [27,29], as shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Scheme for interpreting Rayleigh distance.This Rayleigh distance [19] is given by the Equation (4):
3. Theoretical Analysis: Westervelt Model
3.1. Problem Formulation
- Continuity equation: This is a mathematical expression that states that the total mass of a gas cube of volume must remain constant in the face of volume variation, so it is also called the mass conservation equation. Is expressed as follows in Equation (5):
- Navier–Stokes equation is derived from the law of conservation of momentum (Newton’s Second Law) for viscous fluids in Equation (6):
3.2. Analytical Solution of the Problem
- Amplitude modulation: This technique was studied by Berktay in 1965 [4]. It is a general method for the nonlinear generation of an audible frequency from ultrasonic frequencies. It consists of emitting a primary ultrasonic wave modulated in amplitude by an audible frequency, which is demodulated in the medium through nonlinear effects. This process is called self-demodulation [20,34,35]. The pressure wave of the primary beam exciting the medium is shown in Equation (10):By substituting the equation of the primary field (10) in Equation (9) and integrating gives the pressure distribution of the parametric frequency along the radiation axis at a distance r in the far field [36] by the following Equation (11):For convenience, Equation (11) is rewritten as follows:This development based on the Berktay and Smith equation [36] provides a valuable approximation for steering near-axis beams. According to this equation, the demodulated signal is proportional to the second derivative with respect to time of the squared envelope of the carrier signal. This acoustic model is widely used in parametric source preprocessing [37,38]. It should be noted that the characteristics of the self-demodulated wave are influenced by the primary waves, and the amplitude of the difference frequency is proportional to the square of the carrier frequency.
- Nonlinear interaction of two monochromatic waves: This interaction is also called the scattering of sound by sound [2], where the primary wave is expressed by the following Equation (14):Thus, the primary wave is equivalent to a carrier wave of frequency amplitude-modulated by the half-wave difference frequency . These developments show that both techniques are related such that, the nonlinear interaction of two monochromatic waves is a particular case of the amplitude modulation method.
- Directivity: The parameter sets the directivity of the parametric such that the closer the mean primary and difference frequencies are the closer the directivity of the difference frequency will be to f. Furthermore, for the same ratio , the higher the absorption of the medium, the lower the directivity of the parametric since the primary frequency does not propagate sufficiently for the parametric to acquire greater directivity [27]. Figure 5 shows the directivity of parametric signals in air with a mean carrier frequency of 200 kHz and different difference frequencies of 10, 15 and 20 kHz and a transducer diameter of 33 mm.
- Attenuation: Once the parametric is formed (a necessary condition since it is a far-field solution), its attenuation is inversely proportional to the distance, which occurs with the primary beam, except that it has more absorption than the secondary beam. Figure 6 shows the behavior of the parametric with the same frequencies as in Figure 5. The gray vertical line in red marks the absorption distance for which Westervelt’s theory is applicable.
4. Experimental Set-Up
4.1. Air Measurements
4.2. Water Measurements
5. Analysis and Results of Measurements in Air and Water
5.1. Directivity and Attenuation in Air
5.2. Directivity and Attenuation in Water
6. Applications to Underwater Acoustic Communications
- E(t): This is the modulating signal that contains the information to be transmitted.
- y(t): Is the carrier signal that supports the frequency shift of the modulating signal; often of the sine type, i.e., .
- x(t): Is the modulated signal resulting from the modulation process, the product of the carrier and the modulating signal; that is,
Frequency Shift Keying Modulation: Signal Processing
7. Bit Detection by Cross-Correlation Method and Results
8. Conclusions
8.1. For Measurements in Air
8.2. For Measurements in Water
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variables | Description |
Difference frequency | |
Shock distance | |
Small-signal sound speed | |
Nonlinearity coefficient | |
Nonlinear parameter | |
Wavelength of the primary frequency | |
k | Wave number |
M | Mach number |
v | Local wave velocity |
Absortion length | |
Attenuation coefficient | |
Rayleigh distance | |
a | Diameter of the active zone of the emitting transducer |
Partial derivative | |
Absolute mass density | |
Absolute velocity vector | |
p | Absolute pressure |
Bulk viscosity | |
Shear viscosity | |
Acoustic quantities | |
Pressure distribution of the parametric frequency | |
Pressure wave of the primary wave | |
Carrier frequency | |
Envelope defined by the modulating wave | |
Parametric frequency (twice of the ) | |
Acoustic field of the difference frequency | |
Digital modulation |
Primary Freq. (kHz) | Difference Freq. (kHz) | Secondary Freq. (Param) (kHz) |
= 197, = 207 | 10 | 20 |
= 195.5, = 209.5 | ∼15 | 30 |
= 190, = 210 | 20 | 40 |
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Share and Cite
Campo-Valera, M.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, I.; Rodríguez, J.-V.; Herrera-Fernández, L.-J. Proof of Concept of the Use of the Parametric Effect in Two Media with Application to Underwater Acoustic Communications. Electronics 2023, 12, 3459.
Campo-Valera M, Rodríguez-Rodríguez I, Rodríguez J-V, Herrera-Fernández L-J. Proof of Concept of the Use of the Parametric Effect in Two Media with Application to Underwater Acoustic Communications. Electronics. 2023; 12(16):3459.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCampo-Valera, María, Ignacio Rodríguez-Rodríguez, José-Víctor Rodríguez, and Luis-Jorge Herrera-Fernández. 2023. "Proof of Concept of the Use of the Parametric Effect in Two Media with Application to Underwater Acoustic Communications" Electronics 12, no. 16: 3459.
APA StyleCampo-Valera, M., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, I., Rodríguez, J.-V., & Herrera-Fernández, L.-J. (2023). Proof of Concept of the Use of the Parametric Effect in Two Media with Application to Underwater Acoustic Communications. Electronics, 12(16), 3459.